JANUARY 2, 1991 - SPM
Ing Roskaft called the meeting to.order and asked for
approval of minutes. Larry Fournier motioned to approve the
minutes of December 3rd and 12th, 1990. Jim Kollar seconded
and all agreed.
The following Members were present:
Persons also present were Dave Licht, Elaine Beatty and
Otsego City Council Members Ron Black, Floyd Roden, Doug
Lindenfelser and Norm Freske. Steve Glatzel was the only
observer present.
Ing Roskaft turned the meeting over to Dave Licht of
Northwest Consultants to go over the general sub -division
P2 -B - Change to appropriate County Office instead of
(Co Register of Deeds).
Under this Ordinance if a property is designated an outlo.t1t
has to be changed to a lot and block in order to build on it.
P2&3 - All pertain to the floodplain and will have a
large heading: Special Floodplain Controls.
The floodplain insurance maps were brought up and discussed.
On minor subdivisions or (administrative subdiviq:!:ons) it has
to be determined by the Planner and Engineer tha...;'1, meets
the requirements and if so''the Zoning AdMinisti7atpr: 'will
approve the Administrzit ve Subdivision.
Dave Light brought up the Staff Meetings once a month where a
person can come in�with what they want to do and.lfit can be
There will be a Public,Aparing on plats to let the
neighbors know, etc. (not;legally required).
CRITICAL: Once you approve.ca preliminary plat you have in
essence approved a final:<plsat.
#4: P17 - We require security in the amount of 100% of the
project. They can 'phase the project. (with the Development
Contract they can do this).
Final Plat: Developers Agreelment is signed and money is
ready before the final plat is signed.
JANUARY 2, 1991 SPM - PAGE 2 -
The City Council took over at this point to discuss some
Items with the Planning Commission. Norm Freske asked if
Larry Fournier is a voting member on the Planning Commission
until the end of December or the end of his term? Larry
Fournier answered,"the end of his term". Norm asked for
Input as to how the Planning Commission and Council feels on
this? Carl Swenson said he saw a problem with a voting
Council Member on the Planning Commission. Ron Black liked
the idea of a Council Member voting on the Planning
Commission. Kathy Lewis asked if Larry Fournier was the only
voting member or any Council Member who attended the meeting?
It was stated that the Council had voted on Larry Fournier
being the regular voting member and in his absence Ron Black
would be a voting member. Floyd Roden brought up that the
Council/Planning Commission representative will have to have
a term established. It was decided to bring this up at the
City Council Meeting of January 14, 1991.
Norm Freske asked what they thought about interviewing new
Planning Commission members and if the Planning Commission
should have input? Dave Licht said they usually have a
personal interview of the applicants in the Cities he works
Norm Freske said the Planning Commission has been appointing
the Chairman. Should the Council or the Planning Commission
appoint the Chairman? Dave Licht suggested rotating the
Chairman and stated the function of the Chairman is to run
the meeting. Doug Lindenfelser brought up that some people
do not want the Chairman's job. Dave Licht talked about By -
Laws and Codes for the Planning Commission.
Ing Roskaft brought up that he would like to have the
Planning Commission vote for the Chairman. Larry Fournier
stated he thought the Council-Member/Planning Commission
Member should not be the Chairman. Kathy Lewis motioned to
have the appintment of a Chairman for the Planning.Commission
be on the January 16, 1991 agenda. Bruce Rask seconded the
motion. All members agreed.
Norman Freske brought up schooling or seminars for the
Planning Commission and he thought it would be a good idea.
Carl Swenson has information from the State Planning Agency
on meeting/workshops.
Dave Licht stated the Planning Commission Members should make
sure they have read Page #26 to the end of the Subdivision
Ordinances and it will be looked over and talked about at the
January 16, 1991 Planning Commisison Meeting.
Bruce Rask motioned to adjourn the meeting. Larry Fournier
seconded the motion. All agreed.
Minutes by Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk