01-16-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 1-16-91 - 8PM Ing Roskaft approval of last approve minutes All agreed. Members present: ING ROSKAFT KATHY LEWIS called the meeting to order and asked for meetings minutes. Kathy Lewis motioned to as written. Carl Swenson sconded the motion. LARRY FOURNIER CARL SWENSON JIM KOLLES Others present were Dave Licht, John Harwood, Arnel Beckman and Elaine Beatty. ARNEL BECKMAN addressed the Commission and he stated he would like to start a Farmer's Market in our City (vegetable gardening) so ages 13 to 20 teens could come in and market their products with no commission. He would also like to meet in the City Hall one or two nights a month for a Garden Club. He stated he would also like to advertise in the Otsego View newsletter. He is willing to finance some needy families to get started in gardening such as seeds, etc. Arnel stated he is retired and a member of the Anoka Growers Association. He feels we should work with the kids. Arnel's phone where he can be contacted is 441-7031. JOHN HARWOOD then gave a overview of the Comprehensive Sewer Plan. The main reason for this plan he stated is to put a number on sewage treatment. He told the Commission there is a study area, within which, is a planning area. The intention is to get a joint powers agreement in place with Elk River to be able to address it in the Comprehensive Plan. Service areas are very common in the metro area John stated. John said the line is changeable with no limitations and can be changed at any time (planning line). Fifteen percent (15:x) of the capacity we are looking for would be used for Commercial/Industrial flow. The school would be included in this 15%. This would serve a school and approximately 28 acres. The planning is a service area. What happens in and out of that area needs to be addressed. Dave Licht stated that some point in time there will be a need for public sewer. It sets up discussions with Elk River. It is important to have Elk River's treatment plant available. Our Urban Taxing District rests on the Urban/Rural service area. It will help us with sewer when it becomes more financially feasible. It allows us to plan. It is why we stopped the planning last May Dave said. Ing Roskaft said he liked the idea of the Alexandria Sewer District. Larry Fournier told the Planning Commission that the City Council of Elk River and the Otsego City Council met to CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 1-16-91 8PM - PAGE 2 - discuss sewer joint agreement and some other items. John Harwood stated they are looking for some sort of action from the Planning Commission as to acknowledging the Sewer Study Report and receipt of the same. Dave Licht stated it will be brought up in more detail at a later date. DISCUSSION OF LETTER FROM DORSEY AND WHITNEY REPS. FOR JONES INTERCABLE, INC. - Jones wants to know if the use is acceptable, location is allright and discuss proceedure. Ing Roskaft said the John Tauber property with the farm and barnes were split out of the 40 acres (approx. 2-1/2 acres). Ing said he didn't see any problem with it. Dave Licht said he works in a number of communities and some have a problem and some don't. They do pose some hazards in the winter when it ices and it's bad for birds. Dave thought in an Urban area he dosen't have a problem if it is on the fringe of the Urban area. Ing brought up it is a money maker for the City. Dave said that the tower itself or any other type of utility "public -semi-public utility" needs to be a Cond. Use Permit. Not regular power lines, but transmission lines, etc. At a minimum Dave suggests we handle as a Cond. Use Permit. A Cond. Use Permit to allow a utility lot (which is smaller, depending on use, which sets the size of the lot smaller than a normal lot. If that is what we are looking for the Planning Commission should have Dave Licht's office contact Jones and tell them they have to wait for April, May, June area. If they are in a hurry, they will have to pay more. They can draft Zoning Ord. and Text Ammendments and Jones will pay for drafting of the Ordinance in addition of Subdivision, etc. If Jones wants to wait they will pay only for their request. It was decided that Dave will go back to Jones Intercable and discuss this with them. Next on Agenda was whether we should change to a 7:30 Council time? 8:00 time was voted on for now because of other conflicts. OFFICERS were voted on and the results were as follows: CHARIMAN - ING ROSKAFT VICE CHAIRMAN - CARL SWENSON SECRETARY - JIM KOLLES RECORDING SECRETARY WILL STAY ELAINE BEATTY with Jim Kolles signing the minutes after approval SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES STARTING AT P25: Dave noted that at the sketch plan level of a plat there is no legal committment, but with the preliminary plan there is legal committment. Dave said that the Ordinance asks for a great amount of detail. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 1-16-91 8PM - PAGE 3 - Tree preservation and how to handle it within the ordinance was discussed. There is a clause that allows the Commission to use the preservation clause at their disgretion. (See optional #2- Pg #29) #7 - Page 26 it may read 1' instead of 1/2' in certain areas. Dave noted that after Planning Commission has looked this ord over Dave Licht will give them a corrected draft. Dave talked about Darkenwald's sewer plant and Scharber's Plat on 85TH and the sewer line may run through his plat. It needs to be built into the Sub -Division Ord. A check list will be put together from Licht's office for the Planning Commission to use on plats. A discussion was had on Subdivision Design Standards #33 - Sec #7. Block legnths and setback on roads will be figured from right-of-way or the easement line - not center of rd. We will meet again the 23rd of January 1991 at 8PM for a Workshop only meeting and start at page #40 and hopefully go to the end of the Subdivision Ordinance. The meeting adjourned at 10:20PM Minutes by Elaine Beatty Recording Secretary S CRETA Y FOR PLAINNING COMMISSION CI OF OTSEGO EB