The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ing Roskaft at
The following members were present:
Larry Fournier 'Kathy Lewis Bruce Rask
Ing Roskaft Jim Kolles
Dave Licht and Elaine Beatty were also present.
Ing Roskaft noted that the members had the minutes of the
last meeting in front of them and they could be approved at
the February 6, 1991 Planning Commission Meeting.
Ing Roskaft then turned the meeting over to Planner Dave
Licht. Page #40 was the starting point of the Sub -division
ordinance to finish looking it over to the end.
Dave noted that on Page #38 on cud -de -sacs as far a how many
feet they should allow needs to be discussed. Ing Roskaft
said he would go with 500'. Dave Licht said we would, with
this ordinance allow no dead end streets. Larry Fournier
said he agrees with Ing Roskaft on the 500' for cul-de-sacs
so we don't get in to a variance. Dave noted that on a
variance their view is that it has to be a true hardship
before it would be granted. They view it as a special
On Page #38,#3 - Dave felt it should be left in (cul-de-sacs
exceeding front footage on minimum)
Page #41, 0 -Curb and Gutter will be filled in because MSA
funds allow for us to install curb and gutter.
Page #42 Alleys: In residential areas we are prohibiting
alleys. Commercial and Industrial sometimes it is allowed
for loading purposes.
Page #43 Sidewalks: We need a provision that we have the
right to require them in the sub -division ordinance.
Dave noted that a proposal for two funds are built in:
a. Park dedication funds
b. Multi-purpose trail'fund
Dave said we will require a yearly inspection and pumping or
maintenance of the septic systems in the City.
Page #47 (11-7-19:) Public sites on open spaces (Park Land
Dedication) Dave feels we should get into a park land
OF 1-23-91 8PM - PAGE 2 -
advisory committee (appointed by the City Council) They
would take applications within the next year for this
Page #49 H. Dave needs input on this.
Page #50 Q. Wetlands, Ponding areas and drainageways
accepted by City may not be considered in the park land.
Dave went over Park Dedication Fees in the area (surrounding
communities). We need to set up a separate fund for Park
Dedication Fees from sub -divisions. Dave suggests we need to
set up separate accounts for Park Funds and Trail Funds
otherwise it is too easy to spend it on parks and the trails
never get built.
The Planning Commission suggested the following:
URBAN AREA: Park Dedication Fee $350.00 per lot
Park Trail Dedication fee $ 50.00 per lot
TOTAL.......... .$400.00 per lot
RURAL AREA: Park Dedication Fee $175.00 per lot
Park Trail Dedication fee $ 25.00 per lot
TOTAL .....................$200.00 per lot
Page #51 (11-7-22:) Minimum design features doesn't mean we
can't require he maximum if we have a reason.
Page #60 (11-9-4: B. Will read 100° of the Engineers
estimate will be deposited with the City. Dave Licht and
Larry Koshak both agreed on this.
Dave noted that NAC will revise and forward to the City
Council this sub -division ordinance. This ordinance does not
take a Public Hearing to change or inact. The Otsego
Planning Commission will discuss at their February 20, 1991
Planning Commission regular meeting. Dave will try to get
the sub -division ordinance to the Otsego City Council by
February 25, 1991 regular meeting and Dave Licht will attend
the meeting to be able to answer any questions.
Dave noted that on February 20, 1991 the Comprehensive plan
will be addressed.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30PM
BY. Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary