MARCH 6, 1991 - SPM
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ing Roskaft
at 8PM.
Planning Commission Members Present were as follows:
Also Present were David Licht, Planner, Elaine Beatty, Deputy
Clerk/Zoning Adm., Mayor Norman F. Freske, and Douglas
Lindenfelser, Council Member.
First on the Agenda was the approval of February 27,
1991 Planning Commission Minutes.
Carl Swenson motioned for approval of the minutes. Mark
Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Roskaft then turned the meeting over to Planner David
Licht for information on the Comprehensive Plan.
Licht stated that he wanted to go over the major issues
of the Comp. Plan. He showed visuals and talked about the
environmental areas (flooding, topography, lakes rivers and
streams all need to be addressed.
Next was the LAND ISSUES:
A. Along #101 Development to occur
B. Urban concentration & possible need for
sewer and water.
C. Demarkation between Urban & Rural
(Farm preservation is a major concern)
This issue has been approached for some time because of
the MSA funding and upgrade of #101. We have need for local,
Collector, Arterial and other streets.
Community Service Center is not addressed as yet.
There is a lack of local Park Facilities (only Co.Park)
Urban Development,in the NE corner (3,000 people there)
The balance is outside of this area.
This area has been looked at for sewer feasibility.
If and when sewer comes this is where development should
be focused.
If we don't get sewer for some time, we will spill out
into the outer ring area. The white area is rural
development in the community.
The City Council will likely follow when it comes to
Rural/Urban Taxing Areas (Districts).
Maybe recognizing AG and Subdivisions in Rural Areas,
as we go along it will be resolved more.
The interm use for #42 and Primary use for #39 is noted
because if the freeway is introduced it would not allow
access at #42.
Industrial Development is shown in the #101 area. Licht
stated that we will supply a full range of areas for all
types on industury. Other options need to be explored.
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Because of the railroad tracks in the SW corner of the City
by Albertville it may be targeted for Industrial Use.
Albertville does not plan to sewer that area as yet. Licht
said he feels that this location should be recognized. One
concern is we are allowing a use that is likely to conflict
with Albertville. Maybe close to County Road #37 and #122
would be an area for Industrial transitional. There is
already a cable tower in that area. Licht noted that this
would be Industrial employment type business for this area.
Licht noted that they have set aside 209 acres for
Highway Commercial and 225 acres for Industrial use. These
figures do not include Light Industrial area on #37 and #94
Freeway Industrial.
Licht noted that early on. #122 and #101 was identified
as a Commercial area. In afterthought only #122 and #101
intersection will be designated Commercial. The land is
rolling hills there and there are some high-value homes in
that area. Licht stated we don't see the need other than the
intersection for that area to be Commercial.
Licht discussed lot size and dividing one 1-1/2 acre lot
into 4 lots when sewer and water come in. A street would be
put in the back when sewer and water come in.
Licht noted that there is some disagreement with the
City Engineer on how to handle this. It needs to be
discussed and agreed upon.
We need to determine what lot sizes are the acceptable
size for the outlying area around the sewer study area and
along the river to Island View Estates to the W. of the City.
Licht showed frontage road plans along #101 and
discussed them.
Licht stated another concern is floodplain. In' the
darker area on the map, the Federal Government prevents
development from occuring. The lighter area is acceptable
for development but buildings need to be floodproofed, But it
is feasible.
Licht discussed planning districts (neighborhoods, 9 in
all). Thirty-five percent of our housing in Otsego is low -to
moderate income housing. The mobile home park being asked
for by Darkenwalds on #42 and #101 needs to be considered.
We have our fair -share of low and moderate income housing.
Licht had several suggestions in terms of review. We
need to take the Policy Plan and go over it Section by
Section. However the Planning Commission wants to undertake
the task, Licht is willing to go along with.
Roskaft brought up that at the County level Darkenwalds
came in with a mobile Home Park or hi -density apartments.
Roskaft brought up that the possibility of designating the
area hi -density is a consideration.
Larry Fournier stated he is in favor of looking at each
issue individually and covering it thourghly.
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Voight brought up that on the mobile homes of
Darkenwalds the money coming into the City is "zip". Licht
agreed and stated that lie had seen a study done and a
community looses money on these mobile homes.
Licht said on the next meeting we will start with a very
thorough review of the Policy Plan. We will rely heavily an
this. We want the Comp. Plan wrapped up by the 1st of April
or SO.
Voight brought up the'#94 coridor and it is already
being built on and should be looked at for Industrial. We
have two corldors in Otsego, #101 and #94.
Licht wants Commissions input next meeting as to lot
size, etc.
Licht addressed NAC's role and function and how it is
paid for. Comp Plan/Zoning/Subdiv. work was contracted and
budgeted for in 1989 by the Otsego Town Board. The
Subdivision ordinance completed. Their work is 75 to 85%
finished. The last item is the Zoning Ordinance and will
follow when the Comp. Plan is done. We could be finished by
Summer. On Development requests they serve as Planning
Advisor and Legal Advisor. Services an that is a"user fee
concept". If you wish to come in, you will pay so much for
each application. The flat fee is $150.00. Money goes to
the City and compensates for Elaine's time, copy time, etc.
and Planning Commission salaries, and City Council's time on
these items. When you make application you pay an escrow fee
which is not a fixed amount. It is for Staff time for the
Engineer, Planner and Attorney for review, etc. There is a
sliding scale because each item is different and time used is
different for each application. If the person dosen't supply
the information we have to get it and they have to pay. On
the plats coming in, Engineers reports and Development
Contracts - all fees and costs are the Developer's cost, not
the City's cost. The County has a flat fee. All the Cities
around us have the same basic range of fees.
(Albertville/Frankfort/Buffalo/Delano) all use this same
system. It is not unique to Otsego. Before the Commission
and the Town Board were at a disadvantage not having the
info., but the Township was not responsible for the decision.
We now have to make the decision.
Fournier asked about Brisbin and the single family fixed
fee of $150.00. Licht replied Brisbin wasn't a single family
but a Home Extended Business so it is paying full fee.
Voight asked about the Service Road behind Kolles farm
from #42. Licht explained the Developer would pay for it
depending on the circumstances. Voight brought up Midwest
Station II and what kind of taxes it pays. Roskaft said high
tax rate applies. Licht said they are classified as a
Commercial Stables.
Doug Lindenfelser asked if the Planning Commission and
Council would come to these meetings together if it would
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help? Licht answered yes.
Licht said we now have a Northwest Plan and we need to
get an Otsego Plan. After the next session we should get
together with the Planning Commission and the Council.
Roskaft stated he appreciated the fact that Mayor Norman
F. Freske and Council Member Douglas Lindenfelser and all the
other citizens came and participated in this discussion.
Larry Fournier motioned to adjourn the meeting. Carl
Swenson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mark Wallace brought up he had met with Mary Eberely and
had some information on 2001 Conference at Riverwood and
passed it out to the Commission and the Council.
Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary
Russ Voight
Niel Goarder
Bill Lampson
Gene Yahnke
Dennis McAlpine
Charmaine Borrance, Star News Reporter