04-03-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 3, 1991 - 8PM MINUTES Meeting was called to order at 8PM by Ing Roskaft, Chairman. Members present were as follows: MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK CARL SWENSON LARRY FOURNIER ING ROSKAFT JIM KOLLES KATHY LEWIS Staff present were David Licht, Planner and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm. Larry Fournier motioned to approve the minutes of March 20, 1991. Mark Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Next on the agenda was the Hearing for Jones Intercable for Cond Use Permit, Subdivision, and Zoning Amendment. Owner of PID #214-000-284300 at Co #37 and #122 is requesting a'text amendment to the present zoning ordinance to allow the existing cable tower which is a type of utility and public/semi-public service. Roskaft asked the Zoning Adm if the proper Hearing Notices were sent, published and posted. Elaine Beatty answered - Yes. John Gries, Atty stated this allows a Cond Use Permit to allow the tower that is on the premises. He also stated that the Twp and the Co had approved this at the time it was installed but it wasn't a Cond Use Permit. The possibility of transfering the property on the corner (triangle) to Jones Intercable was discussed and that they have reviewed the property and talked to Andrew MacArthur and Bob Kirmis. Licht stated that what is at issue is the section on the Ordinance that if the essential service is abandoned, said substandard lot shall revert to municipal ownership. Licht asked to table this until the next meeting so this can be considered. The problem is that a substandard lot would be created and what will happen to it? April 22nd is the City Council Meeting and this item will be brought before them for consideration at this meeting Carl Swenson brought up page #3 of NAC's report. He asked if this cable tower will need lights? Wally Borris of Jones Intercable was at the meeting and stated that it does not need lights. It meets regulations. Swenson also stated he has a problem with right of way (See exhibit B of NAC's Report). Licht is aware of towers that are 1,000 feet tall and the engineers of the Towers structure them so they collapse instead of falling straight down. It needs to be varified. Attorney Gries stated he thinks we will find they are made to collapse. Swenson asked if the tower is 1001 from the ground or is there a base? Wally Borris from Jones Intercable stated he thinks that the base is even with the ground. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 3, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - Ing Roskaft stated as a matter of point that he calculated the land to be under two acres (1.95 acres) is what the survey shows. Roskaft asked if the parcel will be made into a 2 -acre parcel or about a 2 -acre parcel? Atty Gries stated there is a triangle piece of land by the road that could be included with the other parcel. Licht stated the Ordinance does not address the specific acreage. Each item may have a different acreage. The concern is to have adequate site so if/or when it collapses it has adequate space. Larry Fournier asked if any other building would be there or just the tower? Borris answered - no. Motion by Carl Swenson to continue this Jones Intercable matter to the Planning Commission Meeting of April 17, 1991. Seconded by Bruce Rask. Motion carried unanimously. Licht asked if the Planning Commission could clarify to the applicants if this item would be acceptable to the Planning Commission. Mark Wallace asked if they can build a building on this property? Licht stated they need to have a Cond Use Permit before building. The easement for straightening the road on #37 & #122 was questioned. The Planning Commission agreed on the basic premise of the request and general acceptance was the consensus of the group. Ing Roskaft then turned the meeting over to Dave Licht to continue on with the Comp Plan review starting at Page #36. #6 -Allows power for a wide variety of housing. #1 -Speaks to Commercial and Residential and encroachment. Bruce Rask asked about farm protection. Licht said it is protected. Concept behind Urban/Rural Districts is for farm protection. #5 - is it opening the door to trailers and mobilehomes? Licht stated we already have that style of housing in the community. As the opportunity arises we can introduce town houses, med-density/hi-density housing. There is also a variety of single family housing. #6 & #8 applies to manufactured housing or mobile homes. Carl Swenson asked if a proposal came in and we as a Planning Commission turned it down are we on solid ground? Licht stated in his opinion, yes you are. (Licht explained to the Planning Commission how he felt). Page #38 No 5 & 6: are essentially the same except "all" in no. 6. Delete no. 5. Leave no. 6. Larry Fournier asked where are the rules that relate to these items? Licht referenced back to the Issues Annalysis Report and Zoning Ordinance. The Policy Statement is where it will be addressed. A Code Enforcement will be put together. We will enforce health issues for instance. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 4-3-91 AT SPM - PAGE 3 - Page #39 #13(12) It means if one corner is commercialized, not necessarily every corner needs to be commercialized. It gives you the discretion. Swenson said it looks like spot zoning. Licht stated there is nothing wrong with spot zoning if it is planned. For instance #122 and #37 there is a need for an Industrial Area. You could consider that spot zoning. Spot Zoning is riot planned (negative). Positive is if your Comp Plan says it is an acceptable (positive) use/spot zoning. Carl Swenson stated that in a housing area he convenience stores, etc are good. Page #39 No 12 Licht will look at it and maybe rephrase it. Page #41 No 1 Larry Fournier asked about "All modes of transportation, etc. Licht said in viewing the transportation system of Otsego you should not look at the auto in the streets as the only system. You have potentially - transit, para -transit, bicycle, and pedistrian access, so it deals not only with cars. Don't overlook the other areas. Page #41 Policies - General Swenson asked if in general policies Park and Ride facilities fit into this ? It was stated that #3 on Pg 41 and #5 on Pg 44 addresses that. Larry Fournier Page #43 #11 Street lighting, how do we address this? Licht stated that the Subdivision Ord begins to address this. As we progress a stated policy should be drafted. Bruce Rask asked about septics and us asking people to pump. Page #45 no 7 addresses this and it can be handled with an Ordinance. Page #47 nos 1-4 Park and open space will be addressed by a Park and Recreation Commission. Carl Swenson Pg#48 no I needs to be reworded. Licht said it is just housekeeping to keep plan current and bring it up to date. Pg #48 no 5 Ing Roskaft asked about the Impact Fee. Have we establised it ? Licht stated it needs to be looked at legally and planning wise. Drainage/sewer/school impact were brought up as possible areas of impact. Neighborhood park as part of the community idenity. Pg #68 is a crucial concept - Urban/Rural service concept. #72 River corridor/Floodplain - FEMA is doing a floodplain map for Otsego. There are new State regulations on Shorelands. Wetlands/Ponding areas. State policy is they may not allow any destruction of wetlands. (thru Page #74) Next meeting we will start with the Land Use Plan. Read. Skip transportation and community facilities and read Zoning Districts. (will come back to Trans & comm facilities.) Larry Fournier motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mark Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. It CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 4-3-91 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - was decided that the Planning Commission will have a Special Meeting on 4-24-91 at 8PM to continue with the Comp Plan only. Nothing else on the agenda. JAMES R KhTILES, SECRETARY �7 BY: Elaine Beatty Recording Secretary eb