04-24-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 24, 1991 AT SPM Ing Roskaft, Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:05PM. The following members were present: Larry Fournier Ing Roskaft Carl Swenson Kathy Lewis Mark Wallace The Following City Council Members were present: Norman F Freske . Floyd Roden Ron Black Also present: Dave Lichl Elaine Beatty Ing Roskaft stated that the Minutes of 4-17-91 would be considered at May 1, 1991 Council Meeting. Dave Licht started on page #77: With sewer and urban service area and outlying area, assuming there is sewer, the emphasis is to put the most development in the main urban service area. (All upcoming major developments have focused here). Licht stated that he sees the upcoming VFW ballfields, CUP as a positive. It serves as an interum use and serves as a block in the area to residential. Larry Fournier asked about subdivision of lots. Does it work? Dave answered it does work and we need to allow for it in developments. Ing Roskaft stated the County is, on all plats in R-1 Zone. The house has to go in a certain place. Ran Black asked Licht if any plat has gone in and resubdivided when sewer came in? Licht answered "yes, Washington County has one and there are others". Licht stated that their approach to Zoning is to create a large number of Zoning Districts. If you want to control development, the broader the development, the less control you have. They will give several single family Zones. one, to 2-1/2 acre lots. With sewer you get Zones for Townhouses, etc. For urban area one and two and one-half acre lots with re -subdivision possible. (will not allow acre lots, unless part of a larger sub -division. You don't want a lot of access on the major streets. Licht asked the Planning Commission for their ideas on lot sizes. Swenson asked if you had one to one and one-half acre what size lot would be allowed when sewer and water come? Licht answered that a 12,000 or 12,500 square foot lot is what the developers have been told. Larger lot size may bring higher price range of homes. Sewer will make a difference. 1 1-1/2 acres is a minimum. It doesn't mean five or ten acres aren't allowed. Street frontage and eventual re -subdivision has to be shown when coming in to subdivide. Ordinance set forth is the minimum,but it doesn't mean you have to accept minimuns if the Planning Commission doesn't think it will work. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 24, 1991 AT BPM - PAGE 2 - Licht needs direction on lot sizes in the Urban Service Area. Surrounding the immediate service area they also need some direction. Licht recommends they allow nothing less than ten (10) acres. (The more ten or five acre parcels there are, the harder they are to divide. The Metro area uses ten (10) acres as their minimum, if there is no sewer and water. Fournier asked how full does the immediate area have to be? When do you start to expand in the surrounding area? Licht answered, the market will dictate. If you have the option you run it when times are good. When you zone property or make a comprehensive plan, you influence market. Policies of running sewer dictates when you cross-over into surrounding study area, after subdivision has occured to the maximum in the immediate urban sewer area. (Where the sewer line is, you will find development follows). In the river areas, if the City goes to mandatory septic pumping of sewer, Licht suggests two and one-half acre lot size, otherwise five (5) acres minimum. Maybe every two years for septic pumping could be considered. Ag land - one per 40 acre or one per 80 acre. You need to save prime Ag land. Industrial P#34: was discussed. What is appropriate for Industrial was asked? Which areas? Create an option for Industrial. Licht stated that direction from the Planning Commission is needed. Think about it and resolve by May 1, 1991 Planning Commission Meeting. Look at #94 and #122 & #37 areas as possible areas for various Industrial sites. Licht discussed the road in the Woolston's Antelope Park Plat. (96TH Street). We are asking Woolston to show both options for roads. It is crucial that a road does go through. Larry Koshak's office is looking at Stop signs for this area. We are suggesting an access to the Park be moved next to the Mississippi Shores Plat. Carl Swenson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. JAMES R 1,0LES, SECRETARY Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary on.