05-01-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 1, 1991 AT SPM - PAGE 1 - Chairman Ing Roskaft called the meeting to order at SPM. Planning Commission Members present were as follows: Carl Swenson Ing Roskaft Larry Fournier Mark Wallace Kathy Lewis Jim Kolles Staff present were as follows: Dave Licht Larry Koshak Elaine Beatty Minutes of 4-17-91 were considered. Carl Swenson motioned to approve 4-17-91 minutes. Mark Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of 4-24-91 were considered. Mark Wallace motioned to approve 4-24-91 minutes. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Carl Swenson asked about the word vast in the second line of the first paragraph. It was noted it should be changed to "most". HEARING ON THE VFW COMMUNITY RECRECATION AREA - REZONING TO R-1 FROM AG AND CUP FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA. Located at State Highway #101 and Otsego road #72nd, Sec 26, Twp 121, Range 23. Described as NWI/4 of SW1/4 Ex TR DES IN BK 202- 222 to ST FOR HWY. PID #118-500-263200 (Old PID #214-000- 263200) Richard LaVine, Commander VFW 5518. Roskaft asked Elaine Beatty if the proper Hearing notices were published, posted and mailed as per statutes. Beatty answered yes they have been. Mr LaVine, from the VFW stated they wanted a small building for utility building (for lawn equipment). Roskaft asked for comments from Dave Licht. Licht stated they reviewed the Zoning. The proposal is judged acceptable as called for by the County Plan and from the City view they see the plan as acceptable and very positive. The site will serve as an interium use to block between the residential and the Highway. It's type of activity is seen as positive. There are fifteen (15) items in NAC's Report that are of some concern. Licht stated they are suggesting the application be considered on the short term and long term use. When the VFW wants to implement their long-term plans, they don't have to get approval from the Planning Commission, just submit their plans for reviewal. 1. The parking lot must be paved in compliance with City parking regulations. 2. The City Council reserves the right to require additional off-street parking if deemed necessary. 3. The parking lot access driveways should be reduced to 22 feet wide in order to conform with City Code. 4. The parking lot should be redesigned to eliminate dead - ends and provide a complete circulation route throughout the lot. (Note: See file PC -5291) CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 1, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - (CO OM: File PC -32091) 5. The site plan should be revised to illustrate a loading space and access should be planned for the future community center. 6. The parking area should be screened from Quaday Avenue via earth berming and/or plant materials. 7. The grading plan is subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. B. A seeding/sodding plan is submitted for review by the City prior to construction. 9. An erosion and sediment control plan must be submitted and reviewed by the City Engineer prior to construction. 10. Percolation tests for the proposed community center should be conducted prior to construction of the first phase of the project to ensure the building can be located in the proposed location. 11. At the time of construction, the community center plans should be thoroughly reviewed for consistency with the original CUP proposal. 12. At the time of construction, the baseball and softball field plans should be thoroughly reviewed for consistency with the original CUP proposal. 13. Information regarding intended users of the athletic fields should be provided prior to CUP approval to ensure appropriate field size is provided. 14. The site plan is revised to illustrate all exterior sign locations. All signs should be in accordance with Section 724 of the Ordinance. 15. All lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign, or other structure is arranged as to deflect light away from adjoining residential zones or public streets. The source of lights should be hooded so as not to light adjacent property. Light noted that loading space needs to be provided on site and can be used as a bus loading space. The parking area needs to be screened from Quaday Avenue. A perk test needs to be done if the project is approved. Larry Koshak went over his Engineering Report on the VFW as follows: 1. QUADAY AVE: Is on our MSA plan and is proposed to be a CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 1, 1991 - PAGE 3 - rural section street as ultimately developed. The required minimum ROF is 841 for rural streets. There appears to be 66 feet of ROF existing. An additional 9 feet will be required to construct this street to MSA standards on each side of the road. 2. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN SHOULD BE PROVIDED: The drainage rate from the site shall not be greater than the existing rate. Therefore, there needs to be some type of ponding to retain the runoff from site that exceeds the existing. These calculations shall be performed by the developer's engineer. All drainage shall be positive and grading elevations shall be established with grade stakes during the construction. Final contour shall conform to the approved grading and drainage plan. 3. SEPTIC TANK DRAINFIELD: Installation and design of soil absorption system shall be according to Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080. Drainfield shall be placed only on undisturbed soils. After locating the drainfield area, the developer shall restrict all equipment from site except for the installer of the drainfield. 4. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION PLAN: During construction, all distrubed areas shall be covered and seeded as soon as possible. The developer shall provide dust control measure during the construction stage if needed. All ditches and low area off site shall be sediment free during and after construction. 5. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS: It is recommended to acquire a minimum 101 drainage and utility easement around the perimeter of the property. 6. PLAYING FIELDS: General comments on the playing field design. Baseball fields - Minimum depth from backstop 320', 3501 preferred and 360' to pocket minimum, 4001 preferred. Minimum slope on grade from infield to outfield 1%. Distance from home plate to backstop should be minimum 60 feet. Softball - 275 feet minimum for slow pitch - 25 feet minimum from home plate to backstop. Distance between play areas should be more than 50 feet. Soccer fields - Drainage should be 1% from center to side. Recommended field width is 195 feet. The primary concern in the design of the fields are drainage slopes need to be increased and possible play encroachment on property to north due to short baseball fields. Suggest redesign of ballfield area. The comments above are based on review of a prposed site plan and preliminary comment by NAC. Licht asked the applicant if anyone had helped them lay CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 1991 AT SPH - PAGE 4 - out the fields? They answered that they had paid a landscape architect to lay out -the disign. Light said the wagon wheel ballfield layout will work but maybe they can rotate the diamonds slightly because of sun. VFW noted that they told the landscape architect they wanted to get the maximum use out of the property. They know there will be a number of changes to the plan. Larry talked about grading to accomodate the fields. VFW noted that is what the architect has done. They stated that Otsego seems to need a facility like this for the community. They want to level the fields and get the parking lot in there. LaVine stated they will put in soccer fields now (four of them) and do the baseball diamonds later. Parking lot will also be done now. Another goal is to set down and talk with the City about there need for a community center. The only thing that threw them is the paving of the parking lot. Other than that they don't have too many problems. VFW asked if they start designating the drainfields before they start any grading? Koshak stated that you need undistrubed soil for doing these. Roskaft opened the discussion to the Council: Larry Fournier asked if there is enough ditch to collect the water once the parking lot is paved? Koshak stated that it should be OK with the present ditch. Roskaft stated that the area drains under Hwy 101 thru Darkenwalds into the creek to the Mississippi River. Koshak stated when improvements are put in more drainage is needed and holding it for a short time on site will help. Licht stated the way a parking lot is designed can help the lot drain slower. VFW stated there are a couple of natural pockets in that land now. Roskaft asked for anymore discussion by the Council? Fournier asked if -they need the 193 parking spaces right away? If the VFW can submit a list of who is going to use the property it might help determine the number of parking spaces needed. Light brought up Otsego's newly formed Park and Recreation Committee with Carl Swenson as temporary Chair may want to look at this site. VFW stated that they had talked to the Landscape Architect about weekend ball tournaments. If we are to use this for the Community Festival we need the parking space as part of the Cond Use Permit. Including the Neighbors and everybody in general, we need to set out what this site can be used for. Roskaft asked about any neighbors who wished to talk. Jim Johnson and his wife live across the street from the VFW site and has no problem with the playground, but wants to know what they are doing with the hill? How is #101 effecting that? Answer: MN/DOT aquired easement for seven acres of the property for the four land #101 highway. Mr Johnson asked if they are going to tar Quaday? Koshak stated there will be no access on 72ND. Access will be an #122. Quaday is on the City's MSA system. Johnson asked about a study being done on traffic? Koshak stated that it is a CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF ALAT 1991 AT SPM - PAGE 5 - designated MSA road and will eventually be paved. Johnson's asked about trees and shrubs as a block of the site? Licht answered yes. Licht stated that the Parks and Rec Board should look at this. Wallace asked about bathroom facilities? VFW stated in the interim they would have portables until they are built. Swenson asked why rural section road? Koshak answered because of the sewer and water not sited to be there. That was done because of the present character of the area. Roskaft asked if we took into consideration any excess Darkenwald's sewer could handle? Koshak answered, No. At the present time it is owned privately. Roskaft stated we are responsible as the Township signed off on it. Roskaft said he thinks that they should look at it. Johnson asked if there is a time for playing games? LaVine said no lights for the fields are scheduled now. VFW said when daylight is gone the game is over. Roskaft said he thinks the City will put time limits on the games. VFW said if they need a maintenance building and a well they will need some electric there. This facility is geared towards youth athletics not beer drinking. Johnson said he is ;iot [lie park. The land is just grass now. Wallace had a question on #13 of NAC's Report about usage. But basically it is suited for youth activities. Swenson said he didn't know if we are in a position to take action, but maybe we can poll the Commission. Swenson feels it is real positive, they are willing to work with us and he feels problems can be worked out. Roskaft said it could be a condition an working with the Commission, etc. Licht stated he feels it is important to state how the City feels about this. He feels we should continue the Hearing for the group to work with the Parks and Rec Committee and come back when ready with the proposal. Roskaft asked what are our plans to get started? VFW stated they had not planned on doing this project so soon but they are involved in the Otsego Community Festival now and they would like to get going. They would have to do it in stages because of financial reasons. Licht suggested we move to a date uncertain with the contingency it be published and noticed when it comes back. Roskaft said he is inclined to set a date. (June 5, 1991 was suggested). Swenson said that the Parks and Rec Committee is not organized yet. He feels a little uneasy about a specific date. Roskaft is trying to get something done to have something for the Festival. It's up to the Commission. Fournier motioned to continue the Hearing at a time that would give the Parks and Rec Committee a chance to review the informaiton here and come up with some recommendation. Kathy Lewis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. THE MEETING WAS TURNED OVER TO DAVID LICHT FOR THE COMP PLAN PORTION OF THE MEETING: Licht stated that the lot size issue needs to be resolved. Maybe we need the Council to come back at the next session. Fournier stated he would like CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 1991 AT SPM - PAGE 6 - to have the Planning Commission ideas without the Council. Licht stated his recommended lot sizes for the main urban area without sewer be minimum of one acre (1) and one Zone 2- 1/2 acres for density. (It would be an option for allowing for preserving vegetation, low lands, etc.) The re- subdivision suggestion is 10,000 to 12,000 square feet. In the long-range sewer area Licht suggests ten acres as you don't want development as a priority in that area. The idea is it should be held for a period of time. Licht stated actually twenty (20) to forty (40) acres is his priority. You can look at it two ways, lot size or density. Long-range urban area maybe four per forty (4 per 40) should be looked at. You aren't wasting land then. Licht said discourage development is his policy in the rural area and the outlying sewer, area. The Zoning Ordinance is tied very closely to the Comprehensive Plan. One per forty (1 per 40) or one per eighty (I per 80) Licht stated he would rater see. Discussion was had on the lot size of acreage they should allow in the different districts. Two and one-half (2-1/2) in the Wild and Scenic shows DNR we are looking at protecting the river North of #39 in the Urban Service District, to give more control. Licht stated he recommends one per Ten (I per 10) or one per forty (I per 40) in the area South of #39 surrounding the immediate sewer area. Fournier said the four per forty would be better for future development. Rural service area Roskaft said he thinks one per forty or two per eighty clustered. Roskaft asked for a motion. Wallace motioned for long-range urban service area North of Co Rd #39 from Jaber Avenue West, to the urban service area East, to be designated as two and one-half acre lots (2- 1/2) and to include Sect 26 East of Hwy 101 and South of the urban service area and Section 25 and 36 East of River Road (Co #42). Larry Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Swenson motioned to allow one acre (1) minimum lots with potential of creating zoning options of one to two and one-half (I to 2-1/2) minimum acres in the immediate urban service area. If sewer becomes available, the general lot size would be 10,000 to 12,000 square feet, for the immediate urban service area. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. LONG RANGE URBAN SERVICE AREA: Fournier motioned in the long range urban service area we allow four (4) lots per forty (40) acres. Swenson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. RURAL SERVICE AREA: Swenson motioned to adopt one per eighty (I per 80) for the rural service area. Kolles seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Licht brought up the Industrial area in the West end of CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 1991 AT SPM - PAGE 7 - the City. The urban/rural service concept we should maybe designate long range urban in that area for Industrial. North of #122 and East of #37 is another area that the Commission should look at. The other option is the Western part of the City along 65TH between #37 and the railroad tracks some type of Industrial. Roskaft asked about North of #94? There was some discussion on this area. Fournier motioned to have the area South of the railroad tracks and West of Albertville City limits North of #37 and W to Jaber as Industrial Use, long-range urban service area. Swenson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Fournier motioned not to designate any more Industrial sites at this time. Motion died for lack of second. Fournier motioned to table the Industrial Site discussion and determination of #37 and #122 area until the next Planning Commission meeting. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Lewis motioned to adjourn the meeting. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. n BY: JAMES 00"LLE�S, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary r4 -01