05-15-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF R PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 15, 1991 AT 8PM Ing Roskaft, Chair called the meeting to order at 8PM. MEMBERS PRESENT WERE AS FOLLOWS: MARK WALLACE CARL SWENSON LARRY FOU IR ING ROSKAFT KATHY LEWIS JIM KOLLES Bruce Rask was absent due to illness. Council Members Ronald G Black and Norman F Freske were also present. Staff present were Robert Kirmis and Elaine Beatty. Also present was David Chase. The Minutes of May 1, 1991 were presented for consideration. Larry Fournier motioned to approve the minutes. Carl Swenson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. CONTINUATION OF COMP PLAN REVIEW: (W/Bob Kirmis) For the benefit of the Council Members present Kirmis reviewed the lot sizes from the May 1, 1991 Planning Commission meeting that were recommended. * In the Rural area one per eighty (I per 80) density. * In the Secondary Urban Service Area four for forty (4 per 40) density. * In the Mississippi River Corodor from Co #39 North to River, -two and one-half size lots (2-1/2) may be allowed. * In the immediate Urban Service Area one to two and one- half acre lots may be permitted. (1 to 2-1/2) (With sewer and water 10,000 to 12,000 sq ft.allowed) Carl Swenson said that in the Ag (Rural) area the one per eighty (I per 80) which he had made the motion on at the May 1, 1991 meeting, he stated that some people had pointed out to him that we are taking away something that was existing. Swenson said the density of one per forty (I per 40) is not an objectionable density. By making the Rural Area one per forty (I per 40) we won't be taking away something that the County has had for some time. Roskaft stated the proposed one per eighty (I per 80) was Dave Licht's idea. Roskaft stated if you make it one per eighty now, you can come back later and make it one per forty if you think it is necessary. Roskaft said he can understand what Swenson is getting at. Wright Co has one per forty. The farmers on the West side should have the same as on the East side of Otsego. Norman F Freske stated he has had a lot of calls and agrees with Swenson. Fournier stated that our attempt in the Rural Service Area was to discourage houses, but one per forty also does. CARL ININNOR motioned to change the recommended Rural Service Area from one per eighty (I per 80) to one per forty (I per 40). MARK WALLACE seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Kirmis said at the last Planning Commission Meeting there was some discussion about the appropriate Industrial Area. The Planning Commission advised the #101 area for CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 15, 1991 AT SPM. - PAGE 2 - Industrial Area and 1-94 and #37 area for an Industrial Area. #122 AND #37 intersection was discussed for lower end Industrial Development. There are a lot of Home Extended Businesses looking to get out and it has been brought up that this area should be considered. The 1-94 area is very much recommended, away from the urban core, rail access and large amounts of outdoor storage, etc on #94 and #37. Roskaft said that has been suggested by Licht and you have a a certain amount of Residential in that area on #122 and #37 it would be North of #122 and #37 East. #122 is now abolished and is Co #37. #37 is now Otsego's (O'Dean Ave NE). The North side is the only area proposed by Licht. There isn't that much acreage there. We should look to see if we can find any other area that might be available. Roskaft would like to consider some other sites also. Kirmis had a Transportation Plan on the screen to show the Planning Commission where are roads are proposed. Ron Black suggested Sections #33 and #34 would be more appropriate on either side of Packard Avenue and Packard also to Parsons. Black stated that it still gives reasonable access to the freeway.. You would be looking down on it instead of looking up. Section #29 where Nashua runs there eventually, Roskaft feels would be a good place for Industrial. Fournier said Section #36 Eastern portion and North of our Southern boundary towards Dayton we should look at. Fournier also mentioned that last week he made a motion not to choose any more sites for Industrial and it died, but it was a stalling tactic so we can have time -to choose the correct sites. Wallace stated he agrees with Section #29 which boarders on Ag areas and has a possibility of sewer if we went to the East side of it for the low volume Industrial. Swenson asked if we need a site inspection? Black suggested looking at South of 65TH Street to the City limits on either side of #101 to have Industrial. He feels we need more Industrial and Commercial. Swenson said if we have lots of areas, we don't get anything developed. Discussion on the 1-94 and #37 Industrial Site was had. Swenson said it was probably twenty to twenty-five years away. LARRY FOU IE motioned to table the decision on Industrial Area until they have a Site Inspection of the areas mentioned. Mark Wallace seconded the motion. (Kirmis said he feels Larry Koshak should be included on the site inspection.) Motion carried unanimously. It was noted that this is the (third) Industrial Site Inspection. Roskaft stated that he felt we shouldn't have Larry Koshak-along. It should be just the Planning Commission. Ron Black suggested that the Council look at the areas separately. Swenson stated he felt it is better to have everyone go together because you get everyone's comments. It was decided that the Planning Commission will go together and the Council will go on there own on the Site Inspection. A date was set for the CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 15, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - Site Inspection for the Planning Commission, Monday the 20TH of May at 4PM, 1991• Roskaft asked how the Council felt about the two and one half (2-1/2) acres North of #39 by the river? No problem was stated. Black asked if you have four per forty, and you have 38 acres can you only get three (3) lots? Swenson said yes. (Di sussion was had on easements for roads and if they are included in hte land amount? They are. Roskaft asked for further discussion on proposed lot sizes. Jim Koller arrived and was informed as to what has been done so for. ON PAGE #77 KI IS STARTED WITH THE LAND USE PLAN: Kirmis said it is the most important component of the Comp Plan. The Basis is to organize the City in a functional manner, lessen incompatability concerns and preserve the Ag Land. Projected growth is a reiteration of numbers in the inventory. From projected growth we can predict how big these areas should be. It is anticipated the current rate of growth will continue. Community Development will probably be pumped up by Highway #101 development. We know there are Home Occupations which are of Industrial character and would be looking to relocate in an Industrial Area. Highway corodor will profit from Industrial Development. The proposed expansion of Otsego Park is projected to be sufficent park space until the year 2000. It is important to pick desired areas for Park space as develpment comes in. LAND USE PLAN: Is introduced to be used for a guide for development. In terms of Rural uses, approximately 82% of the City is Rural. It has been our objective all along to protect Ag Land. Hobby farms we considered to be somewhat of a transitional use between Ag land and Urban. Ron Black asked what is a hobby farm? Ten Acres or so where there is land for horses, etc. (not their source of income). Some discussion was had on hobby farms and feed lots on ten (10) acres. Residential Uses are another element of the Land Use Plan. The City is well organized in their uses of the Residential Areas. Sewer connection is one goal and infilling the immediate sewered area before moving out into other neighborhoods. We now have single family only and as City policy dictates, it's the best interest of the City to have a variety (High Density). Kirmis showed a re -subdivision teqnique map. Commercial Uses to date have been limited due to lack of sewer. Highway #101 will initate demand for Industrial and Commercial from other areas. PAGE #89 - Future Residential lots should not be less than five acres (Change to one to two and one-half acres) (I to 2-1/2). CITY • OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 15, • AT SPM - PAGE 4 - PAGE #95 - County #122 - (Change to Co #37). Roskaft talked about future Municipal Hearing on #101 and future lights being taken out on #42. Roskaft said he is against all the service drives, instead of direct access. INDUSTRIAL USES - Highway #101 between #39 and #42 as Industrial. (Because of level ground, sewer designated and highly accessable). The triangle #94 and #37 in the Southwestern part of the City and the third site will be looked at. THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE should reflect our goals of Land Use Plan. Annexation was discussed. Roskaft asked if the Commission had any comments on annexation. Norm F Freske said some of the citizens of Otsego may want to be part of Albertville, South of #37. Swenson said the boundries should be fixed. Zoning is a tool to implement Land Use Plan. TRANSPORTATION PLAN - Involves all modes of transportation. Intended to identify a functional transportation plan. The City should examine funding for upgrading and maintenance of it's highways. Map of existing roads was shown and roads were discussed. O'Dean recommended to be downgraded from a minor arterial to a collector street status. #42 be designated as a collector street also. Southern extension of Nashua was discussed. 80TH, 83RD and 85TH are centrally located E/W collector streets. They have jogs now. Ultimately they should be smoothed out into a fluid route. Swenson said Kadler South to the freeway is a dead end. Kahler and 101ST in Island View Estates is not marked as a collector. 70TH Street extension has been upgraded by MN/DOT and Cold Region Project. Black said East to West you can't go across town. E/W traffic has no future consideration. (an extension on 70TH street was discussed to make it a collector). CUL -DU -SACS: We need a City policy established (They present a problem of access and emergency vehicle access. Kirmis stated he would discourage cul -du -sacs and only place in odd land configurations (make them long enough) The railroad in the Southwest part of the City is the only line and may be advantageous for future Industrial. Any development in that area should be considered with Albertville. TRAIL SYSTEM PLAN: We need to connect the activities in the City with trails. #42 and #39 have wide shoulders (trails) and are being used heavily. Bike trail extension from #39 down Kadler and Nashua was discussed. The present bike trail on #39 goes to Monticello. Wallace said we should have a trail an Quaday with future VFW improvement for future activity center. End of Kahler is activity center now it was stated. There is bus service from Elk River for Sr Citizens CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 11 1991 AT SPM - PAGE 5 - transportation. Wright Co provides transportation thru-out the County. May 22, 1991, will be the next Special Planning Commission Meeting for Comp Plan only to finish up. COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Parks/Admin/Utilities/etc. The major issue is utilities and noted ground water polution concerns. The City is currently investigating sanitary sewer from Elk River. Kirmis showed a concept plan of the sanitary sewer. The major main would be on 85TH ST with two lift stations, one on #101 and the other on 85TH ST W of O'Dean. Storm water drainage is via natural ditches and recommends a comprehensive look be -taken that identifies drainage basins and channels. A similar plan would eliminate flood concerns. PARKS AND RECREATION IS PART OF THE COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLAN: There is 55 acres proposed to be added to Otsego Park. We need to identify future park areas. Page #120 Park system plan was discussed. A survey of it's residents as to what facilities they would like to see. (The Park System should serve the needs of all the people). Ing Roskaft noted they didn't mention golf courses. Kirmis stated he felt they are a money making operation, not a Park. Eleven acres of park area for every 1,000 people is how it is figured. The golf course isn't considered park land, it's a business. Some areas have golf, trails, tennis, etc in an area said Ing. The City Hall Building is a statement of Community and we should have a nice one provided. Roskaft asked about historical buildings. It's important to see the history of buildings. Black asked about neighborhood parks. The Parks Department should provide smaller scale parks for neighborhoods. As Developers go, should we get land or fees? It was discussed and, in our Sub -division Ordinance it states we can have either. Kirmis brought up that at the next meeting how we set up a neighborhood informal meeting should be discussed. Licht will be here next week (the 22nd of May the Planning Districts need to be completed). Fournier stated the Council looked at both plans on Antelope Park and agreed we should present both plans at the Hearing. Everyone liked the plan extending 96TH Street through Mississippi Parkwood to O'Dean best. Mark Wallance motioned to adjourn the meeting. Carl Swenson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. JAMES R ffiJftS, SECRETARY BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary