05-22-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 22, 1991 AT 8:00 PM - PAGE 1 - The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ing Roskaft at 8:05PM. MEMBERS PRESENT WERE AS FOLLOWS: Ing Roskaft Larry Fournier Carl Swenson Kathy Lewis Mark Wallace Absent were Jim Kolles and Bruce Rask was absent due to illness. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT WERE Doug Lindenfelser and Ron Black Staff present were Dave Licht and Elaine Beatty. Dave Chase from Maintenance was also present. Roskaft turned the meeting over to Dave Licht to continue on with the Comp Plan (Planning Districts). Licht brought up Solid Waste Facilities and said City Attorney Bill Radzwill had suggested it should be beneficial to have the Comp Plan address this. NAC will bring in some language that will address this. Licht stated there is a need for Solid Waste Facilities and Communities have some responsibility, but everyone is saying "not in my back yard". We aren't saying "no" to everybody and everything but are able to say "no" to the ones that we do not want. Licht feels the legislate is going to take the power away from the City. There are a couple of studies at the legislature that are going in that direction. Otsego with as much open space that we have open can take on disposal areas. Lindenfelser stated that Radzwill's main concern is to get a Ordinance in line before we have a proposal or proposals. PLANNING DISTRICTS: We don't need to rehash what has been discussed already Licht stated. FA ±125 begin: E2 #129,#5: Licht will revise Eq #130: Flood plain areas were discussed on the end of Nadler by the Mississippi River. Pg #132,#7: The word "incentives" should be changed to promote. DISTRICT #4: We need to make a note of VFW Facility. Roskaft asked about a School (How close is that to be a reality?) Roskaft stated maybe Planning and Zoning should be involved with the School District. Roskaft said if we go into a Hearing and w don't have any information as to where it goes, we may have to change roads. Licht said we need to address it as to policy in our plan. When they apply for a CUP they may have to address a Comp Plan Amendment. Eq #141: Co #42 & #101 is an interim area use. It may be cut off from access in the future (20 years or so). It may have to go Freeway status. Larry Fournier asked what MN/DOT based there reason for not giving access. Licht said spacing. (basic design standards based on safety, etc.) They start with the Feds. and if you don't live up to them, you don't get the money. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 22, 1991 AT 8:00 PM - PAGE 2 - Hwy #42 will be closed, if and when it becomes a Freeway. DISTRICT 5: Will be revised to extend river frontage. DISTRICT 6: Licht discussed how the Planning Commission felt about the proposed Park in this district. They felt it should be considered. (See Pg #147 #4). Nashua would be extended in Planning Districts #6, #7, & #8. (As per present MSA 5 year plan). Pg 150,#4-. Change "incentive" to promote. Eq 150_L#5- Change " An incentive program" to "a program". Delete incentive, change "an" to a. Eg 154,#6: Doug Lindenfelser asked about lot access to Co Rd #19 and Nashua being prohibited. Licht explained they are collector streets and roads would be built internally within developments with a common access. Licht discussed Ohland Ave NE in Antelope Park and all the driveways fronting onto Ohland need to be addressed. Licht explained collector streets and land access on City streets. He also pointed out Pg 63 shows the street concept. Streets provide two functions: 1. Carrying traffic and 2. Provide land access. Swenson asked if, for Antelope Park, collector street, do we have a wide enough easement? Licht answered "yes" There isn't a problem with that. ER 153j#4-. Add 70TH ST also East and West. PLANNING DISTRICT 811 Eg 155: Kathy Lewis said there is quite a bunch of residences in the 77TH and 75TH area. Licht said no more of that type of residential would be encouraged in that area. kq 158j#9- Will be revised to reflect the Industrial Area. Swenson brought up that Kadler looks like it goes thru the interstate. It will be changed. ER 157,#1: Will be changed in regards to " The City should discourage any Industrial land uses in this area". This area has been sited for long term Industrial. kq 157.,#4- Instead of "rail site Industrial Development", maybe something related to quality transportation could be added as it is close to the Interstate stated Swenson. Maybe include the freeway. Licht said if you have a fairly active Industrial Development Program there are businesses that demand rail access and that's why it is highlighted. He said he feels that you would probably have to drive thru Albertville to get Interstate Highway access (freeway). Licht also stated that some concern to him is that area triangle may have a possibility of annexation because of Albertville having sewer and water capability. Roskaft asked if light rail would come into this area? Licht said "no", we don't have the density, money dictates." It would only work with a major amount of CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 22, 1991 AT 8:00 PM - PAGE 3 - subsidy going into it. Licht said that he will go back and produce another edition of -this report that will reflect the comments and we should have it in two weeks (2 -weeks). We need to have neighborhood meetings. Not a Public He;=­!Inu, right away. On Pg 127 map, Licht asked if we should have -the whole City or a number of Planning Districts? Maybe we could advertise one meeting (informational not Hearing) and have a second one if we feel it is necessary. One meeting for all the Districts was suggested by the Planning Commission. Licht suggested Districts #3, 4, & 7 in one meeting and the balance of the Districts in another. Discussion was had on how to mail these notices. The "Newsletter" was suggested. It was suggested that the three regular sessions of the Planning Commission be used, after the Newsletter was distributed. (The second meeting in June and the two meetings in July.) Have certain Districts on a given night and if you are unable to attend on your District's night, you will be taken at another night after the scheduled District is completed. Dates given were the 19TH of June, the 26TH of June a Special Meeting and the 3RD of July. The Special Planning Commission Workshop Meeting on the 26TH of June: 7 to 8 O'clock PM - Planning Districts 8PM - Work on Zoning Roskaft stated the Planning Commission went on a Site Inspection for the Light Industrial Area. They looked at the following areas: 1. Sec #36, Range 23: Open land that was suggested by Larry Fournier. 2. Sec #28, Range 23: The area Northeast of O'Dean and Co #37 that was suggested by Dave Licht. 3. Sec #33 & 34, Range 23 by Parsons Ave: The area Suggested by Ron Black 4. Sec #29, Range 23: Nashua to 70TH Street. Licht asked what was the conclusion of the Planning Commission? They liked Sec #29, Range #23 77TH ST So to 70TH Street as light industrial area to the East. They suggested designating the NE quadrant as the area to start. Lewis noted that her preference was the cable tower site (#37 O'Dean). Section #29 as a light ind site was discussed and roads. The roads in that area need to be brought up to a 9 -ton standard. You could recognize both areas and say that the first one to be built on will get the priority, or you can recommend one site for light industrial. It was noted that as the industrial development comes in there would have to be berms, trees and screening put in. Mark Wallace asked about maybe contacting the land owners and telling them we are looking at this for an Industrial Site and see if they are interested. More discussion on roads within the Sec #29 site area was had. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 22i 1991 AT 8:00 PM - PAGE 4 - Twenty acres would be the amount considered for land in the light industrial area. June 19, 1991 is the date we need to have this site located by. Ron Black said remember a developer may buy the whole farm and phase it in as it is needed for industrial. Lewis stated she felt most comfortable having the Staff contact the land owner of Sec #29 property. Roskaft expressed an interest in going along. The next Planning Commission Meeting it will be decided where the Light Industrial should be located. Lewis motioned to adjourn the meeting. Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. .74 R KOtT.�ES, SECRE�T� Minutes by Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb