06-05-91 Planning Commission MINCITY • OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES • JUNE 5, 1991 AT 8PM -PAGE 1 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ing Roskaft at 8PM. The following members were present: MARK WALLACE CARL SWENSON LARRY FOURNIER ING ROSKAFT KATHY LEWIS JIM KOLLES BRUCE RASK Staff present were Bob Kirmis from NAC and Elaine Beatty from Otsego. Roskaft asked for approval of minutes. Roskaft rioted that in the minutes it stated lie had said lie is against service drives, but what he actually said was that he had talked about future Hearing being held on 101 and future lights being taken out on 42. (Roskaft said he is against all service drives instead of direct access) I didn't say that. I did say, we were talking about that area might contain town houses, apartment houses, etc. and I could not see forcing these people to drive a mile and one-half or more out of there way to get to 101. As far as service roads are concerned, they are necessary and we will have to have them in certain areas. Kathy Lewis motioned to accept May 15TH and May 22ND, 1991 with the correction as noted. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Ing Roskaft noted that the Agenda will be changed a little tonight. Riverwood Conference Center PUD was published as to Hearing date, but because of not being ready it is postponed to an unforeseen date. It will be re- published and noticed when their information is complete. No conversation on this tonight. (It will riot be discussed tonight). EVELYN KONENIG was called upon in regards to Kenneth Lindenfelser's land in Sec 29, Twp 121, R23 and possible Light Ind Dev Site. She stated that they have seventy acres of woods east of the farmland they maybe interested in using for Light Industrial. She is not s re they are interested in selling now. Ms Konenig stated that she prefers not to have this published. Kathy Lewis informed her that we are just looking for information and nothing is concrete now. Roskaft asked if there were any more questions by the Planning Commission. Roskaft asked Ms Konenig if this were designated as a Light Industrial Development would she be interested in having a developer contact her? Ms Konenig answered "Yes". GARY SORENSON has thirty-eight acres East of Nashua and South of #39. Sorenson stated he isn't against Light Industrial Development in his area and wouldn't mind if the developer contacted him. Roskaft stated if we decide this area is OK for Light Industrial, the developers will be sent to Mr Sorenson. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 5, 1991 AT 8 PM - PAGE 2 - SCHOEN_L JEFF AND BETTY WIEDENBACH (Donald Wiederibach's Land) One per forty split to be considered by the Commission. Parcel #118-800-232401. This item is on the Agenda for PC to voice their opinion. It is an Administrative Subdivision. Bob Kirmis went over NAC's Report. They are requesting a lot split out of Mr Wiedenbach's farm to create a one acre parcel for residential purposes. He owns approx 360 acres of land. The proposed lot split is located near the intersection of 85TH ST and Kadler Ave. The proposed lot split would create a parcel approx 1 -acre in size and 150 ft wide. (See the attached report from NAC - Exhibit A). Kirmis noted that they would like to see the applicant locate their lot N of the proposed lot. The lot on the N side is low it was stated by Schoen. Some discussion was had on the lot not meeting the Ordinance because it is not 2001 in road frontage. They would need a variance for the lesser frontage if they cannot find a way to have the 2001 frontage. Schoen noted that the land they picked is a good building site and is a hard to farm area because it is so narrow. Swenson asked about the possibility of obtaining a 501 portion of the lot to the N of the proposed lot. Schoen stated they felt that would not be possible. Fournier asked about the split of the twenty acre parcel. The Ordinance allows for this but as a Cond Use Permit said Kirmis. He stated the 200' lot width is the issue here. The Commission didn't like the idea of a Variance. A Variance was discussed and a hardship need to be proven in order to obtain one. The Commission recommended that the Wiedenbach's try to purchase 501 or whatever they needed to make the 200' width road frontage and they stated the driveway should be to the S of the property so future lots could share road access. AL,ZAHLER - Wishes to add 2-1/2 acres to his present 21-1/2 acre parcel to allow for horses - PID #118-500-3312302 - W 283.70 ft of N 383.75 ft of E 2163 ft of NE 1/4 Sec 33, T 121, R23. This is being brought before the PC for their comments. (See NAC Report of May 31, 1991 attached as Exhibit B). Kirmis noted they liked the idea. Zahler noted lie is selling land and the purchaser wants to have a horse. Randy Becker, Real Estate Agent was in attendance and spoke up. The couple wants to buy the present 2-1/2 acres and buy (riot road frontage), but 2-1/2 acres to the back of the present lot to make a 5 acre parcel. Zahler noted he talked to Jim LeFebvre who is the property owner of the proposed additional 2-1/2 acres and he is willing to go along with whatever the City advises. Kirmis stated they will be looking for a subdivision (Lot and Block). Swenson noted if this is a lot of record it would be a lot line adjustment combining two parcels with one tax number. Lewis asked if the buyer is aware of the City looking at the site across the road from this parcel as being possible Light Industrial Development? They stated they had not heard of it until CITY OF OTSEGO PLAKAING J. .e i4EETING MIAUTES OF JIhE 5, 19 AT 8 P, tonight. They will let the buyer know. The Commission said they did not have a problem with the concept as long as the buyer was informed of the possible Light Industrial Dev. Roskaft asked if on approving concepts, etc, we should have a motion on procedure? Roskaft said on Administrative items would they like a motion and a second to handle it? Swenson motioned to recommend approval of the concept of Al Zahler's request. Bruce Rask seconded the motion. Fournier commented that he feels the motion way of doing this is a much easier way of handling it. Motion carried unanimously. RICHARD KINCANNON - Has a concept plan for a subdivision. He would like to subdivide sixteen acres into four 4 -acre lots. PID #118-500-204201 on 85TH & Nashua. (See Exhibit C of NAC's Report). Mr Kincannon stated he has a 16 acre parcel he would like to split into four sites. When he bought the property there were two houses on one lot in the last five years he moved the rambler to a one acre site on the corner of 85TH and Nashua. He remodeled tlxt� rw(l gc)t t,ld of the non -conforming business in the farm building on the property. (It took three years) Kincannon stated he had kind of backed into being a "Developer". This property has two PID's Nos. If he developed the 16 acres he will have approximately ten acres with the farmhouse. The old Town Board asked him about land for a water tower site Kincannon stated. (He discussed four acres or so for this purpose). Swenson asked what the width of these lots are. They were unsure. Kirmis stated the property would be rezoned to R-2. It lays within the long range Urban Service Area and the Planning Commission has endorsed a four per forty density. Access is onto 85TH St which is scheduled for MSA Road and NAC recommends shared driveways. Also a plan for subdivision if sewer and water were to come in. Kincannon stated he has no problem with access to shared drives. Fournier asked how much land he has Kincannon said a little over twenty-six acres originally, but now twenty-five acres. Roskaft asked for comments from the audience. Larry asked Bob Kirmis if we rezone to R-2 does it get by the four per forty? Kirmis stated it's a vital issue to consider because it could set a policy. Rask asked what it would have to be rezoned if the City wants it for a watertower? Kirmis answered it is an essential, service and our Camp Plan allows for it. Fournier motioned to table for a site inspection because of the developments around it, so it can be looked at. Rask seconded the motion. It was opened for discussion. Swenson asked if there is any possibility of us considering this? Are we wasting our time? Wallace asked how it opens up this for everybody else? Kathy said this Camp Plan will be coming up for Hearing. Kirmis noted the concern is the density. Lewis noted in NAC's Report it talks about premature Subdivisions. Roskaft asked to have the motion read. Rask noted he is not clear on this. If we have the right or not. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MIAIVES OF JT11E 5, 1991 AT 8 PM - PAGE 4 Kincannon said he welcomes a site inspection because he would like to show the Council what he has done. Motion carried by vote with Kathy Lewis and Carl Swenson voting against. IT WAS NOTED THIS WILL BE CONTINUED TO JUNE 19, 1991 PLANNING CO%,T%fISSION MEETING. Discussion on the Comp Plan was had. Roskaft asked Kirmis what we are doing with AG/R designated land. We have adopted the Wright Co Ord. Kirmis stated that it his understanding that all Ag land is Zoned Ag. Discussion was had on A/R land. Roskaft stated that Wright Cc Zoning District has been amended to have AG/R. Mark Wallace said maybe we should consider the area along Nashua to be in the immediate sewer area. Swenson said we would probably need Licht and Koshak to be in on that discussion. Kirmis stated the immediate sewered line was designated by the Engineers office as to topography, etc. Kirmis stated lie is riot sure if we are qualified to change that. Lewis stated that one of our issues was to confirm the boundary for immediate sewer. THE SITE INSPECTION WAS SET FOR 6/8/91 AT 4PM FOR THE KINCANNON PROPERTY & POSSIBLE LIGHT IND. SITES. Roskaft stated that on 37 and 122 NE they are interested in Ag and Evelyn Konenig is interested in Sec 0.9, and Gary Swenson is also interested in Light Ind for there land. On the Zoning Ordinance Kirmis noted that some sections will be available next week for the Planning Commissions review. Fournier motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kolles seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. -jA­MES OS-�ECRETARY R DOLL SECRETARY Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary eb