06-19-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1991 7PM - INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFO. Ing Roskaft called the meeting to order and informed the residents present that because of the number of people at this meeting and the lack of seating capacity of the City Hall we will continue this meeting to June 26, 1091, next Wednesday at 7:30 at the Senior High School, 900 School Street, Elk River-, Mn 55330. Bill Radzwill spoke and told the residents that we are having an informational meeting only to get the people's response to what they want in there Comprehensive Plan. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ing Roskaft Larry Fournier Carl Swenson Kathy Lewis Jim Kolles Bruce Rask Mark Wallace STAFF PRESENT: Dave Licht Bob Kirmis Bill Radzwill Elaine Beatty It was noted that the Richard Kincannon Site Inspection .on 85TH ST and Nashua Ave NE on 6/8/91 at 477"' was attended by the following Commission Members: Larry Fournier Bruce Rask Ing Roskaft Kathy Lewis Mark Wallace Carl Swenson At 7:30PM Ing Roskaft called the regular Planning Commission to order. Motion was made by Kathy Lewis to approve the Minutes of the June 5, 1991 Meeting. Seconded by Jim Kolles. All agreed. Dave Licht stated that a Minor Sub -division is set up that if a parcel of land is divided and hasn't been previously divided or under ten acres, it needs to come to the Planning Commission and Council. Licht suggested that if we want to allow it thru a simple sub -division' he would like the Planning Commission to initiate a Public Hearing and add a definition of Urban/Rural Service Area and initiate a consideration of amendment the second meeting in July, which is the 17, 1991. Carl Swenson motioned to schedule a Hearing to consider the definition of Urban/Rural Service Area and Minor Sub- division Ordinance Amendment on July 17, 1991 at BPM. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. All agreed. Richard Kincannon - (Cont. from 6/5/91 Planning Commission Meeting) PID #118-500-204201 Subdivision of property, four - four acre lots. Sec 20,. Twp 121, R23. Site Inspection was done by Planning Commission on 6/8/91 at 4PM. Roskaft asked Mr Kincannon if he had anything to add? Kincannon answered no. Kathy Lewis motioned to deny the Subdivision request for Mr Kincannon of four - four acre lots because it does not fit I - 'M a r a 1 _' a C C a c1' -,"� e -i into the Comprehensive 011an. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1991 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - concern for the proposed sewer and the way it is laid out makes it hard to recommend this Subdivision. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. All agreed. LICHT brought up the PUD Ordinance and said it was prepared in advance to respond to Riverwood Conference Center. NAC has conveyed to Riverwood it needs to have PUD for anything they do in the future. To consider Riverwood's proposed restaurant NAC requested a text amendment. There are two types of PUD's Licht stated. le Cond Use Permit and one Zoning District, The difference in terms of application is that if you have R-1 (Island View Estates entire plat may be asking for a PUD) Licht explained that if one or more lots are less than an acre and therearemore lots that are over and acre in a development such as Island View Estates, it can be put under a PUD Zoning District and as long as the average lot is over one acre in size, the lots under one acre would be allowed to be built on. 2.. Rezonina is the 2nd permit under PUD This as a contract zone and it is set up so anybody can ask for it in a situation where there is a mixture such as Commercial/Residential/Industrial, Inc. Because the concept is pre -planned, you can assure the harmony. Licht explained that the reason for the use in Reverwood is because Riverwood was allowed by the County as a resort. Three acres is zoned B-2, some is zoned Wild and Scenic and some is resort. Licht noted that they now want to open it up to the public (the restaurant). If the City decides it is acceptable the way to do it is, here is a contract zone, it was here and we didn't want to set the president of allowing this kind of use in this area. Two principal buildings on one piece of land requires a PUD development. Licht noted that on the 3rd of July, 1991 is Riverwood's Hearing so we can discuss the PUD then. Roskaft questioned if they are redoing the motel -like rooms? Licht stated that they are not utilizing their facility to the full extent and discussion as to whether or not that should occur is entirely up to you. Swenson said the whole thing has grown this way and as far as he is concerned it is another thing in the same way. Swenson stated that as far as most of us feel it was done in the wrong way. Licht said he feels they need to get the PUD. They can not do anything unless this City approves it. NAC is not taking a Position on the restaurant, that is up to the Planning Commission. (See File PC -62491 to continue) CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 1991 - 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - Ing Roskaft questioned if three acres are in Commercial, is all of it Commercial? Licht said "No", the PUD is the Zoning. Fournier stated he thinks it gives us more control. Roskaft noted that this is only for discussion tonight and asked if there is any more discussion? No further discussion was had. Licht stated that with the VFW he is concerned about the Comprehensive Plan and that area is in the Wild and Scenic River District. (North of Cc Rd #39 and West of Nashua vacant building VFW wishes to purchase). He stated that for the time being it will not come forward. The interim use was discussed. Licht brought up the Wild and Scenic and a meeting today with the DNR. A report was prepared by NAC's office and he will get copies to the Planning Commission next week. Licht said that -.three suggestions were made to the DNR. There is no uniformity, equality of shoreland. 1,000' from the water can be used. Another concept is in shoreland and river control, typography is used. The third option is use a combination of the two. It was presented to DNR today, they will react to it and get back to us on it. On the Zoning Ordinance, Elaine Beatty has received notebooks from NAC's office that have the 1st seventy or eighty pages. We will trade notebooks ( Comp Plan will be placed in the smaller notebook ) The Sub -division Ordinance and Zoning Ordinances will be placed in the larger notebook. The pink pages are the first portion of the Zoning Ordinance. First page is chapter index. First 78 pages is 1-8 only, 300 pages long. 3-8 are established sections. Section 1 is pretty straightforward. Section 2, definations (major) environmental aspects are dictated by the DNR. We don't have a lot of discussion on this. Licht asked for discussion on 1 - 8 (See Memo) Option: example 1. Any one who wants animals needs CUP. (or a separate standing). You are dealing with a computable issue. (More ways of handling it was discussed). Ron Black stated that a problem he sees is acreage, type situation with a plat butting against it. Licht said the reason the acreage is there is because of pasture area and manure so it dosen't become a problem. Licht doesn't know of an Ordinance that is not written without a minimum acreage. What can happen is a farmer that didn't sell out. New operations may have to be addressed, but existing should be protected. Norm Freske said that we should use common since in this. Discussion was had on Cond Use Permit way of handling animals. Roskaft said he is concerned about wild animals. 2. Signs. Licht said that will be last sections of the provisions to be addressed. Billboards will be addressed first. Frankfort is against billboards because of safety reasons and the back of billboards facing residential areas. Licht said NAC's philosophy Is to allow two signs per CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 1991 AT 7:30PN - PAGE 4 - business. Height is another issue, 301 height is what most Cities have maximum. Licht said NAC recommends no flashing signs.. On billboards, the general philosophy os the commission is none. 3. Assessory Builidngs. Discussion was had on sizes of buildings, etc. Interium Use will put a time line an a particular use of a building. Much discussion was had on accessory buildings, sizes, garages, attached/detached, etc. 4. Council agreed no major trucks in a residential area. 5. Home Extended Business - Home Occupation allowed, Special Home Occupation allowed but Special Permitted. Mark Wallace motioned to adjourn the meeting. Bruce Rask seconded the motioned. All agreed and meeting adjourned at 10:10PM. JAMES ' K LLES,{` SEC ETAkRY ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY 1*1