06-26-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING lAiIAITTES OF MEETING AT ELK RIVER SR HIGH - INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN JUNE 26, 1991 AT 7:30PM Meeting was called to or -der by Chairman Ing Raskaft at 7:30PM. Planning Commission Members present at the meeting were as follows: CARL SWENSON ING ROSKAFT LARRY FOURNIER KATHY LEWIS MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK JIM KOLLES Staff members present were as follows: DAVE LICHT BILL RADZWILL BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY Meeting was -turned over to Attorney Bill Radzwill at this point. Radzwill spoke about -this Board. being the Planning Commission, not the City Council so the residents understand who this board is. He mentioned that Larry Fournier is a Council Member/Planning Commission Member. The Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance was briefly discussed. Sewage and Septic Systems were discussed. Radzwill told the residents to "Protect your septic systems as we have no money to pay for a sewage system, nor do we have bonding capacity and have your systems pumped once a year on a continuing basis". Radzwill -told the residents to look for pollution in your neighborhoods and report it. Radzwill turned the mike back to Ing Roskaft who -turned the meeting over to Dave Licht who presented the Comprehensive Plan and backup information to the residents. Licht told the residents when the City Zones or controls land it has to be based on a Comprehensive Plan. The plan sets a direction for Ordinances. Licht emphasized that this is an informational meeting in effort to communicate before a plan. Approximately 225 people attended the meeting. Licht discussed the present population (5,219 - 1990 Census figure) and the figure he used for reports before census came out. He said in 2010 he is projecting approximately 8,000 people in the City of Otsego. The Wright Co Land Use Plan was discussed and how development was to take place. We had this handed to us and are starting from that plan, Licht pointed out. The NE quadrant is where the population is concentrated. Our major highway is #101 State Highway which is presently planned for four lane status in 1994. Licht noted that the most crucial map of them all is the Soils Map. Groundwater pollution is possible in the Easterville-Hubbard type soils that are in the Urban Area of Otsego (sandy soils). The Comprehensive Plan is made up of these fou..'r item--: 1. Environmental. 2. Land Use Plan 3. Transportation Plan 4. Community Facilities SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 6/26/91 AT 7:30PM ELK RIVER SR HI SCHOOL - PAGE 2 - LAND USE: Relates to how much prime Ag Land should be developed. Wright Co. plan had limitation to development. TRANSPORTATION: Gravel roads (some highly traveled), isolated subdivisions, incomplete street systems and lack of hierarchy (collector/ feeder) strcct,,.. E,,ax.iitary,c - wer in the long term plan - not the immediate future. There is a potential need for Park Facilities and trails. City Service Center is also being discussed. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: (draft form) The Planning Commission has spent time putting this together (planning document). The plan in it's basic form reiterates what was said by the County (Urban/Rural/Wild and Scenic) The city needs to look at infill -11--ype of development. Concentrate development so the tax base is built. Define what would be the area of sewer service (long term). ox)e ycZIr race opp.raximately, the City Engineer put together a sewer plan as to where trunk lines would go, and an Urban Service Map. This map serves as a basis for the entire plan. The surrounding area is a longer range area for development. The balance (white area an map) will basically remain Ag, except for the Wild and Scenic area. Plan does not mean we will have sewer immediately when the plan goes into effect. We are simply planning for the future - long range. This plan is for long range so there is some help available when we do have to address the sewer. Licht noted that this map says "immediate service area" not " immediate sewer area". Indus -trial and Commercial was addressed, and Home Extended Businesses. The third Light industrial area is being looked at. "We want to create an opportunity for everyone and anyone who wants to have a business in Otsego", said Licht. Licht noted that the Commercial is concentrated along lie Hwy #101 corridor with #39 and #101 being more intense activity and #42 and #101 being secondary commercial. The land use within the Immediate Service Area the 'lots allowed will be one to two and one-half acre lots. The longer raijoe area is sited for four acres for forty. The balance Ag land is one per forty. In the Wild and Scenic r.,ivcr corridor two and one-half acres to a unit. (the Wild be discourage in the Ag area. (Wright County had the same policy.) The City is concerned with potential of division of property for further subdivision (plan was shown) The Transport,-. --inn Plan highlights classification of streets. PARK SYSTEMS: Highlights potential -trails and parks (conceptual) CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 6/26/91 AT ELK RIVER SR HI SCHOOL 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - The Parks Committee has been appointed and Carl Swenson is Chairman of this committee. They will be looking at parks. Money will be coming available as the subdivisions are plat -Led, for parks and trails. The neighborhood planning districts were discussed #'s I - 9. The meeting was then again tuned over to Ing Roskaft who called -the residents to speak from the signed cards: Bill Radzwill discussed legislature and the Municipal Board mandated Rural/Urban taxing districts. #1. GIL DARKS ALD, 7515 NE Quaday, Elk River 55330 He thanked the group for being here and said he doesn't think the City has changed much from the Township. He talked about his Sewage Treatment Plant and said it has 99.91-0 removal tested which is outstanding and talked about Riverbend upgrading. (at this point a resident questioned whether he should be allowed to spread further and wasn't this meeting for questions?) Roskaft said we had to give him a chance to speak. Darkenwald said they have a plan for 250 acres of land in this area. Darkenwald has copies of the documents to Leave with the Planning Commission to review. (see attached documents). He wanted to know the basis for the Primary and Secondary use of #101? Licht answered that the focus of prifflOry acccs.--- of 'Llic, C-1-ty it; Co Rd #39- Darkenwald had received a letter from MN/DOT and read that and asked why Licht had included the #42 and #101 intersection as secondary when MN/DOT did not have a plan to take away access? Licht said it had been stated in a meeting in 20 years or more the highway would go to freeway status and at that time the access would be taken away. #2. RANDY THORSON. 14377 NE 87TH ST, Elk River MN 55330 Randy brought up the low land and water problems an 87TH ST. He asked if City water and sewer were brought in how would it be divided? Licht answered that If sewer and water were pursued in detail the plan would be drawn out then. We are simply saying that is an area where development should concentrate. City Sewer is financially unfeasible. Otsego is at least in a better position to go after assistance because they have a plan. The Immediate Serv.tcc Area is designated because that is where we want development to occur. Bill Radzwill spoke on sewage systems. He said they -take forever to build. Licht talked about septic systems and a set time schedule for pumping,(There was applause). He said it helps forestall the groundwater pollution problem if you take care of your system. #3. NANCY BRUNELL, 14526 NE 89TH ST, Elk River, MN 55330 - Septic pumping is recommended and that is good. said Brunell. people came out to Otsego to get away from City Life and don't want small lots. She had a petition with 42 signatures out of the 52 homes and no one liked the idea of City ',ewer. She ar-,-,ked what -the possibility of. having -to pay CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF 6/26/91 AT ELK RIVER SR HI SCHOOL AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4 - for, mains, but not being hooked up? Licht answered that at some point sewer needs to be looked at. option of selling off a portion of land should be an option. We need to maintain that option. Don't preclude that. Commercial property may be an opportunity to introduce sewer to a certain point, but the only thing that will push it in is massive septic failure or ground water pollution. If the community gets sewer and water would the area around it be assessed asked Brunell? Licht answered probably not, because we would not be able to show benefit. #4. DAVID PETERSON, 14333 87th St, Elk River, MN 55330 Did riot speak #5. LEILANI BROCK, 87TH ST, Elk River, MN 55330 Did not speak #6. VERN HEIDNER, 13422 91ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 Did riot speak #7. RICHARD SAVITSKI, 14525 88TH ST, Elk River,MN 55330 Did not speak #8. THOMAS GUIMONT, 8216 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN Did not speak - had left meeting #9. FRANK MILES, Did not speak #10. TOM CONSTANT, 13776 NE 85TH ST, Elk River, MN 55330 Did not speak #11. CLEM DARKENWALD, 508 5-1/2 ST, Elk River, MN 55330 Clem stated that if someone comes in with Commercial on this side here and they bring in sewer and water, Don't believe them, you will get sewer and water. He also stated that Commercial is on #42 & #101 and he has sewer and water. #12. GEORGE YANKOUPE, 7535 NE River Road, Elk River, MN Asked what plats are considered and why? and is the City offering a monitoring system for pollution? Licht said you can't undo what is done. A central water system should be considered. #13. MIKE GIZA, 7848 O'Dean Ave NE, Elk River, MN, 55330 Did not speak #14. DANIEL WEGENER, 9504 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River I am hearing about sub -dividing and Immediate Area. Why have one acre lots been approved? Answer: They have been approved by Wl(j,t riot Otsego. Otsego was only advisory. Otsego's Sub -division Ordinance was passed for Otsego in March of this year. Before that we had only the County Ordinance to work with. Applications have followed, but no further sub -divisions have been granted. The trend for development is down. Otsego had no basis CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSIOIN %EETIAG MINUTES OF JUNE 26, 1991 AT ELK RIVER SR HI SCHOOL AT 7:30PM - PAGE -5 - to deny that Darkenwald's Plat because of the County Land Use Plan and land sizes. #15. BOB SPENCER 11088 - 95TH ST NE, Monticello, MN 553621 Did not Speak #16. LAVERNA NOLL 15420 NE 89TH ST, Elk River, MN On John LeFebvres property, we have heard rumors that those are smaller lots. Licht answered that according to the Ordinance, within 350' the residents will be notified for the Hearing. We don't want to say anything on plats until we see plans and maps. Noll asked what are our rights as petitioners? Radzwill answered that the statute doesn't have any provision on wholesale option to water and sewer. Input on Information Meeting tonight has more weight than the Petition. There is a balancing that has to occur and we may have -to allow people to develop their land also. it is based on public health, safety and welfare. #17. WALLY O'DELL - 26 Cannon Dr, Elk River, MN 55330 Talked about inconsistencies of Mr. Licht's talk #101 will be a major interstate and does MN/DOT have a plan? Licht answered. that there is not a 20 year on the board plan, but it has been indicated to us it will be upgraded in the future (20 or so years). O'Dell had many questions an #101 arid -4,142) Commercial corner. He started with Mark Benson and talked to other people in MN/DOT St Paul and Golden Valley. Roskaft stated that we want everyone to have a chance to speak. #18. JOHN DARKENWALD - Quaday St, Elk River, MN 55330 Stated that they tried to get water and sewer in Mississippi Parkwood but it was turned down. They have one to two acre lots in Mississippi Parkwood. #19. JERRY AHLERS - 8599 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN Did not speak #20 NORMA FEILEN - (Address not given) What was the Comprehensive Plan you had to prepare to become a City and can we have a copy of it? Licht answered that it is not complete yet that is what we are working on tonight. Preliminary copies are available at -the City Office to purchase or on a loan basis. #21. JACQUIE ROGNLI - 8928 Ohland Ave NE, Otsego, MN Thanked everyone for coming out tonight arid gave them some information Pus to where to hear news about the City and City Hall information. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 26, 1991 AT ELK RIVER SR HI SCHOOL AT 7:30PM - PAGE 6 - #22. RON TONA - 9277 Page Ave NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Asked will. we have a Fire Department? Will there be a Police Department? School Dist #728 Community Ed brochure. He did not receive this. A hand show was asked for and a lot of people in Otsego had received their brochures. He said he was told at Community Ed when he called that Otsego is a City now and will not receive those brochures. He also stated that we do not have much in our Zoning Ordinance for keeping up yards. Licht stated that we are not planning a new Fire or Police Department we will remain as we have been and we are workiric g on the Ordinances now. #23. RUSS VOGHT - 13949 91ST ST NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Did not speak (had left) #24. GERARD ZACHMAN - 6194 Oakwood Ave, Otsego, MN Asked if there is a Comprehensive Water Plan available? Frankfort Township has been giving us a water problem. Get a ground surface water plan before you get building plans he suggested. Licht stated that a Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan has been talked about and will be looked at as the City grows. Relative to drainage, the Federal Emergency Floodplain is being looked at. #25. AUDREY AXELSON, 5760 Mike's Rd, Finlayson, Mn.55135 She stated that she is stuck with a Zoning problem. She is in the buffer area E of Nashua. What can she do? She can split 4 per 40, and not necessarily 10 acre lots. It can be three 5 acre arid one 25 acre lot. #26. MARY GRENINGER -6824 NE Nadala, Elk River, MN Did not speak #27. FLOYD GOENNER - Didn't give address He stated that he is interested the upgrading of Nashua Avenue and details. Licht stated that he does not have that information as he doesn't know the status. On our long range development East of Nashua he has farm land both East and West of Nashua and wants to know if he will be assessed for water and sewer if it comes in. He was told he does not have to develop. #28. NANCY ANDERSON - 9031 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN Asked how was the Nashua dividing line picked? Licht answered that it is projected as a collector Street and serves -to isolate the West side. It is also a drainage divide by the City Engr. "Is bringing in development of CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 26, 1991 AT ELK RIVER SR HI SCHOOL AT 7:30PM similar size in the NE area intensifying the problem" Anderson asked? Licht answered that this is where Urban Development has taken place. It doesn't make since to spread it all over. It applies to all services riot only sewer. Radzwill said also the issue is of general concern and we need to look at water sheds also. We have a lot of State Statutes that may also force us to do things we don't want to do. *29. EDWARD GRENINGER - 6824 - NE Nadela, Elk River, MN Asked why an #39 to #37 why a road thr-u there (Nashua). Licht answered it is a long range projection. It would only happen if development occurred. The State Statute allows -the County to turn bark roads to us. We by statute have to accept it, war the reply by Radzwill when Greninger asked about #120 - changed to #37. Greninger asked how long in the future is Nashua to 70TH ST? Licht answered only when there is -development will that happen. #122 and #37 and turn back to City from Co. #30. JUDY FLEMMER - 15565 NE 90TH ST, Elk River, MN She stated she is Zoned as AG -2 and taxed as AG -2. Rural/Urban Zoning District doesn't mesh in Zoning plan. Licht stated that a Public Hearing will be held an Rural/Urban Zoning Districts. Trig Roskaft introduced the Planning Commission and the Staff that was present. Meeting adjourned at 10:30PM KOLLES, ECRE A Y Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary ob 34 f )UNTY OF ' :, t •:the facts which are stated below* *Minnesota Statute 331A.02.1 ► • 19611 and was thereafter y of inted and publishe on every Wednesday to and including ednesday, the •s •• •• • •• • 1 :• • �. :R • 1 1 t 1 '.• mbcdefghijklsnnopgrsatuvwxyz �ubscr�b�d and sw®rn t� befope rn� ®�► this '� � "�-`" day of 19 space Maximum rate allowed by law for 1! actuallyRate ^ .• for the above matter