07-03-91 Planning Commission MINQ(t).-iLftV No I[Q INADVNIVII SHWO014120AW A The Informational portion of the meeting was called to order at 7PM by Chairman Ing Roskaft and -turned over to David Licht, Planner to go over the Comprehensive Plan. The following Planning Commission Members were present: MARK WALLACE CARL SWENSON LARRY FOURNIER ING ROSKAFT KATHY LEWIS The following Staff were present: DAVE LICHT BOB KI IS ELAINE BATTY JUDY HUDSON RON BLACK,COUNCIL Judy Roden asked about the Albertville Area where -the Industrial Area is projected long term. Roden asked Licht to be open minded about it. The policy of the plan is to suggest land use Licht informed her. It can be changed. Roden said they are interested in developing. Sharon Moylan asked if when -the sewer does come and the lot is sub -divided, who is responsible for the road an(! sewer to the new lot? Licht answered that it would probably be negoitated. Licht then went over the plan with the group, for the benefit of those who were not at the June 216th Meeting. John Darkenwald asked about Section #34, Range 013 along #101 there are a lot of expensive homes and would one per 10 acres be considered instead of one per 40 as now designated? Licht said the City has now designated. the river frontage. Darkenwald said -there are quite a few homes in the F6cc area. Licht said the point is where do you draw the line? You create a transition in land use that is why the line is drawn. If the adjacent area fills up, the line would be moved out further. Licht said -that 330 homes claimed 1,500 acres of land. That is being excessive. If we follow the plan, the amount of land taken out of Ag will be less. When will. they start testing -the water a resident asked? Licht said unless there is a major problem, it probably won't be tested. if there are several. septic system failures, it may require water testing. Once the plan is adopted, on-site system testing will be put in place. If the septic is pumped. annually, or once every two years, it will prolong sewer and water coming. Licht mentioned that Darkenwald's may be interested in the fact that they are looking at putting -the area by Darkenwald's in the short range service area. Darkenwald asked about the 11 acres of land they have in the Wild and Scenic. Licht said the present plan doesn't take this 11 acres out of the Wild and Scenic. Licht said if you want that property pulled out, Darkenwald's should go to the City Council and recommend that area be taken out now. Licht talked about the Wild and Scenic and the jogged boundaries and there not being a lot of rhyme or reason and the ways to address it: 1. Uniform setback 1) Follow bluffline (follow topography) 3. Combination of 1. and 2 above CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 7PM - INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: -PAGE 2 - Licht mentioned if you want to review the Comprehensive 110 9 tan, -there. copies for loan or purchase available at the City Hall. a resident asked if anyone sold his place do you have to put sewer and water in the contract? Licht said no, not at this point. Licht discussed storm water drainage problems and the expense because of it. We are trying to avoid this type of -thing by planning. If sewer comes into Otsego, there is capacity for Elk River to take capacity for, treatment from Otsego. Different options with sewer were discussed. Licht said it is trying to put off the problem, but recognizing there is a problem and preparing for it. Russ Greninger asked about someone coming in and developing in -the rural area. What could we do? Licht said that the sub -division Ordinance and Comprensive Plan is a legal document and the Planning Commission and Council can prevent development. The domino effect comes into play, if this happens and -the whole -thing falls apart. We don't start from scratch, we analyze what is there now, and decide how to manage it. With the cutback in State dollars, you can't skip around. The money is not there. If the City said they want sewer, and water today they couldn't go get it. Banding capacity is not there for it. (Bonding capacity is figured an assessed valuation) Roskaft asked Licht to explain to the residents that this Comprehensive Plan is not cast in concrete and is subject to revisions as things arise. Licht said that in six or seven months what the City has accomplished, most Cities take one -to one and one-half years to do. In March we adopted the Sub -division Ordinance. The Comprehensive Plan should be finished and adopted in a. month or so. In three or four months maybe five -the Zoning ordinances should be established. We recognize that changes will have to occur as time goes by, Licht said.. The present Sub -division Ordinance will have it's first amendment in two weeks. The plan can be changed if -there is a rational for it. For, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment there is only notice in the paper required. If it pertains to a particular site change, everyone within 350' of that area is notified by mail. Everyone within 5001 in the Rural Area notification is mailed. Licht noted that we are identifying changes from the Informational Meeting of the 26th of June. A resident asked why we don't make an Ordinance requiring septics to be pumped. annually? Licht said. we will, after the Land Use is established, we can make a determination of what needs to be addressed. A Storm Drainage Plan needs to be done very shortly, Licht said. One of the problems is a lot of septic systems, people don't know where they are. Sharon Moylan asked if we should be concerned about CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF J*LT 3, 1991 AT 7PM - INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: fertilizers and ground water contamination? Licht answered it could be. If we think it's a problem we should look into it. Licht said we are now in transition. Many communities have environmental committees that look at environmental issues. A lot of those things will come. Now we are still trying to establish the basics. Finances also come into this. Jacquie Rognli said the County will test the well for $25.00 for nitrates, etc. once should be enough unless you have a problem with flooding, etc. Roskaft asked if there was any more information. He stated that the meeting would adjourn for 10 minutes and the regular Planning Commission would follow: The regular Planning Commission was called to order at 8:05PM with the same members and staff present. Kathy Lewis motioned to approve the minutes of June 19, 1991. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. All agreed. The minutes of June 26, 1991 will be considered on July 17, 1991. AL ZAHLER - Hearing Parcel #118-500-331202 in Sec 33, Twp 121, R23 W 203.70 ft of N383.75 ft of E 2163 ft of NE 1/4. Mr Zahler owns a 2-1/2 acre parcel of land S of Co Rd #122 (#37) near the Otsego O'Dean Ave NE (was Co Rd #37) intersection. He has indicated that a potential buyer is interested in keeping horses on the site. As a result Mr Zahler is proposing to add 2-1/2 acres to the site, creating a five acre parcel to accommodate the horses. The subjects site is zoned A-2, General Agriculture. (See NAC's Report) Request is for a minor subdivision to add 2-1/2 acres to the present 2-1/2 acre parcel. Bob Kirmis gave the background information to the public. He stated that the Planning Commission and Council have voiced general support. NAC looks at Mr Zahlers proposal as generally positive and recommended with the following conditions: 1. The site survey is revised to illustrate one continuous five acre parcel of land. This issue should, however, be subject to comment by the City Engineer and City Attorney. 2. An amendment to the Subdivision ordinance is adopted which would allow subdivisions of land which: 1) have not been previously platted, 2) Which are less than 10 acres in area, 3) are located within the City's Long Range Urban or Rural Service Areas to be handled adminish—vively. 3. The north 33 feet of the Zahler property is dedicated as an easement to Wright County for County Highway 122 R.O.W. The said easement must be identified on the site survey. 4. Careful consideration is given to potential impacts of CITY OF OTS GO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 7PM - PAGE 4 - industrial uses proposed in areas adjacent to the Zahler property. 5. The City retains the right to require submission of additional plans (i.e., grading) if deemed necessary by the City Engineer. Kirmis stated they see this proposal as generally positive. Mr Zahler said he feels he has met the conditions as stated. No other comments from the residents. Kathy Lewis motioned to recommend approval of the Zahler subdivision with the above stated conditions being met, if they have not been already. Mark Wallace seconded the motion. Larry Fournier asked about the subdivision being administrative. Mr Zahler has a choice if he wants to go thru the subdivision regulations or do an administrative subdivision. Motion carried unanimously. This item will come before the Otsego City Council at the meeting of July 22, 1991 at 7:3OPM. RIVERWOOD CONFERENCE CENTER - HEARING (Pattern Station, Inc.) PID Vs 11.8-8---1.41404, 141403, 141401, 132301, 132201, and 132200 in Sec's. 13 & 14, Twp. 121, R24. Request is for a Zoning Ord. Text Amendment (test and map) Which would provide a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning District and expand the present restaurant to open to the public. (See NAC's Report) Request is for the following: a. PUD Zoning Ord. Text Amendment (text and map) b. Change Zoning to PUD C. Requests Restaurant to be open to public Roskaft asked Elaine Beatty if proper notices had been mailed, published and posted. Answer was yes. Licht noted that the City of Otsego is in the process of doing it's Comprehensive Plan and because of that there is not a plan to address this. Riverwood had two options: 1) Initiate the PUD to be included in the Ordinance with the first item establishment of PUD to cover the Zoning Ordinance. Licht explained the PUD to the residents. Riverwood has a combination of concept and development. Specifies condition of approval/ requires financial guarantees/ establishes timelines. If there is a decision to modify or change, a Public Hearing is held at that time to address the item. Mike Cypher asked if agreeing to this agreeing to the concept of the proposal? Licht answered No, this is to initiate drafting of the Ordinance which would have taken place anyway. Passage of the ordnance has no assurance to Riverwood they have approval of their request. The second regulation is PUD applied to their property. Theresa Jennie asked if this is a part of the process? It is not designed specifically to support Riverwood, Licht replied. The Ordinance is not being singled out. CITY OF OT GO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 7PM - PAGE 5- Roskaft asked for any other questions regarding the Ordinance. A resident asked, If we didn't adopt this Ordinance, how would it effect us? Licht stated he hopes that the Ordinance that came into effect today will service the major portion of development, and he explained a little further. He stated that he knows of no communities that don't utilize PUD's in some sort. PUD gives City the extra measure of control to allow extra buffering, etc. Raskaft added that Wright County has PUD and it is very useful. Theresa Jenne had a question and Licht said she is getting ahead of us. Chris Wallen asked how this effects her, living near Riverwood. We need a basis to consider Riverwood's request. Licht said it is only an Ordinance and anybody has a right to ask for it to be applied. Larry Fournier motioned to recommend approval of the PUD Ordinance. Kathy Lewis seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Next on the Agenda was to change the Zoning of Riverwood Conference Center to PUD Zoning. Licht said that the history of how Riverwood was created and established was under Wright County's jurisdiction. Licht said we have a unified facility, they are separate pieces of property, with a mixture of uses. Regardless of other items on the agendas, it is NAG's opinion that the property should be rezoned to PUD Zoning so it is regulated and considered as one unit. He feels it is a necessity because of land locked parcels involved. The way it stands today with independent parcels, any of those parcels could be sold off at any time. To avoid problems, you should not let that occur. (Selling property and leaving landlock parcels). They would have to operate within the confines of the PUD Ordinance. PUD is a contract with the City. You can't sell, add to a building, expand, change the character without coming before the City Planning Commission. This will clean up what has evolved over time, and we can recognize what activities occur. NAG has recommended that PUD be approved an the following stipulations: 1. The City adopt the Zoning Ordinance amendment establishing a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning District within the City. 2. The City approve a rezoning of the subject site from A-2, General Agriculture and B-2, General Business to PUD, Planned Unit development. 3. Due to the property's partial containment within the Wild an6 Scenic District, the subject subdivision is subject to rcview and comment by the Department of Natural Resources. 4. Per PUD requirements, all utilities, including telephone, electricity, gas, and telecable lines are installed CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 7PM - PAG 6 - underground 5. The 33 foot wide easement used to access the Conference Center's existing residence is expanded to 60 feet in width with a cul-de-sac. While improvement of the roadway shall not be required, the easement should be formally dedicated to the City. 6. To discourage commercial traffic upon the site's access easement and limit traffic volumes, signage be provided identifying the roadway as a private drive. 7. Drainage easements are placed Over the site's wetlands. B. Per the City Engineer's recommendations, a contour map is submitted to assure appropriate site drainage. 9. The applicant submit a detailed drawing illustrating individual parking stalls within the center's parking lot. 10. The parking lot is expanded to provide 119 stalls as required by Ordinance. 11. The City make comment regarding the potential inclusion of a daycare facility upon the subject site. (Note: This has been dropped, but we need a letter from the applicant to that effect.) 12. The proposed "storage addition" to the cozy lounge building is constructed in a manner which is architecturally compatible to the attached structure subject to City approval. 13. The site plan is modified to identify all on-site Loading areas. 14. All efforts possible are made to ensure safe vehicular ingress and egress from the subject site, Consequently, all visual intrusions which may limit vehicular acknowledgment of oncoming traffic near the site's access point (i.e., trees, shrubs, etc.) should be relocated or removed. 15. if trash is stored outside it should be contained in a closed container designed for such purposes 16. All exterior lighting is arranged so as to deflect light away from public streets and neighboring property. 17. Tf additional signage is to be provided, a sign plar) should be submitted indicating the location type and size of all signs. 1 18. The Riverwood Subdivision is subject to park and trail dedication requirements and deemed appropriate by the City. 19. The Riverwood proposal As pobject to the comment and recommendation of other City Staff. The Parks and Trails fees for Riverwood will be $800.00. Comments from the audience were asked for: Jeffery Broch, Atty for Arlene DeCandala - Stated that he had received Mr Licht's work on the PUD and they support the need !" provide easement and expansion of 601. They are willing to dedicate the easement, but are not sure that they have 60'. They have 331 and willing to dedicate that. They arc also sensitive to wetland protection and are asking if CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 'IPM - PAGE 7 - the expense of contour map is necessary. They have 106 parking stalls and they feel 119 is excessive, They recommend staying with the 106 at this time to see if it is OV They agree with the Park and Trails fees and agree Witt, recommendations. Licht stated that it is not unusual, if applicant can demonstrate that parking is adequate and they can demonstrate that parking can be built if needed that the parking amount be less. Licht stated that the easement for the road needs to be discussed by the Planning Commission. Joyce Dewey spoke, her mother is Ethel Johnson who lives adjacent to Riverwood. Some concerns are on the letter she gave to the Commission. She said she wondered about the casements. Would all the property be Commercial? Her mother's farm will be surrounded by the Conference Center an three sides. If she could take the property back, she said she would. Mrs Cypher (Theresa Jenne) read the letter she had composed. The 11 acres of the homestead of Riverwood adjoins her property. (See Attached letter) She asked about some fences and/or buffer zones/ paths. She said she didn't want to see the 11 acres as part of the PUD. Licht said in designated property PUD, it is not a Commercial PUD, it is irl an of itself. What is there today does not expand the present application. Without PUD the likelihood is greater in terms of separating parcels out. If property is pulled out of PUD a degree of control is lost. Without development, it is very hard to control. There is a canoe landing, picnic tables there now said Jenne. Stewart Turnquist asked Licht if he can identify the landlocked parcels on 45. Stewart is not aware of any landlocked parcels. What should be included? What is Riverwood property? Not the 11 acres. Atty for DeCandaia- furnished information in disillusion action, granting of 11 acres to the Company that owns Riverwood conference Center Turnquist said that it does not link together 11 acres and Riverwood Confcrence Center. The 11 acres has the house and garage and access. Riverwood's property also has an access thru Riverwood access. Licht said that #13222 parcel is landlocked. Turnquist said it is not. Previously, the 11 and 15 acres was one and was divided by the judge, along with the easement being conveyed. Licht said that per City Ordinance, that is not correct. We need to assure there is public access to these parcels, because the parcel that was created was done in violation of City and County Ordinance. Turnquist said it was not clear to him. He has no problem with the PUD but he questions why they would put the 11 acres in with Riverwood? Licht said that there are two questions that you are posing: I. Should 11 acres be part of Riverwood? If it is separate, we need casement designated to the City. If they are combined, there is still the need, CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 'IPM - - PAGE 8 - 0 — The 11 acres is a policy question the City needs to resolve. There is a number of shared casements up and down #39. We need to have the City Attorney's opinion on the matter. Bob Spencer is interested in the. easement. They are proposing- it stay -the way it is. His property adjoins the driveway -the full length. Michelle Lzaverenz pointed out the same thing to Licht. As part of the Developers Contract, it can be addressed Licht said. Arlene DeCaridaia said look to the past, the road will stay the same. Maintenance vehicles, use that road and keep it clear of brush and put class 5 on it when needed and grade and plow it. Mrs Dewey asked if the easement should have beer). sold, to the City? Licht said -the control should be public (City of Otsego) We are not asking for any change Licht said it can be specified it :, that stc_jys the Name, rme, but road owner, stay that with the City. Mrs Dewey said it is probably on file, but in an old fashioned manner. Arlene DeCandaia said -that the neighbors can use the land. Russ Greninger said this road. should be 651 wide. Licht - said 601 is the standard. Joe Rajenovich said that his neighbors had picked tip information on Riverwood and this is -the first time lie has heard about the easement on the road. He said that Riverwood uses our private road. The Park and Trails, this is the first I've heard about it tonight. I have just one document. I'm am opposed to the Pacos River Course. I have some serious concerns. Licht said if you. are interested in -the matter you. should call City Hall and get the report. Mae Spencer - to her when 4aid. that the information was not offered she called. Everyone within 500 feet were notified. Arlene DeCandaia said she had sent out personal invitations for people to discuss this and offered to set up a special meeting. Roskaft said we need to get down to facts. The Ordinance that is going to be passed by the- City will. be o-PeD, to the public. Bernard 0. Johnson spoke and Mr. Cypher said lie is opposed to the Pacos River. Course because it is so noisy. Mr Spencer would like to see the 11 acres stay residential. Russ Greninger asked about DNR. Were they notified? Elaine Beatty said. -they were sent notice but did not -resp(-_)nd. It was asked if Pacos River Course will be part of the PUD? Licht sald it is a -three step process: I. Create the Ordinance Apply pply the PUD 0to -t h e property I 3. Use and expansion If it is zoned PUD, what activities can take place? The Planning Commission needs to be copied. on the Appl_lcatiori from Riverwoa(l. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 7PM - PAGE 9 - Larry Fournier Motioned to continue the Hearing on Riverwood to July 17, 1991 at SPM and the Planning Commission will go on a Site Inspection of Riverwood, and we will get an opinion from the City Attorney on the ownership of the 11 acre parcel. Carl Swenson seconded. All agreed. Site Inspection was set for Tuesday, July 9, 1991 at 7PM at Riverwood Conference Center. Meeting adjourned. AM�SRitOLL�ES,SECRETARY BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary M; NOTE: This is the correction asked for in the 7/17/91 meeting ® Please replace your Page 9 with this page. Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 1991 AT 7PM - - PAGE 9 - Riverwood Conferex-ice Center to Jvily 17, 1991, at 8PM and the Planning Commission will go on a Site Inspection of Riverwood, and we will get an opinion from the City Attorney on the ownership of the 11 acre parcel. Carl Swenson seconded. All agreed. Site Inspection was set for Tuesday, July 9, 1991 at 7PM at Riverwood Conference Center. Meeting adjourned. �Kft, ESSEC ETA .R KOLLES, SEC ETAR BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary (-- b