08-07-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM: Meeting was called to order at 8PM by Chairman Ing Roskaft. Members present were as follows: KATHY LEWIS ING ROSKAFT CARL SWENSON MARK WALLACE LARRY FOURNIER BRUCE RASK JIM KOLLES Staff Present were as follows: DAVID LICHT BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY JUDY HUDSON Council Members were as follows: DOUG LINDENFELSER RON BLACK NORM FRESKE Larry Fournier motioned to approve the Minutes of July 17, 1991. Bruce Rask seconded the Motion. Motion carried unanimously. Jacquie Rognli appeared before the Commission to appeal to them for help in the Otsego Great River Road Fest Booth. She told them we have a 20x40 tent and are asking the Planning Commission and Council if they can help with the booth for an hour during the day on 8/17/91, and spouses are welcome. Rognli sent around a sign -tip sheet for them. Roskaft then re -opened the Riverwood Hearing that had been continued from July 17, 1991. He stated that a lot of people made comments at the last meeting and he asked for any new comments. Bonnie Lee of Island View Estates presented a Petition of her neighbors in Island View of within one mile of Riverwood Conference Center. (See attached Petition) Michelle Laverenz of Riverwood Conference Center said that the Building Permit was not i.ssLied like she had thought and apologized for that. They show the two buildings as one in research. She stated that it had not been brought to Managements attention at that time and the person responsible was no longer in Riverwood's employment. Bonnie Lee stated that if there had been a 1987 Permit, it would not be good today. Mae Spencer presented a Petition to the Planning Commission (See attached Petition). Arlene DeCandia stated that if a comment is to be made it needs to be backed up by fact. Paul Johnson of Island View Estates said that the Council maybe could look at it. Cheryl Sorbin an employee of Riverwood stated that in a competetive market place and the things we are asking for is only what other conference centers are asking for. Roskaft stated that the things we may want have to be within the Comprehensive Plan. We will decide tonight. Roskaft stated that we will consider if we should allow the restaurant for a trial period open to the public. J1]_] :!nist.o of [s)atid View Esta(,es said she. lias lived r there since 1978 and she is close to Riverwood. Her house faces Riverwood and they have tived with Riverwood. She CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - stated that they do hear activities in the evening in the Summer. She stated that Olson's, a former neighbor had called Riverwood to have them turn down the music. Stewart Turnquist asked about the Pecos River Rope Course and will they be able to have input into same. Betty Perrault wanted to know what Stewart Turnquist was talking about. She stated that she thought they had turned the restaurant open to public down last time. Tom Welch said they are advertising for help to replace Summer help leaving in response as to why they are advertising for help for the restaurant. Mary Sue Bistodeau stated that she has worked at Riverwood for eight years and she feels the restaurant should be open to the public as far as she is concerned and she stated she felt they would not have many more people then they have now. Judy Rockuam an employee of Riverwood stated that the restaurant should be open on a trial basis and that Riverwood deserves a fair chance. Tim Walsdorf, chef of Riverwood for three years said he supports it 100% and they are one of the most professional, ethical businesses he has ever worked for. One year ago he relocated his wife and child in this area. Roman Svoboda stated that he lives down the road from Riverwood and he is concerned about the area. Sue Crum stated she lives on Kalenda and two weeks aero the Sheriff's Deputy was called to Riverwood because of loud music. John Jesinski who lives in Island View Estates asked if the Planning Commission ever looked at financial statements of Riverwood? Roskaft stated they did not. It is not a matter of economics, it is a matter of zoning. Licht said we are not interested in looking at economics, we are interested in looking at harmony with the neighborhood. The Hearing is for public comments to be heard. Gena Radjenovich gave some information for background. She brought up the ad Riverwood was advertising their Restaurant and Pecos River Rope Course. Bonnie Rice has been an employee nine years at Riverwood and stated that the ad in question was put out without Riverwood knowing about it and they are sorry. Mark Palmer of Island View Estates said it is the second apology I've heard tonight. He stated he has been out here for less than a year. The Building Permits are not in possession. They are expanding and getting larger and if exceptions are made for them, are there exceptions for other businesses? CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - Arlene DeCandia wanted to talk. Sarenva DeCandia stated she works at Riverwood as a Receptionist she stated that people are getting involved in her parents relationship. Roskaft stated we would go on with the meeting. Arlene DeCandia stated she feels terrible that a lot of people are being hurt and a lot of mean things are being said. We want to have people get along. We have volunteered to pay for private signs. We will post the perimeter. We will plant trees for a visual and sound buffer. We would like to work together. She stated that the article about herself was a positive image for her. Don Felber of Island View Estates stated that at the last meeting the restaurant open to the public was voted down. How did it come about to reconsider it on a trial basis? Licht stated that the restaurant was voted down. A comment was made to try it on a trial basis by a formal letter submitted. Otherwise if it isn't discussed, it can go all the way to the Council. Stewart Turnquist wants to comment on Licht's report on location of the rope course. At the last meeting it was discussed to expand Riverwood to include 11 acres into Riverwood's PUD, with the Rope Course on the eleven acres. Turnquist stated that his parents house is there and his future home is to be constructed there and he is currently constructing a garage there. Licht stated NAC has put together a list of items to be considered. He passed the list out (See Attached). Roskaft asked for any other discussion. Carl Swenson said that at the last meeting we discussed the expansion of the restaurant and I believe the consensus was at that time that the expansion of the restaurant was not in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and I fail to understand how this trial period will help. It is an expansion of a commercial activity in a residential area. I speak against the trial period. Carl Swenson motioned not to suggest a trial period for the restaurant open to the public. Mark Wallace seconded. Swenson added that the reason for denial of the trial period of the expansion of the restaurant is because it is against the Comprehensive Plan, both in word and intent. Mark Wallace added it opens it tip to other people that may want the same thing. Larry Fournier felt it was not appropriate because it had been voted down. All voted in favor except Bruce Rask. B. Pecos River Roskaft stated the Planning Commission had received two letters, one from Mr Turnquist and one from Arlene DeCandia, both dated July 31, 1991 and they will be put in the minutes of the meeting. Kathy Lewis stated we had received one other CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - letter. Carl Swenson stated that at the last meeting the letters were read and asked if the letters should be read. Commission agreed and Elaine Beatty read the three letters (See attached letters). Licht suggested that if anyone wants to read any more letters, we should make them available to the public during office hours. The July 29, 1991 NAC's Report on Pecos River Operation Bob Kirmis summarized the activities. Four were described and a .list of conditions as part of a trial period were part of it. Roskaft read the list to the audience. (Memo of July 29, 1991 NAC Report is attached). Lewis asked if he would be reading all of the memo? Licht said that he didn't have to as it was made available. Lewis asked if there was any more information on the Pecos River setup? Kirmis said all the information he had was provided by Riverwood. Lewis was tinder the impression there was only one zip line proposed. Tom Welch said there was only one proposed. The one in New Mexico is much larger, On this location is there some idea what events are to be taking place'? The lower eleven acres is where the zip line is to be. the other three apparatuses will be on the upper portion of the land. Larry Fournier asked if Roskaft assumes the Commission is all in agreement of the other items on the report. Tom Welch pointed out the zip line and other three apparatuses (1) Wall, (2) Bell.Tower and (3) Climbing Tower is what will be at Riverwood. Michelle Laverenz said that one thing that Pecos River is striving for is lower initiative, smaller versions of this course, Fournier stated that the climbing tower is 40' high and would it be possible to have it on the lower area? Arlene DeCandia said they would like to have it close to the building because of it being the furthest area away from the Cyphers. Bonnie Rice of Riverwood explained that the Rope Course and Zip Line is a self awareness type of thing. She stated she had gone thru the course. Fournier stated the reason why they might want to move the apparatus is because of screening. 11AM to 4PM was the time suggested for the Rope Course. The suggestion of after ten complaints on Riverwood, the Zoning Administrator shall contact the City Council. Roskaft asked for any further discussion. Lewis said we have previously approved the concept, but Mi the L 1 e Laverenz indicated that t:hev are not reaciv to build at this time. Fournier stated then would like approval now so if it CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE - 5 - occurs they are all ready to go. Wallace asked if it couldn't be brought up at the time of building the course? Licht stated now is the time to address this or riot. Wallace stated his voting on this was based on a resort activity. Licht said he is not taking issue on that. He said you have every right to ask for specifics. Is it compatible. Can it exist in harmony. Laverenz stated she needed to comment on restrictions. They are in agreement with most of this, but the course can go from five to six o'clock in the evert i.ng . Generally they would be done by four o'clock, but we would be more comfortable with the six o'clock for an ending time. We could agree to two days a week. It would never be more than twice a week. Licht said the Commission needs to resolve the specific times. Laverenz stated groups that come to Riverwood have to conte out on a specific day or time. Wallace Motioned to deny conditions based on two things, resort and resort activities. He felt this was a business opportunity. He said according to Wright County it is a resort. Because of the hours it is not a resort activity. Licht said we are dealing under our own Ordinance now, not t;he Countv Ordinance. It needs to specified. Wallace motioned to deny the Pecos River Course, based on the fact that he feels the Pecos River Course does not fit into the PUD. Roskaft asked for a second. Swenson seconded the motion. Rask stated that last meeting we discussed they needed to book a ,year in advance. Laverenz said one to one and one -halt' years or it can be one month. Motion was voted on and Wallace and Swenson voted for, with Rask, Fournier, Roskaft, Kolles and Lewis against the motion. A residence in the audience asked for a clarification of the motion. Fournier stated that we should take each condition one by one. Swenson brought up that use acceptabili-ty is what. Wallace was voting for and in Swenson's opinion this kind of activity is a commercial activity and that is the reason he is in opposition, Swenson stated we should have comment from every member of. the Commission. Roskaft, stated that the Concept was approved at the July 1 7 , 199l. meryti.itq. Swenson wi.tbdrew h i.s question. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 6 - July 29, 1991 Report by NAC (page 6 Prospective Conditions) 1. All outdoor events are to occur between the hours of 11AM and 4PM. Fournier motioned to accept No. 1 above with the time from 11AM to 4PM. Kathy Lewis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Weather permitting, a specific day or days of the week shall be designated for various course events and the neighboring property owners advised of such dates and any changes. Fournier motioned approval of #2 with neighbors within 350'of Riverwood's property line be noticed. Bruce Rask seconded. Swenson asked what is considered as neiOlbors? Licht siiggest.ed within 350'Riverwood would be responsible for riot ifi_ cat ion. Rask said a lot of people are here from Island View Estates area and it's there community so they should be notified. A resident stated that maybe the top one-half of Island View Estates should be notified. Roskaft suggested 350'. Motion carried unanimously. 3. No Pecos River event apparatus shal] exceed 40' in he i.ght . Rask motioned to accept #3. Kolles seconded the motion. Fournier asked if we want the pole forty Moot high? Licht stated a pole is not an imposing mark on the landscape. Motion carried unanimously. 4. No event apparatus shrill Lie Less than 100' from adjacent, property lines. Mark Wallace motioned that the apparatus shall not lie less than 100' from the property line. Jim Kolles seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. A1.1. event apparatus shall be adegnat.el.v screened from view of neighboring residences via vegetation and/or fencing or combination thereof. Licht clarified that:. the pole is not intended to he screened. A l_ 1_ the ogit i pment and structures shall be earthtone in co f or with the exception of the pole and al -1 equipment and/or activity areas not be viewed from the river except the pol_e. Fournier motioned to accept #5 with Licht's addition. Carl Swenson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Event apparatus must be disassembled thirty days following use termination. Rask motioned that the trial time be thirty days. Kolles seconded. Fournier asked it it could be torn down in thirty days. DeCandia said .yes. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Noise Generated by the Pecos R.i_ver events shall not exceed levels which constitute a "nuisance" as described by Ordinance. ki.cht clarified and stated that the City is working on a Nuisance Ordinance.. Wallace motioned to accept #7 above. Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 7 - 8. All event uses must be accessible to emergency vehicles. Fournier motioned to adopt #8. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 9. All event apparatus are subject to approval by the Buildi.na Inspector to ensure their safety. Rask motioned to accept. Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 10. The Zoning Administrator, after receiving ten (10) complaints in writing, shall schedule a Hearing and notify the City Council. Fournier motioned to adopt #10. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 11.. Detailed specific site and buildin-a plans should be Provided before any final approval, including locations and apparatuses. Lewis motioned to adopt #11. Kolles seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Wallace asked Riverwood if they had a timeline? Arlene DeCandia said they would only do if they had a referral. Licht, said that prior to January L, 1993 the City will evaluate Pecos River Operation and determine if itshould continue. Lewis stated in other words, they don't have indefi.nitety to try it out. Wallace motioned to have Pecos River be on a trial period to be evaluated before January 1, 1993. Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. �.. Bliiffhotise E;xpa.nsi.on/Bui Ldine� Connection L. Total Rooms 2. Total Offices 3. Storaae and Accessory Licht nave an overview of what had expired. We found out that the footings were notput in with a buildina permit. Also there has been a number of modifications from what the approved plans were and whatthey are today Licht said. Mr Kirmis had forwarded a report of July 31, 1991 as to number of rooms. (see attached report.). The new rooms to be added are total of eighteen (18) proposed, (See attached Memo from NAC, pink dated August. 7, 1991). Arlene lleC:andia, showed a picture of the building plans to the Ptanninv Commission. Roskaff- asked if we have these plan: so the Building Cnsoect.nr can Yo over these plans'? Licht said we. need to define what i.s there and what we wi11. vet.. The footineys are a. building code problem. Laverenz said the sprinkler system can be used with the pool. Rnska l't. I'e L ( we :^linin l d Ce ( apprn-\,a I from t:lie Bu i 1 cl i nq 1 nsi>ector . Arl.ene OeC,andia had t>Lans of proposed expansion. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 8 - Fournier motioned to approve Bluff House Expansion with eighteen new rooms and one Conference Room and building expansion. Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried, with Swenson and Wallace opposing. D. Existing House - Use E. Garage F. Homestead Acreage G. Conference Center - Definition Licht stated D,E,F & G fall under the eleven (11 acres). By including the property in the PUD it is sub.iect to PUD and Contract. Anv further use to it is subject to PUD. Now, house and garage are two items that need to be looked at. The house is proposed to be used as caretakers residence or storage. Garage is proposed for maintenance and shop. You can treat the eleven (11) acres separately and independent. DeCandia stated Riverwood's sewer is there on the 11 acres also. Licht stated that is why we. need PUD on i -t. Stewart Turnquist stated transferring it out. of Residential. would have a big impact on his parents, DeCandia st.at.ed Turnquist and DeCandia had given a life estate to his parents. Licht stated he i_s going by comments from Mr Turriqui.st when tie asked for a variance Last. Scunmer. Licht. said a temporary use is very relevant, More d i.sctiss ion on what the garage would be used for was had. Rask asked if the 1.1 acres is included in the PUD does t.h,t mean it; is Residential? Can it be sold as part. of PUD? Licht said being tied into the PUD, to be sold it would have to come tinder a stab -division. to divide it off' the balance of the PUD. A caretakers residence is what is being requested. Licht said he assumes that, property ownership would stay one Facility. Lf' it was rented or sold to someone else, it. would have to come back into the Planning Commission. Rask motioned that D, E, & F. existing house be used as the caretakers residence and/or storage and the garage utilized as shop/maintenance facility and the eleven acres (11) be implemented into the PUD for casual walking and all tied into the PUD. Lewis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Licht said a maJor Concern on basic terminology a definition needs to be put forth: 1. MOTEL - Transient. Residents 2. CONFERENCE CENTER - Meeting room/guest rooms/ accessory restaurant and activities/ not including transient residents One resident who worked at Riverwood said a good wav of l nad i rie' -it de P i n i nv it is catered events /meet i ngs/restaurant and Lounge/m i n i mium of 60% o f b is i.ness 1'or mee t l.n,' re Lated activities. CITY OF' OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT $PM - PAGE 9 - Licht said no motel service should be offered (transient). What scares him is the reference to open to the prnblic. He stated he wanted an opinion from the Planning Commission. Fournier motioned to accept Licht's definition of a Conference Center which is a MOTEL - is transient as compared to Conference Center has reservations. Wallace said he was worried abort the description it' it were sold to someone el -se. The Cornt'erenc.e tenter det i_n i ti on was discussed. Lewis seconded the motion. Wallace asked if the motion fails, will it be left. open for another time'? Motion carried unanimously. ff. . Site Plan Issr.res A. Access Road - Public or Private B. Parking 1. 'Total Requirement 2. Deferment, C. Load.ina Space D. Landscaping/Buffers 1, Pecos River Areas 2. Parking/Loading Licht recommends a minimum of 33' be as easement on this road into the residence. 33' minimum should be made into pub] i.c access. It should be signed as "private drive". i tv won't accept maintenance of it. Roskaft asked about maintenance respons_ibi l.it i es . 1,4 cht said the City does not. have to accept maintenance unt i] it is brought up to code, etc. Fournier asked If there is an a,dvantaQe to a.ciiu i r i.nV easements now? You have potential three residents in that irea. why tiel.av'? Why now resolve now':' Bob Spencer said his hoose is 5k' from I.he Lot Line now. Ti.trngLti.st asked if R.iverwoot:t had access t.o tile dri_vewavY Licht said there wi_1.1. be three houses in terms of access with maintenance trucks and emergency vehicles. Lewis motioned to have 33' be turned over to the City under the assumption that the City will not take over maintenance until it is brought up to standard and so constructed. Bruce Rask seconded the motion. Swenson questioned if two homes to the East are using the driveway, who is responsible for the maintenance'? DeCandia agreed to accept responsibility for the maintenance. It could be stipulated in the PIJD. Motion carried. with Fournier voting no. L i rht asked Fournier why he voted no',' Fournier said lie doesn't understand how we wotild, get the road developed. Licht explained to him. Parking numbers wi L L change chie to chanve in units. A _ ren i Tit waG ra i sPd as 1r) weal her =r deferment ^hnit I d he considered. 11 i ,:aI I i 1 0-a ti I,e worlc(:!d C)uI . Vott need Lo CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEE'T'ING OF AUGUST 7, 1991 AT 8PM - PAGE 1.0 - act upon i -f you would consider deferment.. Rask motioned to consider the deferment approach. Lewis seconded. Fournier asked how deferment would be determined? Licht said the required number of spaces, applicant will Justify and the Planner will come to the Planning Commission with i.rn l'ortnat i on . Motion carried unanimously. C k D hicht brotight up his report. of June 17, 199 L . Loadi.n5 space recommended, Al nt.ilities instal Led underrotrnd/s ininy for drive and pub.l i c easement/cont.olrr mar) Per City Engineer/ Parking Lot DRYOUt and the davcare was iroT.)j d/ 1 otini'e addition is sub.iect to Ci tv approval/ site p l -an i denti ry nn := i to stor•a:R�e/ Lnadi na areas/veh.i cle t nares and F--,4r(-.ss etc. (see report) No v i_sual obstructions should or -Cllr. Trash should be in closed containers if outside/ sivnine needs review, etc 18 & 19, Swenson motioned to approve I., Lcht' s recommendation. )� Wa l 1 ace seconded the mot. -ion. AL I- agreed. III. Subdivision - Lot Consolidating Kirmis outlined one parc•.et, Fournier motioned to put all of Riverwoods separate lots into one lot making it sub.iect to the PUD Ordinance and subdivision Ordinance and one legal description and tax number. Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Zoning A. PUD B. Wild and Scenic: There wi l.l. he doable 'Zon.ini2� classification appL i.ed t.o rhe North 1 e-�4 of PUI). Wallace motioned to accept it as Zoning of Wild and Scenic in con.iunction with PUD and it not be less strict then Wild and Scenic Zoning. Some (1.i ccuss i on was had on PUP and how it applies. Swenson seconded the motion. Rask questioned Pecos Rivet, and the Lour activities were not. spelled otrt. Licht said that. the Concept Approval- was 11st-. that , Lt w i 1 L be sped i 1' i ed. A contract wi.l L be drafted. Motion carried unanimously. Lic;hl: said we have a Public Hearina on the Comprehensive PLan scheduLed t'or 8/21/91. We need a Special Planning Commission Meeting 8/14/91 at 8PM to qo over the Comp. Plan. The 9th of September will be Riverwood's Council Hearing. Fournier motioned to adjourn the meeting. Wallace ( seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. an,/�, -,) i J f 771, Elaine Beatty/Recording Secretary eb TO: David Licht FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 7 August 1991 RE: Otsego - Riverwood Conference Center FILE NO: 176.02 - 91.05 At your request, I have contacted Michelle Lavrenz of the Riverwood Conference Center in regard to a number of questions raised concerning their intended plans for the facility. Offices. According to Ms. Lavrenz, four offices exist within the Riverwood Center which have been incidentally converted from guest rooms. No new offices have been proposed as part of Riverwood's proposed expansion. Storage Rooms. Apparently, Riverwood has one storage room which has been converted from a former guest room. No new storage rooms are proposed in Riverwood's expansion plans. Conference Rooms. Ms. Lavrenz indicated that Riverwood currently has five conference rooms (capacity unspecified). As part of the ` facility expansion plan, one additional conference room (in Pavilion) has been proposed. OFFICE/STORAGE/CONFERENCE ROOM SUMMARY Existing Proposed Offices 4 0 Storage Rooms 1 0 Conference Rooms 5 1* * Proposed conference room to be located in Pavilion. Property Residents. Ms. Lavrenz indicated that Riverwood shall not have any full time residents upon the subject site. 1 T®: Otseg _ , tinning Commission - FROM: David Licht/Bob Kirmis i' ®Ai 7 August 1991 RE: Otsego Riverwood Conference Center. C 176.02 -, 91.05 (612) 595-9636 FILE NO.: FAX (612) 595-9837 In an attempt, to provide some further organization to the discussion .on the Riverwood Conference Center request, we offer the following summary outline. I•. Use Issues A. Restaurant - Bar'- Request for Trial' Period B. Pecos River 1. Use Acceptability . Location Conditions/Time Limit Trial Period C. Bluffhouse Expansion/Building Connection 1. Total Rooms 2. Total Offices 3. Storage and Accessory D. Existing House - Use E. Garage F. Homestead. Acreage G. Conference Center - Definition II. Site Plan Issues A. Access Road - Public or.Private B. Parking 1. Total Requirement 2. Deferment C. Loading Space D. Landscaping/Buffers 1. Pecos River Areas 2. Parking/Loading III. Subdivision -Lot Consolidation IV. Zoning A. PUD B. Wild and Scenic 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD SUITE 555 SAINT LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 WHITE - ORIGINAL YELLOW FILE COPY PINK - C FILE - A Northwest Associated Consultant C U R B A N PLANNING • DES I G N • M -A R K E T RE Consultants, Inc. CH5 E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Robert Kirmis/David Licht DATE: 29 July 1991 RE: Otsego - Riverwood Conference Center FILE NO: 176.02 - 91.05 BACKGROUND At the request of the Planning Commission, our office;, has prepared a listing of conditions which relate to the Commission s contingent approval of the Riverwood Center's proposed Pecos River activities. At its 17 July meeting, the Commission gave concept approval to Riverwood to allow Pecos RivOr Learning CRr,(:er activities upon their property, Approval was, however, cor-ringent upon the formulation of a specialized set of conditions aimed at reducing potential negative impacts of tilt: various activities. PECOS RIVER EVENTS According to information received from representatives, four Pecos River outdoor events provided. A verbatim description of these events, as by Riverwood, is presented below. Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Proposed Pecos River Event Areas Riverwood are to be submitted 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 . St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595.9837 1. CLIMBING TOWER Three climbers work together to climb a steep 40 foot wall. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: o A successful climb requires a total, team effort. Participants must crew(:e a strategic plan, remain flexible when that plan meets reality, help each other through the tough sections, and act decisively before they become fatigued. o Participants experience "Playing to Win" as a team. Some Climbers achieve heights they could never reach alone through the support; and encouragement of their team. o Participants who ordinarily abandon their team to push through difficult obstacles experience their team as a resource for pointing out hand and foot holds outside their view. o 'reams experience the bonding and shared accomplishment that accompany a challenging task. O Climbers who do not make it to the top but who clearly Push beyond their comfort zone, experience, through the s1,pport of their team, the PRLC definition of winning as "going as far as I can using all that I've got o Participants experience this event as a total team effort with the team on the ground adding valuable persr)ective and encouragement to those climbing the tower. Pre -Event= o Review staff roles o Checkevent - guys, ropes, knots, pegs, Sticht plat, anchors o Ensure that staff are familiar with Sticht plate use, and that the plates are properly threaded Event Overview: o Overall explanation of what the clients will do 0 Medical briefing Demonstrate safe and effective climbing techniques, avoid pulling on rope, grabbing sides of wall (splinters) and cables at top (pinch fingers) Explain safe lowering ^ hold knot;, sit back in harness, feet apart, walk down in L shape, watch for pegs 2 2, o Establish consistent belay and lock checks o Explain back up belays to clients THE WALL All teams work together to get everyone oven a 13 foot vertical blank wail, Learning Objectives and Outcomes: o The adventure learning day is brought to a dramatic Close as all teams come together to experience the remarkable power and peak performance generated when empowered learning teams join in collaborative effort. o At the base of the wall, teams encounter a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, which metaphorically symbolizes the barriers that organization must face and overcome together. Getting their entire team safely oN•er the wail is a "significant emotional event' which will serve a-; a reminder durilig future challenges of the power of 'laying to Win as team. o All learnings and theines of the day are brought together and utilized, serving to impel participants into making the shift from "Me to Well creaking a new game and new culture based upon taste. Pre -Events o Review staff roles o Know your client's o Check condition padding, ladder 3. THE POLE medical limitations Of Wall - nails, splinters, braces, Participants climb a 25 foot pole, balance on top, and turn to leap for a bell hanging seven feet away. They are then lowered to the ground in their safety system. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: o Participants who ordinarily "play not to Tose" when confronted with difficult challenges find the group support necessary to confront their fears, discover their courage, and "Play to Win", 3 4. F'_las o Participants who do not perform optimally in a traditional, competitive environment, experience the reduction of performance anxiety and the enhanced Performance achieved within a supportive team environment. o "Lone Ranger## participants, not ordinarily pp ortive of their team, experience the exhilaration of watching othersppursue and overcome goals that appear unattainable. o Participants who do not make it to the top of the pole Or comforttzone, experiencebut the who PRLCaderly finiti beyond their as "going as far as z can using all that I'Veogot,,. Participants experience "Stop, Challenge, Choose", as a powerful technique for making conscious choices based upon fact, rather than upon irrational fears or habits. o Encouraged by the dramatic memory of their success on the pole, participants overcome even greater challenges at work and in their daily lives. Pre -Event= o Check event tight, - guys, ropes, gloves, ladders tied, rungs knob, carabineers o Review staff roles o Know client's medical limitations Event Overview: o Give overvi.ow of event - sequence, roles o Medical briefing o Safety briefing - do not lunge for disc,ste disc (put foot on it first), don't graropesporzngbeontnto , safer to fall off than climb down, long hair tucked in ll o Establish appropriate lock and belay checks o Belay briefing - tight going up, ready to pull when standing up, looser standing top of disc, take up slack when climber jumps o Check with participants for desired support ZIPLYNE Each site with a zip has a different set up as well as a different ascent to the zip. The procedures for them will vary, but the principles are all the same. Learn the specific procedures for your site. 4 - . a O Participants cross the Pecos River on a artnerine and ascend the Pecos cliff by trail and ladder. Secureddto Pulley systems that ride on overhead cabl leap from the cliff and es, participants zip down the cables to the field below. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: o Participants experience the exhilaration of confronting a terrifying challenge as they discover the inner strength and team support necessary to break through their fear, let go, and take a leap. o Participants experience "Stop, Challenge, Choose". This powerful technique enables them to ,stop,, automatic responses to stressful situations, ��challenge" their fears and self-imposed boundaries and choose to take a step beyond those boundaries, o Participants experience the PRLC concepts of challenging our "maps" and "comfort zones", letting to of unproductive "endings", and taking a leap through difficult "transitions". o Fear shifts to exhilaration as participants leap from the cliff. The dramatic memory of this positive risk- ing taking experience encourages participants to view future challenges as opportunities and adventures, rather than dangers and threats. Pre -Event: o Review staff roles o Check event - zip cable anchors, other guy lines o Check two person bridge - anchors, trails, rescue system o Check event gear - pulleys, daisychains, rescue rope and equipment, staff harnesses and helmets r . Q 7 PROSPECTIVE CONDITIONS As a means of minimizing potential negative impacts from these cited "events", the following conditions should be considered as contingencies of Pecos River event approval. -1-1• All outdoor events are to occur between the hours of 11:00 AM and 4:00 pM. 2. Weather permitting, a specific day or days of the week shall be designated for various course events and the neighboring Property owners advised of such dates and any changes. 3. No PeCos River event apparatus shall exceed 40 feet in height. �4• No event apparatus shall lie less than / adjacent property lines. feet from �• All event apparatus shall be adequately of neighboring screened from view residences via vegetation and/or fencing or combination thereof. /b• Event apparatus must be disassembled days following use termination. i. Noise generated by the Pecos River events shall not exceed ed levels which constitute a "nuisance" as described Ordinance.by B. All event uses must be accessible to emergency vehicles. 9. All event apparatus are subject to approval by the Building Inspector to ensure their safety. Cf he River aforementioned conditions are intended to event activities. regulate the Pecos It should be as be noted that thestipulations presented are not unchangeable and additional imposed as determined appropriate by the Ciconditions may cc: Elaine Beatty Jerome Perrault William Radzwill Larry Koshak Michelle Lavrenz J ^'• fin FF D 0 r,e7vi s' ,,,,�rM wyl�y N,raM.N -000 OVO Won 10 •.. r. r�•�"••A�i� ^ SC.irr�""t •. Or%��//r!.•K"�R•ii���r'.• J ...+�•� •1rr AMrr fes. "'y I ,• ,: ;.:::;ti ; .r. .. 1• J, i . r.....,ra ! i lop , c' • • 9 • t e J AM•• Nw�.w�rir •1r.►Irwa f IIJ� J •yti10 + i ! N -, ) _ , � r PROPOSED ' 'EVENT AREA DING ; -L" i I HOUSC r�r ,.� J,, f 1 ,r •, of tri { r•` ?, a �li ir err < vcw!kw,Jt.w ITA Petition To: From: _ C Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Riverwood Conference Center Neighbors We are signing this petition in order to register our disagreement with the proposed expansion of Riverwood Conference Center. 1. We are against the restaurant being changed over to serve the public. 2. We are against the addition of more guest rooms, 3. We are against the rezoning of the 11 acre tract of land that is held as a personal asset by Arlene DeCandia, the owner of Riverwood, so as to make it part of the Riverwood Conference Center. 4. We are against addition of the Pecos River Learning Center Ropes Course onto the 1 1 acre tract of land (point 3). 5. We are against the conversion of the garage that is located on the 1 1 acre tract of land (point 3) into a storage area for Riverwood. The building permit clearly states that it is not to be used for Riverwood purposes. Please give careful consideration to all of these points because they concern all of us. Page: 2 Petition To: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission From: Riaerwood Conference Center Neighbors we inagreepey wi h 11 of the paints listed on Rage on o his mwo� !ca Petition To: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission From: RiverYvood Conference Center Neighbors We are inagreement with all of the points listed on page one of this memo. /-1.1� � 4e f 0� G+ AG /9 9/ -T4 da az-an (ua�w� Cmc, w e.�„x K"J-k� ami OALA V PA4 AU��MaM�? a4a &add Q OL � � ��� ����/v'. �/ lN/ � ��� 'r• �/lJr�- �`^'�W` L��1;4�'" k/ V.ro t �-" �'1_?(0 -VV `` ii ava,f_�n 0� , (,(Y -t &v - t - 2 L4- , Q Co PA4�t A42L..- CIM� 0- kWM441- W-a/� rtl� C.� jc� o- Aektc-�-al4vL aff A�a� I* a- MOXe, q aQ�� l CSA X i4L O- L7 �. ,14. 1 �l (J ua.. weQ,Q 0-.4- sem. 6-C(�a� - v ll o-ur etre c� a �� C&44_ �1a, �I A (LI,I.i,�v�1,�.�/�/:-• Q ,Q� ��� (l�� f J Q, Q-a-� �" t- _'a �L (,�(,(�/L C�a7 V Vtd. 3o, 000 1 a ,/k� Mcana aA a f)w" -Uut- JAAA/YV-iX&X 7UL�� aj,� a6o-ta -T wtl4a tk,u 4t, tU AWMJVL M , o,L . I 3 14 Peva- -tlLeci> �' ur-�t�, bid �4Aap� II ACRCS tr> (WOIdG-NC- RluV6,b-PFARKIIV NoU,E W F.RE AwARDE-D rt"o R ►UCP,U00-0 CD f�RME CENT t3Y oftQC- R C' `NE KKA)EP I � CouM DiS ZIc--C CoO T , -(;oL)KT I JuD IClaL D(5,RkCT- , DA -Mo -IWUAQY 191 lq9t , PLEASE SEE ATTq(H ED C ETTER -GROA -tH E CoR CI)RATE 'AT-NRNEYy PAUL K�AVEPKAMP `ca DAY iD NICHT DA -'ED 70PE 28,1 (19 ( FICA-.rio i i UU tea. ( L a, -,IL 4r" C&4 -L &L �4� N J Nor �. �-u,, �,►,��..-�►,.,� M,,� C" iU,O ,t 0ol't hwlctb-�� CVVL,6c &K4K 1 a 'Thi can� ttJA;vt&- hx-,a .,elvl� hat,.e, ��� � �i�v�P-�ve- �1,ce ou -( fte. -tsv have -*tjv� � AWWMA t1 1 - � pV�� tq ryuU,�L—UU S&►at.Q., aid, Ur�rt.(AL A . Z/LL Ila cu-� QaV ow�W 7L 9,ww �� I pn GL4 0. ►Nri�^��tN-�1Z c� OU-4� rY�-tr� G-�Q,t� �q- C%�(�S Il 0-� j' Le�vwvKpzti,o t c.�,( .C,Q cv 1 -fie C -X ! "nzl� AjtU '�t ha uaabRJA� ez alu cv� t alK aad U oftnta � � C.o-Vj (i LV P�AQ,xazl6p, , � cr )W 6 t 4 � ,�,caZ Com (0 � �1i,e. ,�t.w�u 6,4*4�td) Lta 7&- 'q- CaO,4rk Vvuz p.�� QrLpt� wl-k" zwYL 'Lt S40i LQ- �� , CK, Tvi,c. I cvtt �-e�vi� qo�-cC� o� /�ea.G�v�+� cca. c� a� G a� 0 v , -AX -to- AAML AUW4 atr e rta- unu, �n�1 sa h,a a, -eQrn -fw a4 a_ July 31, 1991 Dear Planning Commission, City of Otsego: am writing this letter to you to protest the irreverent treatment I feel I received at the recent public hearings on Riverwood's application for PUD zoning. I am extremely disappointed that Riverwood is apparently not welcome in the community by several of our neighbors and, I regret, some committee members. I am particularly outraged by many of the statements made by members of the public during these public hearings and by the planning commission's tolerance of and acquiescence in those statements. To date, the following accusations have been quoted directly from letters read and comments made at your committee hearing: Attempting to build a "beer hall type" drinking establishment open at all hours. "Promoting drinking and driving". Promoting loud "canoe races, volleyball, softball games, and God knows what" Promoting "medical emergencies, river emergencies, or even the regular clients who need to be taken to the county detox center". Encouraging people into the community who "snatch children". Decreasing property values as "The addition of the public facility will deduct from residential real estate values". And worse, as quoted from a neighbor directly to me... "the reason you are opening the restaurant to the public was so your guests would get drunk and then rent a room for the night for purposes of sex and therefore make more money". I have attempted to answer all questions put to me and to advance our application in an honest, forthright and cooperative manner. I simply cannot believe that the planning commission has permitted our application to be met by such outrageous lies. I cannot believe that the planning commission sat utterly silently and did nothing to curb or even discourage comments such as the claim that our conference goers are a kidnapping threat. I have sat through two such free-for-alls now, and I do hope there will be some effort on the part of the planning commission to introduce some dignity and decorum to the process. I do not intend to endure another night of personal attacks. Mverwood CONFERENCE CENTER 10990 9>th Street Northeast • .11ontieello, Minnesota )) 362 612-441-6833 Metro • 612-441-31S6 FAX I, along with my outraged employees and their families, cannot believe how little their opinions mattered relative to their submitted petition. Forty-eight signatures were discounted. Many live in this community. Beside lies there was a blatant attempt to create confusion in the minds of the committee by saying that: Stewart and I are still married and therefore action should be delayed. Point in fact - we have been divorced since March 17, 1989. That ownership of Riverwood and the 11 acres is unclear. Volumes of documentation exist that I am sole owner. That the 11 acres is not part of Riverwood. This is utterly absurd. Twelve years ago we were granted permission to create Riverwood and it seems some of you have resented our existence ever since. We feel that roadblocks are constantly thrown before us, that our requests are shunned as if we are a blight upon this community, that we have to be tolerated, but certainly not supported. The idea that we shouldn't be part of this "residential community" is thrown up in my face every time I come before this committee. We are made to feel like outsiders even though I have lived and worked here for twenty-one years. My personal response to this rejection was to try to build your confidence by demonstrating our ability and dedication to being a contributing member of this community. We wanted acceptance and understanding. I vowed to provide quality employment to youngsters experiencing their first jobs or putting themselves through college, to mothers who needed flexible hours and to be near their children, to retired folks who wanted to remain active, and to any member of this community who wanted a chance regardless of their experience, education, or credentials. further determined to create a beautiful environment for which employees, guests, and the community could be proud. Wetlands, woodlands, and the scenic river area are maintained with care. We endeavored to run this business with respect and affection for this community, but it has become sadly clear that no matter how hard we try and how unblemished our reputation, there continues to be members of this committee and of this community who regret our ever being here and who want us gone. It is frightening and appalling that these public proceedings have become little more than a witch hunt. Personal issues should not be open for public discussion. 2 Hundreds of people trust and support our efforts in this community, however, it is always a small, very focal group that dominates and who create confusion. They have absolutely nothing more to offer in the way of fact except that occasionally they can hear or see our guests! Furthermore, why was discussion allowed about a liquor license when we have not even made application to do so? Why was there an attempt for a "public vote" by a committee member to regulate the Pecos River ropes course on a trail basis? This was not a decision that should have been allowed by people clearly in opposition to us. This was obvious pandering to the crowd. This I believe to be illegal. Those who were the most vehement in their opposition to Riverwood were also those who knew the least about our plans because they rejected our every effort to receive a first-hand account directly from Tom Welch of Riverwood. We were sensitive to the need to clearly present our plans to these same individuals. We hoped that they would be willing to experience the type of restaurant we envisioned, that they could see the small lounge area for guests waiting for dinner, see the decor so they would know the types of clients we wanted to attract, experience our beautiful surroundings so that they would realize how much we had to gain by protecting the beauty and serenity of Riverwood from loud or unruly groups. Discuss our hours of operation, traffic control plans, numbers of guest anticipated, and any other issue relative to the matter. But every one of them, with the exception of Joyce Dewey, choose to believe pre -conceived notions without the benefit of reality. Instead, they come to the hearings as "experts" about our intentions, accuse us of unbelievable smut, make fun of our efforts, and snicker when we present our case. We are adamant that we are not asking for anything more than what other conference centers need to exist --- a restaurant open to the public to create steady employment, outdoor experience courses, guestrooms and meeting rooms, and a "draw" which for us is the river. We deserve and need a fighting chance against our competitive giants. Without the survival of Riverwood the city stands to lose between $40,000 and $50,000 in taxes. To suggest that the limited use of our restaurant by the public will significantly change the nature of our business and not be harmonious with this area is simply not so. Let's test the theory however, allowing us to open on a controlled basis under a PUD. K3 In spite of the harsh and harmful words I do not feel that I need to apologize for creating a business which has benefitted my family and the surrounding community and their families, for creating jobs, and for managing an outstanding Minnesota company. Their efforts will certainly not deter my personal goal of continuing to realize my definition of success, which is to influence this world in a positive way, in an ever -widening circle of family, employees, and community. It is time to see the merits of having a committed business in this community and to protect our rights as citizens to exist and prosper. This city may have some problems but Riverwood is not one of them! Sincerely, Arlene M. De Candia President cc: Otsego City Council Members Elaine Beatty David Licht 0 C c O b C+ I;, — Q•°po � o �• G y � � (o (D x 7, fA Oq � C3 p �.f< 0.~1rA 7r c7 (v �� 77'epr+•�� 7' �+• r.'v o 0 cn R1 m �'• N L`.. m O fD 1 T." lD fD c- t< � N o ?. to It ma tn N CD .7 C. 0 7 GA'Q o rr G ; - (D dp -3 z_ cD 't C• a G O (D r •� p•< C r" p N ��"�n•o a'b O 00 CD 7 (D• f„y A 0 ."r Ei. f1 o .. � (D O �• � CD r ..^'...• co 3 7n N K p G CD G _ b Cn p n O te-" r • (D A ��+ • -1 En N L .. y. CD�� Com• A• c'^ R+ (D d O cpr .<.. pp p z p= `1 O0 O on a, ot" .. �' Oo L: p• QQ-q ^ .-may (D ((DD (D �+ y o CD cr i.^ Qq ,t 10 b 'O o o o �.... coC "! p. .-. p p CND co p 'Cy CCD p Cd p m ►frn p cr CL 0 o r+ �C oa p w O CD c c �� N•y N p aq rn 'moi a' r1. amu. C 00 C ~ WC CD CD C Cl cr CD .� R+ b NCD CD �• �. CD O1 CD CD CD Cn V� CD o O 0--,o 4 ( (D C m o 3 COD CD �•.rn p �o n� Al CD 0 W(D y N. cop bdCDCD �,�91- r(D � �'o, ''d �,' n t-' C] COD ►s b (D m 77 -Z� O =ciA C1 c -C m An -NL, H. CaR1.So` (i/)YL'n_\On June 28, 1991 , T_1'1' 1: U 1. N 1 L N N] SOT A 01'1°1('1: OF TI H. (%(WERNOR 01_ - 111)() -:1:3Qt Ms. Arlene M. DeCandia President Riverwood Conference Center 10990 - 95th Street NE Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Arlene: Congratulations to you on being chosen as a finalist for the 1991 Entrepreneur of the Year Award for a "Woman's" business. You can be proud of your accomplishments. It is people like you who make Minnesota a winner. You represent the very best ideals in our society. Your life has been a focus on taking risk, creating success, and ultimately establishing quality employment opportunities. As Governor, I will do everything I can to make certain that we keep the entrepreneur spirit. Congratulations on your well-deserved recognition. armest personal regards, ARNE H. CARLSON Governor An Equal Opportunity Employer r• - •n n V! s C CD C cr O O `E V CD R �; t.y p ow �C d P n CD CO ¢7 '01 0 CD j co P 7 A N <th ✓ O N N N p O O w �CD Oai op ow8-0, P:R,0z =fit �. Z CD j CD (D r. -,. tn �, c°�r oo N cN* CD fD W 'CO n � CD cr y dC� rp, a't7 C— < cDO F G n .•• to CD o ... Nw ' r. W .7 mow-• O ✓"Ci N e -r CDCD (D N rb f0 P+ M ID 10 5 N�•� aq nvwi CDne Ncco O*y CD CD w y CQ.f9 A O pfD (D A .�•� p� N G OR n O p N fD N >4� �. m �N.A G C �,C C n p •r fD~r i N w O01 n ��, R OO O ..t r; 7C 7C' fR9 �Oi p < rr C1 r' y O fD �OA -t y • ' N fD -yy Q7 c► _• <D77 ^I fD°�• f9 "1 Q'Q �' n •� A fD y mID A�"� A fA !�/� •� O `.�. A fD ,n.. N C' n ems-- R. e••• G y n A O CD Q A �• N R -y �• .�^..pN� r. O .y A e� N 'C O N to N P (n c r: O CD O ..t C lm C •'� �•0'•i cfoy r A �' � � .O-. to 'r: A � �' "°y ��•' r• - •n n V! s C CD C cr O O `E V CD R �; t.y p ow �C d P n CD CO ¢7 '01 0 CD j co P 7 A N <th ✓ O N N N p O O w �CD Oai op ow8-0, P:R,0z =fit �. Z CD j CD (D r. -,. tn �, c°�r oo N cN* CD fD W 'CO n � CD cr y dC� rp, a't7 C— < cDO F G n .•• to CD o ... Nw ' r. W .7 mow-• O ✓"Ci N e -r CDCD (D N rb f0 P+ CD CD N� 0 �a A >'noCD CD ►t :.. nvwi CDne Ncco O*y CD CD w e" H WCD A O (D w w 0'q A N <wt7�'.14 °4�2 " ¢ w CD Www (2" gay' cDA.cD�''Z'A''',o<• w —M CD r r• o c+ 0 0 p. w n CD CD cul) • �• !-t7q N• N co CD CD N� 0 �a A trINEDEPARTMENT nn22STATE OF OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATERS, P.O. BOX 370, ST. CLOUD, MN 56302 PHONE NO. (612) 255-4278 July 30, 1991 City of Otsego Elaine Beatty, Zoning 13474 NE 95th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Elaine; Administrator 1990 ��viINNESOTA, ; FILE NO. PUD ORDINANCE AND RIVERWOOD. CONFERENCE CENTER; MISSISSIPPI RIVER Thank you for sending me a copy of your newly adopted PUD Ordinance and the minutes relating to the Riverwood Conference Center proposal. I have also received a letter from Robert Mrmis, your consulting planner, in response to my July 9, 1991 letter on this subject. Mr. Kirmis now proposes to apply both the new PUD District and the Wild & Scenic River District jointly to the portion of the Riverwood Conference Center located in the Wild & Scenic District. Such a proposal would satisfy my concerns. Also, approval of DNR would not be required, since none of the minimum standards applying to this property would be amended. I understand that a proposed use of the portion of the Riverwood Conference Center property located in the Wild & Scenic River District will be as a 'Pecos River" Course, which is essentially an obstacle Cr• rse. Such a course involves the installation of various ropes and poles. Under the Wild & Scenic 1; 'r Rules such a use is allowed as a Conditional Use (Open Space Recreational Use). I am concerned about the visibility of such a course from the river and from neighboring properties. I suggest that any approval be conditioned upon measures to reduce the visibility of the course, such as the use of natural screening. Also, I would recommend that conditions be placed restricting the cutting or removal of natural vegetation from this area. No removal of trees located within 100 feet of the river should be allowed. All structures, poles and ropes should be of earth -tone coloration. The City might consider placing restrictions on the hours the course is used, if noise is a concern of neighbors. Mr. Kirmis noted that the City is planning to redraft it's Zoning Ordinance this fall. Please submit any draft copies of such an Ordinance to my office for review for consistency with State Shoreland, Flood Plain and Wild & Scenic River Standards. Thank you for your consideration of my comments. Please keep me appraised of what action the City takes on this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely; E)z5;z- e�1,�� Dale E. Homuth Area Hydrologist DEH ce- Robert Kirmis,' Northwest Assoc. Consult., 4601 Excelsior Blvd, St. 410, Mpls, 55416 Dave Hills, Regional Hydrologist St. Paul, Division of Waters, Land Use Section AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .11 7NA Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C U R B A N P L A N NI NG • DESIGN , MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Robert Kirmis DATE: 31 July 1991 RE: Otsego - Riverwood Conference Center FILE NO: 176.02 - 91.05 As was indicated at the 17 July meeting of the Otsego Planning Commission, our office has attempted to clarify the issue of existing and proposed guest rooms within the Riverwood Conference Center. The following is a listing of existing and proposed guest rooms within the facility. Approved Existing Guest Rooms Constructed by County Original CUP (approved prior to 1986) Previous Bluffhouse expansion (approved April of 1986) TOTAL 32 * 32 (27 utilized) 34 ** 28 (32 utilized) 66 60 (59 utilized) * Five rooms converted to office and storage space. ** Four rooms are unbuilt, while two rooms have been added to Bluffhouse's lower level. Proposed Guest Rooms (Current Bluffhouse Expansion Proposal) Upper Level Pavilion 9 Handicap Ramp Conversion 6 Meeting Room Renovation 3 TOTAL 18 Total Number of Guest Rooms Existing Rooms (utilized) 59 Proposed Rooms 18 TOTAL 77 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 As shown above, the previous Bluffhouse expansion plan, as approved by Wright County in April of 1986, included 2.8 guest rooms. This figure lies in conflict with the 32 rooms which currently exist within the facility. Due to the conversion of several guest rooms to office and/or storage, however, the Riverwood Center's total 59 "utilized" guest rooms is in line within the.total of 60 approved by the County. The current Bluffhouse expansion proposal, as referenced above, would essentially add 17 guest rooms to the total of 60 previously approved by the County. In total then, 77 guest rooms would exist within the Riverwood Center, pending City approval. cc: Elaine Beatty William Radzwill Jerome Perrault Larry Koshak Michelle Lavrenz Augw,41 3, /,?9-/ To; Owego /)6yoa and CLiq Council Owego %.CannLrzq Commi-di.on Lveivwod ha j pew po jed had ;thecq w.i-V gene oun4 9-Lve ;69 the tidy of Owego, the ptiva;te ,Cane ;to Ith.e aedi_dence4. We've been Ainhi-. a6out AIA a .Lort. Who twuld AL4 6enef" Who might AiA hw t. Th.e .Lane 14 acce4.4 f oa. S;tetva4,i Tuw&uiA;t io h.iA home. Ti c 4 acce4.d ;to Tom and AUAej home. Turin Li into a 60 food acce4,d w.iA cud de qac? Who would 6ene f t? Noi Tom , nod �VAe, nod Sztewaa,4 nod 6 el Yohwon, no; 1606 oz Mae Speacea, Noz wvne on Sieve Spencea. That ,Ceavej ord y iveawood. Whal- have Aey 4o ga.L n,7 A .doh. At who.4e experwe we wvndea? AU of ouww L4 out gue4,j. Soon Aeg would 6e tmiriq khat acce j a4 much aj the oAea. 6ven.iva,4q, the accedj would 6e 60 feed. Thies would tequiAe -ia4r. q down hundaec�j of iAeej That now c1teate a vLAual and audt6,Le 6wmu ea Bion the ac;Lvb4-Le j of RLvelavood. Z;t wouV al do have a ma joa. .i- p ct on oua envuzvnment, .i..ncZtdirzq ithe wi_.lc Afe. We use carte tl corw i_de zat on on ,th iA nri;Uea.