08-21-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/21/91 AT 7:30PM AT THE ELK RIVER SR HIGH SCHOOL, COMP PLAN HEARING Chairman Ing Roskaft called the meeting to order at 7:3OPM. The following Planning Commission Members were present: KATHY LEWIS LARRY FOURNIER CARL SWENSON MARK WALLACE JIM KOLLES (LATE) ING ROSKAFT The following Council Members were present: NORMAN F FRESKE DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER FLOYD RODEN RON BLACK LARRY FOURNIER The following staff was present: DAVE LICHT BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY JUDY HUDSON Meeting was then turned over to David Licht, Planner. Mr Licht gave a brief overview of the Comp Plan. WHY A COMP PLAN? It is mandated by the State of Minnesota thru a directive of the Municipal Board. State Statutes require a Comp Plan be prepared, but other logical reasons are growth management (harmonious fashion), and it serves as a basis for financial planning. If development of one type or another dominates, the tax base goes down. Industrial and Commercial is needed to broaden the service base. There are three players that contribute to the plan; 1) Planner/Attorney/Engineer 2) City Council/Planning Commission 3) The general citizenry of the City The major input was at a Public Informational Meeting where seven major items of changes were highlighted, which has resulted in 22 pages of document highlighted revisions. There has been substantial change since inception of the document. Licht stated that this is a brief background, but no substitute for reading the material and it is only the highlights. The City is a product of Incorporation of 15, November, 1990 Municipal Board said Wright County Plan and Ordinances would be in effect until Otsego developed there own. Wright County Plan is one of more reaction than Planning. After efforts have been directed as to what the City of Otsego wants and needs as time goes on, we have been going thru fairly major as well as time consuming process to complete the Comp Plan. What you have in front of you is the process that followed. PLANNING TACTICS REPORT: (first step) Problems and what needs to be accomplished. Incorporation was indicated to be advised as a result of this. That was the first part of the public official part of thD process. PLAN INVENTORY: Growth, land absorption, factual statement of the Community. These were blended together with public official input to make the Comp Plan. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/21/91 AT 7:30PM AT ELK RIVER SR HIGH SCHOOL, COMP PLAN HEARING - PAGE 2 - BASIC ELEMENT OF A PLAN= Land Use was assembled and identified. Development and property rights basic thrust is to accommodate development and improve development. Licht showed a detailed map as to what inventory produced. Urban development concentration in NE corner of Otsego. This location is the least capable of supporting Development without ground water polution. A number of very critical elements surfaced because of this d in plan. Flooding/tobasicpsteconcernanrosion thereearestwoa distinct this area. First areas, one rural with extremely low density development (1 unit for 40 acres). The shading on the map is Urban Service District an area where development can occur. two categories, 1)immediate service area 2)long range service area. #1 Any type of hi -density use is to occur in this area, storm water drainage, parks and other services that the City may supply. If services are concentrated, it is much more efficient. Water pollution is a major concern in this area and a clear public comment was that premature sewer is not wanted. The objective of the plan is to prevent public sewer from occurring as long as possible. Also to prepare so if contamination of wells and groundwater pollution occur we are ready. Plan is not to promote or install public sewer. In the long Term Urban Growth area, after the Immediate Service Area fills in, it will spread to this area. It is 4 per 40 density. Along2the rivacres er 2-1/2 acres soper unit will be allowed. (DNR a11a recommendation is slightly above DNR"s amount. Additional Industrial Areas were called for by the public. SW area by Albertville it has rail going throughout,it is designated as Industrial. Other changes is that Co Rd #42 and #101 area is in the Immediate Urban Service Area. It has a Urban style treatment plant. There has not been sufficient time to determine capacity. This will be defined with further study. The Treatment Plant was developed by a private part, but City of Otsego holds ultimate responsibility for it. Licht showed the Land Use Plan. The Ag Land is dominate. Low density is the river frontage area. The Immediate Service Area is cited for high-density development. 4 per 40 density in the surrounding Long Range Development area, with higher density allowed when the Immediate Service Area is filled. The #101 corridor is the prime Industrial/Commercial area use. #101 and #39 is the primary commercial area and the hub of the City. You have to compete with surrounding areas for Commercial Development Licht stated. The projection for over -- - the next 10 to 15 years is probably no more than SO acres of land will be usedfor Commercial. rial Development isoacveryate hardetypepofnt in � p one area. Indust CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/29/91 AT 7:3OPM AT ELK RIVER SR HIGH SCHOOL COMP PLAN HEARING - PAGE 3 - development to project. You have lots of competition. You should provide Industrial/Commercial opportunity, but dant expect too much highway development. You are competing with your neighbors. #39 is the prime focus. #42 and #101 secondary focus. Industrial use is a major concern, as we have no Industrial development now, but lots of businesses in the residential areas. (Some cases no impact on residential, but in other cases there is substantial impact). You have to provide some alternative for individuals tohaveia spnee. tAs a consequence, besides the #101 corridor, create other areas for Industrial. SW corner of the City W/access to Interstate and rail. The Comp Plan calls for a third area also which hasn't been precisely definied, but will be somewhere in the central part of the community. Stay tuned for additional elements as time goes on. one change on this map on #101 and East side of #101 is that it has become clear that DNR is not agreeable to having anything but low intensity activities to the East of #101. We are trying to change some of the boundaries, but aren't having much success. The area on the W side of #101 the DNR still insists it remain a protected area. The Council and Planning Commission are committed to pursuing that. This area is the prime tax generating area we can pursue. Compounding the entire discussion with the DNR is the fact that #101 is to be four lane instead of two lane. On the W side of #101 land becomes further divided. The Transportation Plan is one document upgrading of roads to higher capacity and #101 is sited for four lane divided in 1994 and MN/DOT project suggests that in twenty years 101 will achieve freeway status. If that occurs, two interchanges will be allowed on #101. (39 & 37) 42 and #101, direct access to 101 would be closed. Because of the present plan suggesting some closing, frontage roads are being planned for and will be put in as demands are made. Community Facilities, & Parks and Trails are located in the Immediate Urban Service Area. The plan does not spend major effort on this as the City has created a Parks and Recs Committee. They are addressing same, and pursing grant funds. The four different things the plan addresses are 1. Environmental 2. Land Use 3. Transportation 4. Community Facilities and Services Each area will be addressed. There are nine areas densityhat City has divided into. One of the changes is, low} North of Albertville if and when development progresses Northward in logical progression, the City should consider low density development in this area. Also in this area,. there is a marginal Ag land that we have designated potential CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/21/91 AT 7:30PM AT ELK RIVER SR HIGH SCHOOL, HEARING ON COMP PLAN - PAGE 4 - low density. If development takes place, then change it, but only then. There is a concentrated effort to address these items. The material in pink copy is the changes made in the plan. Twenty two pages in all. It is available at the City - Hall. Licht went over the changes (see attached sheet of Otsego,MN Comp Plan Draft Tex Revisions 21, Aug, 1991. Licht talked about the use of immediate in wording. He stated the City has made an effort to hear what the citizens have to say. He then turned it back to Roskaft. Roskaft introduce Jim Kolles, Planning Commission Member. if you wish to speak, fill out a card and come down to speak Roskaft stated. NEIL GOARDER - Said it seems we have a move underway to remove land from the Wild and Scenic River. Keep it Wild and Scenic he said. It doesn't just include Otsego. Consult people that live along there. Somebody has been working behind the scenes. ARNEL BECKMAN - Apologized to the City Planner for having words with him about the definition of immediate. Wanted to establish a City Market. For the Planning Commission, he wanted to know how they go about selecting a Planning Commission and a Park and Recs. Board. Beckman stated that he had told them he would love to serve on the board. He said he lived in Coon Rapids and he had asked to establish a Garden Club. I asked if I could put an article in the Newsletter and I was told no and I was very upset about that. I am a Master Gardener he stated and how do people know about you? There are too many people selected by our Mayor that are "yes men" to them he stated. The river should be preserved. They won't let us come before the Council to talk he said. NANCY BRUNELL - Asked if we are requiring More than one acre for development of homes? Licht answered the plan calls for pumping septics, a decision had to be made. One acre density if maintained with septics poses no more threat than more then one acre and not addressing septic systems. Very specifically no public sewer and preservation of the Wild and Scenic River are the goals. In the Immediate Service Area it calls for 1-2-1/2 units per acre. When development comes along, testing of soils and we haven't changed one acre, but it is not explicit one acre. Brunell asked about less homes per acre and Sherburne County putting a moratorium on building. In consultation we have done with engineers, they feel comfortable if there is maintenance on the septic systems Licht said and PCA is starting to look at systems and community drainfields, etc. We will try to maintain 1 to 2- 1/2 acre lifestyle and not provide public sewer. As part of the Subdivision Ordinance in the County Regulations a requirement for having a re -subdivision plan and they do identify where the house is to go and how it can be subdivided further. Brunell stated that they are trying to form the Homeowners Association and she didn't understand why she was not allowed CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/21/91 AT 7:30PM - AT ELK RIVER SR HIGH SCHOOL, HEARING ON COMP PLAN - PAGE 5 - to have that information in the Otsego View. Rrunell stated that she also did not understand the Wild and Scenic area and asked how far back it comes? Licht showed a Wild and Scenic map and how it lays on the land. We have State of Minnesota Regulations on the Shorelands and Floodplains and Wild and Scenic. Licht talked about the regulations and how they work and that Cities report to the DNR. MORRIE HARPSTER - Upgrading of 101 roads - How will it be paid for and the Park and Trails? Licht answered that the 101 the State pays for the State portion and the County pays for the County portion. Local roads paid for by the general fund and MSA and development that occurs is paid for by the developer. On an annual basis the capital improvement program -- volume/function/improvement/need is figured. Licht said there would be no massive jumps in property taxes and that change in taxes mean change in services. GEORGE SEABECK -- Had questions about how you determine about pumping sludge out of septic systems and how do you know that you are not pumping contaminates? How do you know contaminates are not going into the drainfield? How do you know the well is not contaminated? Is the State Department testing the problem? How do you adjust cost if we have to go with sewer and water? Licht stated that Seabeck is getting way beyond - There are several ways to absorb cost. Front footage is one way -- Unit basis is another way. It is all part of a program the plan suggests the City needs to pursue. FLOODPLAIN - If you have it now, can it be upgraded so it isn't one? Seabeck asked. Licht answered that the Federal Agency is now upgrading floodplain regulations. Otsego will have to implement their own Floodplain Ordinance. You can give and take land. It will be addressed and the Feds will sponsor the hearing. You can develop in a floodplain. There are two areas; 1) Floodway (flow of floodwater) and 2) Floodfringe (flood storage area). Licht then explained the residential, industrial and commercial and feasible alternatives. ARNEL BECKMAN - Asked what steps are being taken to divide into wards? Licht said it is not a Planning Commission matter and and he should address the City Council. Roskaft commented on the Wild and Scenic and that he was at the Legislature when the Wild and Scenic River District was established and how it was done. There was not enough money } for surveying so they just randomly picked areas to make up an acreage. At this point Roskaft closed the Hearing. Licht pointed out that we had received information from Edward Bach, Jr, Attorney for Darkenwald's and it will be included in the minutes. Larry Fournier motioned for the Planning Commission to adopt the Comp Plan in it's amend form. Carl CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/21/91 AT 7:30PM - AT ELK RIVER SR HIGH SCHOOL, HEARING ON COMP PLAN - PAGE 6 - Carl Swenson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9PM. 1 0 " .x"J& _-._. JAM Tj R. KOLLES, SECRETA Y BY: ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY EB JENSEN, HICKEN, GEDDE 8 SCOTT, P. A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW BOCK, EDWARD A., JR.t GEDDE, THOMAS A. HICKEN, JEFFREY P.tt HOWARD, ROBERT A. JENSEN, DAVID L. MATTKE, PAUL E. SCOTT, MICHAEL J. Otsego City Council Otsego, 55330 300 ANOKA OFFICE CENTER 2150 THIRD AVENUE ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303-2296 TELEPHONE (612) 421-4110 TELECOPIER (612) 421-1040 August 21, 1991 OF COUNSEL HOWSE, G. CRAIG t REAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST CERTIFIED BY MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION tt FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MATRIMONIAL LAWYERS RE: City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan, dated June, 1991, Prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. with transmittal letter dated June 13, 1991 (Preliminary copy) This letter is written on behalf of Gil Darkenwald who owns land in the City of Otsego located at the intersection of Highway 101 and County Road 42. The preparation of a Comprehensive Plan is a substantial and important undertaking. The City of Otsego has hired a recognized expert consulting firm to assist it in developing the Comprehensive Plan. The consultant can help the City assemble data and ideas in an organized, readable form. Of course, the City Planning Commission and the City Council are responsible for making sure the plan is realistic and actually meets the needs of the community and its citizens. The above -referenced plan document which I have reviewed was extremely well prepared and should provide a very valuable tool for the City of Otsego. However, the document contains incorrect statements regarding the actual situation existing at the intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 101. Those statements must be changed in the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan, both for the benefit of the City and to protect the interests of Mr. Darkenwald. The incorrect statements concern the intentions of MnDOT. Those intentions do not include plans for a "grade separation" at the intersection. The intersection improvement has, in fact, been completed with signal lights and four -lane roadway in all directions having been installed. It is not the plan of MnDOT Otsego City Council August 21, 1991 Page 2 to restrict direct access from County Road 42 onto Highway 101. Therefore, the following changes must be made in the Comprehensive Plan: 1. The last two sentences in the first paragraph on page 97 should be deleted. 2. The first paragraph at the top of page 144 should be deleted. 3. Paragraph number six of the Summary of District 4 recommendations on page 144 should be deleted. The Comprehensive Plan document correctly notes that Highway 101 is and will remain the "lifeline" of the City, that the focus of development should be along Highway 101 between County Road 42 and the river, and that development of commercial services along Highway 101 will allow the City to broaden its tax base. Given those facts, it would be economically unsound to assign a second class status to development at the Highway 101 and County Road 42 intersection. However, the plan in some places seems to do exactly that. Perhaps the classification had something to do with the previous uncertainty as to MnDOT's intentions regarding the intersection. That uncertainty, as noted above, has been eliminated. The following changes in the Comprehensive Plan are recommended and requested and fit well with the issues and policies set out elsewhere in the plan: A. The maps on pages 67 and 145 should be changed to set out the intersection of Highway 101 and County Road 42 as a "primary retail center" rather than a "secondary retail center". B. The maps on pages 68 and 87 should be changed to include the Highway 101 and County Road 42 intersection in the "immediate urban service area". C. The map on page 109 should be changed to show the intersection of Highway 101 and County Road 42 as either a "potential interchange" or, perhaps more accurately, as a "completed interchange". Copies of the pages mentioned above and a copy of a letter from MnDOT dated June 24, 1991, are enclosed with this letter and highlighted. Otsego City Council August 21, 1991 Page 3 It is very important to the City of Otsego and to the owners of developable land within the City that the Comprehensive Plan which is adopted should be as accurate as possible in its statements of fact. The requests set out in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, deal with issues of facts. It is also important that the Comprehensive Plan should not limit or handcuff the City in assisting development along the Highway 101 corridor. The requests set out in paragraphs A, B, and C above, deal with such development issues. Thank you for your attention to the matter set out in this letter. Best wishes to the new City of Otsego in all its planning and development endeavors. Very truly yours, JENSEN,HICKEN, GEDDE & SCOTT, P.A. Edward A. Boc , Jr. EAB/mp o County Road 42/Highway 101. This area also holds some existing commercial development. Due to its high visibility, commercial development is expected to continue developing establishing the area\ as a secondary commercial center. One point of concern involving the intersection is a MnDOT proposal to, in the long term, provide a grade separation at the intersection and remove direct access between County Road 42 and Highway 101. Again, the City may wish to employ either an interim use concept or promote development which does not necessarily require direct access from Highway 101. o County Road 37/Highway 101. As mentioned previously, this intersection has been identified to hold a future interchange. Due to such issues as existing area housing, topography and commercial land demand, commercial development in this area should be limited to that which would serve adjacent residential neighborhoods. Like the County Road 39/Highway 101 intersection, the City should encourage only interim uses within the potential interchange "footprint". Industrial Uses As mentioned within the Inventory section of this report, Otsego is a bedroom community with no existing industrial development or industrially zoned property. This fact translates back to the community's lack of public sewer and water which continue to limit development potential. Other contributing factors to this lack of industrial development are the proximity of the active development centers of Elk River, Rogers, Albertville, St. Michael and Monticello. To be recognized, however, is that there is a relatively substantial number of "home extended" businesses which would likely qualify as industrial uses. Unfortunately at this time, the number of these uses, their location and the City's policy.on their continuation is unknown. Given all these considerations, projecting future land allocations is extremely difficult. Based on the physical and economic constraints, industrial growth in Otsego will most likely be characterized by smaller dry industries with a small number of employees that are developed or initiated by a developer or resident having a local interest in Otsego. Development of this type is typically sporadic and spontaneous. In planning to address future industrial development need, the City may choose to identify future development locations that may serve this purpose. In appreciation of varied types and intensities of industrial uses multiple locations should be considered. 97 As part of the long range Transportation Plan, MnDOT has also expressed the desire to providea grade separation at the County Road 42/Highway 101 intersection and ultimately eliminate vehicular access. In response to the plan, the City should encourage future proximate uses to be either of an interim nature or of a sort which is not totally dependent upon the said access capabilities. F Also included' in the development of the Highway 101 corridor should be the development of the frontage road plan. The plan should be coordinated with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and employ a detached system which would minimize assessment costs and allow a "double -loading" of the roadway. SUMMARY OF DISTRICT 4 RECOMMENDATIONS f 1. Mayor commercial expansion and the provision of medium/high ` density residential should be reserved, but development is not recommended until future public sewer and water service is made available. 2.. All proposed development shall be subject to conformance with applicable floodplain and wild and Scenic River District regulations. 3. The medium and high density residential land uses proposed in this district should be viewed as transitional in nature between commercial and single family residential land uses. These also provide a means for a varied housing market within Otsego. 4. The City encourage the development of a Highway 101 frontage road plan. 5. Proximate to the County Road 39 and 37 intersections of v Highway 101, the City encourage interim uses to respond to future plans to construct interchanges at the said crossing. 6. At the County Road 42/Highway 101 intersection, the City encourage uses which are not totally dependent upon the crossing's existing access capabilities. 7. The City adopt performance standards relative to commercial and industrial development to ensure that future projects are built and maintained to the highest possible standards. 8. The City establish suitable sites for commercial and industrial development to enhance Otsego's ability to promote economic development. 144 � IL I I WOO o �a in a w Oc w cc n co 0 O1 cu a. < 0 C) LL ui Nj m 0 LLI 3 E MNI- 4-0 E 4. LO G)k Y. .......... ... .......... ..... .. ......... . .....•............ .. d) (C � IL I I WOO o �a in a w Oc w cc n co W cu a. < 0 C) LL N (D 0 Otsego, Minnesota 1000' 0 1500' 2500' MAP DATE! SEPTEMBER 1989 NOTE- TMS MAP q FOR ►LANN10 ""05fS OIET AND SHOULD MOT N WD WHEN IREO6f ME ASLMMER73 ARE REGCWXD. Primary Retail Center ASSN` Secondary Retail Center /HC 145 Planning District 4 PROPOSED LAND USE A . s Agricultural LD. Low Density Residential MD - Medium Density Residential. HD - High Density Residential NC Neighborhood Commercial FIC Highway Commercial I Industrial P Park/Public Facility NATURAL FEATURES 0 - Floodplain/Wetlands ®- Steep Slopes. - Tree Massing Map Illustrates approximate locations -subject to detailed review at time of proposed development PREPARED BY: northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. IN O M Oma O) o CD Cl) Cl) cl) 400 r 0 n 0) 00 0 -] I ir .I%V "j"r moulml I 81 Mu (1) 4 Y lI soul m mom ro MID .......... '3AV NO SUVd I 81 g LLI am O = iw U, n J w U N N N 109 p mm a� a� cn a � p r •U `p N N CL U J ■ p mm Q OF TP Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan District Transportation Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Oakdale Office, 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 Golden Valley Office, 2055 North Lilac Drive, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 Golden Valley Office June 24, 1991 Mr. Gil Darkenwald 7535 N.E. River Road Elk River MN 55330 S.P. 2738 - 08 T.H. 101 CSAH 42 Intersection Dear Mr. Darkenwald: Reply to 593- 8405 Telephone No. Earlier today we met to discuss the Minnesota Department of Transportation's (Mn/DOT) long range plans for Trunk Highway (T.H.) 101 in the vicinity of the CSAH 42 interse(ttion in the City of Otsego. You inquired into any plans Mn/DOT has to grade separate the CSAH 42 intersection with T.H. 101. Mn/DOT has plans to reconstruct T.H. 101 between Rogers and Elk River in 1994. The programmed project will involve adding two additional lanes and limiting access to the major county road crossings on T.H. 101. CSAH 42 in the City of Otsego is one of the access locations. Last year Wright County "let" a project to signalize and reconstruct the CSAH 42 intersection. In conjunction with that project they reconstructed a portion of T.H. 101 to 4 -lanes on either side of the intersection. This widening improved the capacity of the intersection and was consistent with Mn/DOT's plans to upgrade T.H. 101 to 4 -lanes (see enclosed layout). Therefore, in 1994 Mn/DOT's T.H. 101 project will match on either side of the County's project for CSAH 42. When Mn/DOT constructs a major project such as we have programmed on T.H. 101, we design it with the idea that we will not be programming another major project for at least 20 years. Therefore, Mn/DOT does not have any 20 Year Plan to upgrade T.H. 101 to a freeway - which would involve constructing grade separations and interchanges. I hope this letter clarifies Mn/DOT's plans for T.H. 101. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, ,n 1l o,�,l im Povich Assistant District Engineer Planning & Programs JUN 2 7 1551 MINNESOTA 1990 CC: R.Elasky M.Benson Central Files PROPOSED ROADWAY SECTION S.B. T.H 101 My NB. T.K 101 Illy1 Ifff A& TMMI LANE fMIDR Nb IDR TH1U UNE ROUTANO SHLOR TMU LAME TMST LAZE IMDfi "m PRC GRADE S 0 8•i 4� CONSTRUCT NEW MILL AND OVERLAY SOUTHBOUND ROADWAY,,i EXISTING NORTHBOUND ROADWAY no POP. fm .•{►.,..vim. -twK* R '' r • r k i` Y +` C.R. 9 3cc i iE t� •i i I ' 1i i i r M • Y •� ,f2■1 � � O M+ yir~~ : t l AJMT {�i r. OT SCCA TOWNSHIP nw ro..•n, •rte � s.w lit LEGEND J lu- 1 --�' 'iii' OPROPOSED FULL ACCESS INTERSECTION LOCATIONS _ 91 Nilu 707 FRANKFORT 10ON011P � _ A W f' \ Y �\ J NASSAN TOWNSHIP— „0.. — m - �� T � •'J `� IMO 11•a a X11 � R��>: a % TRUNK HIGHWAY 101 PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE DECEMBER 6, 1990 PROJECT LOCATION: 1-94 in Rogers, Minnesota to T.H. 169/10 in Elk River, Minnesota 6.9 miles in length (Map on reverse side) AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: Existing: 18,900-22,100 vehicles per day Future (2010): 39,800-51,000 vehicles per day ESTIMATED COST: $11,300,000 - rt ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE: • Completion of Environmental Assessment: ,;;December, 1990 • Public Hearing: March, 1991 • Anticipated Start of Construction: Spring, 1994 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: • Controlled access four -lane expressway With intersections with turn lanes and. channelization at County Road 49, County Road 144, County Road 36, County Road 122, County Road 42 (existing) and County Road 39. (See map on reverse side.) :.,. • Construction of two southbound travel lanesarallel to the existing roadway. ' p 9 Y ; • Two twelve -foot driving lanes with ten -foot bituminous shoulders • Surface improvements to northbound travel lanes' • Access roads x SIGNIFICANT ISSUES: CONTACT PERSON: • Access Mark Benson, P E. • Safe ' project 'Manager '',. • Floodplains fMn/DOT Metropolitan District - 9 Wetlands GoldenValley Office'_.v • Noise 2055 Lilac Drive Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 (612) 593-8530 F11 0 11 111 1 1 : I I ''' 7 7, III I I - I I I , 'U11,= it STATE OF MINNESOTA ) f )Ss. COUNTY OF SHERBURNE) being duly sworn, on oath says thhe/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspa- per known as The Elk River Star News, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (4)Theprinted J, 164.4� which is attached wad cut from the columns of said(�iewspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for _suc- cessivew eks;it, wasfirstpublished onWednesday, the "L day of ,19.aL, and was thereafter printed and pu lished on every Wednesday to and including Wednesday, the day of and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice, abcdefghijklmnopgretuvwxya Subscribed and sworn to before me on this �� day of 1{�y ,19 Notary Public RATE INF : (1) Lowest classified rate paid'by; :,=��a commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter S0I4IMIN KI rh Junk 10, 109,3 L1hOKA �eU+JN`1`Y ammi�sfen isxpiren