08-28-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/28/91 AT 8PM TO WORK ON ZONING ORDINANCES: The meeting was called to order at 8:10PM by Chairman Ing Ros kaft . Members present were as follows: MARK WALLACE BRUCE RASK CARL SWENSON LARRY FOURNIER ING ROSKAFT JIM KOLLES KATHY LEWIS Mark Wallace indicated that he will be unable to make the September 4, 1991 Planning Commission Meeting. Council Members Present: RON BLACK FLOYD RODEN Staff present: DAVE LICHT ELAINE BEATTY Swenson motioned to approve the 8/7/91 minutes. Bruce Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Larry Fournier Motioned to approve 8/14/91 minutes. Mark Wallace seconded the motion. Motion Carried Unanimously. VFW -- Information discussed with VFW on their property on 101 and Ouaday & 72ND. Licht said the basic issue is the recreation area was approved by the City some time ago, included a Community Center. What has happened is that the VFW as a Club is looking for a home site as well, and there was some thought to having some facilities within the recreation building. The West side of the property is planned for Club or Lodge facility within that area. We have found that Clubs or Lodges are characteristly found in Commercial areas. VFW is suggesting a Friday or Saturday night dinner, etc. We need to have a definition for Community Center. Where to located it and if a separate and distinct area. A number of Communities have a special Zoning designation which is Public or Semi -Public type of uses. Licht said that is the background. VFW spoke: Financially, we are not set to move too far now. We had three phases on our plan, #1 was level land and parking lot. Now we've decided to put the Community Center on the lower level if we can. If State Gambling goes, we would like to have another way to make money. We would have our office and meetings there. We have offered an office to the Park and Recs Committee, Boy Scouts, FFA, etc. They all could have meetings there. POW/MIA dinners/Veterans Day dinners we have once a year. Also membership dinner, etc. We would like to know if we could have that in the building or do we have to have a separate building? We originally planned on putting our post -home facing 101. 40x60 is the } building size we are looking at with 60x80 roof -overhand so they can have shelter if it rains. A small 12X16 or so for storage. Electric and plumber said have all the pumps and electric in a building w/10x10 storage. Four soccer fields temporarily would be just leveled and seeded. 193 parking spaces, septic/pumps 3 - 4" wells were suggested for now and �y 12TY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/28/91 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - spaces, septic/pumps 3 -- 4" wells were suggested for now and the future (by McAlpines well drillers). Mr Nichols asked if the parking lot could have Class 5 for the time being? The main question is can we have.fundraisers in this building? Long term, another facility on #101 will be built. Now, the key is what can be done in the building now? They sell pull tabs at bowling alley in Elk River now. They would like their own building. They have 211 members now. They have steady growth. They passed around a site plan. Changes were made on the parking lot as had been suggested by the City. The building is designed to be used by any organization, Lions, Jaycees, etc. Brick front building to face the road with steel siding was discussed. Licht brought up that all sides of the building be equally faced and improved. The building has good quality and a lot of variations with a 39x40 assembly room. 2400 square feet size of the building total floor area VFW said. Fournier asked if N of 42 on the Comp Plan, what do we have designated? Short term housing was the answer. Interim use is a positive for sports complex Licht said. If you would consider the lodge, you can zone it in as Public Use. Whatever the Planning Commission feels comfortable with. Wallace asked what the Alanon building is zoned as? Roskaft answered it is a Conditional Use Permit. The VFW is structured as a Non-profit origination. Rask said he doesn't see what would be more traffic, softball, or a fish fry, and it is close to Darkenwald's zoned hi --density housing. Where there is a question in other Cities, they zone it Public or Semi -Public. The main thrust is for a Non-profit origination. If it's the only zone you can have Churches/Public Facilities/Schools, it becomes cumbersome. We will include churches, and schools in the residential areas. A zoning district you have more power in terms of zoning. Wallace asked about a PUD zoning in that area? Licht said the point is a PUD has to be there as a highly unique situation. If you use it constantly, it shows you need to change the regulations. VFW is not a unique origination. There is enough around. What we need to do is set the standard so everyone knows what the rules are. VFW said they were involved in Brooklyn Park VFW and they gave them a special zoning (public) with the stipulation that if VFW gave up property or sold it, it automatically went back to the original zoning. Licht said he didn't know if that was legal. Cond Use as part of residential or public would work. Right now for a few years, a community center and sports complex would be the only thing we would put in now. One at Orono the youth got pushed out of it. VFW sports facility is for the youth. Three Rivers Soccer Association and VFW has a State Soccer Tournament. Larry Fournier said if we can come up with Public Zoning he can CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/28/91 8PM - PAGE 3 - favor it. Roskaft said he didn't have a problem with it either. Swenson asked if the intention was to apply this to existing churches? Roskaft said residential area for churches. Swenson asked if you allow exceptions for churches and schools or do you put them all together? Commercial is prime real estate and why we don't Put churches in these areas. The Public Zone allows you to create a Public Zone or Spot Zone that is acceptable said Licht. Roden said we have church in a prime Commercial area and Roskaft said the Baptist Church property is in the Commercial area. Roden wanted to know what the VFW would have on the rest of their site? Roskaft said in 25 years or so, someone may come along and buy them out. Indication was that all of the Planning Commission agreed that they feel comfortable' with Public Zoning for the VFW property and use for fundraisers in the community center. Three Council Members were at the meeting and agreed that they didn't need to go before the Council with this and Roden said he had talked to Lindenfelser on this and he seemed in agreement. Rask asked if it is OK on Class 5 driveway to let them have it now? } Licht said we need to look at it. (to be decided later) Roden said that road improvement could be put in the 5 year plan for MSA (maybe 2 or 3 years). Licht brought up that Kathy Lewis raised a concern of identification of the third Industrial Area. He suggested that the Planning Commission put together a committee of three people as a sub -committee to look into it. We have one individual that is looking for an area. It is for benefit of the Home Extended Businesses. Roskaft said they did look and talk to people on the Industrial Area. Licht asked who is interested and where should it go? We need to finalize it. Rask volunteered for the sub --committee. How do we proceed Licht asked? The Committee needs to meet and discuss preferred locations (good access/not a lot of residential/brainstorm/ do a visual look at/flat land is best. Pick two or three areas and make contact with owners. I assume that the committee would come up with one or two residents to communicate with the Council eventually. Fournier said the workshop meetings should be kept to work meetings. Licht said it is hard to do that with so much going on. You can't expect people to wait two or three months to resolve their questions. Roskaft said he would appoint and serve on the sub --committee. Maybe we should have one Council Member said Swenson. Swenson asked can we discuss this proposed schedule? Swenson said he feels we can not schedule every single Wednesday night for two months. We need to be more efficient with our time. We need to discuss it. Fournier said he is in favor of that many meetings. Wallace said if they were from 8 to 11 or 7 to 10 in the evening maybe that would work. Licht said what he suggested is a highly aggressive schedule. I think the number of CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/28/91 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - meetings is a reasonable expectation if you are going to address other items as well. We have 90% of our Ordinance ready to go now. Licht said he is more concerned about an Ordinance than a Camp Plan. We don't have an up to date Urban Ordinance now. We are starting from scratch. Fournier said he is hearing from the Council they want us to get busy. Lewis said she feels if we get to it and get it done, subsequent meetings will be less. Roskaft said he wanted to have a Moratorium and feels all these items are coming in plugging up the schedule. The committee for choosing a third Industrial Area Site is as follows: Ing Roskaft Bruce Rask Kathy Lewis, Chair Ron Black, Council Rep Time and dates will be decided later. COMP PLAN= Based on the Council Meeting discussion, Licht said he was asked if Riverwood was addressed in the Comp Plan. We have put together a statement on Riverwood Conference Center Second, following the formal discussion of Council Monday evening, Licht said he needs clarification. Floyd Goenner was concerned if he has a farm operation with hogs, there should be a buffer from the Secondary Urban Sewer Area and Ag. Licht said his position is that there is protection for established farm operations. It needs to be clarified. The Council did not take action, but delayed action until 9/23/91 Council Meeting. Issue is Highway #101 and we are directed to remove all reference to freeway status in twenty years. The schedule for extra meetings is accepted by the majority of the Planning Commission. Roskaft said we should try to hold off Hearings until after the Ordinances are finished. ORDINANCES: Licht brought up memo on June 13, 1991 Re= ZONING ORD REVISION. The Commission talked about lot sizes in the Rural Area. (150' minimum frontage lot size) was agreed to. Licht said he would proceed with that direction. Minimum one acre lot was agreed to with no maximum. Licht said that when we are done with this Ordinance a lot of people will be denied E things tomorrow that they have today. He brought up denial of large accessory buildings in the Urban Area. Long Range Urban Service Area four per forty Licht asked for direction on how to break it up? Discussion was had by all of the Planning Commission Members. Licht said he is looking for a minimum acreage. Minimum of one acre was decided on. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL_ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 8/28/91 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - (no maximum) in the 4 per 40 area. Next, was Commercial and Industrial building standards and lot sizes: Licht said the higher the standards, the less development, but higher quality. Most communities have regulations not allowing tin roofs and at least 50% metal siding covered all around the building. Ron Black would like to see standards for #101 comparable to Carlson Industrial Park or Eden Praire and slightly less in other Industrial areas. You have to get down to materials. General agreement with Ron on this from the Commission. On signs, No Billboard Signs. You have to allow a reasonable identification. Concurrence by Commission as to a minimum amount of signs. 3,4,5,6 are in existence. 1st Sec 1-4 Licht said is boiler plate material -- It is important and sets forth criteria. Pg 3, Cond Use prior recognized any change. Pg 2, 2-5 If there is a use not identified, it is considered prohibited. Pg 2 - Item C Third line reconstructed (,) Licht said not yet edited. Sec 2, Pg 5 -- A lot of wording comes from Legislation or court cases. Fairly major section dealing with adult uses. Supreme court says you have to provide areas for these types of businesses. A lot of adults uses can be fronts for drug money Licht said. DNR definitions are in the document. Defined signs and it will be updated and charges as we go along Sec 7 -- Page 71 Cert of occupancy -- You need to get two, one for Zoning and one for Building. Pg 77 - Non Conforming Use Meeting adjourned at 10:30PM aA R. KOLLES, SEC ETARY ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY EB MEMORANDUM Otsego Planning Commission JM: David Licht 13 June 1991 N ATE: FA RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance Revision C (612) 925-9420 FILE NO.. 176.08 FAX (612) 925-27211 We are proceeding with the draft of the new City Zoning Regulations. In this regard, we have encountered a number of issues which are basic to the Ordinance, but on which we are uncertain as to the directions which City officials want to take. As a consequence, we are requesting a discussion at your 19 June 1991 meeting of the following items: 1. Animals in urban areas — Ra 1-7- 2. Signs 3. Accessory buildings A. Urban areas B. Hobby farms C. Long range urban service area �- 4. Car/truck parking urban service areas _ ,)/I 5. Home extended businesses Lot size standards - rural service area- and long range urban service area > �,�, / ci�c�,_e Xw 1 d� A^AK Commercial and industrial building standardl"s/f%t sizes 8. Site improvement standardsv By the time of the me ing we may /have additionalitems. We should note our hope to also have City Council members in attendance so as to gain their critical insights on these matters as well. cc: Mayor and City Council Jerome Perrault Elaine Beatty William Radzwill Larry Koshak 4601 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD - SUITE 410 - MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 WHITE - ORIGINAL YELLOW - FILE COPY PINK - C FILE TO: Ots FROM: Dav ATE RE: MEMORANDUM Planninq Commission 19 Auqust 1991 FILE NO.: 1 seqo - Zoninq Ordinance FrN� ( 612) 595-9636 FAX (612) 595-9837 Per the City Council's request to outline a time schedule for the finalization of the Zoning Ordinance, our office has formulated a tentative calendar of meetings and topics. As a number of special meetings are involved, this schedule should be considered preliminary pending your review and discussion of the matter. This suggested meeting/topic outline will hopefully, however, provide a basis for establishing an acceptable time framework. Moreover, the outline will provide an indication of the scope and coverage of what is involved. 28 August Special Meeting: Discuss remaining issues plus review administrative material already distributed. 4 September Regular Meeting: Begin discussion of general provisions section. 11 September Special Meeting: Continued discussion of general provisions section. 18 September Regular Meeting: Finalize discussion of general provisions and start review of zoning districts. 25 September Special Meeting: Continue and finalize discussion of zoning districts. 2 October Regular Meeting: Review of zoning map. 9 October Special Meeting: Public information session (Elk River High School?) 16 October Regular Meeting: Official public hearing on zoning ordinance text and map and recommendation to City Council. City Council: 28 October Regular Meeting: adoption of regulations. We fully recognize that this is a highly aggressive time schedule. We believe, however, that work can be accomplished within the context of these limits. Moreover, the faster the ordinance can be completed, the more efficiently and smoothly the day-to-day work of the Council, Commission and staff will become. Hopefully this schedule can be briefly discussed following the Comprehensive Plan public hearing on Wednesday evening. cc: Mayor and Council William Radzwill Jerome Perrault Larry Koshak Elaine Beatty Jacquie Rognli 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD • SUITE 555 • SAINT LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 WHITE - ORIGINAL YELLOW - FILE COPY PINK - C FILE