09-04-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9-4-91 AT 8PM Roskaft called the meeting to order at 8PM. Members present were as follows: CARL SWENSON LARRY FOURNIER ING ROSKAFT BRUCE RASK KATHY LEWIS JIM KOLLES MARK WALLACE (absent) Council present: NORMAN F FRESKE Staff present was as follows: BOB KIRMIS ELAINE BEATTY JUDY HUDSON Minutes of August 21, 1991 were considered and Roskaft noted that they should be amended to note that the Planning Commission, Council and Staff were introduced to the public as it is not in the minutes and it was done. Lewis motioned to accept the minutes of 8/21/91 with the amendments above. Fournier seconded the motion. Swenson said on Pg 2 change to "least capable of supporting development without groundwater pollution". on Pg 3 - should read precisely "defined" instead of confined. Lewis included the above amendments in her motion. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of 8/28/91 were considered, it was brought up to change the spelling to "Lions" instead of Lyons and change to "organization" instead of origination. Fournier motioned to accept the minutes of 8/28/91 with amendments. Lewis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. DAVE PLUDE - Hearing request for subdivision of his property and Rezoning from Ag. to R-1 in Sec 16, T121, R23. Kirmis said Mr Plude wishes to subdivide seven acres of land South of #39 and W of Ohland. He wishes to rezone to R-- 1 and subdivide . He is pursuing a boundary line adjustment really. He will subdivide the property in a manner shown on Exhibit C of NAC's Report of 8/27/91. He also has a re- subdivision plan to show if sewer and water comes into the City. The following conditions need to be met. 1. The applicant be required to submit a final plat of his property and follow all applicable procedures as required in the City Subdivision Ordinance. 2. A rezoning application be filed with the City. 3. Drainage and utility easements are shown on the final plat along all side and rear lot lines. 4. In accordance with County recommendation, the subject subdivision dedicate a 50 foot wide right-of-way measured from the County Road 39 centerline. 5. A shared access to the subdivision's lots from County Road 39 be required at the time of development of the vacant parcel. This issue should, however, be subject to comment by the Wright County Highway Department. 6. Future construction upon the subdivision's easterly lot be located so as to accommodate the ultimate resubdivision of the property. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/4/91 AT 8PM -PAGE 2 - 7. Ownership questions relating to the subdivision's surveying gaps are resolved prior to final plat approval via quit claim deed or other means. This item should be subject to comment by the City Engineer. 8. Subject to comment by the Wright County Highway Department and other City Staff. Kirmis noted that #5 above is in accordance with Wright Co. and #7 he had received information from Dave Montebello, Wright Co Hwy Engr. and he feels it is in accordance with NRC's Report and recommendations. Wright Co would like to see the access on #39 eliminated entirely, and it should be done if possible with future subdivision. Kirmis stated that there is a 2.7 foot gap here that needs to be satisfied. Dave Plude said he has absolutely no reason or purpose to subdivide that land into more than two lots at this time. He said he is not a planner, or developer and he is only a citizen. Roskaft asked what lot he plans on selling? Plude said he has a buyer for the West lot "lot 2" with the house on it. Lynn Rodby, a neighbor to the West said she had no problem with this subdivision. Rask motioned to accept the subdivision as long as the eight conditions are met. Larry Fournier seconded the motion. Roskaft said we need to consider the rezoning from Ag to R-1 first. Plude stated that of the eight items above, the settlement of the gap is the only thing left to do and it will be settled tomorrow night. Rask withdrew his motion. Lewis motioned to rezone Dave Plude's seven acres from Ag to R-1 zoning. Bruce Rask seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Rask motioned to accept the subdivision as long as the eight conditions are met. Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Plude's request will be on the Council Agenda of 9/9/91 at 9PM. Jacquie Rognli said that Dorrie Adams from K -MOM called and wants a Talk of The Town guest tomorrow 9/5/91 at 9AM. No one could make it because of prior commitment. Kirmis handed out the general provision section of the Ordinance. He said he needed a position for paving requirements for Commercial/Industrial type businesses. Licht wants some feedback from the Planning Commission on this. Will the City require a security down on paving? Swenson said he thinks the Commercial/Industrial needs pavement, but this is a recreation area. (VFW property) Wasn't it talked about last time when we talked about the Public Zone? On Industrial we would want a performance Bond, not necessarily for this. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/4/91 AT 8PM -PAGE 3 - Kirmis said Wright Co Requires asphalt or paving of anything that is not residential. Lewis said we talked about it being acceptable to defer that. Freske said that it is not a requirement in Albertville for Rec area and if it is a post home, then it would be required. Rask brought up if we are lenient on the parking lot, then why be so strict on the building? The building sides have to be faced equally on all four sides. It is an area that is high visibility from #101. It is the only institutional area that doesn't have paving in Otsego. Rask said what are we doing with the Baptist Church when they come in? Are they going to be able to be unpaved? Lewis said it would be easier to require it to be paved and then defer it. Swenson said we can make arrangements when the plan comes in. Freske said if they build a hall then you need pavement. Roskaft said you might, in an Industrial area require blacktopping one place, and curb and gutter and concrete another place. Kirmis said that by what the Commission has indicated he can allow for some flexibility in the ordinance. He said he kind of agrees with Lewis that in some cases it can be deferred or waived. It is easier to be more strict up front and offer an out, than not to have a requirement. Lewis said there is consensus that in the Commercial/Industrial Area we want the pavement requirement. Kirmis said they will put something together and the Commission can look at the Ordinance again. Lewis set up a meeting for the location of a third Industrial Site selection. Kirmis said he will be meeting with them and is flexible. 9/12/91 at 5PM was set for the meeting time at the City Hall for the 3rd Industrial Site Selection. Pros and Cons on every site should be listed and presented to the Planning Commission and the Council, Roskaft said. Roskaft asked Freske if he had any input into paving stuff that was talked about. Freske answered he agrees with what was just said. Fournier motioned to reserve the two special Planning Commission Meetings to exclusively get thru our work on Ordinances. Swenson seconded the motion. (2 -meetings per month) . Roskaft said it would be the 2nd and 4th Wed of the month which is Sept 11 & 25th and Oct 9th & 23rd if needed. Lewis said we had to occasionally schedule meetings specially to take care of things that come up even before we started this special business. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/4/91 AT 8PM-- - PAGE 4 - Roskaft said we need to have special meetings for Ordinance Business, because the Council is on our necks to get this finished. Swenson said with this aggressive schedule, we need to use the special meetings for Zoning Business., Motion carried unanimously. The Ordinance Regulations are to be presented to the City Council on October 28, 1991 Roskaft said. Beatty said she would put any Planning Commission Business on the regular scheduled Planning Commission meetings. On motion the meeting was adjourned. n If JA R KOLLES, SECRETARY BY: ELAINE BEATTY, RECORDING SECRETARY