09-11-91 Planning Commission MINCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/11/91 AT 8PM Chairman Ing Roskaft called the meeting to order at BPM The following members were present: ING ROSKAFT MARK WALLACE CARL SWENSON BRUCE RASK KATHY LEWIS LARRY FOURNIER Absent was JIM KOLLES. The following Staff was present: Robert Kirmis Elaine Beatty The meeting was turned over to Bob Kirmis at this point and the General Provisions and Performance Standards were gone over. Page 77 - N: Intent - for these lots of record which don't have a building (such as a sales lot), the intent is to give them adequate time and eventually Phase out the use. It's not a major issue if it is discontinued. The $5,000.00 figure is because a value below that is not a significant building. Swenson asked if that is in all areas of the City? Kirmis answered "Yes", any use that is not permitted as a Conditional Use ( non conforming) . Fournier asked why are we picking on these? They don't offer any major hardship was the answer. This addresses what is in Place now, said Kirmis. Swenson asked what if Floyd had a business selling tractors? Kirmis said it is a commercial use, so it would not be allowed in that area. It would address an obvious commercial use. It says if total value of this use is less than $5,000.00 you have to end it in five years. We talked about the Talbots place across the City Hall from Nashua. It would be allowed to continue, but would need to get a Cond Use Permit. Kirmis said a lot of our Cities don't have this, Wayzata does. Roskaft asked to change the date to January 1993. No one else agreed to change the date. Sec 16, Pg #1: This is intended to insure Public Health and Safety, etc Pg #2-D: Swenson asked what is a thru lot? Kirmis answered it has street frontage on both sides. "Setbacks would be both considered front yards", if it abuts a street. Pg #2-C: Only one principal building for lot is allowed. Pg #3-20-16-4: ACCESSORY BLDG USES & EQUIP: #2 - 25% decided on by Commission #3 - 1500 Sq Ft decided on by Commission i #4 - Swenson asked what would require a Cond Use Permit? J #5 - It was decided to have Kirmis clarify all of these numbers thru #8. (Commission wants #8 stricken entirely) C: Strike D: Strike It will be looked at and check on height in Ag area. t-) CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/11/91 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - 20--16--5: SWIMMING POOLS Pg #6-8. Change ( 2 ) Ft or more of depth to (4)Ft. Pg #B --F: Will be reworded Pg #B --H: Will be reworded - Maybe 750 open area. Pg #9-L: OK Pg #11» Size of trees -- change to 4' to 5' tall (not 3' to 4'). Pg #13--A. Will be looked at SECTION #17 - #25 - Start next meeting (9/18/91) Mark Wallace motioned to adjourn the meeting. Bruce Rask seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:20PM. .TAMES R K ES, SECRETARY l BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary � 1 eb