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Roskaft called the meeting to order at 8:05PM.
First item was consideration of minutes of 9/25/91.
Swenson motioned to adopt the minutes with a change on
the 1st page, fifth paragraph to read "and consider the
information when we adopt the Ordinance" instead of "set on
it". Lewis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Tom Nichols of the VFW to discuss the building on their
property on Quaday and 72ND St NE:
Nichols brought plans and showed exact location of the
Sports Complex Building and Maintenance Building. He stated
that the maintenance building would have the main electricity
and the pumps and would be 24'x24'in size. He also stated
that the Sports Complex Building will be finished inside by
the VFW work force but the contractor will put the building
up for them. He stated that they are proposing a brick front
three or four feet in height in the front with the rest of
the building being colored steel (green & white) and the
front doors beige. The smaller maintenance building will
match the Sports Complex Building in color. The roof on the
Sports Complex Building is 60'x88' and inside under the eves
will be all enclosed with a cement patio under it. They want
to start with four soccer fields as they are needed and they
are more reasonable to build.
Roskaft stated he would like to have the Council Members
look at the plans. (Black & Roden) There was some discussion
on buildings and four sides being the same finish, brick,
stucco, etc, but not just metal. Both buildings are planned
to be metal said Nichols.
Kirmis stated that we had in the past just discussed the
finishes on buildings and the Planning Commission needed to
Public Zone was discussed and it was noted that the
Planning Commission had agreed to have the VFW property in a
Public Zone.
Swenson stated we are attempting to update the
Industrial Zone and if this building is put in a Public Zone
it may or may not be allowed.
Kirmis stated maybe we should discourage a "pole barn"
type of building.
Roskaft said some pole buildings are a lot better then
some custom buildings.
Nichols stated they were considering a steel building
with steel beams. It was brought up that Licht had talked
about requiring shingled roofs. Nichols said that maybe they
can level the land and put in the soccer fields and
maintenance shed out of lumber and build the Sports Complex
Building later. He said the Soccer Association needs fields
bad. A 24'X24' wood siding building for maintenance and a
pole light and a Class 5 gravel parking lot to begin with was
talked about. Roskaft asked for determination by Planning
and Zoning on this matter.
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Rask asked if they could check into a pale shed
construction with finished outside and roof? They would like
to get a Community Center going Nichols stated.
Black said they need to make sure the building is not
metal finished, but some other material. It cannot be a tin
(metal) skinned building without it being covered up.
Lewis motioned to approve the concept of a Community
Center Storage Building providing that it not be metal roofed
or metal sided visibly.
Wallace seconded the motion.
Swenson said we are talking about steel, but will not be
happy with the rolled roof either.
The above motion was changed from tin to metal per
Wallace's suggestion and Lewis agreeing to it.
Motion carried unanimously_
Roskaft brought the Zoning Ordinance starting with Page
65 was next on the agenda. It was turned over to Kirmis.
SECTION 30 - addresses Daycare Nursery Facilities and
Kirmis stated that a daycare with twelve or less children
must be a permitted use in a residential area under State
Statutes. The Ordinance treats them as Home Occupations
where a permit would be required and they can address
parking. This addresses commercial daycare facilities that
are run as a business and addresses all the requirements. It
is quite basic, said Kirmis. There has not been a lot of
controversy on this. Commercial uses for daycare are
Conditional Uses and need approval from the City.
Pg 66 - F - LOADING:
Change "parking" to "loading".
Roskaft asked if daycare centers are allowed in a
residential area? Up to twelve people allowed as an
accessory use as Home Occupation. If you have a principal
use daycare center it would be allowed in all districts,
subject to Conditional Use Permit.
Roskaft stated it bothers him. Kirmis said it is part
of the Conditional Use process.
Swenson stated he doesn't understand the difference.
The Ordinance addresses it. Swenson asked can they preclude
it in a residential area? Kirmis stated what we have is what
has been done in other Cities. We are saying if you have
fifteen children you can process it as a Conditional Use
Permit. Kirmis stated maybe it should be principal use
daycare center.
Wallace said it is still a business.
Roskaft added if you get a commercial type daycare
center it should be in a commercial area. Fournier agreed.
You need a special use and special treatment all around said
Roskaft. Kirmis stated another thing to consider is we will
have multiple family residential also, if it makes a
Black stated the thing to keep in mind is you can have
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different kinds of commercial. It was decided for the larger
scale daycare centers they should be in the commercial areas.
SECTION 31 Adult Uses=
Kirmis gave us background the first amendment provides
for "freedom of speech" a City will provide a typical 5% of
land use for adult uses. The City has power to regulate
where they want them in their City.
You must be 600' from any where a minor may be present
or those areas where there are residences, etc.
Roskaft asked why 600' is used? Kirmis said both Mpls
and St Paul who have a lot of adult uses use this figure and
it is considered the standard. The number of feet was
discussed. Wallace asked if 600' is for principal adult use?
Kirmis said yes.
Kirmis said the City will be prepared for it when it
Wallace asked what's the difference between a viewing
booth for videos and the video adult section? Kirmis said
that magazine section can be in the view of minors, etc.
Discussion was had on adult information and what can be
allowed. P9 70 - #3: Change include to "included"
Rask said he thinks it should be in the third Industrial
District. It was brought up that Elk River put a moratorium
on adult uses until they could get an Ordinance in place.
ESSENTIAL SERVICE - was adopted as part of the Jones
Intercable request Kirmis noted. Sec 33 - COMMUNICATION,
Kirmis explained standards and alike treatment. if the
use goes beyond what is in the Ordinance, it will be
processed as a Cond. Use Permit.
Pg 75 - C: ROOFS -
Discussion was had on the mounting and 6-1/2'. Swenson
said it would be more clear if it said the base of the dish
be 6-1/2'. Kirmis said we are talking about distance, and
peak of the roof. Possible Gond Uses was discussed. Kirmis
said 6µ1/2' is used as above the peak of the roof.
Black said he assumes below 6-1/2' it would probably not
work. Kirmis said the information comes from FCC.
The above was discussed and Kirmis went thru the
Ordinance and what is there. Discussion was had on wind
generators and if they should be in residential areas.
Pg 77 20-34-2: Application
The paragraph should end after section. Delete " provided
the property upon which the system is to be located is Ag,
Commercial or Ind. or is constructed and maintained on any
parcel of land of at least five acres in size."
SECTION 35 - Interim Uses:
Kirmis said it is a new concept based on legislative
action that allows you to put a time permit on Cond. Uses
Kirmis explained.
Sec 36 - PUD
Kirmis noted that this is already in place as part of
the Riverwood Conference proposal.
Kirmis asked for recommendations on wild and exotic
animals in the City (dangerous).
Roskaft asked Black and Roden about 1500 sq ft for
garages and how they felt? Both agreed and said they would
like nice looking buildings and get everything inside.
Much discussion was had on size of storage buildings.
Roskaft said 1500 square feet, not including attached
garages is what he would like to see.
Roskaft stated that the Planning Commission had decided
that we would not have regular Planning Commission Business
on work meetings. We have a request from John LeFebvre to
put a mobile home for a family who is going to live there to
take care of him and he would like this request heard earlier
than November 6, 1991. What is the Planning Commission's
feelings on this?
Lewis motioned to hear it on the regularly scheduled
meeting which is November 6, 1991 at 8PM. Swenson seconded
the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Signs on 10-9-91 is where we will start and the sign
companies and people have been noticed to be at this meeting.
On wild and exotic animals, Rask felt we should not
allow, as did Roskaft. Swenson, Lewis, Fournier, and Wallace
liked the Conditional Use Permit way of handling this
Black said we shouldn't allow them as it is a big
Wallace motioned to have exotic animals considered under
a Cond Use Permit with consideration of size of lot
considered in it and the condition of a kennel and what kind
considered. Swenson seconded the motion.
Wallace, Swenson, Fournier and Lewis voted yes with Rask
and Roskaft voting no. NAC will put something together on
Lewis stated that on behalf of the Industrial Site
Selection Committee she motioned to recommend 70TH ST and the
future extension of Nashua Ave as the 3RD Industrial Site in
the City. Wallace seconded the motion.
Fournier asked why not site "B"? Answer was because it
is outside of the Long Range Service Area and the other
reasons as noted in NAC's Report.
Lewis motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Fournier talked about Site Inspections and that the City
Council has agreed with inspections, but said that we should
have a set date to avoid violating the open meeting law.
They will reimburse for the site inspections. He suggested
setting one or two days a month as a Site Inspection
Day/Days. It was decided everyone would think about it and
it will be decided on at the next meeting.
It also was decided that Elaine Beatty will send out a
typewritten Planning Commission Hearing Schedule as to
upcoming Hearings.
Larry Fournier seconded the adjournment motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30PM.
Minutes by Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary