Chairman Roskaft called the meeting to order at 8:05PM.
Members present were as follows:
Staff present:
Robert Kirmis Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson
Lewis motioned to approve the Minutes of October 30, 1991
Planning Commission. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
JOHN LE FEBVRE - PID #118-500-221300 8585 Parrish Ave, Otsego
MN - Sec 22, Twp 121, R23 Unplatted and NW, SE & SW NE EXC S
2 RDS NW SE. Hearing to request a Mobile Home for farm use
as allowed in Sec 604.4 Conditional Use of Gen Ag Land.
Mobile Homes are allowed as accessory to farm operations,
Provided that there is a full time employee essential to the
farm. Caretaking for the farm manager, mobile home is what
is being asked for. A case can be made both to support and
in opposition of this farm mobile home. Kirmis went over
some of NAC's Report of October 7, 1991 File #'s 176.02 -
91.20. this as a policy matter said Kirmis and it needs to
be determined by the Planning Commission. If approved, six
conditions must be met which are as follows:
1. A site plan is submitted to provide an assurance
that the accessory mobile home meets applicable A-2
Performance standards.
2. The proposed mobile home utilizes an existing access
to the applicant's property. This issue should be subject to
comment by the Wright County Highway Department and City
3. The subject proposal is subject to comment by the
City Engineer in regard to sewage treatment and drainage.
4. The applicant submit verification/documentation, on
a yearly basis, from a qualified doctor that full time care
is necessary for him to conduct his farm operations.
5. If the supervisory need for the mobile home occupant
is terminated, either the occupant must assume full time
employment with the farm which is essential to the farm's
operation or the mobile home must be removed from the
premises within 90 days.
6. Comments by other City Staff.
Kirmis said again, this is a policy matter and you should
consider the precedent issue.
Roskaft asked for any other comments. There was not a
representative for John LeFebvre at the Hearing, nor was John
LeFebvre present.
Lewis said in the report it stated that other requests
had been denied. She asked if they had been on farm land?
Beatty answered they were in a platted area "Halls Addition".
Roskaft said a sister was allowed to have a mobile home
on the farm to supervise two bays left on the farm in Otsego.
The County had allowed a mobile home. Roskaft said that was
a similar situation.
Wallace asked if Mr LeFebvre was the supervisor of the
farm operation?
Roskaft answered, yes.
Swenson asked for actual wording of the Ordinance.
Kirmis read it from NAC's Report.
Roskaft said this woman is there to take care of Jahn
LeFebvre and is subject to his call and it is up to the
Planning Commission to make the call.
Kolles stated he has dairy and beef cattle and in High
School he lived next door to John LeFebvre and contacted this
disease and he needs help as he can hardly feed himself.
LeFebvre takes care of the cattle, cropping and farming land
said Kolles.
Lewis asked if the City can enforce the six conditions
in NAC's Report? Both Kolles and Roskaft answered it can be
Rask motioned to accept the requested use providing the
six conditions herein can be met. Wallace seconded the
Fournier asked haw this will impact other decisions that
come before us?
Kirmis said it is an obvious indirect situation and will
impact as it is a precedent as she is obviously not directly
farming. It is indirect. This could be used to effect
someone who needed a driver, cook, etc for farm operation.
Wallace asked if maybe we should add to the motion the
fact that John LeFebvre can not manage the farm without help?
Rask said the wording says without this help this
farming operation will cease. This is pertaining to a farm
operation in the immediate development area. we wouldn't
allow a home extended business. Rask said to add to his
" This person is there to help manage the farm to allow
it to exist in his present physical condition ".
Rask motioned to allow the Farm Use mobile home for John
LeFebvre because this person is there to help manage the farm
to allow it to exist in his present physical condition.
Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Will be added to Council Agenda of November 12, 1991 at
MARK WOOLSTON - ANTELOPE PARK - PID#118-500-164191 and
118-500-164404 & 117-500-164100 SEC 16, TWP 121, R23 Hearing
is request for a Subdivision of this land known as Antelope
Park. The preliminary plat will be considered at this
Hearing (See NAC's Report). This land is North of County Rd
##39 and West of Mississippi Shores STH Addition.
Kirmis explained the plat from NAC's Report. This
report references the plan that is hanging in front of you
- PAGE 3 -
said Kirmis. There is a planned 43 lots with potential for
subdivision to 93 lots. Kirmis showed the plat. This plat
has had some opposition to 96TH Street running thru the plat.
Thirteen conditions have to be met. NAC recommends approval
with these conditions:
1. Lot arrangement and accessibility along the proposed
collector street (Ohland/96TH Street) extension should be
minimized. Driveways which directly access the Ohland/96TH
Street extension shall be required to include a turn around
to eliminate the backing of vehicles onto the collector
route. 2. The proposed Ohland/96TH Street collector
extension should be changed to reflect the required 80 foot
right-of-way width. Likewise, the 94TH Street right-of-way
should be reduced to a 60 foot width. 3. Ninety -Sixth
Street, as it enters the site from the east and turns
southward, should be shown as a fluid curve with a 300 foot
minimum radius as stated by the City Engineer in his memo
dated October 14, 1991. 4. Increase the distance between
the 91ST Street and 92nd Street (connection from the east)
intersections to provide for the required 300 foot spacing
between access points along Ohland Avenue. S. The City
Engineer provided recommendation on the naming of the
subdivision's contained streets. 6. Maintain a two acre
minimum lot size on Lot 1, Block 1 to meet wild and Scenic
District requirements. Future resubdivision of this lot, as
shown, will not be possible. 7. A grading and drainage plan
is submitted which is prepared by a registered engineer. Per
the City Engineer's recommendation, the said plan should
represent an ultimate development scenario. 8. If a revised
plat submission is to illustrate a street partially within
the United Power Association easement, written permission
should be received from the easement holder prior to final
plat approval. 9. An easement be included over the south
portion of Lot 3, Block 8 to allow for future access from
Ohland Avenue to the Burdick property which lies to the
southeast of the subject subdivision. 10. The easternmost
trail easement which extends from 94TH Street to the north be
moved to the plat's eastern boundary adjacent to Lot 3, Block
10 and the neighboring subdivision where the topography is
less severe, and where connection can be made to the
sidewalks proposed along Ohland Avenue. The Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee should make comment as to
whether the dedication requirements and whether a
supplemental cash contribution will also be required. 11.
The 92nd Street cul-de-sac which provides access to the
trianglar shaped Moore Property to the West be changed to
terminate directly abutting the plat boundary and no curb cut
- PAGE 4 -
be shown for extension of a public roadway.
12. The developer enter into a development agreement with
the City.
13. Any other comments from City Staff and City Engineer's
memo dated 14 October 1991.
Kirmis went over the above thirteen items. He then
showed everyone the new plat map which had been revised as of
11--16-91. He traced the MSA route on the map at Fournier's
request. Wallace asked about the sidewalks and if they would
go into Mississippi Shores addition. Kirmis said he didn't
know when. The curve does not allow a lot of speed to build
up on 96th street said Kirmis. The speed limit would be 30
or 35 MPH.
Roskaft asked if anyone in the audience would like to
Jack Soderlind of 15352 NE 96TH Street asked if 96TH
Street the MSA road will run into 96TH Street so it will go
into a narrower road? Answer No, it won't be built right
away. Only the right of way is larger not the roadbed.
Paul Pearson of 15108 NE 96TH Street asked at what point
did 96TH and Ohland become MSA Roads and why? Kirmis
answered that the •reason is we usually like to set up a
higherarchy of streets. We looked at it as a functional
connection between 39 and Elk River. The idea is to
establish an MSA route with sidewalks built etc.
Tim Boerger at 15479 96TH ST NE stated that in his
opinion, stop signs will work better than speed limits on
96TH ST. Boerger asked if it's an option to have Ohland not
go thru to Co Rd 39? Kirmis said it has not been considered.
Boerger asked if this plat will be ok'd tonight? Roskaft
answered he does not know.
Roskaft stated that it is everyone's responsibility to
control traffic.
Loren Stassen of 15016 NE 96TH ST said the biggest
problem he sees is Ohland connecting into 96TH Street. How
big a collector should this be, he asked? He said as far as
the easement to the Park at the dead end, the Parks Dept is
having a problem controlling access to the park now. In
regards to collector size, what becomes of the intersection
of 96TH and Parrish? That is a busy intersection now. as far
as improvement of 96TH Street, who will pay for it? When
will it be done?
Roskaft asked for anyone else who wished to speak.
Lewis referred to Exhibit F of NAC's Report. Kirmis
said it was prepared as an illustration that could be drawn.
After a meeting with the developer last week it was resolved
that jogged intersections could be permitted if they meet
regulations. We will allow jogged intersections provided
they meet the 300' spacing requirements.
Fournier stated he is sensing there are some people here
-- PAGE 5 -
that don't want to see Ohland connect to #39. Can you tell
us why? Kirmis said you don't prepare a transportation plan
without trying to implement it.
Boerger said in response to that he hopes if a problem
is seen it can be changed, not set in concrete.
The question was asked how large of a collector street
will this be? Koshak has done some volume counts and
assuming all these routes are filled that route could hold
980 cars per day. Based on ten trips per lot and so many
trips to the Park and that sort of thing Kirmis said.
Wallace said the MSA road does go from 96TH to Parrish.
Transportation goes with what is shown there Kirmis said.
Mississippi Parkwood was not designed to accomodate
collector streets and if we started from scratch it would be
better to connect it to #37 said Kirmis
Wallace said originally it would come up #37 and shoot
over to #39, to make it a MSA road we have to have the road
open so it could not be MSA.
A resident asked who pays for the improvement to 96TH
Street. Fournier said MSA funding pays 1000 of the project.
Beatty stated that City policy has been to charge a $2,500.00
special assessment to each parcel.
Kirmis gave out some information he had from Koshak on
stop signs for 96TH ST.
Lewis asked aobut the Burdick driveway and was it
addressed? Beatty told her that an easement will be provided
for future driveway so it can be installed at a future date
if needed. There was much discussion on 96TH Street. Mr
Boerger stated if he had a choice he would not want a MSA Rd
or an assessment, etc.
Roskaft asked what conditions have not been met. Rask
said he was concerned about the residents living on 96TH
Street and discussed what could be done with the road and the
special assessment. Roskaft asked for action.
Paul Pearson asked about MSA roadway width (how wide)?
Dennis Taylor, who was at this meeting said 24'. Paul
Pearson asked about the City looking at lights for #39.
Beatty told them that the County is looking into flashing
lights for Parrisha nd #39 now and eventually regular signal
lights as the traffic increases.
Fournier stated we have looked at 4 or 5 or 6 sets of
plans and he likes this one in front of him best. Roskaft
asked for motion subject to recommendationi in NAC's report.
Lewis motioned to recommend preliminary plat approval
using the 13 conditions in NRC's report. Motion died for
lack of second.
Fournier stated he didn't second the motion because he
would like NAC's office to review the new plat map. Wallace
stated it would be helpful to have the City Engineer present.
Wallace mentioned that due to the fact this plat is new,
nobody saw it before and this one is different. he;
- PAGE 6 -
Wallace motioned to continue the hearing to 11-20-91 at 8PM
for further study by NAC. Fournier seconded the motion.
Three people, Wallace, Kolles and Fournier voted in favor of
the motion, Four people, Lewis, Roskaft, Swenson and Rask
opposed the motion. Motion failed.
Beatty told the Commission that the present plat map of
Mississippi Parkwood is the direct result of a meeting this
week of the Planner, Engineer, Developer, Surveyor and Staff
and the changes that came out of that meeting.
Lewis restated her motion to recommend approval of this
Preliminary plat based on the 13 conditions in NAC's report,
if they haven't been met. Carl Swenson seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Kirmis brought up a November Sth memo in regards to the
Subdivision Ordinance. Registered engineers are allowed to
Place monuments is the way our ordinance reads. Registered
surveyors are only allowed to place monuments, not engineers.
We need a motion to initiated this ammendment to our
subdivision ordinance.
Lewis motioned to initiate consideration of an Ord.
ammending Sec. 21-81 of the City Subdivision Code relating to
the policy of monuments by registered engineers. Fournier
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Licht will distribute the balance of the district
material to be considered on the 20th after the Harpster
Fournier motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kolles
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
BY: Elaine Beatty, Recording Secretary