06-11-91 PR MINCity of Otsego Parks and Recre.-Lt oti Commission
Minutes of Meeting on 11 June 1991
1. Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm by 'arl Swenson.
2. Members present: Jacquie Rognli
Darlene Solberg
Floyd Roden
Carl Swenson
3. On motion by Rognli, second by Solberg, the minutes of the
meeting on 14 May 1991 were approved as published. All voted
in favor.
4. It was suggested that the meeting agenda and minutes of the
previous meeting be mailed to members before the next
5. The proposed bylaws for the Otsego Parks and Recreation
Commission were discussed paragraph by paragraph. On motion
by Rognli, second by Solberg, the bylaws were adopted as
presented. All voted in favor.
6. The makeup of the commission was discussed at some length.
It was agreed that a Planning Commission member should be
included as one member of the Commission. It was suggested
that this be discussed further at the next meeting.
7. It was requested that the agenda for the next meeting
include discussion of a tour of pare, facilities in other
cities and a status report on the proposed recreation needs
survey for Otsego.