02-11-14 OPCOtsego Police Commission Minutes February 11, 2014 Present: Dana VanDenBerg, Rob VanDenBerg, Paul Fields, Jason Warehime, Jim Breitbach , Mayor Jessica Stockamp Police Officer: Rob Mossman Meeting called to order at: 6:30p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: Approved Minutes from: January 14, 2014—Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit): Upcoming snowmobile events, Vintage Snowmobile Ride Feb 15th from 9-3 at Riverwood Golf Course. Sunday Feb 16th Hot Dog on the trail 11-2. Law Enforcement Updates & Discussion —1 fatality accident on 37th and Quaday. Reminder for the public to lock their vehicle doors to help prevent break ins. Old Business: • Police Commission Vacancy Update: New member Chuck Schauss. Alternate Mark Driste. New Business: • 2014 Initiatives- Discussed Otsego Safety Camp, McGruff and National Night out. Ross will have on line registration for Otsego Night Out. He will coordinate Safety Camp and registration will be on line. Go to the Otsego City Website for information. Looking for volunteers to help with Safety Camp contact Ross if interested. • Paul will contact Brian Johnson regarding Neighborhood Watch Program. How can we introduce this program to the public and how to sign up for it? • March we will vote on Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. - We will also be voting on changing our meetings to every other month or quarterly. City Council Meeting Updates- • January 27th — Nothing Note worthy • February 10th — Snowmobile events — Vintage Snowmobile Ride, Hot Dog on the trails City Council Meeting Assignments: • February 24th- Rob • March 10th -Jim Next Meeting: March 11th at 6:30 p.m. Meeting Adjourned 7:45p.m.