ITEM 3.2C 3.10.2014 MinutesITEM 3_2G OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER March 10, 2014 7:00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder and Tom Darkenwald and Jason Warehime. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager; Brad Belair, Street Maintenance Supervisor and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. No items. 2. Consider agenda approval. City Clerk Loff requested to add the addition of invoice from The Planning Company, LLC to the claims list. Mayor Stockamp requested to move item 3.6 Approve Security Agreement for Prairie Center to item 5.2 for discussion. CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. February 24, 2014 Special 6 PM Meeting. 3.3 Approve Resolution 2014-15 Appointing Commissioner to Advisory Commission. 3.4 Approve advertising for summer seasonal employees. 3.5 Approve Motion to call a Special City Council meeting on March 24, 2014 following the regular scheduled meeting. 3.6 Approve Security Agreement for Prairie Center -REMOVED CM Heidner motioned to approve with addition to the claims list and item 3.6 removed. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Public Hearin 4.1 Consider Gateway North Tax Abatement. A. City Clerk attests to legal notice. B. City Attorney Comments. C. Public Comments. D. Close the Public Hearing. City Clerk Loff attested all the proper noticing, posting and publishing has been completed. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the process. City Administrator Johnson reviewed the agreement. Mayor Stockamp opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 PM. Hearing no public comments; Mayor Stockamp closed the Public Hearing at 7:06 PM. City staff is requesting this item be tabled for Duke to review the agreement; with the change in Duke's staffing it hadn't been completed. CM Darkenwald motioned to table until March 24, 2014. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. City Council Reports and Updates. 5.1 Approve claim list for Metro Appliance Recycling. CM Schroeder motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Heidner. Motioned carried 4-0. CM Warehime abstained. 5.2 Approve Security Agreement for Prairie Center. Mayor Stockamp questioned holiday rentals stating the fee should be higher to cover cost of staff/overtime. City staff responded part time employees do not receive holiday pay. CM Heidner said he is fine with the security agreement and stated the City Council needs to revisit the policy and rental rates for the building. City staff recommended adding to the Prairie Center Rental Policy to the March 24 special meeting. CM Heidner motioned to approve agreement with Securitas Security Services USA Inc. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson gave an update on the MnDot meeting for transit in Wright County indicating that Trailblazer Transit is the provider recommended to provide transit service in Wright County beginning on July 1. She stated that at the Wright County Board meeting last week, the County scheduled a Wright County Transportation Committee of the Whole meeting for Thursday, March 27 for the purpose of discussing this issue. Local city elected officials are invited to attend. She further requested that City Council members notify City Administrator Johnson if they can attend. City Administrator Johnson also recommended this topic be added to the March 24, 2014 special meeting for discussion. Mayor Stockamp motioned to add Prairie Center Rental Policy and MnDot Transit to the Special Meeting on March 24, 2014 directly following the regular scheduled City Council meeting. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. City Administrator Johnson stated she will draft a thank you letter to Representative Mary Kiffineyer for the City Council and Staff Capital tour last week. Administrative Services Director Jordet gave an update on the city audit last week; stating the final audit will be in late April. City Clerk Loff said she received an application for the Planning Commission and is looking for direction on interview date and time. CM Schroeder motioned to set the interview for Planning Commission applicant on March 24, 2014, 6:30 PM, at Prairie Center. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. City Attorney MacArthur gave an update 70th Street project. Councilmember Heidner stated that the project was delayed several months because of the extra time it took to get approval of the joint agreement. 7. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:31 PM. Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk