ITEM 3.3A 2.11.2014 MinutesITEM 3_3A OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 11, 2014 PRESENT: Gail Anderson, Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson. Staff: Jessica Stockamp, Ross Demant. More order was restored in the office. We did not have a quorum so no official business was transacted. Jessica said that there is a new candidate for OHPC Commissioner, Zonja Matushenko, who has applied and been interviewed by the Council. She will attend our next meeting. Ross approached the Commission for the possibility of having an informative meeting for the community re Otsego history in the spring. We need to provide a time and date to Ross by next Wednesday. We chose April 5, 10-11am. Title will be "Otsego Stories with coffee and doughnuts". We will be filling the display cases on a date Gail and Chris mutually choose (Tuesday 2pm at Prairie Center.) According to Jessica, Dan met with John Kinghorn, Builder and Remodeler, who did the remodeling of the Prairie Center. He looked at the old schoolhouse/old city hall with an eye to what it would take to remodel. CAER is concerned about the cost. That matter is pending. Meeting dismissed at 8:25pm. Gail Anderson