ITEM 3.6 SCADAx. Ot§F TY o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Kurt Neidermeier, Utility March 24, 2014 No Operations Supervisor BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.6 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: The Public Works Subcommittee has reviewed the integration of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for Well House #4 at the March 18th meeting and recommends support of the project contingent on Source Water Protection Grant funding. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? I No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Well House #4 is the last remaining water production site not connected to the City's SCADA monitoring system. The site is comprised of a single well, a pressure tank and chemical treatment equipment needed to serve the public water system. Remote monitoring via the SCADA system allows City staff to deal with potential problems of water delivery failures, gas chlorine leaks and system pressure losses more quickly by providing water production information, security, continuous alarm monitoring and call out features. The addition of SCADA monitoring equipment at Well House #4 will complete the integration of all water production and treatment facilities into the City SCADA system. A Source Water Protection Competitive Grant is being sought to assist in funding the integration of SCADA between Well House #4 and the remaining Utility system. The grant requires a cost share between the City and MN Department of Health (MDH) with a maximum funding from the MDH of $10,000. Projected estimates for the instrumentation portion are not to exceed $28,400. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED • Instrumentation Service Proposal • Source Water Protection Grant Application POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the integration of Well House #4 to the existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System contingent on Source Water Protection Grant funding. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES — 2014 Water Operations Fund Budget Amendment to be requested by Finance Department ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Y�� nE02S www.ae2s.com February 13, 2014 Kurt Neidermeier City of Otsego, MN 5850 Randolph. Ave NE Otsego, MN 55374 RE: Proposal for Pumphouse 4 Integration with SCADA City of Otsego, Minnesota Dear Mr. Neidermeier: - - Thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for professional instrumentation and control (I&C) services for the City of Otsego water and wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF). As you requested,'We have prepared this proposal to provide I&C services to integrate Pumphouse 4 with your SCADA system. The proposed Scope of Services for this project is outlined below. Proposed Scope of Services Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services (AE2S) proposes to perform the following tasks for this Assignment: 1) Wellhouse 4 a) Procure radio antenna. b) City is to mount and aim the radio antenna (AE2S will be available to provide instruction). c) Configure MDS 9710 radio d) Test radio connectivity between Wellhouse 4 and Tower 2. e) Perform PLC Programming within the local PLC. i) Add logic to allow for communication with Tower 2. ii) Add logic to allow for remote setpoint changes. iii) Add logic for remote alarming. iv) Add documentation. 2) Tower 2 a) Test radio connectivity between Tower 2 and Wellhouse 4. b) Perform PLC Programming within the local PLC. i) Add logic to allow for communication between Wellhouse 4, Tower 2, the West WWTF, and the East WWTF. ii) Add logic to allow for remote setpoint changes. iii) Add logic for remote alarming. iv) Add documentation. 3) West WWTF a) Perform PLC Programming with the local PLC i) Add logic to allow for communication with Wellhouse 4. ii) Add logic to allow for remote setpoint changes. iii) Add logic for Wellhouse 4 alarming. iv) Add documentation. b) Perform SCADA programming i) Create screens and graphics for Wellhouse 4 status, control, and alarming. Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. Water Tower Place Business Center 9 6901 East Fish Lake Road Suite 184 • Maple Grove, MN 55369 . (t) 763-463-5036 • (f) 763-463-5037 4) East WWTF a) Perform PLC Programming with the local PLC i) Add logic to allow for communication with Wellhouse 4. ii) Add logic to allow for remote setpoint changes. iii) Add logic for Wellhouse 4 alarming. iv) Add documentation. b) Perform SCADA programming i) Create screens and graphics for Wellhouse 4 status, control, and alarming. c) Add Wellhouse 4 alarms to alarm callout software. 5) Final Testing and Commissioning a) Test the functionality of the complete system. b) Make adjustments as needed. CLIENT Responsibilities CLIENT will be responsible for the following: 1. Designate a contact person to act as CLIENT's representative with respect to the professional services to be rendered with complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define the CLIENT'S policies and decisions with respect to professional engineering services. 2. Provide access to the various facilities as necessary to complete the proposed services. 3. Mount radio antenna at Wellhouse 4 and make all necessary cable connections (AE2S will be available to provide instruction). 4. Aim radio antenna at Wellhouse 4 towards Tower 2. Proposed Professional Fees AE2S proposes to provide the professional services consistent with the Scope of Work outlined above on an estimated hourly (plus expenses) basis not -to -exceed twenty-eight thousand four hundred dollars ($28,400.00) Wellhouse 4 Radio Configuration and Testing Wellhouse 4 PLC Programming Tower 2 Radio Testing Tower 2 PLC Programming West WWTF PLC Programming West WWTF SCADA Programming East WWTF PLC Programming East WWTF SCADA Programming East WWTF Alarming Software Programming $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $2,500.00 $3,900.00 $2,900.00 $2,600.00 $2,900.00 $2,600.00 $1,000.00 Final Testing and Commissioning Expenses and Reimbursables $2,000.00 $1,000.00 Subtotal: $28,400.00 Compensation shall not exceed $28,400.00 without written authorization from the CLIENT. Acceptance Should this proposal satisfactorily establish the Scope of Services desired by the City of Otsego and you approve the fees/terms/conditions, please sign and date both copies of this proposal in the space provided. Please retain one (1) copy for your records and return the other to AE2S. Acceptance of this proposal will serve as our notice to proceed and the work will be scheduled upon receipt. Thank you again for the opportunity to provide professional services to the City of Otsego. We look forward to working with you, and we are confident our experience and expertise will provide value to your municipality. Sincerely, AE2S s Accepted this day of , 2014 City of Otsego Allen H. Dostall Instrumentation and Controls Technician ' Title: Grant L. Meyer, P.E. Operations Manager Environmental Health Division Drinking Water Protection Section P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 Phone: 651-201-4700 Federal Tax Id #: 41-09191232 1. Describe the work that will be performed (use an additional page if necessary): Provide Supervisory and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment and communications needed to accomplish remote monitoring at a municipal well production site, ensuring security through intrusion alarms and continuous facility monitoring. Well House #4 will be integrated to the City's existing SCADA system requiring the purchase, installation and aiming of a radio antenna, programming of multiple sites to send and receive communication. Graphics and alarm inputs will be added to software prior to final testing and commissioning of the product. Ia. Amount Requested for performing this Work: $10,000 ----------- 1b. Cost Share Amount information (list all contributors and corresponding dollar amounts; in-kind contribution is not accepted): Please check one: ❑ I have a state grant. Please describe: ❑ I have a federal grant. Please describe: X I will use my own financial resources — City of Otsego $18,400 ❑ Other. Please describe: 1c. Total Cost for performing Work Item 1 (ia + 1b): $28,400 1d. Anticipated outcomes (products) of performing this work: A monitoring and communication link will be provided to operations/response staff for continuous security and facility water production safeguards. ie. Supporting documentation — must check at least one and must attach copies. Without supporting documentation the application will be disqualified x Sanitary survey - WHP Source water Protection Plan page 28, measure 6.1F x WHP plan / Intake protection plan — MDH Sanitary Survey — Management/Operation: Requirement & Recommendations ❑ NOV with Project evaluation form ❑ APO with Compliance agreement and Project evaluation form ❑ Project evaluation form — This form will be filled out by the MDH staff assigned to your area. Please contact the appropriate MDH staff before you submit the aDDlication 2. Describe the work that will be performed: 2a. Amount Requested for performing this Work: 2b. Cost Share Amount information (list all contributors and corresponding dollar amounts; in-kind contribution is not accepted): Please check one: ❑ I have a state grant. Please describe: ❑ I have a federal grant. Please describe: ❑ I will use my own financial resources ❑ Other. Please describe: 2c. Total Cost for performing Work Item 2 (2a + 2b): 2d. Anticipated outcomes (products) of performing this work: 2e. Supporting documentation — must check at least one and must attach copies. Without supporting documentation the application will be disqualified ❑ Sanitary survey ❑ WHP plan / Intake protection plan ❑ NOV with Project evaluation form ❑ APO with Compliance agreement and Project evaluation form ❑ Project evaluation form — This form will be filled out by the MDH staff assigned to your area. Please contact the appropriate MDH staff before you submit the application WORKITEM 3 j 3. Describe the work that will be performed: I 3a. Amount Requested for performing this Work: i 3b. Cost Share Amount information (list all contributors and corresponding dollar amounts; in-kind contribution is not accepted): Please check one: ❑ I have a state grant. Please describe: ❑ I have a federal grant. Please describe: ❑ I will use my own financial resources ❑ Other. Please describe: 3c. Total Cost for performing Work Item 3 (3a + 3b): 3d. Anticipated outcomes (products) of performing this work: 3e. Supporting documentation — must check at least one and must attach copies. Without supporting documentation the application will be disqualified ❑ Sanitary survey ❑ WHP plan / Intake protection plan ❑ NOV with Project evaluation form ❑ APO with Compliance agreement and Project evaluation form ❑ Project evaluation form — This form will be filled out by the MDH staff assigned to your area. Please contact the appropriate MDH staff before you submit the application DETAILED BUDGET AND SCHEDULE Please describe all sub -activities that are included in the project with the corresponding costs and estimated date of completion; use an additional page if necessary. Sub -Activity (breakdown of each cost for each work item): Amount Requested from MDH: Cost Share: Estimated start Purchase and install radio antenna, provide and integrate communication and monitoring between Well House #4 and 5500 13900 May 2014 existing SCADA system. Provide remote monitoring at Program system to incorporate intrusion alarms, water production safeguards & alarms, aquifer level monitoring and 3500 3500 June 2014 Final testing and commissioning 1000 1000 July 2014 lcertify that the information herein istrue and accurate tothe best ofmyknowledge and Isubmit this application onbehalf ofthe applicant public water supply system. I acknowledge that the project will be completed by June 30, 2015 and that all work will meet plan review and inspection requirements, and will be done in accordance with all Local, State and Federal Regulations Signature Date INSTRUCTIONS You may complete this form manually or electronically. Please print the information if you opt to do this manually. Once you are finished, you have three options for submitting the application form to the Minnesota Department of Health: Option 1 - Mail the form to: Option 2 - Fax the form to: Option 3 - E-mail the form to: Ms. Cristina Covalschi Ms. Cristina Covalschi Cristina.Covalschi@state.mn.us SWP Grant Coordinator SWP Grant Coordinator Minnesota Department of Health (651) 201- 4701 P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 DEFINITIONS OF THE TERMS USED IN THIS FORM (IN THE ORDER ENCOUNTERED): Public Water Supply System means the name that is used by the Minnesota Department of Health to identify the public water supplier and that is associated with a public water supply system identification number. Name of the Grant Contact means the name of the individual who will be responsible for managing the grant. Telephone Number means the telephone number of the contact person that the Minnesota Department of Health can call during its regular business hours (M -F from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). E-mail means an internet address for the contact person that the Minnesota Department of Health can use to electronically transmit information related to the grant. Mailing Address means the mailing address of the Public Supply System that shall be used for correspondence with MDH. Name and Title of the Person Authorized to Sign the Grant Agreement on Behalf of the Public Water Supply System means a person who has authority to administer a financial agreement between the public water supplier and the Minnesota Department of Health. Total Grant Amount Being Requested means the sum of the costs of the work items that are identified in the grant application (1a + 2a + 3a +....) Cost Share Amount means the total estimated contribution in cash that a recipient makes to the award (lb + 2b + 3b + ....) Cost sharing is auditable and must be allowable under cost principles and verifiable to records. Work Item is the source water protection activity or activities that are to be performed under this part of the grant application. Fill one box for each activity included in the project; feel free to insert more boxes if needed. Amount requested for performing this work means the estimated amount requested by the grantee for completing the activity performed under this part of the application. Estimated start date means the date when you expect to start the work. Product(s) produced or anticipated outcomes of performing this work means the tangible results of performing the work that is funded by this grant. Project evaluation form — internal MDH form that is filled out by MDH staff (engineer, planner, or hydrologist) and serves as supporting documentation with the grant application MDH staff who may provide the PWS with the Project evaluation form - before submitting the application, applicants must consult with MDH staff assigned to their area: http: //www. health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/water/ora/contactlst. html#swp Detailed Budget means a breakdown of costs with a detailed description of all costs. Costs must be based on a written estimate from the contractor / vendor and must be attached to the application. The total must match the dollar amount that is being requested and the total cost share amount. To request this document in a different format please call Section Receptionist: 651-201-4700