ITEM 2 Park Names/MemorialsITEM 2 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763, 231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPQ@PlanningCoxom MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 18 March 2014 RE: Otsego — Park Names / Memorials TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Informal inquiries have been made to City staff regarding naming of the soccer fields at Prairie Park as a memorial to an Otsego resident associated with Three Rivers Soccer Association (TRSA) who died suddenly while coaching a TRSA practice. The City has established a process for naming of parks as well as a policy regarding park memorials but the two issues have not been previously connected. City staff thought it advisable for the City Council to consider park names as a memorial as a policy issue prior to consideration of a formal request for a park name as a memorial to a specific individual. Exhibits: A. Park Memorial Policy ANALYSIS Park Names. The City has established a process for naming of City parks to include a recommendation from the Heritage Preservation Commission to the Parks Commission. The Parks Commission considers the information from the HPC in making their own recommendation to the City Council which approves the final name. The intent of this process is to establish park names that contribute to identification of the park but also foster a greater sense of community identity. Park names that have been chosen using this process have recognized long-established families that lived in the area of the park (Beaudry Meadows, Zimmer Farm Park, Davis Preserve Park, Norin Landing, Carrick's Waterfront Landing), historical developments (Lilly Pond Park, Kittredge Crossings Park) or community history (Frankfort Park). To date, City parks have not been named for any living or deceased single individual of prominence in Otsego's history or someone who has made significant contributions to the community. Park Memorials. The City established a policy for park memorials after a request to install a bench at Prairie Park had been received by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The policy establishes opportunity for park memorials through donation of a tree installed at a City park or a monetary donation that will be used in the development of the City's park system. This approach is taken for two reasons: first the City assumes long term ownership and maintenance of any memorial. Using a City approved plant species minimizes maintenance needs and avoids installation of fixtures not necessarily needed within the parks that will require eventual maintenance and/or replacement. Second, the memorial is being placed in a public place and the appropriateness of a more unique or detailed monument must be considered. The park memorial policy does not currently address a request to name a park for a deceased person who has made significant contributions to the City. Petition Process. The City may look to establish an additional section as part of the park memorial policy addressing requests to name or rename park facilities in honor of a living or deceased Otsego resident that made significant contributions to the City. Elements of such a policy may include: Information requirement to be provided by the individual or organization making the request to include detailed biography and description of contributions the person to be honored made to the community. A contribution of the land, a significant portion of the land or funding for all or a significant portion of the park acquisition, development and/or renovation may also be factors considered. ■ A recommended minimum number of years or service or other threshold for evaluating the level of contribution. ■ A minimum waiting period between the end of service and/or death to minimize the emotional impact of the naming process and evaluation of the request. Establishment of a review process by which a request to name a park as a memorial is referred to the Heritage Preservation Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission for their recommendations as to the significance of the individual's contributions to the community and whether recognition through naming of a park facility is appropriate in consideration of the City's goals for such designations. 2 CONCLUSION The City Council is to discuss the issue of park names and park memorials at a work session on 24 March 2014. City staff is seeking direction as to the acceptability and process for considering park names as memorials generally and with regards to the current inquiry. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager Andy MacArthur, City Attorney 3 POLICY 05.04 PARK DONATIONS Section 05.04.01 Purpose 05.04.02 Memorials 05.04.03 Acceptance 05.04.04 Other Donations 05.04.05 Fees 05.04.06 Amendments SECTION 05.04.01: PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this policy to establish guidelines for the donation of memorials at parks in the City of Otsego. This policy is intended to provide an administrative process for donating improvements for parks to the City while removing emotional considerations and to ensure consistency and equal opportunity. SECTION 05.04.02: MEMORIALS: A. An individual or organization may pay tribute to a deceased Otsego resident (current or former) by donating a memorial. B. Donations will be accepted for the following: 1. A living memorial such as a tree, shrub or other planting of a type, size and location approved by City staff. 2. Monetary donation to the City's park development fund to be used exclusively for the development of new park facilities or improvement of existing parks at the discretion of the City. C. Recognition: 1. A plaque shall be provided by the City recognizing the individual donation of a living memorial with "Donated in memory of " 2. Monetary or other donations shall be recognized on a plaque displayed at City Hall. D. Installation of the living memorial shall be supervised by City staff. 1 E. The donor shall provide for the cost of the living memorial and plaque, plus installation and any future maintenance that may be required. SECTION 05.04.03: ACCEPTANCE: A. Proposals for donation of a memorial for a City park shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk along with any fees required by this Section. B. City staff shall review the proposed memorial for consistency with this policy. If the proposal is consistent with this policy, City staff shall prepare a resolution pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 465.03 requiring that all gifts and donations of real or personal property be accepted only by approval of the City Council. C. Acceptance of the proposed donation shall require adoption of the resolution by a majority vote of the City Council. SECTION 05.04.04: OTHER DONATIONS: Proposals for donation of improvements for a City park other than provided for by this Policy or a monetary donation shall be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and subject to acceptance by the City Council by resolution as provided for in Section 05.04.03 of this Policy. SECTION 05.04.05: FEES: The City Council shall adopt annually a schedule of fees related to donation of memorials in Section 2-4-2 of the City Code. SECTION 05.04.06: AMENDMENTS: A. The City Council may amend this policy at any time. Modifications of the policy shall be effective on the date said modifications are approved by City council resolution. B. The policy will be reviewed periodically by City staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission and/or City Council. The City Clerk will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. Any review will consider comments and complaints since the last review and any other factors affecting the policy or its implementation. 2