ITEM 5 Wright County Public Transit0 OTY C tCI�eIF O MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: March 17, 2014 SUBJECT: Wright County Public Transit ITEM 5 At the December 9, 2013, City Council meeting, I gave the Council an update on the status of RiverRider Public Transit and the pending dissolution of the organization. I requested and the Council granted authorization to work with MnDot, other cities, and Wright County to secure a new public transit provider. Since that time I have provided the Council with numerous updates on the status of RiverRider and the progress in identifying a transit provider to step in on July 1 when RiverRider ceases to exist. The last update was to inform you that, following the Wright County Transportation meeting on March 10 at which time two proposals were presented, Trailblazer Transit has been identified as the provider best suited to provide transit to Wright County beginning July 1. For your information, attached are the presentation materials that Trailblazer Transit distributed at the March 10 meeting. As you can imagine, the July 1 deadline for providing service is incredibly tight both in terms of getting the partnership arrangements and documents approved and operationally and logistically. MnDot has been working with Trailblazer Transit to ensure that Wright County does have public transit on July 1 or sooner if needed. Trailblazer's has been very responsive to and proactive in doing what they can within the existing constraints to assist with providing service on July 1. The Wright County Board has invited local officials to a meeting on March 27 to discuss this matter including the future partnership with Trailblazer. At that time, there will likely be discussion about whether the cooperative agreement with Trailblazer is with Wright County or the cities. Attached is a letter that the Buffalo City Council sent to Wright County stating, "The City Council of Buffalo would encourage the County Board to enter into a cooperative agreement with the existing Trailblazer Transit counties. We ask that this be done after careful consideration of the service needs expressed by the Cities of Wright County. If it is the intent of the County Board to not enter into an agreement with Trailblazer, we ask that the Cities of Wright County be given the opportunity to do so. The Cities would then consider the creation of a joint powers board to act in cooperation and as the contracting agency with Trailblazer." A few other cities sent similar letters. The cities are concerned that their interests are correctly represented by the County Commissioners that service as transit board members; therefore, this has been a significant factor in the transition. In conclusion, I will provide additional information verbally at Monday's meeting. No action is requested at this time unless the Council wants to formally request that Wright County partner with Trailblazer Transit. If that is the case, that action should include contingencies for city involvement through an advisory commission (or similar) and appointment of Commissioners who are supportive of working with Trailblazer and will represent the desires of the cities. 2 Transit System Summary Trai/b/crier 0001*1 Transit 1'� + Serving Sibley and McLeod Counties Prepared for: Wright County Transit Stakeholders Buffalo, MN March 10, 2014 L-, be W Q 0 m u9 Mms N A 0 U) H u Mms N A 0 U) H u tom' 0 l0 x U U) U) ro Q U Q T d E O LL O O o 0o 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 NCV M M M M O P O O P O o 0 0 Tiklw iCj LO to w w m CO w CD (O CD (o �;� OOOOOOOd00000 M M M C+7 0 0 0 Q C7 Q Q O o W o 0 0— d) (D EE ry 7 t6 D C4 7 N O la 7 CO : N a LL au au au aLL(LLL O O O O O O O O O O o O 0 Uf MM MM000040004 ?+ O r O O o r O r 0-0 ar O Y p , 1 I I 1 I I 1 I Q... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E w Cn M M M O 0 0 0 0 o 9 O O W M co w w CD CO CD CD w m w 0(0 Cl 0 0 o d 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M M M M M In LO O 0I I , � , , I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0E 0 0 0 0 0 NO O O O CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i6 in 6 i(; c-:- -i r N Y N r C+1 - t/f POoo o10=010 al�hhC) c'O r'Or0 O ° d 0 0 0 O r o O r q O O O O o 0 0 0 0 M M M Ci M M Cn M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 js <fn [D � ,LE7 r r Y r Y r M M M <� M MMM M C7 M M M O t<1 to to Co M LO LO LO N o m to to a O E � aura° O O O O 0(p o m m cD to ui ,o a as O O O O 1 ` i r 0 0 0 O L L. 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N .4 w Un c atS u 12 ~ > Ca d M Lry v12 G N� y d C:,U3 ro ro N ro m N h C C C G ami v to U N O E 7 0 M n � 0 U LI N a) y c, 3 w m 4' in N y C E L + o C, Qd Q o 0 o L_ T h r O C NCD 0 M N O �- M a c ;pJ Ld N N al N h LLU .m N 'z C � C ❑ }- N m 9 cV N J N WLL ❑ N LL w fi � H a y ' d ❑ Trailblazer Joint Powers Board EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY - 2014 Paid Time Off Employees may use Paid Time Off (PTO) for vacations, illness, funerals, and personal business. PTO is earned based on the accrual rates shown below. PTO accrues on all hours paid to an employee, with the exception of overtime hours. PTO may be used in fifteen -minute increments. See Article 11 in the Personnel Policies section of your employee handbook for additional information. Accrual Rate Per Hour Paid (except on overtime hours) Zero up to 5 years 0654 PTO hrs/hour worked * 17 days/year 5 Years up to 10 Years .0847 PTO hrs/hour worked * 22 days/year 10 Years or more .1039 PTO hrs/hour worked * 27 days/year * The days/year are approximations and serve only as a frame of reference. Holiday Pay Trailblazer recognizes the six holidays listed below, for which employees will receive holiday pay. Since Trailblazer does not operate on these holidays, employees generally receive the day off. However, should a recognized holiday fall on a day of the week that Trailblazer generally does not operate, non-exempt employees do not get an additional day off unless PTO is used. Holiday pay is based on the number of hours of a regular work shift, which is defined for each employee by the executive director and listed on the approved Operations Plan. Holiday pay for individuals working temporary schedules (whether greater or fewer hours) is also based on their regular work shifts. Employees are eligible for holiday pay after the first day of work. Recognized Holidays • New Year's Day • Memorial Day . 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day 25th of December Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) PERA is a retirement plan established by the Minnesota State Legislature for governmental agencies. Contribution rates are calculated on gross wages or salaries. The employee's contribution is deducted on a pre-tax basis. Coordinated Plan Contribution Rates (2014): Employee ............... 6.25% Employer ................ 7.25% Employee Benefit Summary — 2014 Page 1 of 2 Health Insurance The Trailblazer Joint Powers Board pays a portion of the monthly premium for health insurance for single or family coverage. The TJPB determines the amount of the employee contribution and generally does so on an annual basis. The four available plans along with current contribution amounts and basic details are listed below, Full- time employees are required to be enrolled in one of the health insurance plans, * Employees selecting Bronze Single Coverage shall forfeit the additional employer contribution available for the other health insurance plans. In -network Total Employer Employee Silver $500 for member $30 co -pay Plan Premium Contribution Contribution $40 co -pay 1) Silver-- Single $826/month $660/month $166/month ($1,992/year) 2) Silver— Family $2,254/month $660/month $1,594/month ($19,128/year) 3) Bronze — Single $520/month * $520/month ZERO ZERO 4) Bronze — Family $1,406/month $660/month $746/month ($8,952/year) * Employees selecting Bronze Single Coverage shall forfeit the additional employer contribution available for the other health insurance plans. In -network In -network Plan Deductible Office Visits Silver $500 for member $30 co -pay $1,000/family Zero for Prevent Care Bronze $1,000 for member $40 co -pay $2,000/family zero for Prevent Care Note: Please refer to the Health Insurance Plan Comparison or the Medica Plan Document for additional information. Term Life Insurance The Trailblazer Joint Powers Board pays the entire monthly premium for a $10,000 term life insurance policy for the employee only. Employees may purchase at their own expense additional coverage for themselves and/or their dependents, Short-term Disability The Trailblazer Joint Powers Board pays the entire monthly premium for short-term disability (STD) insurance for the employee only. The STD policy is designed to supplement and .coordinate with PTO benefits to help prevent a serious non -work related injury or illness from consuming an employee's bank of PTO. The STD insurance accomplishes this by providing the employee with a percentage of his/her normal wages during the time the employee is unable to work because of the injury or illness. This benefit has a May qualifying period and continues for up to 26 weeks. Both the employee and the employer pay taxes on the short-term disability payments. Please Note Employees with regular full-time status are eligible to receive the entire benefit package. Part-time employees are eligible for a partial benefit package including PTO, Holiday Pay, and PERA. Employee Benefit Summary — 2014 Page 2of2 Serving Sibley and McLe®d Counties Trifiblaxer � Trmsk 207 West 11th Street •Glencoe, MN 55336 Phone (320) 864-1000 • Fax (320) 864-1910 Trailblazer Transit Fare Structure Trailblazer Transit is part of the 5311 Public Transportation Participation Program administered by the MnDOT Office of Transit. Trailblazer Transit currently has bus service and volunteer driver service. Bus System — (Bus fares may be billed or paid on the bus.) The bus fare is $4.00 per ride per person if the total distance for the ride is less than 25 road miles. The bus fare increases to $8.00 per ride per person if the customer travels 25 or more road miles. Fares are determined based on the assumption that the bus would travel directly to the customer's destination. Additional miles driven to transport other customers are not included. The bus fare is discounted to $2.00 per ride per person if the origin and destination are located entirely within the same corporate city limits of any city within the service area. In general, the service area includes Sibley and McLeod Counties and one mile around the border. A ride is defined as transportation in one direction fi-om point A to point B. Please Note; Bus tokens represent $2.00 each and are non-refundable. In addition, tokens are valid as payment only when boarding the bus and may not be used as payment for billed rides. Special Bus System Pricing & Promotions Promotional Rides — Trailblazer will pay the fare the fust time a customer uses the bus! The customer may ride round-trip (or up to two rides) anywhere in the service area under this promotion. Additional stops on the same trip and will -calls are excluded, as are organizations with registered billing codes. Children Under 2 — Trailblazer will pay the bus fare for children under the age of two who are accompanied by a paying caretaker traveling to the same destination. Monthly Passes — The following monthly passes allow a customer to ride an unlimited number of times in a month for a specific purpose. Passes are available for purchase only by calendar month. • Dining Card ($16) — Unlimited rides to and fi-om any establishment where you can purchase and eat food. (Includes restaurants, cafes, bakeries, coffee shops, and senior nutrition centers.) • Combo Card ($24) — This is an upgraded dining card that allows you to go shopping, as well. (Includes grocery stores, beauty salons, banks, post offices, discount stores, malls, and pretty much anywhere else you can buy a product or service! Day care and medical appointments are excluded.) • Summer Recreation Card ($16) — Unlimited rides to and from any summer -related recreational activity or destination. (Includes swimming pools, parks, festivals, county fairs, libraries, summer school, driver's ed, and day care.) This monthly pass is available only in June, July, and August. • Day Care Provider Card ($60) — This pass allows a day care provider, either home or center - based, to transport children under the age of 12 to and from any destination except for the purpose of transferring caretaking responsibilities between the day care and the child's parents or guardians. Any caretakers fi-om the day care who accompany the children are also covered by this pass. Hourly Rates — Any number of customers may ride the bus to unlimited destinations for $65 per hour per bus based on the actual arrival and drop-off times. Hourly rates are charged out in fifteen -minute increments with a one- hour minimum per bus per day. Loading/unloading time plus any time spent in stand-by status shall be included in the cost calculation. Hourly rate pricing is eveellent for group outings and shuttle service! Please note that Trailblazer does not provide private charter service and that the general public may ride at the same time on a space - available basis. Any additional time spent transporting other customers while providing service based on an hourly rate is not included in the overall cost. The pickup window policy does not apply for hourly rate service. 1/1/2014 Trailblazer Transit Fare Structure — Continued Volunteer Driver Service— (Volunteer driver fares will be billed.) The fare for a Trailblazer Transit volunteer driver is based on round-trip mileage from the driver's home or starting point. The total cost is 56.0 cents per mile for the total number of miles the volunteer must drive to accommodate the ride request plus parking expenses and meal reimbursements, which may not exceed $10.00 per meal for every four hours the driver volunteers. The total cost for a volunteer driver is divided by the number of parties being transported on each trip. Volunteer drivers are not permitted to accept tips or gifts, but customers should bring enough money to pay for their own meal expenses should the volunteer need to stop and eat. S -MART Sibley/McLeod Auxiliary Regional Transit Premium Dial -A -Ride Service to Complement RIDE Trailblazer Transit SMART -RIDE Fare Structure SMART is an acronym for Sibley/McLeod Auxiliary Regional Transit and refers to all the service provided by the Trailblazer Joint Powers Board that is not part of the 5311 Public Transportation Participation Program administered by the MnDOT Office of Transit. SMART -RIDE currently has van service, bus service, and volunteer driver service. Van or Bus Service — (SMART van or bus service will be billed.) The fare for SMART van or bus service is $2.50 per loaded mile, with a $45 minimum charge for any trip less than 18 loaded miles total Trips may be one-way, round-trip, or multiple legs. The total fare for the bus or van service is divided by the number of parties being transported on each trip. There is no charge for waiting time, but the transit system reserves the right to provide two separate trips for extended wait times. For shuttle service and other special requests approved by the transit system, a SMART van may be used for $45 per hour and a SMART bus can be used for $65 per hour, each with a one hour minimum. Loading, unloading, and waiting time is charged out at the hourly rate. Travel time to the starting location and back fi-om the ending location may be charged out at the discretion of the transit system. Volunteer Driver Service — (SMART volunteer driver fares will be billed.) The fare for a SMART volunteer driver is based on round-trip mileage from the driver's home or starting point. The total cost is 66.0 cents per mile for the total number of miles the volunteer must drive to accommodate the ride request plus parking expenses and meal reimbursements, which may not exceed $10.00 per meal for every four hours the driver volunteers. The total cost for a volunteer driver is divided by the number of parties being transported on each trip. Volunteer drivers are not permitted to accept tips or gifts, but customers should bring enough money to pay for their own meal expenses should the volunteer need to stop and eat. if a customer is billed for 500 or more miles in a single month for SMART volunteer driver transportation, all the miles will be discounted to 56.0 cents per mile. All fares are established by the Trailblazer Joint Powers Board and are subject to change. Please call toll-free 1-888-743-3828 if you have any questions about the Trailblazer Transit or SMART -RIDE fare structures. 1/1/2014 N O) rl N LP) Lf) N o m 00 d' d• 00 mN O O lD LM, m m O O r1 N M N N N N N r d• m r m > LD L+ M 0 N N Lf) Ln LO M- m O IJ o0 H O J * d' m m 'S rl m O O m m m r r d• m r m LO LD m M 0 N N Lf) lO LO M- m }, M o0 H O H * d' m d• N Lf) --I LD m O 00 O m r-1 d' r O r -I N ) cO N O M Lf) (-6r m O O o0 r LD r LD 00 61' ri 00 ri 1p * -A O O Lr ri N 00 O '. 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A) Improve Quality of Life: (1) Mobility is an important part of the American Dream. (2) Access to jobs, shopping, services, and recreation. (3) Impacts network of people in addition to riders (farnily members, caretakers). (4) Safety (helps get questionable drivers off the road). (5) Enables people to stay at home and keeps people out of nursing homes. (6) Second option for when primary transportation fails. B) Financial Reasons: (1) Transit saves moneyl (For government entities and customers) a. Eliminate silos of funding with restricted access. b. Pool resources to increase efficiency. c. Allow general public to access these resources. d. Keep people out of nursing homes (big $$$),, e. Provide more affordable transportation for human services. f. Affordable transportation for customers (save money for other things). (2) Economic development: a. Transit system provides jobs. b. Allows people access to jobs. c. Employers use transit to attract workers. d. Provides access to dining, shopping, and other services. e. Good for businesses; good for customers. f. Attracts residents and business. g. Transit is the circulatory system of a community? Page 1 of 8 3) History: A) Trailblazer started in 1997 in Sibley County, B) Sibley County initially didn't want transit. Community didn't understand value of it. C) Sibley County received money from MnDOT. D) Sibley County hired Arlington Municipal Hospital to run it. (Third -party contractor) E) Arlington Hospital folded its bus transportation program into public transit system. F) Sibley County Human Services also folded its volunteer driver program into the public transit system along with its transportation program for veterans. G) In 1999, hospital sold out to Allina. AII!na didn't want to operate a transit system. H) Sibley and McLeod Counties created 'a joint powers agreement. 1) Trailblazer Joint Powers Board (TJPB) was born in June 1999. J) TJPB consists of (2) Sibley County Commissioners and (3) McLeod County commissioners. K) TJPB operates as a standalone organization. L) Multiple transportation systems were merged together: (1) Sibley County's public transit system. . (2) City of Hutchinson's public transit system. (3) Glencoe Hospital's private transportation system. (4) McLeod Social Service Center volunteer drivers. 4) Name/Logo: (1) Trailblazer named after Fort Ridgely Trail in Sibley County. (2) Definition exemplifies organization's values: One who makes, does, or discovers something new and makes it acceptable or popular. (3) Name projects energy, excitement, and movement. (4) Theme of traveling into new areas matches up well for a transit system. (5) Logo Design: a. STAR is an acronym that represents four core values: Safety, Teamwork, Attitude, and Responsibility. b. The star also represents: • Minnesota (North Star State). • Compass (referencing directions: North, South, East, West). • Excellence! c. Line represents: • Trail of the star. • Roads that buses drive on. • Heartbeat (Electrocardiogram): • Origin of Trailblazer (Arlington Municipal Hospital). • Constant visual reminder of the importance of transit. Page 2 of 8 5) Trailblazer Values: Upon what principles do we operate? A) Mission statement: To provide as many rides as safely and efficiently as possible. B) KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL TRANSIT PROGRAM: BALANCE! (1) Balance Economics, Quality of Service, Level of Service, and Demand. (2) When these are out of balance, the public transit system struggles. (3) If uncorrected for extended period of time, the system falters. (4) Delicate and difficult job to maintain balance with constantly changing variables such as funding levels, customer demand, labor market, overall economy, and political partners. C) LAW OF DIMINSIHING RETURNS: (1) Each additional resource used to provide service is less productive and more costly. (2) At some point it becomes too costly and inefficient to provide additional service with taxpayer funds. (3) Not everyone is able to get transportation service. (4) Who ultimately decides about the level of service to provide? >> Board Members! D) COMMUNITY INVESTMENT: (1) An investment in transit is an investment in people and communities. (2) Includes employees, customers, businesses, and other programs and services. E) Employee Values: (1) Safety, Teamwork, Attitude, and Responsibility. (2) Patience and Professionalism. (3) Excellent customer service. (4) Treat customers like they are family. F) Organizational Values: (1) High quality service. (2) High level of service. (3) Performance standards (emphasis on cost-effective transportation). (4) Focus on doing the most good with available resources. "The good of the many outweigh the good of the few." (5) Small administration (as small as possible, but large enough to get work done properly): (6) Attract and retain competent, qualified staff. (7) No shortcuts: If we're going to do it, then we'll do it right. (8) Focus on long term. (9) Focus on big picture. Page 3 of 8 6) Service Design: A) Service Design Chart. B) Trailblazer Transit vs, SMART -RIDE. C) Buses vs. Volunteer Drivers vs. Vans. D) Why buses and not vans for primary public transit program? (1) Nature of public transit requires the capacity and functionality of a bus. (2) Drivers cannot provide proper customer assistance in vans. (3) Vans pose an increased risk of injury to drivers and customers. (4) Customers are generally not comfortable in vans. (5) Safety concerns with vans (increased rollovers, less protection in accidents), E) 5311 vs. 5316 vs. Non-MnDOT Service, F) 5311 Service Area — MAP. 7) Service Levels and Staffing: A) Operations Plan. B) Wages (Drivers start at $15.23, Dispatchers start at $15.48). C) Benefits (Paid Time Off, Holiday Pay, PERA, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Short- term Disability Insurance). D) Average annual cost for one full-time driver at 7 hours per day = $41,500 total ($13,100 in benefits and employer taxes). E) Average annual cost for one -part-time driver at 4 hours per day = $19,500 total ($3,600 in benefits and employer taxes). 8) Quality of Service: A) Door -to -Door Service. B) Same-day scheduling. C) Real-time scheduling. D) Schedule "casual" bus rides up to 7 calendar days in advance. E) Schedule standing order bus rides up to 14 calendar days in advance F) Office hours from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, on weekdays. G) Full -dispatch support wheneverthere are buses on the road. (1) Monitor and maximize efficiency of schedules. (2) Driver support for accidents, incidents, breakdowns, and no-shows. (3) Allows customers access to information about buses and drivers. H) Computer-aided dispatching software (NOVUS). 1) Mobile Data Computers (MDC) in the buses. (1) Schedules are transmitted wirelesslyto MDC units. (2) Changes in driver's schedule are relayed immediately. (3) Automatic Vehicle Location: Drivers are continuously monitored. (4) On-time performance monitored in real-time. Page 4 of 8 J) 2 -way Radio System: All buses can communicate with dispatch and each other. K) Security cameras on buses to monitor customers and drivers. L) General Public Billing: Customers can have their rides billed to themselves or a sponsor. M) Virtual Monthly Passes. 9) Fares: A) Fare Structure Handout. B) Base Fare: $4.00 per ride up to 25 miles. C) Distance Fare: $8.00 per ride for 25 miles or more. D) Discount Fare: $2.00 per ride entirely within city limits (both the origin and destination). E) Virtual Monthly Passes—Unlimited rides in a calendar month! (1) Dining Card = $16/month. (2) Combo Card = $24/month. (3) Summer Rec Card = $16/month. (4) Day Care Provider Card = $60/month. 10) History of Ridership and Local Share: A) Ridership stats. B) Local share numbers. C) Local share Includes all expenses for all programs: (1) Operating and capital expenses. (2) 5311, 5316, and non-MnDOT programs. D) Local share would be significantly less if TJPB charged out full cost recovery rates to - human service agencies and related programs. E) County commissioners choose not to operate in this manner and want to see the expenses in the transit budget rather than in the budgets for human services. 11) Strengths: A) Financial management (both daily operations and large projects, $2.5 million facility was $3..83 under budget after initially being over budget by $1 million dollars). B) Bookkeeping, budgeting, and reporting (design, internal controls, audits). C) Strong political support (cities, counties, state). D) Strong partnerships with MnDOT, human services agencies, and other stakeholders. E) Comprehensive service delivery (multiple programs to meet different needs). F) Facilities and equipment. G) Marketing and working with the public. H) Experienced management and leadership. I) Library of experiences including multiple mergers. Page 5 of 8 J) Joint Powers Board established for only one purpose: to transport people. Transit is all we do, and we do it well. K) "Ali for one, and one for all" decision making. L) Customer service. 12) What does Trailblazer have to offer? A) Excellent service for a reasonable investment. B) Comprehensive, coordinated, and flexible service design. C) Connectivity (within cities, between cities, within counties, between counties). D) Technology (dispatching software, MDC units, and 2 -way radios). E) Competent, energetic, and experienced management. F) Two seats on the TJPB with full voting privileges. G) The Trailblazer organization will care for and advocate for the residents in Wright County. 13) Marketing and Outreach Plan for Wright County: A) Establish Transportation Advisory Committee (limited group of selected stakeholders). B) Identify, educate, train, and communicate regularly with all stakeholders. C) Conduct Now to Use Transit Workshops in each community (direct customer contact and input). D) Coordinate with other transportation providers; serve as mobility manager. E) Clean buses (they are 26 foot moving billboards!). F) Develop relationships with newspapers. G) Distribute brochures, posters, pens, magnets, shopping bags, and tokens. H) Driver recruitment, training, and supervision. 1) Quality service will result in positive word of mouth. 14) Methods of Communication with Stakeholders: A) Meetings (individual or in groups). B) Presentations. C) Telephone conversations. D) Text Messages. E) Email. F) Revation. G) Physical presence in Wright County (i.e. office). 15) Plan of Action: A) Formally partner with entity or entities in Wright County: (1) Determine legal entity to partner with Sibley and McLeod Counties (The Wright County Board of Commissioners and the cities within Wright County need to figure this out.) Page 6 of 8 (2) Entity from Wright County passes a resolution specifying intent to partner with Trailblazer. (3) Negotiate details. regarding local share with Sibley and McLeod Counties. (4) Amend joint powers agreement (submit to attorneys for review) (5) All legal entities in partnership formally approve new agreement. (6) Next two TJPB meetings are March 20 and April 17. B) Identify all stakeholders in Wright County (the list will be extensive). C) Identify and coordinate with all other transportation providers in area (i.e. Tri -Cap, Metro Transit, Northstar Commuter Train/Bus, Cities Edge, and all other transportation providers). D) Establish Transportation Advisory Committee (limited number of highly -committed stakeholders). E) Educate Transportation Advisory Committee. F) Complete an in-depth review of current service being provided. G) Conduct "boots on the ground" review of each city to identify: (1) Likely destinations. (2) Potential customers. (3) Any unique factors that may affect service delivery. H) Prepare Transit for Our Future Application (including budget) designed to maintain current service levels until end of 2014 with a few possible tweaks if immediate improvements can be made. 1) Establish base of operations in Wright County (i.e. secure a facility). (1) Need facility with heated garage where buses can be properly inspected and washed daily. (2) Also need attached offices, meeting space, and lobby for general public. (3) Ideal location would be in Buffalo or St. Michael. (4) Dispatch functions and administrative offices would remain in Glencoe. J) Prepare for transition of service. (1) Take inventory of existing buses. (2) Retrofit usable buses (MDC units, 2 -way radios, security cameras, fare boxes, and install lettering). (3) Order new buses. (4) Recruit, hire, and train staff. (5) Replace NOVUS servers and upgrade software. (6) Complete MDC testing. (7) Review current passenger manifests and schedules. (8) Complete data entry of common locations, passengers, and standing orders. (9) Contact current customers to explain transition of service. Page 7 of 8 10 Continue to gather input from all stakeholders to determine desired service levels. L) Prepare budget and annual 5311 application for desired service levels in 2015. M) Present desired service levels with budget to MnDOT and Trailblazer Joint Powers Board. N) TJPB decides what level of service based on available MnDOT funding and local share. 16) Comments from Vicki Stock and Gary Sprynczynatyk. 17) Comments from Sibley County and McLeod County Commissioners. 18) Questions. Contact Information: Gary Ludwig, Executive Director Trailblazer Joint Powers Board 207 West 11th Street Glencoe, MN 55336 (888) 74373828 toll-free (320) 864-1000 local gludwig@trailblazertransit.com www.trailblazertransit.com. Page 8 of 8 212 CcnTxni. Avr•.t ur: Burr,v o, 114mm:>m.A 55313 763-682-1181 E-MAIL: gcneralcitypostoiftcc@ci.buifata.mn.us is=i r i o r_isir r t_i i—cam . _ s=1-v WEWS1 ns: ci.buffaloIII n.us March 18, 2014 Wright County Commissioners Wright County Court House 1.0 2nd Street NW Buffalo, Mn 55313 Dear County Commissioners: The Buffalo City Council has reviewed the record of discussion regarding the future of public transportation in Wright County. We have also discussed the presentation made by prospective providers of that transportation at a recent MnDOT sponsored meeting of state, county arid city representatives. Based upon that review we feel that the Trailblazer Transit alternative best fits the transportation needs of the citizens of our community. The City Council of Buffalo would encourage the County Board to enter into a cooperative agreement with the existing Trailblazer Transit counties. We ask that this be done after careful consideration of the service needs expressed by the Cities of Wright County. If it is the intent of the County Board to not enter into an agreement with Trailblazer, we ask that the Cities of Wright County be given the opportunity to do so. The Cities would then consider the creation of a joint powers board to act in cooperation and as the contracting agency with Trailblazer. Thank you for the consideration of this request. Sincerely, For the Buffalo City Council Brad Nauman, Mayor City of Buffalo