ITEM 3.6B OPC 3.11.2014 MinutesITEM 3-6B Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission - March 11. 2014 Members Present: Chris Wilson, Lisay Fahey, John Noll, Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, Zonja Matushenko. City Councilman Vern Heidner, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting was called to order at 7pm. Three addenda were added to the agenda: computer questions, Otsego Comprehensive plan and new Commissioner Zonja Matushenko's introduction to OHPC. The January and February 2014 minutes were approved. Zonja Matushenko, who has an architectural design background and worked as a writer for ten years, introduced herself. We exchanged names and emails and welcomed Zonja. She would be willing to take on writing projects, as well as other projects. We are very pleased to have her join us. OHPC Books revision: Lisa will start on the book "In the Beginning" for revision. For the Cemetery book Toni will take new pictures of the stones and Lisa feels that all the grave monuments should be photographed and Toni agreed. Office organization: We have a consensus re: making decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. We as a group will decide item by item. Seminar for public on Saturday, April 5 at 10-11am on Otsego history. Commissioners will meet at gam that morning at the Prairie Center. Gail brought a list of subjects we might cover and Commissioners chose their topics. Chris - grasshopper infestations, importance of ginseng Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka - early schools and later schools Farm years - Zonja murder in Otsego township - Gail Life on the Mississippi River, steamboats, logging, ferries- Lisa cemetery - Toni Seroshek Flood '65-'66 John Jessica Stockamp will bring doughnuts. We'll make coffee at the Prairie Center. Ross will be present. Jamie will organize our audiovisual materials and bring DVD or CD. Jessica will see if she can borrow a projector which is mobile. Computer/Electronic Otsego Plan: Vern Heidner explained the long term plan of the City's electronic system. He explained some of the history and problems with scanners and printers. The City has now invested in an elaborate and expensive laser fiche system. This system converts to pdf files and works on pictures also. The materials are automatically indexed and saved. The Council would like any of our record keeping to be a part of that system. Toni requested we wish to have a bigger monitor in the office if it is available. Toni states that pictures should be in of files and Vern will check if the system does convert to of files. Otsego Comprehensive plan: Chris had some questions about materials re: Heritage Preservation Sites: p. 86 and 87 in the City's Comprehensive Plan. We are also very interested in finding out what are the 14 other sites (beyond the Cemetery and the Barns on the former Swenson farm) which may have historical significance. Vern explained that the City's Comprehensive Plan is revised periodically in portions but not all at once. It is a specific legal document by State law and changes have to undergo a public hearing. OHPC would like to have City Planner Dan Licht look at sections on 1 pages 86 and 87, page 119 and pages 131-132. We also were surprised that the old schoolhouse/town hall was not on the list and feel that it should be. Vern explained Dan will have to look at he pages in question and make recommendations which will come back to us and then changes will go back to the Planning Commission and then approval by City Council is required. On Saturday March 22nd at 10am Commissioners who can will work on preparing the office further for presentation at the History Seminar in our office April 5. Gail will check with Ross to see if any activities are going on that day so the Prairie Center will be open. If not Vern agrees to open up for us if Gail calls him the day before. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. Gail Anderson