94-73NO. 94-73 RESOLUTION OPPOSING TERM LIMITS CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the constitutional right to elect a representative of the voter's choice is fundamental to the democratic principles upon which the United States was founded, and should not be eliminated by voters who do not reside within the city; and, WHEREAS, there is already significant turnover in local office and at the State level, and; WHEREAS, such limits increase the prospects for adoption of short-term solutions to difficult problems rather than make possible experience needed to adopt policies that offer long-term improvements, and; WHEREAS, term limits may actively discourage qualified challengers from filing to oppose incumbents officeholders because term limits will assure that the candidate can simply wait to run for an open seat, and; WHEREAS, term limits do a disservice to the public understanding and participation in government; issue -oriented campaigning and fail to improve voter apathy and turn -out in elections: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the CITY OF OTSEGO calls on members of the Minnesota State Legislature and Governor Carlson to uphold the constitutional rights of voters to elect their representatives to office by opposing term limits. CITY OF OTSEGO: O N F FRESKE, MAYOR ATTEST: ELAINE prATTY, bEPUTY CL ` ZONING ADMINISTRATOR (CITY SEAQ.)