ITEM 3.3 Wellhead Protection AmendmentP CITY Ot�eoo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Kurt Neidermeier, Utility April 28, 2014 No Operators Supervisor Barr Engineering Company, at the September 23, 2013 Otsego City Council meeting was approved to PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.3 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: The Public Works Subcommittee has reviewed scope changes for the Wellhead Protection Amendment at the April 15th meeting and recommends approval. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Barr Engineering Company, at the September 23, 2013 Otsego City Council meeting was approved to complete Part 1 of the Wellhead Protection Amendment. The Scope of Work includes Data Compilation and Pre -delineation Meeting, Wellhead Protection Area delineation, Drinking Water Supply Management delineation, Well and Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment and Final Reporting at a project cost of $12,165. The Pre -Delineation Meeting was held March 31St with Barr Engineering and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Discussions included recently released information by the MN Geological Survey identifying bedrock faults in Otsego. Due to impact on water supply areas, the MDH is requiring the faults be incorporated to the Wellhead Protection Plan and flow evaluations be performed as part of the delineations. Incorporation of the faults, additional cross sections and fracture flow evaluations are beyond the original scope of work requiring additional costs. Barr Engineering Company provided a detail of scope changes and prepared an estimate not to exceed $3,200 to complete the additional work. Staff agrees the scope of work has changed and is outside of the original proposal recommending Barr Engineering Company conduct the work requested. Funding for the service is available through the water operations fund. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED • Proposal: Part 1 Wellhead Protection Plan —Scope Changes POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the agreement for Scope Changes to the Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment with Barr Engineering Company. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES — 2014 Water Operations Fund ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: resourceful. naturally. BARR engineering and environmental consultants April 3, 2014 Mr. Kurt Neidermeier Utility Operations Supervisor City of Otsego 13400 901h Street N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Part 1 Wellhead Protection Plan — Scope Changes Dear Mr. Neidermeier: As we discussed during our April 2 phone call, the Pre -Delineation Meeting for the Otsego Part 1 Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP) amendment with Dr. Amal Djerrari from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) was held on Monday, March 31. Barr proposed at the meeting to use Metro Model 2 as the base model for delineating the wellhead protection areas (WHPAs) for the Otsego wells since the Metropolitan Council has not yet released the new Metro Model 3 for use in projects such as this. During the Pre -Delineation Meeting, the presence of faults in the bedrock beneath Otsego shown in the new Wright County Geologic Atlas (released by the Minnesota Geological Survey on October 31, 2013) was discussed. (Note that the presence of these faults was not addressed in the City's 2004 Part 1 WHPP.) The faults are shown on Figure 1 below: B.bve\Unk • Q.o;. ur-:.v Aef LY.:rttik may lmm l'10'%CcaC, Gx _V_�l'�5 - -b FigumI BEDROCK SUBGROP Otsego WHPNI ment clry orocwsego, go, rut Barr Engineering Co. 4700 West 77th Street, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com Mr. Kurt Neidermeier Utility Operations Supervisor April 3, 2014 Paae 2 In order to address the faults and account for their potential effects on groundwater flow and well capture zones and the resulting WHPA delineations, Dr. Djerrari indicated that MDH would require the following for the Part 1 WHPP amendment: Incorporation of the faults into Metro Model 2 by adding hydraulic conductivity zones along the fault alignments. • Performance of a fracture flow evaluation as part of the WHPA delineations. In addition, Dr. Djerrari is also requiring that new geologic cross sections be included in the Part 1 WHPA amendment. The new cross sections are being required because: 1) The geologic cross sections in the 2004 Otsego Part 1 WHPP do not include the faults and 2) The size of the new WHPAs to be delineated for the plan amendment will likely be larger and of different shape than the original WHPAs delineated in 2004 due to the fracture flow evaluation. Each of the new MDH requirements identified above are beyond the scope of work presented in our October 8, 2013 proposal to the City. Specifically, the new MDH requirements contradict some of the assumptions associated with our proposed scope of work that are presented on pages 7 and 8 of our October 8 proposal. Additional work to update the groundwater flow model, perform the fracture flow evaluation, and prepare new geologic cross sections will be required to meet the new MDH requirements. We estimate that the cost associated with the additional work will not exceed $3,200. If the scope changes and associated costs discussed above are acceptable to the City of Otsego, please sign and date in the space below. Keep one copy of this letter for your records and return a copy to Barr Engineering Co. If you have any questions please call me at 952-832-2774. Sincerely, BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY By Brian K. LeMon Its Vice President Accepted this day of 2014 CITY OF OTSEGO 0 Its