ITEM 3.8 Rental Housing CodePRequest for Ot�CITY OF ezoCity Council Action MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 28 April 2014 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.8 —Rental Housing Code AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending the City Code to provide an exemption from the maximum occupancy limits within a rental housing unit for a single family. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. No. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City adopted regulations for rental housing on 12 February 2007 for the purpose of ensuring that rental housing within the City are occupied and maintained in a manner consistent with the Zoning Ordinance, does not create compatibility issues with surrounding properties and does not create a hazard to public health, safety and welfare. Section 7-11-7 of the City Code establishes maximum occupancy limits for rental housing units of two people per bedroom. The intent of this provision is to prevent overcrowding within a rental dwelling unit by unrelated people that would be in conflict with the regulation of a dwelling unit under the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance regulates occupancy of dwelling unit and residential buildings based on the definition of family which includes 1) people related blood, marriage or adoption, or 2) a group of not more than three persons unrelated by blood, marriage or adoption. The definition of family and dwelling unit within the Zoning Ordinance provides for a limitation on the intensity of use that would be expected by a residential property. The provisions of Section 7-11-7 of the City Code are intending to maintain the same limitation on the intensity of use of a residential property when the dwelling is renter occupied. City staff was contacted on 22 April 2014 by an individual seeking rental housing for himself, his spouse and their 10 children. Under the current language of Section 7-11-7 of the City Code, a rental dwelling would need to have six bedrooms in order for them to comply with the occupancy limitations of the City Code. It was not the intent of the provisions in Section 7-11-7 of the City Code to exclude or limit occupancy by a single family. As such, City staff has drafted an amendment to Section 7-11-7 to provide an exemption from the occupancy limits for rental dwellings. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Draft Ordinance 2014-09 B. Ordinance 2014-09 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve Ordinance 2014-09 amending the City Code related to occupancy of a rental dwelling by a single family. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA ❑ NO 4CTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: ORDINANCE NO.: 2014-09 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE RELATED TO OCCUPANCY OF A RENTAL DWELLING BY A SINGLE FAMILY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 7-11-7 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 7-11-7: MAXIMUM DENSITY: No person shall occupy nor permit or let to be occupied any rental dwelling unit for the purpose of living therein, which does not comply with the following requirements. A. With the exception of ownerstenants occupying a respective dwelling unit prior to February 12, 2007, the maximum permissible occupancy of any dwelling unit shall be determined as follows: Al. For the first occupant, one hundred fifty (150) square feet of habitable room floor space and for every additional occupant thereof, at least one hundred (100) square feet of habitable room floor space. -132. In no event shall the total number of occupants exceed two (2) times the number of habitable bedrooms, less kitchen, in the dwelling unit. B Occupancy of a rental dwelling unit by a single family as defined by Section 20-2- 2 of the City Code shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 7-11-7.A of this Section. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: 1 SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 28th day of April, 2014. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO I0-ya Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ORDINANCE NO.: 2014-09 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE RELATED TO OCCUPANCY OF A RENTAL DWELLING BY A SINGLE FAMILY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 7-11-7 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 7-11-7: MAXIMUM DENSITY: No person shall occupy nor permit or let to be occupied any rental dwelling unit for the purpose of living therein, which does not comply with the following requirements. A. With the exception of tenants occupying a respective dwelling unit prior to February 12, 2007, the maximum permissible occupancy of any dwelling unit shall be determined as follows: 1. For the first occupant, one hundred fifty (150) square feet of habitable room floor space and for every additional occupant thereof, at least one hundred (100) square feet of habitable room floor space. 2. In no event shall the total number of occupants exceed two (2) times the number of habitable bedrooms, less kitchen, in the dwelling unit. B Occupancy of a rental dwelling unit by a single family as defined by Section 20-2- 2 of the City Code shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 7-11-7.A of this Section. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: 1 SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 28th day of April, 2014. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor