ITEM 6.2 Dust Control0 Otsezo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner April 28, 2014 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 6.2 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Subcommittee recommends approval of placement of 4350 linear feet of dust control in front of the 9 residents along 70th Street between Oakwood Avenue and McAllister Avenue to retain existing gravel and mitigate dust until the 70th Street Improvement Project begins. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BAC KG R O U N D/J U STI F I CAT I O N: At a recent Council meeting, a resident expressed concern to the council that 70th Street has little to no gravel and may be in an unsafe condition. Council requested staff review the streets condition, prepare estimates for dust control and additional gravel and make a recommendation to the public works subcommittee. Brad Belair, Street Department Supervisor, and I drove the 70th Street on March 26th, two days after the council meeting and videoed a drive along the section from CSAH 37 to McAllister Ave. We drove the street at 50 mph, excepting the curves which we slowed to 30 mph. The center of the street was in good shape. Areas of marginal concern were the edges where either virtually no ditches exist or areas where snow drifts were two or three feet deep and were creating melt water softening the edges. Some driveway entrances and mailbox locations were rutted from vehicle traffic in those locations. A blade was subsequently sent out to the area to pull in the gravel and smooth the surface. Brad and I again drove the street on April 9th and the street was still passable at 50 mph although with the recent drying weather dust was an issue. The street was noticeably "soft" but by this time as the thaw has softened the clay road bed down three feet and will need time to firm up. Also, the loosened gravel from the recent blading adds to the "soft" feeling of the street. Brad and I estimated 4350' of dust control at 18' wide would be required in front of the nine homes. This is estimated to cost $2,200. This was based on calcium chloride being applied at 0.27 gal/sy at a cost of $0.96/gallon. We discussed additional gravel and determined 4" of new gravel would be excessive knowing the street will be reconstructed in a year or so. Using 2" of new gravel for one mile is estimated to cost $16,000. This was based on $13,000 for gravel delivered to the street at $8/ton and $3,000 for placement using a roller and a road grader for 16 hours. The total cost using this method would be over $18,000 or more than $2,000 per home. Soils borings along 70th Street that were conducted in late 2012 indicated most of the street had at least 4" of class 5. The Public Works Subcommittee recommend placement of dust control in front of the residents and maintaining the street to an acceptable standard. It should be noted that once construction starts the responsibility of maintaining a passable and dust free street will be passed to the contractor via a stringent haul road specification. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED X NONE MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to accept Public Works Subcommittee recommendation and approve placement of 4350 linear feet of dust control in front of the 9 residents along 70th Street between Oakwood Avenue and McAllister Avenue to retain existing gravel and mitigate dust until the 70th Street Improvement Project begins. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES Street Department Dust Control Fund #10143100-436 X NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: