ITEM 1a Uniform policyCity of Otsego Uniform Policy Adopted February 11, 2008 Revised July, 2012 Revised April 28, 2014 Purpose ITEM 7a The purpose of this policy is to provide uniforms for certain public works, parks, and utilities employees to identify them as City of Otsego employees. Uniform Uniform is defined as follows: All upper torso apparel shall have the City of Otsego logo Eligible uniform items include; Short and long sleeve tee or button shirts with City logo Sleeveless shirts with finished (hemmed) edges and with City logo Sweatshirts with City logo Jackets, vests and coveralls Pants Baseball caps and stocking hats with City logo Employees provided a uniform by the City shall wear the uniform during work hours Only City of Otsego logo hats are allowed to be worn during work hours Full Time Employees: Uniform Allowance The City will provide an initial uniform expenditure of up to $600 during or at completion of the probationary period when approved by the Supervisor for the purchase of uniforms. The City will provide up to $400 per calendar year after successful completion of the probationary period for purchase of uniforms. Uniform clothing must be worn during work hours and kept in clean condition. Mechanics are allowed to use a service contract to provide their uniforms. These uniforms must have the City of Otsego logo and be kept in a clean condition. Boot Allowance The City may provide up to $150 per year for the purchase of steel toe work boots. Seasonal and Part-time Employees: Uniform Allowance The City will provide up to four City logo shirts (long or short sleeve), one City logo sweatshirt and one City logo baseball cap or stocking hat. Uniform clothing must be worn during work hours and kept in clean condition. All clothing will be turned in to the supervisor at the end of City employment. Boot Allowance The City may provide up to $60 per calendar year for safety toe work boots. Safety Clothing - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) All personal protective clothing and equipment that is required for on the job safety shall be provided by the City. Purchasing Process All uniform, boot, and PPE purchases are subject to supervisory approval. All uniform, boot, and PPE must be purchased through an authorized vendor approved by the supervisor. Detailed receipts are required for all purchases. Receipts shall be submitted to the supervisor within 10 days of purchase. After the initial uniform or boot purchase, additional purchases can be made on a quarterly basis or by approval of the supervisor. The supervisor shall keep records of the balance each employee's uniform allowance. In no instance will the City reimburse or pay for a purchase in excess of the annual allowance. Revised April 28, 2014 City of Otsego Public Works Uniform Policy Adopted February 11, 2008 Revised July, 2012 Tntenti nn The intention of this policy is to provide uniforms for all public works employees that identify them as City of Otsego employees. Uniform Allowance The employer will provide an initial expenditure of up to $600 per year and up to $400 per year after that, per employee for the purchase of work related uniforms. All upper torso apparel must have the City of Otsego logo placed on it funded through the allowance. Purchases may include; pants, T-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, vests, coveralls, sleeveless t -shirts with hemmed edges and hats. All clothing must be worn and kept in clean condition. Mechanics are allowed to use a service contract to provide their uniforms. These uniforms must have the City of Otsego logo on it and be kept in a clean condition. A weekly service contract may be used to fund this uniform. Boot Allowance The employer will provide up to $150 per year, per employee for the purchase of work, boots. This money may be spent with the approval of the Supervisor. Purchasing Process All uniforms must be purchased through an authorized vendor approved by the Supervisor. After the initial purchase of their clothing is made, additional purchases can be made on a quarterly basis or by approval of the Supervisor. The billing department will keep records of the balance each employee has and will not cover expenses over the specified limit. Safety Clothing All clothing and equipment that is required for on the job safety is to be purchased by the employer through the general fund. Some of these items are high visibility jackets/vests, hard hats, hearing/eye protection, etc. These items must be maintained and readily available. Replacement of these items will require Supervisor approval. Seasonal Part-time Employees Seasonal part-time (summer/on-call winter) employees will be provided with up to four shirts (long or short sleeve) and a sweatshirt identifying them as City of Otsego Public Works employees. These shirts must be worn and kept in clean condition. Seasonal employees may also be reimbursed up to $60 annually for safety toe work boots, in order to receive the reimbursement the employee must provide a detailed receipt of safety boot purchase to their supervisor. Safety clothing and equipment required to perform their duties will also be provided. All clothing will be turned in to their supervisor at the end of their employment. Revised July, 2012