Item 3.1 - Prairie PointeITEM 3_7 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 13 October 2021 ACTION DATE: 26 November 2021 RE: Otsego — Prairie Pointe; Preliminary Plat TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton, Inc. Minnesota has submitted plans for development of 176 single family lots from 120.3 acres located east MacIver Avenue at 80th Street. The proposed development requires applications for a Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit and preliminary plat, as well as vacation of existing public right-of-way for portions of Marlowe Avenue and 83rd Street. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 October 2021. Exhibits: ■ Site location map ■ Removals Plan ■ Overall Site Plan ■ Preliminary Plat (4 sheets) ■ Overall Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan ■ Overall Storm Sewer Plan ■ Street Light and Signage Plan ■ Grading Plan (9 sheets) ■ Wetland Impact and Buffer Plan (3 sheets) ■ Landscape Plan 1 ANALYSIS Zoning. The property is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District and is also within the Shoreland Overlay District of Otsego Creek and that of a Natural Environment lake, which is within the east 40 acres of the subject site. The developer requesting a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the preliminary plat to R-5, Single and Two Family Residential District. Whereas the City may consider the R-4, Single Family District designation for the subject site, the preliminary plat is designed with smaller clustered lots outside of the environmentally sensitive areas of the subject site that are to be deeded to the City in consideration for allowing use of R-5 District lot requirements. The preliminary plat application also includes a request for a PUD -CUP related to development standards within the Shoreland Overlay District. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established by Section 11-3-2.F and Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance, respectively: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Future Land Use Plan of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential uses, which is as single family development with a net density of 3.0 dwelling units per acre or less. The subject site is 120.3 acres in area with a net area less the Natural Environment Lake, Otsego Creek, and wetland of 83.7 acres. The net density of the proposed preliminary plat is 2.1 dwelling units per acre. The proposed preliminary plat is designed using smaller urban sized lots as allowed within the R-5, Single and Two Family District so as to maximize preservation of the environmentally sensitive areas along the Otsego greenway corridor and surrounding the Natural Environment lake. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site includes three parcels, one of which is developed with a farmstead and another with single family dwelling. The existing buildings are all to be removed as part of the development of the property. The subject site is surrounded by the existing and planned uses shown in the table below. The property is at the northeast boundary of the West Sewer District at the limits for gravity sewer. To the west and south are existing single family neighborhoods previously platted within the West Sewer District and to the north and east are parcels outside of the sewer district to be used for rural purposes in accordance with the interim land use plan until such time as o future lift station is constructed at Mason Avenue and 87th Street. The proposed preliminary plat is an orderly development of the land within the West Sewer District compatible with existing and planned land uses in the area. 2 Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field East LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field South LD Residential R-4 District Martin Farms West LD Residential A-1 District R-4 District Rural Residential Prairie View Estates Arbor Creek 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed via 80th Street and 83rd Street with existing 83rd Street and Marlowe Avenue abutting the north and west lines of the preliminary plat. The City completed construction of MaclverAvenue and 85th Street between 80th Street and Nashua Avenue to provide an improved connection route between the West Sewer District and East Sewer District through the center of the City. A related goal was to minimize use of 80th Street/Marlowe Avenue/83rd Street and Mason Avenue for this purpose. Streets accessing the proposed preliminary plat have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Streets. The street layout for the preliminary plat is logically related to the topography and surrounding physical barriers so as to result in usable lots and reasonable grades and to discourage through traffic. Connections are made to existing temporary cul-de-sacs abutting the subject site within the Arbor Creek and Martin Farms neighborhoods, to 83rd Street at the northeast corner of the plat, and to the planned Prairie View Estates plat the west as required by Section 10-8-5.A.7 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The City contemplated as part of the MacIver Avenue/85th Street project that once complete, Marlowe Avenue and 83rd Street between 80th Street and Mason Avenue would be vacated and be replaced by local streets interior to development of the subject site. The preliminary plat application includes vacation of the existing right-of-way for Marlowe Avenue and 83rd Street abutting the subject site. The east/south portion of the right-of-way easement will be turned back to the developer and incorporated within the proposed preliminary plat. The west portion of the Marlowe Avenue right-of-way platted with Prairieview Elementary will be turned back to ISD 728 and the north portion of the 83rd Street easement west of proposed Street A turned back to the property owner the north. The developer will remove the existing roadway within the vacated right-of-way and restore the area. Existing utilities within the right-of-way are to be removed or the area will need to be overlaid by drainage and utility easement with the final plat as determined by the City Engineer. The developer will need to reconstruct the remaining section of 83rd Street from Street A to Mason Avenue. Streets within the subject site are planned to be public designed with 60 foot rights-of-way as required by Section 10-8-5.13.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Section 10-8-5.13.4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum 200 foot off -set for street intersections, measured centerline to centerline. The intersection of 83rd Street and Street F is off -set only 180 feet. The preliminary plat is to be revised to provide the required 200 foot off -set between 83rd Street and Street F. There are three cul-de-sac streets within the preliminary plat. The two in the north portion of the plat are due to a rise in the topography across existing 83rd Street to the north and the desire to discourage through traffic between 80th Street and 83rd Street within the subdivision. The cul-de-sac at the southwest corner of the subject site is necessary based on the layout of the approved Prairie View Estates subdivision to the west and Otsego Creek. The developer is working with the owner of Prairie View Estates regarding modifications to that plat, which would result in changes to the layout of the proposed preliminary plat in the area south of 80th Street and west of Marquette Avenue. The need for the cul-de-sacs as part of the subdivision design satisfies the criteria established by Section 11-8-5.C.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed cul-de-sac streets also comply with the design standards of Section 11-8-5.C.2 of the Subdivision Ordinance for the minimum/maximum depth and required turnaround dimensions. Section 8-8-4 of the City Code specifies installation of street lighting for new subdivisions at the corners of intersecting streets, midblock locations for blocks longer than 900 feet, and the terminus ends of cul-de-sac streets. The developer has provided a plan sheet showing proposed street lighting and street signs. The number and location of proposed street lights and street signs is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. All street design and construction plans, lighting, and signs are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Street names are to be assigned in accordance with the Wright County grid system and Section 10-8-5.13.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review and approval of City staff. Sidewalks/Trails. There is to be a five foot wide concrete sidewalk on one side of the streets as required by Section 10-5-8.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. The plans are to be revised to address the following: ■ The sidewalk on Street A is to be shifted to the east side of the roadway to minimize street crossings and locating a sidewalk only on the side yard of certain corner lots as well as extended along the south side of 83rd Street to Outlot B/G. 11 ■ A trail is to be provided on the south side of 83rd Street from Street A to Mason Avenue intersecting the trail within Outlot B/G. ■ The sidewalk on the south line of Lot 19 is to be revised to be a trail to allow for City maintenance extending from Prairieview Elementary to Street D. ■ The sidewalk along Marquette Avenue from the south line of Outlot K, Martin Farms to the trail connection south of Lot 178 is also to be revised as a 10 foot wide trail for City maintenance purposes. ■ City staff will work with the developer to average the wetland buffer and depth of the lots west of Street A to maximize the width of the trail corridor to create separation between the trail and lots. There are also mid -block trail connections to Prairieview Elementary between Lots 29/30 and to the Otsego Creek greenway corridor between Lots 177/178 and 78/196. The City will coordinate connection to Prairie View Elementary with ISD 728, which may need to be shifted north between Lots 34 and 35 to better align with the School property layout. The trail location and construction within the Otsego Creek greenway corridor will be coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Department. All sidewalk and trail design and construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Blocks. Section 10-8-3.A of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes that blocks within a subdivision are to be a minimum of 300 feet and not more than 1,200 feet in length. The blocks within the preliminary plat and overall concept plan comply with these requirements, except to the east of Street A along Otsego Creek and west of Street D abutting the Prairieview Elementary property. Lot Requirements. Section 11-66-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance requires single family lots within the R-5 District to be a minimum of 9,000 square feet in area and 60 feet (90 feet for corner lots) in width. All of the lots comply with the minimum requirements of the R-5 District. The mean area of the single family lots is 10,825 square feet. The areas of the preliminary plat are also within the Shoreland Overlay District of both a Natural Environment lake and Otsego Creek, which are subject to lot requirements established by Section 11-92-8 and Section 11-92-10 of the Zoning Ordinance, respectively. The developer is requesting approval of a PUD -CUP to allow for the application of the R-5 District lot requirements to the subject site as allowed by Section 11-92-17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Flexibility from the lot area requirements of the Shoreland Overlay District through a PUD -CUP requires a suitable analysis as outlined by Section 11-92-17.D of the Zoning Ordinance. The analysis calculates the maximum allowed density for the net area (less the waterbody and 5 wetlands) of the preliminary plat within the Shoreland Overlay District, which overlays land within 1,000 feet of the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) of the Natural Environment lake in 320 foot wide tiers radiating away from the OHWL of the waterbody or within 300 feet of Otsego Creek, whichever is more restrictive. The number of allowed lots may also be transferred to other tiers farther from the waterbody. The number of dwelling units within the Shoreland Overlay District complies the Zoning Ordinance as summarized below: Tier Tier Depth Tier Net Area Dwellings Allowed Dwellings Proposed Remaining Dwellings 1 320ft. 508,962sf. 25 10 +15 2 320ft. 526,691sf. 26 24 +2 3 320ft. 688,917sf. 34 40 -6 4 40ft. 98,587sf. 4 5 -1 Total 89 79 +10 Tributary 300ft. 381,827sf. 17 16 +1 The lots fronting the cul-de-sac turnarounds of Streets C, D, and E all have a minimum width of 75 feet. The width of these lots comply with the requirement of Section 10-8-5.C.2 of the Subdivision Ordinance requiring that the width of lots fronting the turnaround of a cul-de-sac be 25 percent greater than the district minimum requirement. The purpose of the additional width is to ensure that there is adequate spacing for driveways and boulevard area for stormwater drainage and snow storage within the right-of-way. Setbacks. The table below specifies the principal building setback requirements of the R-5 District as provided for in Section 11-66-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, the wetland setback established by Section 11-16-5.F.4.b and the Shoreland Overlay District setbacks required by Section 11-92-8.A and Section 11-92-10.A of the Zoning Ordinance: Local Interior Interior Wetland NE Lake Otsego Street Side Rear OHWL Creek 25ft.house 7ft. 20ft. 40ft. 150ft. 50ft. 30ft. garage The preliminary plat illustrates a 30 foot setback on the side lot line abutting a right-of-way for a corner lot; only 25 feet is required unless the garage is oriented to face the side lot line. The preliminary plat is to be revised to illustrate the applicable 25 foot setback requirement. All other setbacks as shown on the preliminary plat comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Grading. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage, and erosion control for development of the preliminary plat. The developer has also submitted a wetland delineation and wetland impact plan for the proposed preliminary plat. 0 Wetlands to be preserved are required by Section 11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance to be protected by a 20 foot buffer with the wetland and wetland buffer platted within an outlot deeded to the City. Lots 164 and 177 are encroached on by a wetland buffer. We recommend that depth of the proposed buffer be reduced to 10 feet in these areas through averaging to maintain the minimum required buffer area and that the lot lines be adjusted to remove any remaining encroachment. The section of Otsego Creek within the plat must be cleaned in accordance with the 2003 Otsego Creek Watershed Study 2003. Otsego Creek is to be modified to provide a 10 foot wide bottom with side slopes not steeper than 4:1. The subject site is within the Otsego Creek watershed and payment of a stormwater impact fee as established by Section 8-4-1 of the City Code is required at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule in effect. The developer will receive credit from the Stormwater Impact Fee for improvements to Otsego Creek. All grading, drainage, wetland impacts, and erosion control issues and improvements to Otsego Creek are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Permitting for improvements required to Otsego Creek are to be obtained by the developer through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Utilities. The developer has submitted plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities for the preliminary plat. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Payment of utility availability charges are due at the time of final plat approval and payment of utility connection charges are due at the time a building permit is issued for each lot in accordance with Title 6, Section 1 of the City Code. Easements. Section 10-18-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots (overlying side lot lines), as well as over any stormwater management facilities, wetlands, and wetland buffers not platted within outlots deeded to the City. The preliminary plat provides for dedication of required easements, which are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.13.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that two shade trees be provided per lot, one of which must be in the front yard, at the time of house construction. The trees required in the front yard are shown to be outside of the public right-of-way. The landscape plan also illustrates trees within outlots to be deeded to the City. These trees are to be removed from the landscape plan as the Parks and Recreation Department will determine future tree installations. Outlots. The preliminary plat includes six outlots (with B/G to be combined as a single outlot), that includes wetlands, wetland buffers, stormwater basins, Otsego Creek, and the Natural Environment lake. All of the outlots are to be deeded to the City. 7 Outlot Purpose Ownership A,(B/G),C,D.E Stormwater basin, wetland/wetland buffer, Natural Environment Lake, Otsego Creek Deed to City F Trail connection to Prairieview Elem. Deed to City Park Dedication. The Parks System Master Plan identifies establishment of a greenway corridor along Otsego Creek and around the Natural Environment lake within the east 40 acres of the subject site. The proposed development is within the park service areas of Prairieview Elementary School (and future middle school) to the west in terms of providing active park areas. In consideration of the proposed R-5 District/Shoreland Overlay District lot requirements by PUD -CUP for the proposed preliminary plat, the developer will dedicate Outlot B/G to the City and pay the full park dedication fee in lieu of land per lot as set forth by Section 10-8-15.G of the Subdivision Ordinance. These funds are to be used by the City in acquiring land and/or developing the park system as provided for by Section 11-18-15.M of the Subdivision Ordinance and the developer may be credited for any trail improvements completed by them within the subdivision. RECOMMENDATION The proposed preliminary plat of Prairie Pointe is consistent with the provisions of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan and complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of applications for Prairie Pointe as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-5 District based on a finding that the criteria established by Section 11-3-2.1' of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — ROW Vacation/PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to recommend approval of vacation of existing public right-of-way and a PUD- CUP/Preliminary Plat for Prairie Pointe, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacityto approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. All street design and construction plans and street names shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Sidewalks and trail design and construction standards shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, including: Shift the sidewalk on Street A to the east side of the right-of-way. b. Provide a trail from Street A to Mason Avenue on the south side of 83rd Street. b. Replace the sidewalk on the south line of Lot 19 with a 10 foot wide trail. C. Remove the existing sidewalk abutting Outlot K, Martin Farms and construct a 10 foot wide trail with credit for park dedication fees. Replace the sidewalk on the east side of Marquette Avenue from the south plat line to the Outlot B/G between Lots 177 and 178. e. The location of the trail connection from Street A to Prairieview Elementary shall be subject to review and approval of City staff in coordination with ISD 728. The trail corridor within Outlot B/G shall provide a minimum 10 foot separation between the rear lot lines and trail surface, subject to review and approval of City staff. 4. All lots within the preliminary plat shall comply with the following setbacks: Local Interior Interior Wetland NE Lake Otsego Street Side Rear Creek 25ft.house 7ft. 20ft. 40ft. 150ft. 50ft. 30ft. garage 5. The landscape plan shall be revised to specify planting only of two shade trees per lot, one of which must be in the front yard, outside of the public right-of- way. I 6. All grading, drainage, wetland impacts, and erosion control issues and improvements to Otsego Creek shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Permitting for improvements to Otsego Creek shall be obtained by the developer through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 8. A stormwater impact fee for Otsego Creek as established by Section 8-4-1 of the City Code shall be paid the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect; the developer shall be credited for the cost of improvements to Otsego Creek. 9. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. Utility Availability Charges shall be paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 11. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. Outlots A, B/G, C, D, and E shall be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes. 13. Outlot F shall be deeded to the City for trail purposes. 14. Park dedication requirements for the preliminary plat shall be satisfied as payment of a cash fee in lieu of land as provided for by Section 11-18-15.1 and M of the Subdivision Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney 10 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads �— CSAHCL -- CTYCL — MUNICL PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t U Parcels Torrens � � i ,�1,.. i f' r f � �d� � ��� �'� C�, } 1 `�`\�� �1 `���� Tu � �I e :•=:ti���.�a .�� 4� �``�� 1 -_ l ;I -- — -N, , 2. `` _...Y ;R ,. ^V �.`1 r!f' \..A --. ^� � �-,-`-�- l �{ 1 �"•„ �-'_'�-""11'" --. -- , Ii / 9q ~`'L.r f '`-` ''/ i /;'.(l if r `�~'1 B]�t� REMOVE EXISTING f� .STORM SEWER .tel 1 �'-`` --` ..__ t r 2' L `✓, \ `f li I 1 �� l J• ".'l`'"�_ . $ �� .°i � � f,a r,,`' �`•-_.`. �,•"".�,. \ \ , ; _ - rl ,J S t � I � �o ; r' ,S",`ra, '"'`_,.`� ,� r,� �� �`� �ti1 ,,, j ,Io �'^ - �� � 7r % r.. � 1 �"nlC3 T � (rte wiiy ; ��� „`J N ley � =( `•§1 c� P, r �r�x �""-' � - �•, Fes'Y J i' REMOVE EXISTING . ✓ ` 1 7 ` Cit '� "; ,�_. \,C �; ��::v '�, `. r �'V `.�'� +� Til ,\ LBITUMINOUS ROAD) >3� �, , -'1 , �`- ' ti �{� � Y ,A. 33"' ( ( 1 �` r lj' 1 -i... t i, \ t 4; .Z ��' ., � T � 1 1 � _ = � ' i i •� \ �- +` f REMOVE EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINES AND FIBER OPTIC--, �•`>, l Ct j 1 l o LINES ALONG EXISTING ROAD / rl `ry f \ I }j _t Jr 0.��� - } ) ✓ lJ i jl/ F, l ✓ L c� ' C iI) f\`�"\; ` /,f ° L �r REMOVE EXISTING HOUSE AND ALL ADJACENT STRUCTURES, - UTILITIES AND DRIVEWAY ti i }-�_9--x 'I � ~ ��l �I /�, ` j dry` � `r .1 \ r/ l �� �\ �\ �i7`r � 1,��.:.-�.'�-.•"""'�-,�-�.-r�•I r. %_- t,-�'�^V v.._..:r.:�.-..--...-..-...-.:.._,V.y.._y�.r� it -rr ` ----F •• -�-.(• -�4 - -_ � — - I_(` ._ ry — _ � �.y� l � I�� 74)f _�_„ r �X`. � f -n`_ ��-c:,^^^•.'%...^^•r "�c-X' =X 1 --` � .Y TREES TO BE REMOVED � ... �;�� ,� ° : `._.' ; � ti� � `tI • �r.� Cts \ � r °� i / ,( ! 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Jt tris l� EL=943.81 C REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK r ' ` r' J / _� �,_,.. Y _ lr-r, TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES j• 'l 1r a Y& REPLACE WITH 10' BITUMINOUS. ` I" =- ^ r' ''}- '� -' t` WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM , l TRAIL SEE SITE PLAN). Jr ! THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET T `� 0 VENUE NE PI$NEER neenn J EL=940.69 S ao-BNo rtt37sNBer-DeMD NE AND MA g_ \ ��,�11,-�,�_ mn a MroNN�aaa No:oaE,oas 1herthyarti tuthi,ianwaa arta L ae°>°na Date v-27-2o2t DRHORTON 2422 Ent nse Drive (651)6B1-1914 eor underIn di=lsumi,io,,andthul Nar"e •�"'^- O�'e1'�"� Fal) 681-9488 y v BrianN.M linam Deai ea NAP PRELIMINARY REMOVALS PLAN 20860KEN13RIDGECr,#100 PRAIRIE POINTE of Mendota Heights, MN 55120 N, am a dWy U -.d Pmf a ional Enpjneer 4. I � 56 ww.pioneereng.eom ndenhe.-ofthe Sure ofA1innemm Reg. N. 47504 D... 9-27-2021 Drswn MSN/PDS LAKEVMLE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 0>n14 Nnn PI$NEERneeHng 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Hei ht.,, MN 55120 w F.. 681-9488 Height.,, —pimeereng.com n Mr�lIMIr��� all CREEK u n » — = ne » P _ O�fR�40 gRf<gyO "T /, .'�-----------�,�-- 3 °unaro zo w a J yoyyR 320, w R O qR o ,o — R- + ..v-.... ,' ..,:,.:,.:..,-..,�::;.•- Oy 86 0rt • I�, ......_................ R V !, MN DNR# 86-351 OHWL=921.06 (NAVD88) u I PARK M, '1 mac° ,m PAR R A: 252,753 S.Y. o (52.2 AC) / WETLAND 5 i r 4 I M1cmby &, that thu plan wasp d the I Name e ory.d fyyd'°ectsuyervisionnp—1 l Brian N. Iv asn a duly Licensed Pmf-ional Engineer -derthel—of Ne Smteoftti.— Reg. N°. 4750'4 City Cmnmenm , DR HORTON Nc?q^ PRELIMINARY OVERALL SITE PLAN 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 CURRENT ZONING: A-1 AGRICULTURAL -RURAL SERVICE AREA PROPOSED ZONING: PUD PROPOSED LOTS: 174 TOTAL AREA =120.3 AC WETLAND AREA =36.6 AC NET AREA = 83.7 NET DENSITY=174UNITS / 83.7 AC= f2.1 UNITS/ACRE R-5 - RESIDENTIAL SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY STANDARDS: LOT WIDTH: 60' INTERIOR, 90' CORNER LOT AREA: 9,000 SF LOT DEPTH: 100' ROW SETBACK: 30GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: 7' REAR SETBACK 20' PUD PROPOSED STANDARDS EXPRESS SELECT LOTS: 78 LOT WIDTH: 60' INTERIOR, 80' CORNER LOT AREA: 9,000 SF ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LI VING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: T (10' REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.I ) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' REAR SETBACK: 20' EXPRESS PREMIER LOTS: 96 LOT WIDTH: 65' INTERIOR 90' CORNER LOT AREA: 9,000 SF ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: T(19 REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.1) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 3U REAR SETBACK: 20' WETLAND BUFFER: 20' WETLAND OHW SETBACK: 75PER CITY STAFF, 150' PER ORDINANCE STREAM SETBACK: 50' PER ORDINANCE SHORELAND REQUIREMENTS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT LAKE (NON -RIPARIAN): AREA: 20,000 SF SHORELAND PUD DENSITY ANALYSIS (EXCLUDES WETLANDS) TIER 1: 509,292 SF / 20,000 SF = 25 LOTS TIER 2: 526.738 SFJ 20,000 SF = 26 LOTS 'PIER 3: 689,277 SF / 20,000 SF = 34 LOTS TIER 4: 98,587 SF / 20,000 SF =4 LOTS TRIBUTARY TIER: 356,556 SF/(300 x 75) =16 LOTS PROPOSED UNITS WITHIN TIERS: TIER 1: 8 (17 LOTS LEFTOVER) TIER 2: 24 (2 LOTS LEFTOVER) TIER 3: 41 (7 LOTS SHORT EXCESS LOTS FROM PREVIOUS TIER USED) TIER 4-.4 TRIBUTARY TIER: 16 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALEINFEET MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENG121137-SHEBT-SITE-OVERALL PRAIRIE POINTE 5.100 F 56 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA � � , .-•-•..••_•• •�• __ _ nvm sir xe Mr�lIMIr��� all CREEK u n » — = ne » P _ O�fR�40 gRf<gyO "T /, .'�-----------�,�-- 3 °unaro zo w a J yoyyR 320, w R O qR o ,o — R- + ..v-.... ,' ..,:,.:,.:..,-..,�::;.•- Oy 86 0rt • I�, ......_................ R V !, MN DNR# 86-351 OHWL=921.06 (NAVD88) u I PARK M, '1 mac° ,m PAR R A: 252,753 S.Y. o (52.2 AC) / WETLAND 5 i r 4 I M1cmby &, that thu plan wasp d the I Name e ory.d fyyd'°ectsuyervisionnp—1 l Brian N. Iv asn a duly Licensed Pmf-ional Engineer -derthel—of Ne Smteoftti.— Reg. N°. 4750'4 City Cmnmenm , DR HORTON Nc?q^ PRELIMINARY OVERALL SITE PLAN 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 CURRENT ZONING: A-1 AGRICULTURAL -RURAL SERVICE AREA PROPOSED ZONING: PUD PROPOSED LOTS: 174 TOTAL AREA =120.3 AC WETLAND AREA =36.6 AC NET AREA = 83.7 NET DENSITY=174UNITS / 83.7 AC= f2.1 UNITS/ACRE R-5 - RESIDENTIAL SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY STANDARDS: LOT WIDTH: 60' INTERIOR, 90' CORNER LOT AREA: 9,000 SF LOT DEPTH: 100' ROW SETBACK: 30GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: 7' REAR SETBACK 20' PUD PROPOSED STANDARDS EXPRESS SELECT LOTS: 78 LOT WIDTH: 60' INTERIOR, 80' CORNER LOT AREA: 9,000 SF ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LI VING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: T (10' REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.I ) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' REAR SETBACK: 20' EXPRESS PREMIER LOTS: 96 LOT WIDTH: 65' INTERIOR 90' CORNER LOT AREA: 9,000 SF ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: T(19 REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.1) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 3U REAR SETBACK: 20' WETLAND BUFFER: 20' WETLAND OHW SETBACK: 75PER CITY STAFF, 150' PER ORDINANCE STREAM SETBACK: 50' PER ORDINANCE SHORELAND REQUIREMENTS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT LAKE (NON -RIPARIAN): AREA: 20,000 SF SHORELAND PUD DENSITY ANALYSIS (EXCLUDES WETLANDS) TIER 1: 509,292 SF / 20,000 SF = 25 LOTS TIER 2: 526.738 SFJ 20,000 SF = 26 LOTS 'PIER 3: 689,277 SF / 20,000 SF = 34 LOTS TIER 4: 98,587 SF / 20,000 SF =4 LOTS TRIBUTARY TIER: 356,556 SF/(300 x 75) =16 LOTS PROPOSED UNITS WITHIN TIERS: TIER 1: 8 (17 LOTS LEFTOVER) TIER 2: 24 (2 LOTS LEFTOVER) TIER 3: 41 (7 LOTS SHORT EXCESS LOTS FROM PREVIOUS TIER USED) TIER 4-.4 TRIBUTARY TIER: 16 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALEINFEET MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENG121137-SHEBT-SITE-OVERALL PRAIRIE POINTE 5.100 F 56 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA I � I I ---- 1327 -- I- — — J— — 143 76 25 r 190 r 37 116 60 60 60 80 379 / / s 7S r A /1 A —C71 `< 1'-J r� T-)rrT I.Ir- - :til \V vTl \L_L_ 1 VL_ `V/-")�/-11 L_V .�I\V .J I1\L_L IVL - --` p < ------- _____--� --- r — — --- ---- ------ a `-- -- 1 37 / / 1 \ 60 °I 1 �I I 1 I "1 I I- I I 7083 SF / ' ` / \ \ 3848 SF �1 1 61 1 1 62 N1 1 63 1 1 64 65 j / \ 1200° SF Ia1 13429 Sic 1m / 36 \ \ / / \ / 59 \ \ I 1 9815 SF I 1 9244 SF 1 1 9016 SF I 1 I 60 24603 SIF \\ / / 38 / \\ I I I I I I I I I I I 6 I rte\>s \ \`— �7S / 16368 SF \\ ` 15905 SF\ \ I 1 I I I I I L—_-- 150 ----J 'z � J L_ --J L ----J to p\ Bg I X60 39 21 8o 1r 6 pe 6---- 33 1 66 I 1 y \II �I 9000 SF Ie I Z I STREET F 101 h 35 I �" ; 58 o---- ,50 ----� i 14772 SF Ia d 339E I 1 13004 SF ^< ^;•C _----------� \ J 73 47— 21 80 I 6 7 1 I " c 24 1-----., n1 9000 SF - — — — — — — — — — `� I l j a r I I I I I 1 I I 34 ��� s1) °�'��\\ Lqs j o �\ "'�° ""�\`: % \\\` I I 10 L---- i5o ----J �, I r, � I o \ 1 I 9235 SF 11 12000 SF r. ----------- I 1D1)56 SF � � � a_7 � \ s7ry sF 1 I� Q IL 166—SF I 1 `� I J w / 13004 SF / _-\ \ \ pl I o1 1 52 1 I 68 \\ - a l 40 �\ / \ \ 53 -1 1� / \\ 54e1 I 11 1 LIJ I --------- ^I 11249 SF \ 57 / / \ \ &1 \ I I I I W s7s0 SF 1 ° \ / 9789 SF \ \ s LIJ aL_--_----__o \ 33 1N ----164------JI / 13073 SIF \-,\ \\ 55 \ `\ i i 3°°i i I _ 51)10 1 10284 SF 1 F------------1 �s `\ // 56 N\\ \ \\ \ I I 1 I �/o N r----------7 L-- iso -----J 00 / \ J L ---J L --- r----------1 0400 SF \w \ / / \ \ \ \� 6 56 79 at 69 h FJ 1 1 N \ JB �/ � \ \ "J 736 I 10390 SF r I I LiJ 1 32 n 11 I 10755 SF I L----- 73 J N 101 �— _ 75 ---1 r^�� If 70 —21, OUTLOT A 9681 SIF 1_ Ii 31 IIS ol\ I I I I I \\%, _60 2s0 608648E L — 150 In �] 1 11432 SIF \ I I 1 / / 1.8564 ACas —� 1 I of I 1 1 l —;0 Iso-- 1 �� 3p �1 7 (, I L-- 1 1 42 1 1 t}3 I I 4 I /, ! /, 7 51 161 I 9071E I r— — 30 el 13606 SF 1 1 10508 SF 1 1 h 1 / / / / , , 1— 1,0 150 I� I 110384 SF 45 y / a / / r-------� IL 12179 SF 1`° ! I I IF 9590 SF / 4.6 a L----------- L ----J L --_J 1 I / / 9000 SIF ! / 47 72 1 < 188 60 57 L' — / / / p o/ Io 1 9000 SF I 57 — J < 1 9000 SF / / 48 ^7/ / 1 1 1 1 / L _ _ Im 0 TLOT F Sfi69 SF _s1_ -J �\ , 49 �� —1 1 1 r____ 15g=_ , OUTLOT B D.1301 AC J / 9001) SF / 10 6o�� ! / I 1 50 -1 I 51 I "1 J «s61 AC 189 ------ ! / 9493 SF 1 -- 1 \s0 L_ ! / I I 9525 SF I I ,3666 BF �w <� 903SF I n FJ 1 29 h 61) 22 72 ST 6p\J <� 12130 SF I r----1 r -----f _�1 REET 7o ---I L_ J L_ ---J L---- 187 _ JI i I 1 `-7 /�_�1 E 75 — 22 fit i----------1 / 74 '> =c I 1 28 i s� 10 1 1 9 1 1 R 1� / lr� 6;�7 fi5 0 �� 10093 SF "J L- 11035 SF to I 73699 SFy 1 1 `� / / ! ! / 070r—�_ \ "" I _ _ _ `77 I 1 _I 1 9836 SF �I I 9590 SF o/ 7 / / ! 7 r _ 57_ \ X50— \ _'� I— I I I I I I h ! ! / ! / s7 I — I 1 1 Ix 1 I sots sF / 6 / --- i r_s7— I IB �\ \✓ \\ 11 27 `� / 11 ".1 1 I // 9750 SF h/ 5 �_—_---� L_ / / / 9791 SF L_ fosse SF to ;, r --J / / n / 1 <� __163_ 1a 101 52 0 1-- / / 1 i/ 1 3 1 I I I 1 \ \ r—_r— sa L_ I / 9809 SF al 1 I 2 \o 135 — / I I 14583 SF \ 72 6o ��/ , I 1 1D356 SF- I \�' --76 ' \ I 1 -12 1 L l 1/ I I 10088 SF TI I 7 6 , NW O ^ C] I 26 I 12 11 I �\� �\ 9000 Sim LIJ 10121 SF Ih 1 9899 SF 1n A,3 77 --25--- j I --- fit ` 90 9000 SIF L < ^�I 1 2 13 u� 74 67 9663 SF 1- J� I a - J�7 --_1 \ o\ "i50' i \ I^ 1 I 9310 SF 11n c—_ —'\ \ \ \ \ \ "� — \, - --J L---- 150 J _ OUTLOT C \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 78 r----------, 54127cf \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9000 SIF 24 I 61) 1 1 1.472200 ,� \ \ \ \ \ \� \ 0 Ie el 13 \, \ \� 101 o\ 9000 SF 900o sF \ \ \ o I \\ \ \\102 \\ \ -- 150 ----J L---- 150 -J q \ \ \ \'a+ 103 \ \ \ \ 13768 SF --------- H— //�\ \ \ \ \ 11073 SIF \ \ 10939 SF \ \ \ 7 i' \ 23 LU r----------� \ ` \ \%l 04 \ \ \ \ \ \ \P I Ld I I / \ \\ i 30 \ m oof 14 Ie c \ \ \ \,°462 SF \ \ \ \ \ \ �' 196 9000 SF 1� 9000 Sic 65 \ \ 105 \ \ \ \ \ _, t—'sB iA L --L5 0 J F- L---- t5o --- '/ ` \ \ \wp \ \ \ \ \-- 66 \ 9100 SF \ S -------- / \ \ \\ \ 10704 SF \\ \\ _ —1 I--58 0 \\ —�------- 7 `\ 106 1 I 15 1 6 / \ ` \ 0 10462 SIF 1° �1 9000 SF Im , ' \ \ ` \ \\ , /� 19 9000 SF 1 I ' ' \ \ 107 \ \ ) \� 6 SEE SHEET 3.11 5�� \ \ 955D SF o -- 150 —_—_,J 150 I , PI$NEERengzneeHng ova wcm7•:w'ms taw ew.roscs t.Nv suays�oss Ihcrcbyccnifydialhis lanwas arcdb Revisions Date 9-21--2021 (651) 681-1914 P P1eP y Name DR HORTON 2422 Ente1plise Dave earunder mydi�alsapenfslanandlnnsl pe,a,.Haw„an PRELIMINARY PLAT Fax: 681-9488 Designed NAP 20860 KENBRIDGE Cr, Mendota Heights, MN 55120 www. Fo e;e; com an a duly Lirrnsed Pmfessional surveyor F g' unde,,h,l.,, ofthe SWI—fMinnesota Reg. Na. 42299 Dae 9-27--20'_1 Drawn MSWPDS LAKEVILLE, NBNNESGT/ © 2019 Pioneer engineering, P.A. 60 30 0 60 Scale in Feet VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SECTION 19, TWP. 121, RGE, 33 MASON AVE NE -- \ !� i 83RD ST NE �- IMARLOWE J I AVE MACIVER AVENUE NE 80TH ST FROUE77TH STARQUE IA SECTION 30, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Property description per Commitment for Title Insurance issued by DHI Title Agency as an agent for Fidelity National Title Insurance Company file no.'s #511-211900520 and 511-211200521 dated April 21st, 2021 at 08:00 AM.: Parcel 1: The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 121. Range 23. Wright County, Minnesota. ID Parcel 2: Cq The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. Parcel 3: The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 121, Range 23, excepting therefrom, however, the North 1034 feet of the West 421.36 feet thereof. Wright County, Minnesota. AND The North 1034.00 feet of the West 421.36 feet of the Northeast Quarter ofthe Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 121, Range 23, as measured along the North and West lines of said Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter, Wright County, Minnesota DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: II o Le -5 0 - being 5 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines unless otherwise indicated, and 10 feet in width and adjoining street lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise indicated on the plat. 00SURV-121197-BASE.DWG ■ 00 Im �j 00 e� SEE SHEET 3.10 �%' \'\ \ ` \ \� \' 101 \\ 9000 SF I Q 1 900D SF \ \ \0 102 \ \ \ == 150 J L---- ,so ----Jg \ \ \ \m 103 \ \ \ \ 13768 SF I— '19 // ` \ \ \ \ 11073 SF , \ 10939 SF --1 w r----------, /' `\` \\\�p104 \ ` \ \ \ \ `e, ,/� \N 23 1 w 1 II I \ \ \ \ ,D462 SF \ `\ \ \ \ \ i 3O \ I� Of el `Y Ie \ \ ,- e 9000 SF 1 9000 SF I Z"65 ^ \ \ 105 196 9100 SF L—_ 150 ___ (n L ----1s° --- \\\ \\\ 107045E \\\ —58 o U �\ --------� r----------� \ 106 \ 0 22 �m 1 15 6�/'\\`\ \\\\� 10462 SF 50 /1 95 \� m 9000 5F I tOi 9000 SF �fD ^y^ / \\\\ 107 \\\ \ �/ 6< �5 _\ \ 9850 SF \\ --150 ----J L ----15D ----J ---21--, r-----_---, 2U 6\ `\\ 9735 SF `\\�/ 6� 41� - 1 I 16 I 24 \ 108 ;- \ �- \ \ \\ \ ` o/, \� to I 9000 SF Ie / 1 9000 SF 1 ,1 \ \ \- 9852 SF \ \ / 65 '\ \ \ \ \ \ \_ 12720 SF \ 194 \ Iso \ \ \' \ /' \ r 10641 SF \ —J L----150 —J \ \ ` \ \ \ 115 \,. \ =_--_—_ -- ( \ \ \\\\ � `C/ /-' \ 11 4 \\ \in 9149 5F \ \ \ � e\ _, -� r---------- \ \ 109 / f \ 20 I I \\\109 \, ` <\ ` \. 113 ` \g 9,32 SF \ \N m I 9000 SF m e1 1 7 I 1 \ \x,10135 SF �} 8478 SF I 1 9000 5F I \\<'1&10135 \ \ " /' `\\ 112 \ \� \ \ \ \ j LN ' C3,5 1 — 1� O �--150 ----J L----,50-- Ig 110 . \ \ \ \ \ \ o-' \ �" 193 ,P \ \ / � ( \ \9770 SF \ \\ \ \ N _ o / I I 9667 SF , 19 I I I 119085E \\\v/y 5�j \ \ 111 \ \ \ 68 117 , I a,__-- O 1 18 , I , �o `\\ \ 9899 SF \\ \ `'' 10423 SF 13540 SF m �1 13543 SF 1 I m m 192 I� 9685 SF Im L --------J 60 L---------� 20 / 150 94 56 ` \� I 118i� --_-141—___J -- \ 134 > B0 ITI rl J / 60 ; 14944 SF E L 1 ------, "�- -------------- \ L----,4D----J w1 191 IN _ J4GZ�F I / I "L ----14-0----J -- ' 7B 65 55 55 30 46 r--"' I \ 133 mi 119 im r-----� r---� r---� r---� r----� 1 1 \N ` 11151 SF I 9149 SF h---------� I I I I I I I _J m----,ao-J 190 1 I I I I I I I I I 21 II; 1 14 I 1338:SF II -�I 9100 SF I136 I I 137 I I138 139135 II � 1 < 1g----'�°----J 11190 SF + 9463 SF 9463 SF 946 11338 SF 3 SF T L---- 11-----1 �1 ^�1 120 —I fi I I I I I I I „I 132_ OUTLOT D —_9_46_7 5=E 10157 SF 139rs1l 1IL—___ 1117 r SF 3sc 189 I 6. 11 07 L_-9769 SF 1 J L__—J _JL L—___J -_11__--JIM 75 65 65 65 78 qob ©1019 pioneer Engineering, P.A. 60 30 0 60 Scale in Feet VICINITY MAP 80 r—__—_, I 65 r I I 65 I r__—� I I 65 1 1 73 0 _ — , r--__ — -- 1 __ 0 1 9864 SF o 1 1 1 DOD9 SF 1 � /� \ 1 1y C1 1 M 1 �< 83RD ST NE I 1 18 11 L----135^1 9878 SF V F— I I I Yl 148 �I I I I n1 -I I I I 146 FI pl I I I I 145 I I I 9379 sp I _J L____+3 _--_ _ (--------_-1 ��� /��` __'_AO 1 0 1 1 ``\ 122 / "i �,, 1 W (n I I 1147 I I I I I �I I I 144---- r---- 1 I \ \ 10765 SF / �J �I 130 Q \' / I w 11458 SF I I I 9425 SF I 9527 SF I 1 9882 SF I 12089 SF I I I 143 10310 SF I / \ 40\ /0 187 I J / `\ `\ ' ` 9781 SF / LL (n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 el rnl 9625S� I �_-____----, \\ 123 / VVAROUETTE 77TH ST_+d AVE 78 44 21 —"J 65 L__ I J I 1 1 I \ \ \o r— ` em/ / \ N � 10458 5F i CJaa 65 L _ 33 44 1 _ � / \ \ , � , \ L___—_3 _ ,2 1, 129 \ p < `�`� // 186 I t0 STREET B 7049 SF , /'`\` \ \ /� o\ 10375 SF ' SECTION 30, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA m I �\ ,-';4s ,;-\ \`\ 124 `: ✓ 6e' \`. %R \ 120 66 V0 \\\09702 SF �/ �M 6D ��_ 84 /i \// \`\,125 \\\ �'� ,\�\ 185 „9__--� �,_-----_ Q //$ —'1 r — —I— — \ /\ a\ 1 28 / / \ `\ \$ 9702 SF \ `\ / ,('C `" 'Y / \ \ \ 10375 5F 7 149 I 10296 Si<40 \ I \, \ \,126 1 10 �- ,7288 5F I� w �� 157 , �, \ ISN �I 158 \\ �-// / \ \0 10009 SF \ `\ //� ��\ 184 /127 L—_— 176 --_ J1w Q. 1 13611 SF 1 11 14169 SF�/ `\ \\ \� \'' bj' `� \ 9644 SF \\ —, --_158_--_ i/i I , I /\ /\ 146175E \ \ < \ \0 1 _ J 1 \ \ \ -----------�-,-' `�� `' 6,� \ \ 183 1 150 1� \� _i I 11109 SF I 156 L-- 154 J 60 10675 SF I L� �/ r' \ / \\\ 9644 SF I J� 159 ` \ -- � \, \ `\`b / J 106185E 60 \� fiZ"' Si/\\ > `-----158 _ 1 //l \ _ _ - -'� - \ ` 182 \ ' _J wl I '/ \ I / C----__---__� 1 151 1� \ i�B/' \\\ 6445E �`\ 1 12387 SF I sl 155E m > o �' \ \ \ � 1860 , ;;,-\ \ 181 I 1 , \ 12T, \ \ \ \� 9644 SF \T1 180 9601 SF �,\ r_----\1 1 is 152 ,>, _47_1 ^� I 161 ml <1 178 111779,� `1 15148 SF / \ \\ 154 \\\ 9869 SF I �i 13708 SF \\ SF iy /� L----t40 ` \1E - ----------153 A, 13035 SF L-_ �� 162 _ 9869 SF ; _'40 1 736 7$ G1 i `163 nCefi -7 ,' EE SHEET 3.12�-'�-- 177 rn¢puewmis taunesarwtns uwo swveaoas j � (651 681-1914 2422 Enterprise Drive Fax: 661-9488 1 ..by certify that thi. plan was p., by ear under my d'ven supm isian and Nmi Name My Licensed Rofee.io..I Surveyor Revisiau ,� peter J. HawEimm� Dare 9 -n -eon Desi NAP g„ed PRELIMINARY PLAT DR HORTON 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 w.pioneereng.com ema nnderlhehws oflhe Shceof Minne.ota Reg. No. 42299 9-27-±021 Date Dawn MSWPDS LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 ©1019 pioneer Engineering, P.A. 60 30 0 60 Scale in Feet VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SECTION 19, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 MASON AVE NE -- 1 �< 83RD ST NE I I *ARLOWE-'-'-,,,MACIVER__AVENUE NE VVAROUETTE 77TH ST_+d AVE CJaa 1 I �Jv' I SECTION 30, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 5-rI I II 0 1F5 0 being 5 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines unless otherwise indicated, and 10 feet in width and adjoining street lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise indicated on the plat. 00-SURV-121137-BASE.D W O PRAIRIE POINTE 3.110 F 56 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA I I ml 96zs sr i L-- ---� SHEET 3.11 TB 747 L- -J L-- 78 44 z1 --1 L_—_ I I I I �— �`c� 65 : I \, 10458 SF 65 L_ I _ J 33 44 L—__-133 12 Il 129 ` p < 186 10443 SF /,'\\\ \ \ ,my a \\ 10375 SF STREET 8 / I � �\ �'\ <' `�\\ 124 120 66 0 �i\ \\ \\\-097°2 SF ----�M Ir-___ 84 „9__—'48 �2 ��� ,> �/ \\�\ 125 \\\\\ //�; ��� ,\<\ 185\\ /I —1 j ---I—_ \ y,\ 1 28 i moi\ \ \ \-0 9702 SF \ �/ ,Y / \� \ 10375 SF I 1029I'S s��\ \ �� 6, I I \-' \ � � \\ \,126 \\ \ / 149E to f- ml 1� �' \ `�� - \g \ < \ \ / / ' ° ,LL �� 157 ,� �' 158 \ �' - \ 10009 SF \ \ $o /\ \ 184 L--- 176 -- JIB � 1 13611 SF I II I 14169 SF ' 127 \\ \\ \� \•' ' \\\ \9644 SF \\ ----------- (n roL. —— —158— —J 1 I 50 ' \N ` 14617 6F \ `\ < \ \r0 /� I -I --- i \ \ i g0 /\ \ \ / I 60 30 0 60 150 '� -lr----------- ' \ m\ \`\ 183 / I 11109 SF I �, 15 6 1 IL ^ \� m \ / \ \ 9644 SF \ \ / L—_ 154 / BU 10675 SF Ij ("I- 159 ` \ _ �' g3 \\\� \ \/ j' I Scale in Feet 1 �� 1 1 I 10818 SF /tel 50 \— 62 6�/'\\\ \\� > _ ---Jti 1 \\\ 182 \ \ ? i� / -------� �-----158 _----1 uI I \ � \ 9644 SF 151 /m 1 �N 6='�\ 12387 SF I it �155F )°� 1660 \ \ ` 181 _ ml l 62 _ 269 SF71 �' \\ \ \ \\g 9644 SF \\ \ / �4� �' —' y\ P ' \ 140_ _ — _ J — 1 \ \ \ 1 .< /, I �__—_-- _---� 1 \ \ \, 180 V' moi'' \\ ^^ ,3 J /� _ I I 1 \ \ \� 9601 SF \ \ -��� W ao / " I r I \ \ \ \ .' �" w VICINITY MAP I %, +7_ ' \\�� \�� / I I I 1� 179 \ \ \ i ( = NO SCALE — — — 1 152 /, I rl 161 IT al 178 1 \� 9772 SF \ \\ I \ 154 \ \ w SECTION 19, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 15146 SF / , \ h I 9869 SF I 1 13708 SF I \ \ _ - - / 13168 SF 7'� I L -----100----J I \ 1 \\ �' 77 / I I MASON AVE NIE -- --- \ ti / 153 `w--------- ' \ \ 83RD ST NE 13°35 SF \ /' I , L_�_ 111/i 17 1l4 -/' I / ��\ 162 9869 SF / w n AND / " / \ I MARLOWE rJy �7b\" WETL � ,S" 70 m/ �_\\ _\J/ //- AVE - 1 / \ � \ 75 � ��ml 1 � / / /�/'� MACIVER — ,� SITE 177 / X /'"/ / AVENUE NE BOTH ST \ 9669 SF 9652 SF /^ ' OUTLOT E 122232 SF 2.8061 AC m f �--�- \ /- k , �\��I _ MAROUETTE AVE _ �I / - /'" \� ' 176 \> 777H Sr _ _ /' _ -� 9734 SF i OUTLOT G I --------� /�� 1 /n°i 22 C , \ 140 52.2694 \ v� 52..26942694 AC 175 \\\\34 SF � & I ti , \\ /moo. � I \ 40 \ / / 1 \� \ / / SECTION 30, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 203 59_ \ (' \\\\ 164 \\ \ \\\ \ " / WETLAND I WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA \\01D116 SF 165 \\ ll 5 9 Ill \ 92SF `\ \\S1 l 10166 \�\ \ \ �16 7 Ill 9539 SF C;' 10532 SF \ `\ \ i J\ I I 168 \ \ IIN 16285 SF 172 \\� F` \ �- I < _ / �� . DRAINAGE AND UTILITY 12543 SF �'i \\ yL / EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I I \ ` 173 I s0 \ \\ \ \\ \,1165A F \� \ 99965F� L-5 ----- \� 170�--- II rc , qq G69 \ `\ 10119 SF \ \ \ / i/ yP \\ 20433 5F \\\\ \ \ j \� �� ` I being 5 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines o g5 \�_—� unless otherwise indicated, and 10 feet in width �j t _ \ 11282 SF 1� and adjoining street lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise indicated on the plat. 259 73 73---137 ---� 60 727 I 1328 I I 1 /e\cj,�' PISNEERengineenng ' L _ — — �— — — 00SURV-121137-BASED W G F wn.-- wrovwm'rxs i-wnsmwE ' (651)681-1914 '-'- -11neRm arory mar mia pia'waa p,opa,ed br Tame RCY1.`"'aa Dam v-n=m_7 DR HORTON422 Ente rise Drive a or underm dims sa misionmdmmt Pemr1 Hawkimon PRARZIE POINTE Mendota lei hts, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 ] P Deaf ed NAP PRELIMINARY PLAT 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 3.12 IF 56 B www iooeen:n Com amad1l Licensede Sbss fMi.-.11 w F g• unser me mwa nfine score o(Minnr_sou Reg. N. 42z99 Dam 9-n-20'1 Dmwn MSN/TDs I AKFVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO,MINNPSOTA ()c 2019 Noncar Rn¢ineeme. P.A PMNEERmeneei ing (651) 681-1914 I hc¢br certify lhat this p 2422 Enterprise Drive m Fax: 681-9488 e under my dila su Mendota Heights, MN 55120 www.pioneereng.com mn, ddy Licensed PmA vnde he laws d1k St. O 2019 Moneer Engl—mg. P.A. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I I s -r1 II being 5 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines unless otherwise indicated,and 10 feet in width and adjoining street lines and reor lot lines unless otherwise indicated on the plot. 103101"I'Am Ire�1L*01141 80 40 0 BO Scale in Feet / VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SECTION 19, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 MASON AVE NE -- \ :< 183RD ST NE : rJy MARLOWE AVE MACIVER AVENUE NE ,t I 80TH S SI E 77 ST sT------� MAROUETTE AVE I 1 J II SECTION 30, TWP. 121, RGE. 33 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I I s -r1 II being 5 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines unless otherwise indicated,and 10 feet in width and adjoining street lines and reor lot lines unless otherwise indicated on the plot. 103101"I'Am Ire�1L*01141 PI$NEERengineering 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Hei ht , MN 55120 f-: 681-9488 8 www.pione g.com 1A I � L MN DNR# 86-351 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL 943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF B3RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-EN0-121137-SHEET-SS W R -OVERALL [() lM V K,mm Fn¢ineerin¢_ - I� r c WET SOL CBMH-508 N PISNEEReneefi_n_ 2422 Enterprise Drive f,�vn sw�fuNs (651) 681-1914 Mrndota Heights, MN 55120 M.M,H.,pionceeren81gO8m © 2019 Montt, Eneinttrme. P.A tx / na CBMH-357 I FES -331 CBMH-334 I nv BASIN 300P _... ...... z7 x ----' x - tr OUTLET=928.6 HWL=929.81 CBMH-335 tr I I _q 1 fa tr sr r tr CBMH-356 tCBMH-404 WET VOL=9.545 ACTT t♦t STOR. VOL=15.253 C+FT OCS-300 ,r CB-611--- CB -323 ,a I FES -300A m I I CBMH-336 MET=929.4 HWL=932.0 t,a CBMH-322 I tx1. CBMH-3U3I CBMH-30 .D15 AC+F1 N CBMH-609 CB -221 CBMH-321 1 STMH-300C 1 .574 AC -FT, STMH-3008 C M -608 i-215 tr CBMH-31 1 (CBMH-512 I CBMH-607 WETLAND 6 r 1 FES-30DE r r ORO F CBMH-606 m I t tr tr ' tr CBMH- 1 i tt CIIMH-605 CBMH-603 � � I I FES -511 m CBM -31D CBMH-6021 r CBMH-306 tm tr t>eCBMH-30 I \ �\ BMH-503 1 FES -501 r S- 00 \ WETLAND 5 DO I - J— -� � FES -500A amnr • I FES -601 , VOL=1.321 AC+FT— BMH-502 \ \ CBMH-522 .q FES -600A 1 \ FFS_600B FES -m / `J '♦ FES -52t ( I \ , STORM WATER SETBACKS CCBMH-106 CBMH-122 STMH-100B / S -100C n ` LOW FLOOR: 1.5'+HWL w CBMH-523 f I LOW OPENING: 1.5'+EOF x a wnoT o CBM,H-105 CB-111 CB H-53 pUTLET=923.7 CBMH-108 , n CB -433 CBMH-524 I'I HWL=925,6 CBM -107 ta♦ �'•��' 5f � % FES -100A ( I WET VOL=3.658 AC -FT STOR. VOL=6.575 AC+Fr BMH-423 CB H-422 _ L CB -131 ---- --• - FES -101 OUTLET -925.7 HWL=927.7 I 7 L % I _ 097 AC -FT •�MH 102 WET VOL=1. -•`' -- - - STOR, VOL -Z540 ACF r ✓ I T i �7 � ° F 1 CBMH-432 ° CBMH-525 CBMH-526 I FES -421 p OCs -400 CUMH-527 n STMH-4008 \ II to FES -431 FES -400A STMH - n D ,�/t 400 ; FES -400E \ / /�@ASICl44➢C7>�. STMH-4IX / m to TLET=929.5 I �WHWL=932.0 ,m. tm ,♦ CB -361 x )-*WET VOL=4.439 AC+FT STOR. VOL=8.353 AC -FT \ (\ ,e I FES -401 -402 CB' 371 CBMH-352 B-341 'I CBMH-351 CBMH-353 ns tr i I n tt♦ \ 110 CBMH-354 tr 1 \� LD8 ,e CBMtH-355 t \ 11 CBM -356 CBMH-332 CBMH-333 tvv / 1 1 tx / na CBMH-357 I FES -331 CBMH-334 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENG-121137-SHEET-STRM-OVERALL I nv BASIN 300P (f (� CBMH-4D5 tr OUTLET=928.6 HWL=929.81 CBMH-335 tr I I _q 1 fa tr sr r tr CBMH-356 tCBMH-404 WET VOL=9.545 ACTT t♦t STOR. VOL=15.253 C+FT OCS-300 ,r CB -323 ,a I FES -300A m I I CBMH-336 NO a tr t,a CBMH-322 I tx1. CBMH-3U3I CBMH-30 1. FES -301 CB -221 CBMH-321 1 STMH-300C 1 STMH-3008 �� i-215 tr CBMH-31 �STMH-300D -214 CBMH-213 CBMH-304 u° FES-30DE 3-216 CBM tr w lr>¢� CBMH-212 MN -NE ¢' 86-351 C, R=-9#21.06 (NAVD88) tr tr ' tr CBMH- 1 i tt y�yl n ii CB -202 CBMH-305 � I 1 tx FES -211 FES -201 m CBM -31D 1 CBMH-306 tm tr t>eCBMH-30 I CBMH-308 WETLAND 5 DO I - J— -� OUTLET 930.6 HWL=932.4 OCS-zoo FES -C ton W11DT o / / VOL=1.321 AC+FT— / ; tr VOL=3.030 AC+FT FES -200B FES -m / I\ STM WEST µ FES -A CB -23 FES -D 1` CB -109 CCBMH-106 CBMH-122 STMH-100B / S -100C CBMH-121 w STREAM EAST I tr \ OCS-10D CBM,H-105 CB-111 CBMH-108 , n �) r CBMH-104 CBM -107 ta♦ �'•��' 5f � % FES -100A l _ I L CB -131 ---- --• - FES -101 OUTLET -925.7 HWL=927.7 I 7 L % I _ 097 AC -FT •�MH 102 WET VOL=1. -•`' -- - - STOR, VOL -Z540 ACF r T i �7 � ✓ I 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENG-121137-SHEET-STRM-OVERALL EXISTING STREET LIGHT 7 STREET LIGHT 148 1.35 STREET LIGHT 151 (TYP-) 1 4 35 (TYP-) 23 24 25 34 150 19 20 21 22 25 32 33 152 27 31 149 147 135 28 29 1 30 36 167 STREET LIGHT STREET LIGHT 148 137 (TYP-) (TYP-) Vo STREET . ...-----.. ... . ... STREET LIGHT tfftff D . .... ------- . . ...................... . . ............. ..... STREET D 37 153 1.38 lot 14- 170 __�\\��� �/ � \ \t\\ 154 144 — — 139 18 17 14 13 12 10 41 1M STREET 38 11 150 4-- 41T 1 40 171 158 ... . ........ ... - STREET LIGHT (TYP-) 9 43 39 STREET LIGHT ... ........ ... ....... ....... ... STREET LIGHT 44 172 141 ,40 I 6 f - = 1 EXISTING STREET 1 173 109 STREET LIGHT A STREET LIGHT IIGHT 5 1' 0 (TYP-)' (TYP.) 159 2 1, 45 160 1599 2 IN ---------- 4, 178 Ir 177 178 % �� 179 0 P12NEEReneneefing 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Height�, MN 55120 fax: 681-9489 —p—ereng.con, D2019N—E.gia.mg, P.A. SIGNAGE LEGEND 1 2 STOP R1-1 315"X36" STREET LIGHT 107 6 46 STREET LIGHT < 134 5 47 (Typ.) 130 131 132 133 if 56 1284 1 so 48 STREET LIGHT lZ7 3 49 112 ID4 --------- ------- ....... 2 50 113 62 2 126 ---- 54 ------ 0 .... . . 125 c — __-- - ...... 53 63 102 51 1 STREET LIGHT I ---- 115 ` \,,_ ,01 /lF*i--"'�_ -'-- 2 124 52 64 23 . . ...... . . 122 116 STREET A 121 120 lit Ila 117 ggi STREET LIGHT 74 73 72 71 75 70 (TYP-) 76\ 88 5 69 68 67 77 IS5 7a 2 ----- ..... 198 STREET LIGHT, (TYP-) ...... . .... 187 194 STREET DGHT lee 193 192 (TYP-) YL 139 ISO 191 ........... . . .......... --- -- --- -- - -- -------------- ---- --- ------ AVENUE NE J— xmsm—zF—� BENCH MARK MINDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 0 50 100 200 EL=943.81TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00 -ENG -121137 -SHEET -SIGN II �j A Ij r Ij N �W PIZNEEReVneenng 7 (651) 681-1914 lh—by.��,th—hipla—p.p..dby 2422 Enterprise Drive Fax: 681-9488 m under my di— pmiin endffim I Bna. N. M.1ma. Heights, Mendota MN 55120 . duly Z...fa d P,d-ad Egi- -.pioreereng— Iwader the laws offfie st—fmina... Reg. No. 47504— Owe 9-27-2021 V(r as OHWL=921.06 (NAVD58) y le \\\A) WETLANDS 'e PUD - RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: 7' (10' REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.1) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' REAR SETBACK 20' STORM WATER SETBACKS LOW FLOOR: 1.5'+HWL LOW OPENING: 1.5'+EOF 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00 -ENG -121137 -SHEET -GRAD -OVERALL PRARUE POINTE 7.100 1 F 56 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA I I Y41 A- , V T� JP I D 9-27-2021 PRELIMINARY OVERALL GRADING DR HORTON D— MSNIPDS PLAN I 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I PUD - RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: 7' (10' REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.1) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' REAR SETBACK 20' STORM WATER SETBACKS LOW FLOOR: 1.5'+HWL LOW OPENING: 1.5'+EOF 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00 -ENG -121137 -SHEET -GRAD -OVERALL PRARUE POINTE 7.100 1 F 56 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA I I `� PUD -RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE 7" �"" --� "71�`a i a — I `1 1 ✓ f -T-- r �, ,T T—' �� \ \ \ 1 SIDE SETBACK: 7' (10' REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 I ��( ��— \ 1 1 _ r \ 1 ,\ '..\ •'\ \ SECTIONNLI) r \ F ! •"4 -T" '- `^- \ \\ SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' REAR SETBACK 20' STORM WATER SETBACKS LOW FLOOR: 1.5'+BVrL LOW OPENING:15' E+ OF 1 " >\ ? �� 1 i� i I `] �� `�� j✓ ,I ! l \ BASIN FILTRATION AREAS <, 1 BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. Al�-�''� /41.05 �- e 1 � I 459 39.73 •\\ �1 (: \` i i, I 40.78 f' J> 1 I � I J: ' Ex.45.2 { 39.58 ,I I 42.1 E. 0. --r Ex.45.3 4,0.74• E)/45.1 Y 39.30 -i �l 40.67 1 -Ex.44.9 N'39.23 ;-�� 38.14 \ I 39.45- \ PI$NEERengineering 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 w Fax: 681-9488 ww.pioneereng.com Cf7201YNo Enei..in¢.1'.A F2 SO, IV 9 Iw f 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET QNFFT TNTIRX ouva.n mr+rtn MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF B3RD STREE' NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENG-121137SREEr-GRAD PUD- RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS ROW SETBACK: 30'GARAGE, 25'LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK: T(101 REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 J i i �SECTION M.1 I 1 L}1 ` IDE STREET) SETBACK: 30' c';' i )z REAR SETBACK 20' J JJff'' �\ STORM WATER SETBACKS \L .. iJ IT.. I 7 { LOW PENING5E+1.5 OP "J L` BASIN FILTRATION AREAS r I , `?oma BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. o/ \k -' 34.7-� - .v C_ x x --� -' - - � r- --� /---- � r- -_ ��- r- � _ _ ... � � ---=� - � ROAA� NAPS 328 { ' ten) / •94 2.0 - - -\ 42. - - -941.9 '934. E.O.F. - /33.2 - 24.7• - Lp=942.7 ll I 942.9 1 I L0=942.4 I I,LO=940.8 :LO=935.2l- I 0=943.4 r 1 ? \ \\ 1 60of? 3_ - e k�� _oa\ \ ,'.' I 61' SQG i I SOG " r i SOG � LF=940.6 IF=942.4 I I 942.2-G LF=943.4 IIS L 1._9 WE1 TLAN •�.. �� " J o M M. M � \ (1 - N I I 1 ro nQj .CJ'$'" n I ur , f1 39.5 j 3 5 939�C.r F a--�_in� -M � �- �M 8i� Q inM,` 6 d I •: f` i i / - j \ , E. 0. F. QTR \1 { v rr a G;941.5' l I G 940.5 I I o! rf 4.5 I I LF -ILL 933:5 I, I LF=933.5 r - 5Z 37.0 I p \ y / '9q2• 5 i 53jL I ' joy _ '�• I 1 '�`C� < _ _ -9370.5 I L y�305 I 936.0 SI �I L_� L- .'� e ( V '' �.. �' l�/ / � \�- �I" I \ / �• \ 1 J �� I I �• I I �- i � e M II �- --- i I � ,..rte i � (� /y J 55 1 1 1 I ; I 3s.5 27.0 520, ,BASIN 500P '� -'` c_. / / \ c 3 . 1 1 ,< I I `. / ' �'i.- r , r- - -\ - - - - \ \ 1• • ` 'c -\I - 1 1 OUTLET=929.4 HWL=932.0 \ � o r� M T I irn op� �' I � \ •' � � I� �� `\ _.\ C - 1k STOR. VOL.=6.574 AC'rFT\ _ ,, \ o - ) I� p °�I,.i .� •• t _�' \ i L U\TLOT r�/ E.O.F. 35.4 _�_- _ j \\ \ \\ \ 0 25 50 100 C/ 92 ri � g i } L0935.5 I I / / 7 Mry t _ / ! o cin _ J ',� •'; ,,r .� \\ 9,(T6.0 4t • •a• ` ' `�.� i \ 'l GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET N� 1A \ \ SHEET INDEX 34.9 n ---_ _' 0 1 :, sz< _ `, �✓ ; I / + t 43gs // °•s' -s s / s 6 Y I I I 1 r E.O.F. ;� I N 2>6 ry I r �' 7.12 3g 6.0 936.0 TL 4� ' ',�. _ J •h +� G 9 8.9 0 501 -----------�' -STEP LF =933.5 BASIN 600P f✓J 1 h I 11 S. 3 IC iI G 844.3 � d/ ' R l - e 8.$17. - ::.:. _ _ •....... ...< :. _� � r ro �- 27 2 ,,, (1 .656 AC*FT DELINEATED EK STOR. VOL=6.575 AC•FT I BOUNDARYLINE Jt � as 836 r� % 37.64' s3 .2 0.609; BENCH MARK MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH (. N COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE n I l .M NTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE I-94 � I � I I \ = S � 56 ro . \ \' - o '• �� r' ( ( / AND COUNTY ROAD 19 i\ \! �. , I i (' EL -943.81 LF=93 rTOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES J I / 935, �" 5 STEP I 11.5'-S FS I I o \ _ \ '" `� '` •I i ( �,' t �/ , I l r/ i� rl TWESTHE INON 83RD SEET NOF 63E FROM ET .o \\ '4s\ \ \ ,` PIS' NEERenznee ing 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Height,, MN 55120 Pax: 681-9488 8 www.pioneen:ng.com ® 2019 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00 -ENG -1 21137 -SHEET -GRAD 9 .2 NAD83 NAVDB8 1.75 MILES NORTH en co ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE t -Lau p INTERSECT10N OF INTERSTATE 1-94 30.9 47 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES �d WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM \If L'j THE INTERSECTION OF B31RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE -2_7-20'21 DR HORTON Mendota7peights, MN 55120 e dWy Lim—y d1dmPMf-pi.­1"Egi— Bri- N. Nidir— M-1 ILIA, PRELRAINARY GRADING PLAN 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 7.13oF 56 2422 Ent rise Drive ormder PRARUE POINTE fffi� sj-dmi— R,g. N. 47504 D- 9-272021 D— NISNIPJS LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55G44 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA I I T I I (D 2019 Mon— Engincuinx, P.A. _ SEE SHE .12 L0=936. 1 1 LO=?36.5 I ` I - �* "a p 'vi I II v t I_v \ .,...a. �. , \\\ % I ! PUD -RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS I $' I j \ r ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE l SIDE SETBACK: T(19 REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.1) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' EP ( 1.5'-ST1`i AP u7o --27.0 � •.• ... .. 25.0 '" I REAR SETBACK 20' o, 941,5 11 =33.5 I I J LF=933.5 1 I n i I \ �• v f- L G 40.5 40 0 I '� p / 1.'� E.O. F. �, / STORM WATER SETBACKS -92 I•' / / LOW FLOOR: WL I OUTLET=923.7 � \ ,, LOW OPENING:: 1.5' 1.5'+EOF -, .t- -!� _-� w - r: ' m ��- • n -- ' HWL=925.6 DELI I '? 0.609,' "ter- rn x m• 36.8 i. -- -- --27.2 WET VOL=3.658 AC*FT BOUINEATED LINEEK STOR. VOL -6.575 AC -FT .3 I I F944.3 -� l ,o. % ` - 9•>> 20 s:� .. .. ... .. ....,.... -.... .'� z O� ou I 8g37/Y2 0.6- 09� %936.69 y5 l,uro uo�, �� \ ✓ i • l \ I t � BASIN FlLTRATON AREAS.6¢ g3 s� 1 1 1.0';6.3 - 1 BASIN ACCESS 89: SLOPE MAX. - �I �I � � 9358• // / `6 / r / � ;:_9335 I I 5 F-933 g41.0 1 I n POI t i G 939. \\ ,. � 3 6 \3 'A �� , 0! \ \ \ I, 5 I I LF=9333. I I F= 940.0 . •� 0.5'_STEP I 11.5'-ST$P I I so 936.35/ 2 -_ �(\ M. '✓���J o / / / 93g, 8.5 I LO=936.5 I I L0=936.5 I I L0=940.0 ',a>� \ D` ': -3r*� �✓ P J No° �) \r I Mry � 934 / � 1 � I I 93.0 I 35.0 \ � .� �, � \ `'w '• I I � \ �` \ � \ L �-- f ISIN-i )TUFT=929.5 YL 932-0 _T VOL. -4.439 AC -FT 'OR. VOL =8.353 AC FT UTLOT » 4. � / .�a� ,�� �' _ \ \ 93 38 O �' `' \ \ 101 i>� �:. • i • �� � � f '"_. � -- " , o n i \ g39 O \\ \ 104 �_,�• \ \ S 4 g0 \ \ Lfl'9� \ � l 1G � � � o, 1\ w ..t t \ W •p \ 105 \ \ SY' 0 \ \ �: -('-�- -, s rDl�: 196 9�. \ I g�cw,,`-'2�5 I'� � � � I \\ \\ k\ 1 ux - / / \ \ .yy. , \ \ "' ,«oo ���%�� 1\'s •rn 3 � cn 195 ,, , .. � I \ \\ \ / u` . ?/ \ \ 1�� \ \ F 93 �'� 934.6 w � ay \ .' p`N O u` O •... V 1 ��° � �\ \ \ \ 1 \ 32.6 3.4 �� \.. \ O \\ \v i � ° > ��( Nw \ \ -'�-� \ � G e 93�•y \ \ S \\ ' � 26 o I \ X939 i \� V 0 25 50 100 /� �J 93�' �� / :3� /. ♦ � , \ \ po9 0 \ /� o --._..f ,.r- � � l r m int oN _ ?J �\ \ `� � 1. W7� �•a, _�-- - -^\ \ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET II -.\ � 1 SHEET INDEX ��� �.e° g'I� \\\\ •° 30.0-'__-_- 118 g cow .8 w -r-- -•� - L" ' -; -- --\ �Ww> s o(_- a+oo.. O ^'o I 33.3 ( wl�:.•\ ` r J ��.-r-\i�--\,:�._\. oor ` 30.0 5 \ � . d d 39.5 1 \ ,n \ 4 � 9 J 4 toll AZA I ,ro rn11 W mM -yin `��; ` oy �.'w UTLOT D ` I >tuo'44 fillwo`` °x w 1 m- e I d���/ 30.0- -- -1� 3.. m J NM 190b�i r•i 1 {.! f r \ \ ` oil mini c9� r- _ 305 rl"',:a - ° ° II° s --r 38.5 -• N O noo +} w j m Ky T--'- ----T- `. NM 32 �`° I w •,e a,o w „ 34.1- +--- --- 304/ , I •� •' I \ ! \___.l \ BENCH MARK w II 1O 7 A n0 !n II m I t � +' ! I DELINEATED R Eld --- �O r, \ I r , % / BOUI� ARY L�N f1 l MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 _1� I BASIN 300P --- --� hl �'r•S Mw( '-I''r / 1 ` I' / NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH •�°r 14 LJ °I - r --. OUTLET=928.6 / - 34.4 �' �•- p�j p, 8\9w„"yI \� ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE rn III 1 U) m.- r va .38.9,. - --- - y _ HWL=929.8 / / --i 'I - I•ox aro Ilm 1 111 . '•'� r"r i h �' \ I a l INTERSEC110N OF INTERSTATE I-94 mar ( - - ��. - -i T 30.g „ -WET VOL.=9.545 AC- FT l v , I I O� C J ,li .•.I y / r L, �� % AND COUNTY ROAD 19 �o h STOR. VOL=15.253 AC*FT 34 - 1 'I f -- _ i EL=943.81 _ O o \ 3 , #_ 121 3 r I 4 L jJ. " l / ,' i / TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES 39.4 nM 1, no U / /0�0\\ yyyl �vr, I `\c _(� I /( /'' / / t j WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM arr.3 rn� il� l \\ � cl�^i t`�l 2g.�1' '� r \-, I i~ % �''' - THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE PI$NEEReneneering ^ SEE SHEET 7.16 m HE EL=940.69 00 -ENG -121137 -SHEET -GRAD ewn r+taM+�n turor0awtoas txno: j 7 1 hertby certify that this plan was➢rtpvN by- /�o�;..anc Revisrnru Date 9.7-_2021 DR HORTON (651 681-1914 Nyne PRELINUNARY GRADING PLANAIRIE POINTE 2422 Ent rise Drive a or under my avert supervision nna mn' 1 Brian N. Molinaro Des nea NAP 20860 KENBRIDGE Cr,CT, #100 OF 56 Mendota Heights, MN.5.5120 Fax: 681-9488 amen u duty Licensed Pmtessionat Engineer g ' www,pioneemng.eom ander au laws ofthe Sm mf Reg. Reg. No. 47500 Dye 9-27-2021 Dnwn MSNIPDS I LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA © 2019 Pioneer Engincering, P.A. SEE SHEET 7.13 (Gall a� ro w 8 mm PUD OSIDEENTTAL SETBACKS TBACK: 30'GARAGE, 25'LIVING SPACE 42.1 ' m �_ 1 n t M o ' ' ��j. O 9�y� \ SIDE SETBACK: T (10' REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 ( I ice" `i 'i �•. / \ \ u' SF.0 [ONM.1) E.O.F. _ -_, J_ - Y'- 06 /� \ i o --y 1.52 L___ _ \ \ :. y 2 1 I STREET SETBACK 20' l �. _. - :' 38-5 38 5 C.'' '�, 'h'1 • f N r�i \ \ \ / / / STORM WATEETBACKS B 40.5 LOW FLOOR: IS'+HWL N � I LOW OPENING" 1.5+EOF G iB 9:190.60% 38.80.6 "37 5 - - -- A s. - • o 1� \ \$f �� n ---- -- ---- r-__ ___5 79 NTH TR N BASIN FILTRATION AREAS N G 945.3 1 G 944:x,947.8 --V G 941"2 LF=942.6 LF -941.6 -1 LF=949x3 i' LF=939.1 LF=938.5 O N . ,I tD 1� 1'!}Q 177( w� \ o j _ - _ _ (.30.5 i •1 SE i i SE ; `SE SE SE,, �I f 59 I I m r - 135• I I I m 3613 r-- ll w 0 BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. 136 I 137 I 138 I 139 \ 38.5 ---- ----T-385 ^ uo.� 32 rn I e 1 I w L0= 44.8 L =943.5 I LO=942.3 I t LO=941.7 �' W n I I I / I- 945.3 1._ 44, 943.0-^��I. --41.8 ;� .{- 941.2 \I I i� n i I $ rn II fA IrI I� x j I I I I I I �° 14 (W•;`-,. 38.9�j -_ - �/J ,\ , r -ei I - _ to •43.41 µ . _f \ n (n ` J I N to 0 \ i>\ - - -- - - - -1 i r\ \ °o\ { �'1 I I l j ` X1442 W � 46. 944.8 943.8 - \ LO=945.3 j L0=944.3 I 942.7 41 I I 147 / I ✓- 94 2'� 38.9_ \ oT c._ -, l r� 1 146 8 \ o I I I 145 SEWO I SEWO f I 144 Tom. " 1 rtl w• 1 �3EV1T0 _ L-949.360 I IG 948030 IG 947030 - ".,_ 0 I olro 143 n \ m - - --1' G 945.9 \�j 1 ' __ _ I C 945.9.20 I ._ \ \ 1 X •F � �_� o r t+ 943.4 p; ',... • '.. m y s N8 , ax e> .o 129 /7 I � 9 3 945.32.0 43.39 v - oo �0 % \ y 1.9std•°° s 7 n u 36.7 \ , :1a6 I - -E><4za » x41.4 �ao.3 ♦ Mac l ,` , \` i' 1 �� ♦ 45.61 _ _ s43s S '43.6 S TREE" I t I '' - I - ------ Z�"' -- '�"�� \ L art,149w rnmy�` v=_ - \ $'o jo \ \ 12 -- �- `\ ._ ~ '-' ` ,• ` / -' 1' � � n Ex4\8\.6 �. -515,v•8�mop� •itDo i�,twiit"0 ���v Lo317`�\ - "\ \[�r - '\/\ ",x\8� r,o ��,_DP� 7 lr x46I33 150 '_ 159f < ! '�" ,�I_•o r ;_!�3 'T1./ l6 \\/ \ �\\� \ •'. q 0 25 60 100 l t. -_151 �u m \I °•'o r7� 41.9- 'Z -r - 1 ���� ^`_ "-\' � '`� .: trop r� m It V)I w � `r - I ". °° o' �t , / 1 w 33 O r ' N � ` sj�1° ° 60% 37. " 937• RAPHIC SCALE IN FEET i �' Ji` _ 43z i '." a< ) �`D1fi `z S D._ -��y `\ • / / / SHEET INDEX 47, °= Y p-, _ - _---a•`�l I�-`� 9. , 1 S'o'- �� - - - � _- - , '�_-:-� '\+-:�'4r:-'��Ex•45' 11 \' � ;�j / :'t,� \ } -y`�0/ 40.8 f\ \ t'� ' 1 � � IW161 j m'D �I" "moi SE � \ 1 =941.2 /:". {: � \ l I SEWO / 153 \ � /\ \)m�162 `Oli I m ' 11 347 �\\ \\ i %'! I/ _ i�! I /� \ I ( �'7) �- W'• J� /� k ` - acs I 138.8 , / BASIN- / \ - -'O� - OUTLET32930.6 39 p m ti 26.1 l �1. 7,- �L -/ \\ �•, / l .� t„ ' :. ' �: - j 7/ \�� __/. --'moi' : / �` �^. c0 7 F' f y' n� (� BENCH MARK C � = �HWL 9 4 :7�\'" �" l- ����N3d'�. -'\� - '" WET VOL -1.321 AC FT /� 33O - 7�°•f moa ao MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 STOR. VOL. -3.030 AC"FT �"/ 8 I� ,t ro _ $ aro :3g \r 77 DCOUNTY ROAD 79MFROM THE / t '� ILES NORTH ON RE-GRADE STREAM '�• _ _ - -� M •0 -a 1 ,.� \\ PER NEW ALIGNMENT - INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 _ - /i !AND CROSS' SECTION._ .i \_ _ ✓r %� \ ` i1 EL D943.gNTY ROAD 19 ! (SEE }SETAILION�SAE€ /:T - \ \ I •% . , .r:-,. \ � TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES 1 ,,.- •l�• ' \",:f: � %'`- "•/ � _ ""-� \ \ \ : _� �\ WEST ON 83RD STREETNE0 \ \ \ f' I �'/ ♦ '>'r`.f o �'` r �. 1� -�"'�. .l"y1 f r• -.L-\- �'. ��"J-\t / , �� .. . `� L~ J/� THE INTERSECTION OF 83RDSTREET NE AND MASON UE NE PI$NtERe_?; neeHng SEE SHEET 7.17 EL=940" 9 OD-ENGEN 37-SHFEr-GRAD mw.m,owm,9 caro:nn�,n� (651) 681-1914 l nems;• ani 11, anis lan waa 1-1 Name - A� R"'t'I a,a Dme s- 7 2021 PRAIRIE POINTE 2422 Enterprise Drive memunder my directs thatrision and mmiy DR HORTONT Fax: 6. 't.8 -ar,a Li«vua A°tissionnl Enginxr Brian N. Molinaro Dealg,md NAP PRELINIINARY GRADING 20860 KENBRIDGE CT,#100 7.15 GF 56 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 www,pioneereng.com a,a,,d,- nrme SmtenfMmnesma Reg.Na, 47564 Dam 9"27-2621 Dawn MSWPDS LAKEVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 9) 2019 R°neer Engineering, P.A. o .5 •.'' '6�1 l\� \\\ 341 6th 8. E.O.F. ; = ''• \ 8 'o \ � 33 �� a �� -- - - /--4 385 I n O o ---- ---- - - rM LSI 32 M I w � J 14en 1 vwi �" ' :' �>a w _ r rnNl- mq.y_ 142 L'j * M O\Ce i ill o O 30 1-ro � _ � .:. '�• a cl-n N w _! \ 93 5a 9x ..o , 29 0 `Zp 5, 6 ttkk- (n127 33.5 1 � � ��� ,.__% �-" \ _ J � H.P• .93 .B ( m �r � o st- - �J.-178 33.0 - - •_� i LO=9837 0 or T yy\�� SEE SHEET 7.14 f DS=OT— 3° \ ` )N' 117 YY I i I ✓' \ \ ` \ 30.0- , wII � `�+� - �• c'�� ` t' 1 �� I i o°118 O two Ja _ - o o mrri-- . 31.2 UTLOT D J Ilm ; vl -_�-33.9 m a NM MM --= o �4 1190TH I I 1`( \ \ / I O M X120 II N �� 34.1-' 1 304" •' �` r DELINEATED R 30.0BOUfJpARYN j' J ,OUTLET=928.6 / - _ _ 34.4" \ na $ ,HWL 929.8 'WET VOL,=9.545 AC*FT / / v J ( c5 b I%/.. ` ..:� / I 1\ STOR. -� %/ \ �� \\ 9°h ' 8� / vM�. r �ZB.y 1 •• f �--� - Y �' Jr l BASIN FILTRATION AREAS BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. PUD - RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS ` O h� \ \ '7g 'r / 0'�ry'� (�• j '� .3 I : .. _I < /'r �', - _ "''.- -`�� `_L _ _ ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE r SIDE SETBACK: 7' (10' REQUII2ED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 ti \ \° 124 \ ` , / may' ^s �• / 1 % % ` — - = —.) �' \ : A / t p /� .:. •• / - SIDE SOIREET SETBACK: 30' REAR SETBACK 20' STORM WATER SETBACKS \ •b ` 9�' h, / r / '� / f ..�-J ,(J LOW FLOOR: 1.5'+HWL \ 125 \\\ 9� / 3S °'a"'a�Q \�� / t/� / ff LOW OPENING: 1.5'+EOF f7j i" I r 9 �. ..- \, ii°' \ 0 r✓/'� _ !�^ / I 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET \ \. r 6 \\ �� \ \\ /��� •••':. r/ , I DELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY LINE MN DNR# 86-351 SHEET INDEX G g36`•`1 1 $ ` / J- , `1 I OHWL=921.06 (NAVD88) OHWL LINE 79 :azo' 7.18 mn- WFTI — _• *:,� / �� --• / :::5.' m I ?80 •1 -_�- �` �__ - _ -_ ` _ , \ - - f/X' / -� , — -_�" r ANU UOUNIT RUAU 18 EL 94381 P NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES o 'I"_ �\ ^ `� `. 76m ,y pI, pr��•� , - �A•.-�-f-)I y ,:' - l r I- WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET , ry• .,;�.,. ; / J n:F.u..� �'-- ' /,` ` // il' \ I NE AND MASON AVENUE NE e�agineering SEE SHEET 7.18 EL=940.69 00 -ENG -121137 -SHEET -GRAD 2422 Ent rise Drive (651) 661-1914 Fax: 681-9488 Ih—by,,n] hwthispl—,ep-1 Nene .�.:.-t_ /YoG;..e„� mo or uvaer my direct supmisisn and tnat I Hrian N. Malinam �id�a D,te 927-zozl Desi d NAP PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN DRHORTON 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, 1H00 PRAIRIE POINTE OF 7.16 56 Mendota Heights, MN .5.5120 www.pirmtereng.Com am v duly Licensed Rvposefooal Engineer andcrthe7awa ofthe SL+ , Minn— Reg.N,. 47504 D®e 9-27-2021 _1 Drawn MSN/PDg LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA © 2019 Wonem Engineering, P.A. SEE SHEET 7.15 -- - �-\ ✓ 151 m ( REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11 36 -`"LLI tid � 41.9 F- \ � ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE SIDE SETBACK:T 10' EQUIRE (n SECTION M.1) SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' REAR SETBACK 20' STORM -''J 1 m / 1 (� f :.e . o \ ,� M WATER SETBACKS (( \ v J v \ LOW FLOOR: 1.5'+HWL • I l s r(r 47 - LOW OPENING: 1.5'+SOF J \ y s O \ --L — — — — — — \Z_' v x456 s� _.i J \ I \ '�--''�-�'i—� `? y / ,:.�.; i•w ,� e 40.8 r^\R�_ / 152 /�T � 1 154 � j I BASIN FILTRATION AREAS 1 4S BASIN ACCESS B% SLOPE MAX. 940.7 38.8 t J--- - OO 4 y ' / �,. � r; j't .'/ l:. � _ • \ ��3a3 ._.. / WET VOL.=1.321 ACTT STOR. VOL.=3.O3O AC*F7 5 y - IE -GRADE STREAM-~ '\� _�_ _ \ -i ce.- \' ._. �°j' 3` �"� ''3g0 ` \\ oo, •l \� / `-\ / Y r • 7 / i"�,i/• P`ER NEW ALIGNMENT AND CROSS SEC".'-- (SEE ECTIOR'_ (SEE �ETAV OfY5HEET7.��} 80Y/ w 6.2: ` \� 6 7 ,mom'\ • �' STREAM WEST 7.R_EAM'7OP AaKINEJLM \ STREAM--0HA L "_-- ,` �` >rs �•// \ \ /' -�,"�' \ Q3E \v 1/ 7 \ ' / / \ i\ \ \ I'r ✓V t ! 1i " i j BOTTaM\LI EpM CENTS / I� ..i` i\ l�; L>.� , ,�.-'- 1 y `r j `� c`' // ,A'• \ NE m_-\1'm�Yl / IG . � / _' � (:' _ " 1\ .. � j ' �\ '-a \ �-�-/r'j �(((F r ! r` ``� , � l w • -- _ -\ g k - _'----1 �� \ \ �, • -;` _. k �'�`„$ ''�.as � v et. 6 - �L - �. \ _ �-- --- - \ ��. ', ;\ � G - 'ice r'- � f' � ' \ \ - \ \ L0� 1; 11 1.66 j \ �+�6� \ °, _ :, e'�5• $ f � ' ``. , \ \ \ .( F\_� _ �/r --" I C' f7 � r \.0'9 _ \ _ _ 1 F_936-30 \ l�= � > p6�� ,yDr$ f }} 1. Y � •: Y L. S \\ \ ��30 ! i�,l - � � �O\9�5. "` i >�> \ p \ � \ '9`�\�' •(' �•••-••� -_ \ � . ,."\> � �' / _ i' - \ rvI ` \ ; 1 g � � --A �. 36.47 I � \ `�\ I J x`b�s � � � •;`�. 1�,.=ii ''� ` _ / ,\ J' r , 1 ,� t. > 937• ,y66 r� \ i 17 2 I ` C. �� \ `_'� X32.1 30.. `� ° ' E.O. %^ "r - r `'' :f � :�! ` r� - ' - %'-i1Suf'''- -\ � / - '•a,\ \ d'. i � a•. \ X34.2 �w \ -'\ ''r ��" k,, 171,,� _.- J I r_ V r-- \ , /..� \ g 9• > � ,✓\ gyri r� ��;\ �, :.:.ii x i CD4 \ SE ' \\\ 170 \ . ',. _ 6 BASIN 1O0P i X _ - - 1• 1- > /\ �n OUTLET=925.7 f \' �' �..� J a>l \ 169-, \ \ 4 \ 32.0 ' � > \ .' "N.P31g4 \\ 'S \\ ` - f ,S "Lollts 1%' 1w � c7 N \'\ WET HWLVO7.7 - WET VOL - 1.097 097 AC FT i o STOR. YOL. 2.548 AC•FT;�'-- 41.9 r\ \ i :' / \ .'i' \/,c�'..'�l -- —�� '•41• - 4O.'I�--' `�_."F�`,. Ex.34.9 \ •?- --.�• �\..._� " 1 ,' f- ��.' �• ,_..v'/>°f�',r a' 'y I _ l -�. �, J N.-.9 i \ N At 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 23 NAD83 NAVD88E1.75 MILIES NORTH J ! I- �' / ., \ t \ / �_, ` rq; r -, : ✓>\ ^I ' r '-� J J J i/ I ; / ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE / f / INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE I-94 ' 1 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 i TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES _ t WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM L \ THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET PI$NEEReyagineering EAND MASON AVENUE NE =940.69 00-FNG-121137SHEEP-GRAD rnn xnewx>:xx rAnv Pt xnn[ax Cann suave�ou I hereby cmufy d,,t this plan wax prepmad by Reviximx Dare 9-27-2021 2422 Enterprise Drive (651)681-1914 9r wader my avant xapendsina and mau Na,ne .f•ra..-/`inL;raa,.f DR HORTON PRAIRIE POINTE Fax: 651-9488 a Brian N. A1olinmo pesigned NAP PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 7.17 OF 56 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 oneeron wm am a duly Limnxed Prof .mal Engineer `vp' g ana.nne l,w.x ofihe Sm-fMi..-, Reg.N,. 47504 Dam 9-27-20^_] Dnwn MSWPDS LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ©2019 A--Eneinee -P.A. SEE SHEET 7.16 1^' A/: �+' y\ `\ \ '\ �\ I /;: y •. ! \�� ' PUD- RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS �\ ✓ / �/ '. `\ \tea N N \ \ S2 ^ \ \� / I7 ! 1 I I ROW SETBACK: 30' GARAGE, 25' LIVING SPACE 33.5 t ` �`� w .93 8 0. \ 9 g6• ^ /'.y6• \ // 1 ! SIDE SETBACK: 7'(19 REQUIRED PER ORDINANCE 11-36-2 SECTION M.1) DELINEATED WETLAND SIDE STREET SETBACK: 30' .- ;�1 �' Wirt \ g6 \ // \ //r .•/ ,� f'> ! iI ' I BOUNDARY LINE MN NR# 86-351 OHWL92106 (NAVD88) REAR SETBACK SETBACKS O l l� __� J--380. .:.m1 "\ \ 9• l' \ ` ` �Vvo1 \ \ 7� \ r \ //- / / / / irk Y 1 I S� W FLOOR: RM WATER 5'+HWL _ _ _ ,o r r \6 6 \ \ 5\ \ 9 59 1 0\: / ' F • ; ' / �.. / f �� \ t\ OHWL LINE LOW OPENING: 1.5'+EOF 180 1'' wIW161 Wo k S 179 A178 ' ocn 937 0 \ ` — \ :\ _.� BASIN FILTRATION AREAS 935. 1 33.0 1 L0= U \-�-g24':- \ BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. o-.- _ Mot • -:. " • Imo' > � / f /j � WETLAND 5 I 330 Joh q� F- 8 �� e3 M \ RE-GRADE\STREAM PER NEW ALIGNMI;N.T.- AND CROSS SECTION. 1- (SgE'bETAIL\ON SHEET 7.42) —\ ••/ �,�/ 1 /C/\```/ /r r S; : \_ ���� � 8 `tib- ��.`\-� � -< // \ .,. `\ ••• �.i.4`� �� / .f \r1 1 I rl 9� (4`qr `)� t \ �`\ �I\ v 1 � t- `\' � �\ �•'• »—, f '\•' � r U�� I /// )t oos \ l �•A . /� fr.-.1 /) �3\TREAA�TOP ('\ Vt,.BANK UNE- \ ��__ _'� ��•- \62. 47 fid• ` \ g 6, \ �. `< .STREAM EAST r` 0 n I ! \ f " \ 7 �\ �_ E.O.F. t i t- `� i=ce \ �� �_J _ I STREAh� C�NiEd2 N/ :\\` LINE'S 1TIyP^/ / E O . F. N ., �� \\ \ _ \'` � \ �.. _.� .• � I '� � � ! 173 \��N WL -9 5.0 5 .5� tq.� � � �_ Z w 4. ' � 924--= n' ` ERF -\ r `• �..\ 1 -\:- \ ._\ \' —��-� \ �. I \ i \ � � BASIN 100P �, - '- ( \\[-\ 'j \ \ \ .�'1 (t \` OUTLET=925.7HWL• \� j\ \ 13 1 /iD� 17'4 (n Nils rt1 1 o N .\ \ WET VOL -1.097 * o� Acs WET Y STOR. VOL =2.548 AC FT �.., � �.' - \_..-- `�.� ^Ex.34. I i � �. • _.-, �. _ ,- �—. - -- - — i . '- . - ti v -- r -- --'— ..�. x -- — X — x Y ; -lip " '-- -----.r 7A Q PIt engineering hcrcby rc fy that this plan was prcp—I by Re 1 �a Dare 9-27-2021 DR HORTON 2422 Enterprise Dfive (651)681-1914 eor under my dire 'I_isim and thou Na'"` 'B^"" "{ Flix: 681-9488 Brian N. M linom Desi rA NAP PRELEVIINARY GRADING PLAN 20860 KEN13RIDGE CT, #100 PR Mendota Heights, WT 55120 N.N.B.-PNoneereng.eom asnaduly Licensed l'mfessionW Ensineer a750a De Dawn MSN/PDB LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 C underrhe1— ofthe Stamof Minnesota Reg. N. 9-27'20:1 - _ __ 0 2019 Pioneer Ermine .. P.A 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET MNUUI MUNUMLNI U IZI Z.5 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENO-121137SREET-GRAD i i i J „r _. _ 5. 60 64 62 63 38• `\ l -/\\/\ 59 •'� • I WETLAND 2 •�' A 35 as 39 I STREP F� 87 IWETLAND 134 57 54 53 62 BB I , 33 \ a --. , 55 55 69 41 32 — ,BASIN I500E-1 , - ------ OUTLOT A II ,31 43 44 'a "45 71 47 :.� 'b 49 72 (.,;�! OUTLOT 6 1 1 -- / I 73 'r BASIN 600E I i � 28 10 9`"-___- - "�1 1 •• WETLAND IMPACT AREA 7 g - 5 27 26 l 77 ! 1 \\ 1 25 12 i OUTLOT C78 24 13 102 _ los � 104 � 23 ,a 105 \ rI h'; / 195 ) �, --'---- ------ ' ,' 105 22 _ \' 195 1 107 21 IN 15 " " 108 WETLAND 4 ! i``.��`� \ n5 t94 _............. ... ......... 109 ` .s 114 ..-� 20 17 113 .l 110 \ 1 112 183 1 15 111 117 _ �• .:. ... - __ �"'.:✓ w'•".'..3"�". _:.:-- 131 118 __—_-- .:: — — _ BOTH EET NE • • • • • 4 \ ••• ••i R • • 133 i I 119 --- 140 Z -. 190 i r.;. 135 135 137 135 139 I ! i :' OUTLOT D 120 - 132 ,.;. 0 50 100 200 BASIN 300E r _ [/ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 142 `e 145 147 145 145 — /f r' 122 Jfil " - ` BENCH MARK t44/ J` MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 130 .;:.!. 143 ' / \ 187 - - =� '' % �;• � NAD83 NAVD86 1.75 MILES NORTH INTERSECTION N COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE ANDRCOUNTY ROAD 19RSTATE-94 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE PIONEERenginm ing EL=940.69 OD-111137SHEEf-WELL C42 ""°") 81-1914 I hereby maify than this plan waa p ep-d by �T,e, �y�c a� R<.ia, Date 9 27-2821 PRELIMINARY WETLAND IlVIPACT & 2422 Enterprise Drive (651 681-1914 a or maermyditeauperrwmmatbatI NaD1e DR HORTON PRAIRIE POINTE Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 Bd.. N. M^liamo Desi ed NAP 20860 KENBRIDGE CT, 9100 8, I OF 56 Wr W. Dae-cn a°m m aamy L.«nfchl S1.111f lEngine BUFFER PLAN LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO, MD4NESOTA PI g' under the lawn of the Siam of Minneeota Reg. N. 47504 Date 9-27-20=1 Drawn MSN/PDS 2019 Hon«r Engineering, P.A. WETLAND 9 IMPACT (S. F.) IMPACT (AC) W B 01 3,894 0.089 WB 02 2,628 0.060 W B 03 4,392 0.101 W B 04 13,351 0.306 TOTAL 24,265 0.556 60 I 61 I 62 I 63 I 64 6 4 s 3 12 1 102 101 .j 103 104 105 106— ? ra 107 ....... 65 , 66 1 TLAND 67 66 \ \ 89 ` t� 70 71 72 OUTLOT 8 , 73 i BASIN 6O0P 74��,1 i 75 \ t` 76 J 126 r res \ j 126 -'S-Z \ 127 PI$NEERe�agi n_g yeti -� 162 neeri [rva wewews spuneuxxr_o. urm suava\ou (651)$81-1914 Iheteby ardfy that this plan was prtpartd by Nam .. M /. _ 2422 Enterprise Drive me or "&r -y d'vensapmisiw wa marl edw N. M.1m. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 era a duty Clamed ptnpesaiwm Engineer www.pioneereng.com under the laws ofthe Stet, of Minneeota Reg. N. 47504 Date 9-27-202 0 2019 pion., Enginaring, P.A. 196 195 194 ---------------- 193 192 191 190 189 168 187 188 yL 1. I DELINEATED CREEK BOUNDARY LINE DELINEATED CREEK BOUNDARY LINE .O5 DELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY LINE SEE SHEET 8.11 Hr WETLAND BUFFER SIGN CREEK AND WETLAND BUFFER AREA 0 50 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENG421137SHEET- W ETL 116 %�T \ 114 113 115 112 111 1 t 117 134 i 116 133 t i � I 719 i 132 .�OUTLOT D 120 BASIN 3O0P 1` 131 I 121 122 130 I t 123 129 / S r 124 ' 65 , 66 1 TLAND 67 66 \ \ 89 ` t� 70 71 72 OUTLOT 8 , 73 i BASIN 6O0P 74��,1 i 75 \ t` 76 J 126 r res \ j 126 -'S-Z \ 127 PI$NEERe�agi n_g yeti -� 162 neeri [rva wewews spuneuxxr_o. urm suava\ou (651)$81-1914 Iheteby ardfy that this plan was prtpartd by Nam .. M /. _ 2422 Enterprise Drive me or "&r -y d'vensapmisiw wa marl edw N. M.1m. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 era a duty Clamed ptnpesaiwm Engineer www.pioneereng.com under the laws ofthe Stet, of Minneeota Reg. N. 47504 Date 9-27-202 0 2019 pion., Enginaring, P.A. 196 195 194 ---------------- 193 192 191 190 189 168 187 188 yL 1. I DELINEATED CREEK BOUNDARY LINE DELINEATED CREEK BOUNDARY LINE .O5 DELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY LINE SEE SHEET 8.11 Hr WETLAND BUFFER SIGN CREEK AND WETLAND BUFFER AREA 0 50 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK MNDOT MONUMENT C 121 23 NAD83 NAVD88 1.75 MILES NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 19 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE 1-94 AND COUNTY ROAD 19 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET NE AND MASON AVENUE NE EL=940.69 00-ENG421137SHEET- W ETL SEE SHEET 8.10 ----- --- /-"�' WETLAND BUFFER SIGN 709 115 20 17 CREEK AND WETLAND BUFFER AREA 113 .. - 110 112 103 `\ 19 18 °� \ 111 117 - - _ 192 191 BOTH STREET NE--- 133 i 140 T- _ 135 138 137 738 139 \i+'fff 190 ----- /OUTLOT D 132 —- BOUNDARY LINE DELINEATED CREEK u1 = ,� BASIN 300P 131142 i ✓ _ / J"- l v' 1 f / ✓ —j \ II /.� j 188 148147 148 146 I I1 r _ Y� 144 143 130 t �: 197 r - � 120 \I3ir _ Ji f _ __ � _.._ _ _a.=—.�b.`x�:.+•\\� 124 `\ / I �J `�"� 788 j-•___�. " a; � I -- -I—�- 185 148 ' 129 125 ',;'"rl% MN DNR# 86-351 _ 157 / 5- f. �/' OHWL=921.06 (NAVD88) 158 127 184 / 15 180 \ 183 `` .� _� '✓', J / 15E ' 159 —:-=� DELINEATED WETLAND /� 1� BOUNDARY UNE^i r_' 151 / ,j ---__-� - `^ 155 �'•1 J 180 _ 181 t ' OHWL LINE STREAM CENTER'-'. /• ! tat 179 152 LINE /r I 178./' 153 154/•`----'-- i , 19z S EAM CHANNEL f ` TTO/M UNE BASIN 200P',. v \ ,STREAM TO—= -= - .� ' ' 163 —__ � � WETLAND 5 r(� BANK UNE i � / 177 176 -1, /STREAM WEST\ I �'OUTLOT G�.-.-- 175 1' OUTLOT E 164 ,r 185 ISO ✓s 167 � ss \ STREAM TOP OF BANK LINE tea STREAM CHANNEL 172 \=r-== BOTTOM LINE �173 J� STREAM CENTER\ r -') \ 1n \� LINE 170 \ t\ BASIN 100P ,J \�\` �� l /.'� P i _ c' ` 169 5 \ 174\� - s r 1 ^ o so 100 zoo ------ __r� GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET A. MARK BENCH MNDOTMONUMENT C 121 23 f I / DCOUNTY ? MILES NORTH ROAD9FROM THE ON INTERSECTION COUNTY ROAD INTERSTATE I-94 AND9 EL=943.81 TOP NUT OF HYDRANT 0.25 MILES WEST ON 83RD STREET NE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 83RD STREET L AND MASON AVENUENE PISNEERene eleHng EHE =940.69 00-ENG] 21737SFtE'1'-WB71. 7I hertby c<n fy that this plan waa prtpmed by /y,G;,, P—bm— Date 9.7-2021 PRELIMINARY WETLAND RAPACT & 2422 Enterprise Drive (651 681-1914 ,oe or nnaermy ahect anpm-isian ane due 1 ^'"" DR HORTON p� ppE Faz: 681-9488 Baan N.M.inmo Designed NAP 208601{ENBRIDGE CT,#100 8,120E 56 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 ww.pioneereng.com ..dca� helawsofhc Swm of M'mal nnuoia� Reg. N. 47504 D.I. 9.27-2027 Dawn MSN/PDS BUFFER PLAN LAICEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA © 2019 Noneer engineering, P.A. >m L " i I E � a ::+S=Z:r 1 5. ==:.=_'f•_svls IR � 1 �! � Kfl r •,� � kws 11 1 MEIER, ��vne.:Sy S•.w+n�ce.ril� 1 1 _"•_�a�4�iAil�IL �-�' F I'1 i� Rsl� M ICU n[�pp 1- Iva y—loll . ..�.►fa9 " ��ar � yrs ,.1I INAp7� D.�WIN I t sfarr'li/i �,-� 0 9 �,�'a\ fel �...—'sEll ►�� �i11 J` . -I � �In)1 I � X111/ �I rr� � .._ 3�1�1„ \�;iQl �l \ • �\\ • yy!� 1 �nlil �SYLultlfl111► � "' ��^`'�J /._ � ����,�,�'. ill AME;. ��j�+�►7 .� e��1s�� h MI WE WIN Wo \S\�\.� \ 1 II� ,SIIII �■. •�I! �, \1`.A\\� I LII 'n'::Y ��■'® /1 -I-n 0 '�;T :':rte- - .,1, \I, �.a`\ 1 Mali , LAN ���G.."I ill.-, r.ilti'.'•��r�i. ,., � 1+g » � � • � �► �• 7 NJ Ift ,III �TT1REaa�� ;t - �5, elica ,i:—'�111� ppps.® !�� �� _• ��,,,i��������Iy.(,/� y,. I L.c — � a _ 7 N �► e �AN ��� �+���!�`'r- ,P•0 �.r °y� ' ' �f � � j ;'Cl�j�r tE1����'� (til ^� .I�� i•'''j� � • �illl��> 1`� f�l���III I'a� m� �� 1 I�A�t CSS ' C � • I Ti .I � W,.; r %............ '``iiiMit 051A 11 u i Lila 11 2422 Enterprise Drive (651)681-1914 Fax: 681-9488 CITY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS TWO TREES PER LOT (178 UNITS): 356 TREES PROPOSED TREES: 373 OVERSTORY -- CONIFER -- ORNAMENTAL TOTAL PROPOSED TREES: 373 LANDSCAPE NOTES -THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE PROJECT SITE TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID- - THE IO-THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SNAIL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF PROPOSED PHYSICAL START OATS AT LEAST DAYS IN ADVANCE -THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SNAL. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FIELD VERIFICATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS ON THE PROJECT SITE WITH GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 140D45-66 PRIOR TO COMMENCING— THE OMMENCINGWORKTHE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF EXISTING UTILITIES DAKMGEODUMNGCONSTRUCTIONATNOCOSTTOTNEOWNER NOTIFYTHEIN—EARCHITECTOFANYCONNCTS TO FACILITATE PUNT RELOCATION. -GRADING TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS -PIAN—IR SHALL BE INSTALLED UNUL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDMTEAREA ALL PLANT MATERLAL SHALL MEETTHE STANDMOS FOU.° IN THE AMERICANA SOC WTION OF NURSERYMENAMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK -ALL CONTAINER MATERML TO BE GROWN IN THE CONTAINER A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) MONTHS PRIDR TO PIANTING ON SITE -DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL NOT BE STAKED, UNLESS DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY. THE LANDSCAPE COMPACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM GUNUNTEE OF ONE YEAR ONE TIME REPLACEMENT ON NEW PUNT MATERIALS. GUARANTEE SHALL BE AGREED UPON BY DEVELOPEWBUILDERMID UNDBCME CONTRACTOR THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT RESERVESTHE RIGMTO REJECT AM PUNTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE DURING OR AFTER INSTALLATION. -IF THERE IS A DEECREPANCY SETNEEN THE NUMBER OF PLANTS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLANT UST. THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLAN WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. QVNDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MULCHESAND PUNTING SOILQUANTnES TO COMPLETEWONK SHOWN ON THE PLAN THELANDSGAPECONTRACTORSMLLVERIFl'ALLQU TIESSHOWNONTHE PIANTSCHEDULE -COMMERCIAL GRADE POLY LAWN EDGING SHALL BE INSTALLED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE UW DSCAPE COMPACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO THE SITE CAUSED BY THE PUNTING OPERATION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER -THE UNOSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PAVEMENTS CLEAN UNSTAINED. ALL PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE ACCESS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. ALL WASTES SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SRR. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACIUMES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE -THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WEH PLLPPPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS AND PERMRS GOVERNING THE WORK -STORAGE OF MATER— OR SUPPLIES ONSRE WILL NOT BE ALLOWEG. LANDSCAPE PLAN PI ANTIAI(_ ¢rWPr)lII F KEY COMMON NAME/SCIENTIFIC NAME ROOT QUANTITY DIAMETER. DEPTH OF THE PR ROOT FLARE OVERSTORY TREES 1 3 d% GIRDLWG ;NUELDALLOW TO SE LT ABOVE EXISTING GwADE SIENNA GLEN MAPLE/ACER FREEMANII 'SIENNA GLEN' 2" B&B 37 • AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE/ACER X FREEMANII 2" B&B 36 BEING BEING ENlCOUR THAN CENTER TO ENCOURAGE HACKBERRY/CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS 2" B&B 39 ROOT GROWTH. SENTRY UNDEN/TIUA AMERICANA 'SENTRY 2" B&B 32 SGWFYBO TOM-.BIDEEE�S--��� OF PITPRIORTO PLANTING. \ RED OAK/QUERCUS RUBRA 2" BBB 37 -HANDLETREE BY ROOT EALL \ THORNLESS HONEYLOCUST/GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS VAR INEMIS 2" B&B 35 RIVER BIRCH/BETULA NIGRA 'HERITAGE' (CLUMP) 10-12' B&B 44 NORTHWOOD MAPLE/ACER RUBRUM 'NORTHWOOD' 2" B&B 36 KENTUCKY COFFEETREE/GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS 2" B&B 30 ® SWAMP WHITE OAK/QUERCUS BICOLOR 2" B&B 45 EVERGREEN TREES Q WHITE PINE/PINUS STROBUS 6' B&B 'y NORWAY SPRUCE/PICEA ABIES 6' B&B -- BLACK HILLS SPRUCE/PICEA GLUACA VAR DENSATA 6' B&B -_ DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL ALANTING HOLE TO BE 2J TIMEBASWIDEASROOTBALL -CTIT THE WIRE BASKET DOWN TOA DEPTH OF —8- TO MINIMIZE DIAMETER. DEPTH OF THE PR ROOT FLARE -E £NUTHETREEIBBTFAIGM ANOTHEN FlRMLY BACKFILL TIE SOILAR. DTHEROOTBALLFILL 1 3 d% GIRDLWG ;NUELDALLOW TO SE LT ABOVE EXISTING GwADE " ✓ �/4 \\� \� / A ENSURE THETREEA KNULTHT AND THEN FIRMLY BACKFlLLTHE THE ROOT BALL FILL -PLANTISOIHIN SAUCEI HPITAP SHOULD BE WITH DOTER EDGES ANATERWITHIN TWOHOURGOF INSTALLATION TO SETTLE PLANTS " 1VND F WITHIN IT OF THE OPO BALL BEING BEING ENlCOUR THAN CENTER TO ENCOURAGE PR. TAN° RAEBALL PLANTINGE. _ R NG ASMALLNRING MAY BE LA IRKED. O RING BE PLACED EDGE OF PLANTING PITTO ROOT GROWTH. AT RETAIN WATER SGWFYBO TOM-.BIDEEE�S--��� OF PITPRIORTO PLANTING. \ c oU�-WATERWITHIN TWOHOURSOF -HANDLETREE BY ROOT EALL \ u WSTALLATIONTO SETTLE PUNTS AND HILL VOIDS. WATERING MUST SET PUNT ON UNDISTURBED PLANTING PIT NATIVE SOIL OR SUFFICIENTLY COMPACTED BACKFlLLED SOIL TO PREVENT PLANT SETTLEMENT. ylyy14M1 TUI VBILTV.•- -0NCE TREE IN IS POSTION Y APER KEEPING THE MULCH 6' REMOVE ALL ROPE. M'INEPNO I V I I - AWAYFROMTRUNK. ROT-PRGOF BURLAP. REGULA BURUP CANREIMIN ON THE ':III''- -REMOVE ANY TAGS OR BOTTOM( OF BALL(LOOSENEO) IABUSASWELLASANY DEAD OR BROKEN BRANCHES. 2-3 RMES BALL DIAMETER CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL TLAN .HOLETO BEZ-i (MESAS WIDEASROOTBALL SNOMUEoD DEPTH OFTHEPE ALLOW ROOT FLARE TO SE 1SABOVE EXISTING GRADE PUNTING PRSHOULD BE MGM I ENAPED WEH OUTER EDGES BEING DEEP THAN CENTERTO ER ENCOURAGE ROOT GROWTH.. -HANDLE TREE BY ROOT BA TO PREVENT DAMAGE. SET PLANT ON UNDISTURE NATIVE SOIL OR SUFFICIEN REMOVEALLROPETNINEAND ROT -PROOF BU W FP. RC ­ BURLAP CAN REMAIN ON THE BOTTOM I OF BALL(LOOSENED) DR HORTON 20560 KENBRIDGE CT, #100 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 ALUT THE WIRE arsKUDOWNTOA DEPTH OF I2-15'TO MINIMIZE NSURE II <l -E £NUTHETREEIBBTFAIGM ANOTHEN FlRMLY BACKFILL TIE SOILAR. DTHEROOTBALLFILL 1 3 d% WR IINITOFTHETOPOFSALL ASMALL2A-WATERHOLDING IRRIGATION RING MAY BEPLACED AT EDGE OF PUNTING PITTO ✓ �/4 \\� \� / A RETAIN WATER -yP.t� �✓ `IC ANATERWITHIN TWOHOURGOF INSTALLATION TO SETTLE PLANTS > \ `_ ' AND FILL VOLDS.—RING MUST BESUFFlCIENTTOTNOROLIGHLY ✓ r v PR. TAN° RAEBALL PLANTINGE. TIMES BALL APPLYN-OFMIILCHTOTHE 'SURFACE OF BACKFILLED , AREA KEEPING THE MULCH A' gWgY FROM TRUNK MOVE ANY TAGS OR LASELSASWMULASMY DEAD OR BROKEN BRANCHES. 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PRAIRIE POINTEI Ll J,;1 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA I