ITEM 3.3B OHPC 4.8.2014 Minutes1'TEM 3_313 April 8, 2014 OHPC Regular Meeting Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Lisa Fahey, John Noll, Zonja Matushenko, Jamie Plantenberg- Selbitschka, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. with one addition — River Map. Minutes from March were approved with a motion by John and 2nd by Zonja. Dan was unable to attend the meeting. • Had asked Dan to annotate list of 14 historical properties. Gail and Toni went looking for some on the list, but some are no longer around. • Still working on grants — needs $35K in repairs for occupancy (CAER) Book Revisions • There will be a new intro written — Lisa will keep typing • Need all people added to the cemetery since the cemetery book (need births and dates, Harland only has names and when buried) • John and Toni will make a visit once the grass is a little greener Office Space • Toni got sleeves to preserve pics • Worked on purging files • Gave Ross direction on hanging up the bulletin board and McDonald artifacts • Need a glass case • Determined the book shelf can be used History day prep • Meeting at gam History Quiz • Zonja created a cool quiz that can be scrolling on the screen in the entryway — nice work! Budget • We have a $470 budget, what to do with the money.. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.