RES 14-31CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2014- 31 RESOLUTION IMPOSING A CIVIL PENALTY AND OTHER SANCTIONS ON RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE WHEREAS, the Wright County Sheriff's Department, along with Wright County Public Health Staff, conducted alcohol compliance checks within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, Wright County has informed the City by letter that Riverview Liquorette failed the alcohol compliance check on April 10, 2014; and WHEREAS, Wright County Public Health, along with the State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety strongly recommends that the City issue a penalty to the license holder; and WHEREAS, that said violation is by ordinance the second liquor violation for Riverview Liquorette as they had a similar violation in the preceding two year period in April of 2013; and WHEREAS, the City Council has authority granted to it under the provisions of Section 340A.415 of Minnesota Statutes to either revoke the license or permit, suspend the license or permit for up to 60 days, impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000.00 for each violation, or impose any combination of these sanctions; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted guidelines for enforcement of said authority which are contained in Otsego City Code, Section 7-3-11 Suspension and Revocation, and which call for a $2,000.00 fine, Best Practices Training and one day license suspension for a second violation, subject to Council discretion, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the imposition of a civil penalty and required training is necessary to send a message to the liquor establishments located within the City of Otsego that said liquor establishments must prevent the sale of alcohol to minors. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota that it does hereby impose a civil penalty upon Riverview Liquorette in the amount of $ 2,000.00, payable immediately, mandatory Best Practices Training to be completed as soon as possible and reported back to the City, and a one day suspension of license, the date of suspension to be approved by City staff. In the event that all of the sanctions imposed above are not complied with as directed, the matter will be brought back to the City Council for imposition of additional conditions or penalties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the ownership of Riverview Liquorette is hereby directed to provide any and all additional training in proper alcohol sales to its staff in order to avoid further violations. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of May, 2014. MOTION to approve the resolution made by Council Member Heidner seconded by Council Member Wareh; me IN FAVOR: Heidner, Warehime, Stockamp, Schroeder OPPOSED: None Tami Loff, City Clerk 2 and CITY OF OTSEGO ney 90�qku,afn�%, Jessica Stockamp, Miyor