ITEM 1 2015 Budgetot�11.1 � 0 MINNESQTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: May 23, 2014 SUBJECT: 2015 Budget On Wednesday, May 28, we will begin 2015 budget discussions. One of the first items that I want to address is the process and the budget meeting schedule. last year in the midst of the budget process there was staff turnover resulting in two vacant finance positions. This made for a difficult and less than ideal situation in which to pull together a budget and a capital improvement plan (CIP); it was indeed an atypical budget process. This year presents an opportunity to both modify and solidify the budget and CIP process and meeting schedule. Staff is requesting Council input on the format in which you would like to receive the information, the meeting schedule, and any other direction you can provide to staff to assist us with providing the information you need to make informed budget decisions. Further, below are highlights of other items that are pertinent to start off our 2015 budget discussions: Law Changes: The Legislature approved a tax bill on May 16 that was subsequently signed by the Governor. The law includes an increase in Local Government Aid (LGA) funding in 2015 and changes the date for certifying the preliminary levy. • The City's LGA is estimated to increase by $11,236 to $123,947. • The preliminary levy certification date has been moved back from September 15 to September 30. Property Values: At the April 28, 2014, Board of Equalization meeting, the County Assessor's Office provided data on valuation trends and the preliminary market value. The 2014 market value is $1,162,481,900 which is an increase of 12.56 percent over the 2013 value. New construction in 2013 added $36,173,900 accounting 1 for 28 percent of the increase. The remainder came in the form of adjustments to existing property values, mainly through increases in residential values. Attached is a summary of the market value data. The tax capacity data resulting from applying the classification rates to the market value will be available in preliminary form before the Council adopts the maximum levy in September. Comparable City Data: Last year when the final levy was adopted there was discussion about levies in surrounding communities as reported in the press. Each city must determine the level of services and programs it wants to offer and set the tax levy accordingly. While comparisons have value, it is important to remember that, although cities are similar, there are also distinct differences. For example, the city of St. Michael has an electric franchise fee that generates revenue that reduces the tax levy as does Elk River for street maintenance, These franchise revenues come from the same people that pay taxes but allow the city to lower its levy thereby reducing the tax rate. Further, some cities receive more LGA than others and are able to levy less to fund services. Another factor that can have a significant impact on the levy is the amount of tax supported debt a city has and if it changes significantly from one year to the next. The tax rate, which is a calculation of the taxable tax capacity divided by the levy, changes based on both of those factors. The tax rate will decrease if the levy increases but the tax capacity increases more; the tax rate may increase even if the levy doesn't when the tax capacity decreases more than the levy; the movement of the tax capacity and levy both affect the tax rate. In order to determine the impact of the tax impact on a property, the levy, changes in individual property value, changes in the city wide property value, whether that property is changing more or less than the other property, law changes in classification rates, and homestead credit are all factors that must be considered. The tax rate can remain the same as the previous year and generate more or less tax revenue; therefore, it is not a measure of how a property's tax bill will change from year to year. Attached is information on tax levy and LGA comparisons for surrounding communities. This provides a perspective on the large variance in levy decreases and increases in these 11 cities. The final column lists the city's LGA as a percent of levy; the percentage ranges from zero to over 13 percent. Council Directives and Obiectives for 2015: The most important aspect of the budget is to ensure that it provides the resources necessary to meet the city's legal obligations, accomplish the Council's goals, meet the Council's expected service levels, and provide the programs the Council wants. Additionally, this must fit within the Council's desired level of taxation and fee generation. There are often more requests for expenditures than there are revenues, and we must prioritize to ensure that the most important items are funded within the limited revenue available. Therefore, the Council's goals need to be identified and prioritized. In other words, as 2015 comes to a close next year, what do you want to have accomplished? It may be expanding a program or it may be reducing a program. It may be raising service levels or it may be that status quo is ok. It may be adding new fees or reducing fees. The key is that staff is aware of the Council's desires 2 early in the budget process so that those items are addressed properly in the budget. This is the City's budget; staff provides data and professional recommendations based on the objectives of the Council in the preparation of a draft budget for Council review. However, staff relies on your input to prepare the final budget for adoption in December. Below is a list of items staff has identified as discussion items for the 2015 budget as a starting point for the Council to add to and revise: • Tax levy o Operating o Reserves o Debt • Fire service o Fire inspections — change in fee structure/program o Fire Contracts • New initiatives and programs • Scaled back or eliminated programs • Evaluate current service levels and to ensure they match Council expectations • Pavement Management Policy implications • Align staffing levels and consultant/contract hours with the actual workload • PERA increase for both employee and employer • ACA implications and costs • GIS • Long range cash flow projections for CCP • Evaluate fees o Water tower leases o Program revenue o Licenses • Aging infrastructure creating increased maintenance • Cost saving measures o Optional electronic newsletter o Other • Future utility infrastructure expansions Another important factor to remember is that the budget is a plan; things will change throughout the year that necessitate changes in the budget as well. An example is the request the Council will act on at the May 27, 2014, meeting for the purchase of additional wood chips above the budgeted amount. The estimate made in June of 2013 was accurate at that time, but no longer is because of variables that could not be predicted at the time the budget estimate was made. Budget Schedule: Last year the Council held ten budget meetings. Two of those were before adoption of the proposed levy on September 9. As I stated earlier, the certification date for the proposed levy is now September 30. Working backward from that date, the initial budget meetings could be scheduled as follows: • September 30 — Last day to certify proposed levy to County 3 • September 22 — Adopt proposed levy and set budget hearing date • September 8 — Budget work session • August 25 — Budget work session • August 11— Budget work session • August 4 — Initial distribution and review • July TBD — Budget work session on tax levy implications The department heads will be in attendance at various work sessions to answer questions, present information about their budgets and to provide follow-up as needed. Council direction at these meetings will be used to adjust the draft budget for further review before final adoption in December. In conclusion, this first meeting is an opportunity for the Council to give staff input on this year's budget process and your goals. With that information, staff will be ready to draft the 2015 budget. Attachments: • Year to Date General Fund Budget to Actual Report • Market Value Data • Tax Levy and LGA Comparison Data • Preliminary 2015 Budget Calendar 4 C: u c Ol > O � E 'u — m m a mrq m v on o LJ w U Q 1— Ln o el 0 0 o a a4 m N m w � r -I 0) O Ql N N _ C w o m Ln n Ln n Ln Q1 O u L ri u c a Q1 .� om L U a p 00 N N m > ro _� 6 O cr N N > n w o �o 7 o a o a al m m � N O c C V 00 to 11 io �o oc is a v Q W W O w 3 n N O Ll n ed m N 00 0) N LD N 0 ami o _ p rn o 00 N LDN N 7 u CL O 0 m Q o a 00 c 0 00 O o 0 m Ln �l m N u =5 rq 00 LO r, yam„ Z ON 00 r-4 L 40 c Y U i m m a u 00 O fl 9 t Q C: u c Ol > O � E 'u — m m a mrq m v on o LJ w U Q 1— Ln o el 0 0 m N m w � V a w o m Ln 0 N W up u L �t O LD N ri cI c a 0 N fl ri m om L U m a 00 N N m > ro _� 6 O cr N N > n w o �o 7 0 0 m 0 0 U) r -I m rn oc is a v p N N it L7 r -I LQ N > N LD N 0 en � N 7 u 0 m Q o 0 N N a+ m (n O Y U i a 00 O fl 9 t Q ro ` O r4 0. 'I N O Lr O O C >. h Ll 00 O p m v1 h m t rel N O > ro > R D N 00 00 6 fD � N �im 0o m mo C: u c Ol > O � E 'u — m m a mrq m v on o LJ w U Q 1— Ln o el 0 0 Y C m 00 0 0 � V N 0 N CL Ln 0 0 00 O 10 N C 0 N fl ri m om W o r m a 00 N N m > ro _� 6 O cr N N > n w o �o 7 0) N ri c -i C: u c Ol > O � E 'u — m m a mrq m v on o LJ w U Q 1— Ln N m o Ln Ln (c, Q m r4 o 1.i n o ni .-i di r -I N ch M ct cj- -4 n rI Nd' n N dl Ol rl m � � , Ln N lll OO Z 5 QI Ql ri tD "I ill a N n Ol UJ n (1) rn N O C 4-f E w U O L T � LO A m Y N � H .-1 p N {/} v aJ LL Q1 a1 W vl a1 L � U t C U @ O L Y LL LL C E *� ` E U O #' a! [) W 0 0 o o o 0 0 +' LPI N 'D O tD S31 rl t.4 O O1 t11 c -I � Lll � O i--� n irL n a1 lu M N til H Q) ' aj w OO dt n o to Cs o o 00 0 f9 r1 d' cn ''I Lo m a m co O V C O a0 T d^ r- C ° O O ul Gl 7 O 601 tO m N �t N Ln 1J N m E N ro N H m Q N m w n O m W a 0 m It H m m o co N Q O a m CD O N m N tD Ln t.o Ln O tai M N m I Ln lD a w N -4 Ln N e -i m m m Ln m Ol r -I W zr CO Ln L3 ir� J X tO N Ol w Ln O o O n d ro O Rt r -I dt Lo o0 a ri zt �t H n N 00 N n N a M� m to Ln 00' ri 00 Ln CO O r; M to O Lo Ln Lit c i n L,O O n N a N O N i.4 M '-Ra rL N '3 m 131 c -I m zt m Ln m O rl n d' Ln Ln rd rl V O O a 5 5 47 L O L C aJ Z L > ai U O C to U N a) (1) ra O J O O C 4-f E w U O L T U A m Y M In ++ p f9 7 O Q m b 2 v nt Preliminary 2015 Budget Calendar May 27, 2014 Kick-off buget meeting with City Council. Begin discussion of Council priorities for tax -supported programs. May 28 - June 30 Finance department prepares payroll protections, inputs all insurance, utility, audit, and internal charges in budget. June 9 - June 27 Department heads prepare and submit draft budgets including all detail documentation. June 30 - July 18 finance department reviews and enters budget data. Budget meetings held with City Administrator, Administrative Services Director, and department head to review draft budgets. City Administrator and Administrative Services Director review reserve and debt service fund budgets and cash flow projections to make levy recommendations. July - TBD Council work session to discuss tax levy implications and debt service requirements. August 4 Distribute draft budget to City Council August 11 Council Budget Work Session August 25 Council Budget Work Session September 8 Council Budget Work Session September 11 Additional Budget Work Session date if needed September 22 Adopt proposed levy and certify to Wright County October Utility budgets due. Draft CIP prepared. November City Council work sessions to review utility budgets, CIP, and to review previously presented General, Reserve, and Debt fund budgets and tax levies. December 1 Council Budget and CIP Work Session if needed December 8 Hold public input budget meeting. Adopt final tax levy, all budgets and CIP. CITY OF OTSEGO REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL VARIANCE PCNT TAXES 101-31010 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 3,273,715.00 .00 .00 3,273,715.00 .0 TOTAL TAXES 3,273,715.00 .00 .00 3,273,715.00 .0 LICENSES AND PERMITS 101-32100 BUSINESS LICENSESIPERMITS 30,000.00 31,396.60 31,396.60 ( 1,396.60) 104.7 101-32140 RENTAL INSPECTION FEES 18,600,00 .00 .00 18,600.00 ,0 101-32150 PUBLIC UTILITIES ROW PERMITS 2,500.00 .00 .00 2,500.00 ,0 101-32180 OTHER LICENSESIPERMITS ,00 5,270.00 5,270.00 { 5,270.00) .o 101-32190 FENCING PERMITS 1,600.00 .00 .00 1,SOo.00 .0 101-32210 LIQUOR LICENSES 10,100.00 .00 .00 10,100.00 .0 101-32260 SIGN PERMIT .00 100.00 100,00 ( loom) .0 101-32260 BUILDING PERMITS 400,000.00 .00 .00 400,000.00 .0 101-32261 PLUMBING PERMITS 41,000.00 .00 .00 41,000.00 .0 101-32262 MECHANICAL PERMITS 43,000.00 .00 .00 43,000,00 .0 101-32270 SEPTIC SYSTEM PERMITS 3,500,00 .00 .00 3,500,00 .0 101-32999 ASSESSORS FEE 7,000,00 .00 .00 7,000.00 .0 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 557,300,00 36,766.60 36,766.60 520,533.40 6.6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 101-33403 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 112,711.00 .00 .00 112,711.00 .0 101-33405 POLICE AID 47,000.00 .00 .00 47,000.00 .0 101-33406 MSA MAINTENANCE 155,000.00 .00 .00 155,000.00 .0 101-33422 OTHER STATE AID GRANTS 1,900.00 .00 .00 1,900.00 .0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 316,511,00 .00 .00 316,611.00 .0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 101-34050 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES _00 920.00 920,00 ( 920.00) .0 101-34103 ZONING AND SUBDIVISION FEES 5,000.00 30,612.60 30,612.60 ( 25,612.60) 612.3 101-34105 SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS .00 332.37 332.37 ( 332,37) .0 1 01-341 07 ASSESSMENT SEARCH FEES 2,500.00 665.00 665.00 1,835.00 26.6 101-34320 STREET LIGHT OP 1,650.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 { 16,350.00) 1090.9 101-34330 GRADING REVIEWS 4,000.00 ( 1,972.80) ( 1,972.80) 5,972.80 ( 49.3) 101-34700 RECREATION FEES BUDGET .00 2,176.00 2,176.00 ( 2,176.00) .0 101-34710 RECREATION FEES 50,000.00 2,352.41 2,352.41 47,647.59 4.7 101-34713 TINY TOT OPEN PLAYTIME (PR.07) _00 232.00 232.00 ( 232.00) .0 1 01-3 471 8 BEGINNER ARCHERY (PR.11) .00 15.00 15.00 ( 15.00) .0 101-34750 PRAIRIE CENTER 2,500.00 817.62 817.62 1,682.38 32.7 101-34760 OTSEGO FESTIVAL VENDORS .00 840.00 840.00 ( 840.00) .0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 65,650.00 54,990.20 54,990.20 10,659.80 83.8 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05/22/2014 03:49PM PAGE: 1 CITY OF OTSEGO REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIODACTUAL VARIANCE PONT INTEREST, ASSESSMENTS & OTHER 101-36200 MISCLLLANEOUS REVENUES .00 1.00 1.00 ( 1.00) .0 101-36210 INTEREST EARNINGS 100,000.00 .00 .00 100,000.00 .0 TOTAL INTEREST, ASSESSMENTS & OTHER 100,000.00 1.00 1.00 99,999.00 .0 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 1 01-3801 0 HPC BOOK SALES .00 10,00 10.00 ( 10.00) .0 101-38020 DONATIONSICONTRIBUTIONS .00 4,500.00 4,500.00 ( 4,500.00) .0 101-38050 CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEES 105,000.00 29,826.43 29,826.43 75,173.57 28.4 901-38991 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS .00 13,974.23 13,974.23 ( 13,974.23) .0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 105,000.00 48,310.66 48,310.66 56,689,34 46.0 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 109-39101 SALES OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS .00 840.00 840.00 ( 840.00) .0 101-39200 INTERFUND OPERATING TRANSFERS 143,736.00 .00 .00 143,736.00 .0 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 143,736.00 840.00 840.00 142,896.00 .6 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 4,562,012.00 140,908,46 140,908.46 4,421,103.54 3.1 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSLD 05/2212014 03:49PM PAGE: 2 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT CITY COUNCIL 101-41100-104 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 30,000.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 25,100.00 16.3 1 01-41 1 00-1 22 FICA AND MEDICARE 2,295.00 374.86 374.86 1,920.14 16,3 101-41100-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 102.00 7.10 7.10 94.90 7.0 101-41100-320 TELEPHONE 500.00 639.77 639,77 ( 139.77) 128.0 101-41100-321 MILEAGEITRAVEL 280.00 22.40 22.40 177.60 11.2 101-41100-356 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 200.00 400.00 400.00 { 200.00) 200.0 101-41100-360 EDUCATIONITRAININGICONFERENCES 1,250.00 234.17 234.17 1,015.83 18.7 101-41100-801 CONTINGENCY 40,000.00 6,577.40 6,577.40 33,422.60 16.4 101-41400-206 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 74,547.00 13,165.70 13,155.70 61,391.30 17.7 101-41400-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 223,351.00 33,984.52 33,984.52 189,366.48 15.2 101-41400-104 PART-TIME - EMPLOYEES REGULAR 6,000.00 .00 .00 6,000.00 .0 101-41400-121 PERA 16,193.00 6,043.75 6,043.75 10,149.25 37.3 101-41400-122 FICA AND MEDICARE 17,086.00 2,481.93 2,481.93 14,604.07 14.5 101-41400-123 HEALTH .00 8,778.70 8,778.70 { 8,778.70) .0 101-41400.130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 14,500.00 607.70 607.70 13,892.30 4.2 101-41400-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,250.00 28.05 28.05 1,221.95 2.2 101-41400-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 7,050.00 3,269.58 3,269.58 3,780.42 46.4 101-41400-206 POSTAGE 4,000.00 500.00 500.00 3,500.00 12.5 101-41400-315 GIS SFRVICES .00 1,246.25 1,246-25 { 1,246.25) .0 101-41400-320 TELEPHONE 950.00 901.24 901.24 48.76 94.9 101-41400-321 MILFAGEITRAVEL 1,100.00 546.06 546.06 553.94 49.6 101-41400-340 RECORDING FEES .00 230.00 230.00 ( 230.00) 0 10141400-347 NEWSLETTER 14,400.00 6,507.45 6,507.45 7,892.55 45.2 10141400-350 PRINT & PUBLISHING 5,690.00 2,835.57 2,835.57 2,654.43 49.8 10141400-355 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 12,100.00 410.00 4110.00 11,690.00 3.4 101-41400-360 EDUCATIONITRAINING/CONFERENCES 4,850.00 1,012.311 1,012-31 3,837.69 20.9 101-41400-361 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INS URAN 21,290.00 20,958.00 20,958.00 332.00 98.4 101-41400-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 11,000.00 3,417.28 3,417.28 7,582.72 31.1 101-41400-410 RENTALS 12,200.00 1,021.42 1,021.42 11,178.58 8.4 101-41400-501 EQUIPMENT 18,851.00 .00 .00 18,851.00 .0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 391,861.00 94,779.81 94,779.81 297,081.19 24.2 101-41410-104 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 10,400.00 .00 .00 10,400.00 .0 101-41410-2`10 OPERATING SUPPLIES 13,600.00 10,166.21 10,186.21 3,413.79 74.9 101-41410.321 MILFAGEITRAVEL 1,700.00 71.50 71.50 1,628.50 4.2 101-41410-350 PRINT & PUBLISHING 500.00 .00 .00 500.00 .0 TOTAL ELECTIONS 26,200.00 10,257.71 10,257.71 15,942.29 39.2 FOR ADMINISTRATION USF. ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05122!2014 03:49PM PAGE: 3 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENFRALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT ASSESSOR 101-41550-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES TOTAL ASSESSOR FINANCE 1 01-41 6 0 0-1 0 1 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 101-41600-104 WAGES - PT EMPLOYEES 101-41600-121 PERA 101-41600-122 FICA AND MEDICARE 101-41600-123 HEALTH 101-41600-130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 101-41600-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 10141600-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 10141600-304 ACCOUNTING &AUDITING 101-41600-320 TELEPHONE 101A1600-321 MILFAGFITRAVEL 101-41600-350 PRINT& PUBLISHING 101-41600-355 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 101-41600-360 EDUCATIONITRAININGICONFERENCES 101-41600-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES TOTAL FINANCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 101-41650-206 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10141650-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 101-41700-301 LEGAL SERVICES TOTAL. LEGAL SERVICES 70,300,00 .00 .00 70,300.00 .0 70,360.00 .00 .00 70,300.00 .0 147,596.00 27,916.80 27,918.80 119,677.20 18.9 70,466.00 .00 .00 70,466.00 .0 15,860.00 4,975.74 4,975.74 10,904.26 31.3 16,680.00 2,075.31 2,075.31 14,604.69 12.4 .00 6,820.08 6,820.08 ( 6,820.08) .0 19,200.00 558.49 558.49 18,641.51 2.9 1,000.00 22.62 22.62 977.38 2.3 3,280.00 361.47 361.47 2,918.53 11.0 30,000.00 7,650.00 7,650.00 22,350.00 25.5 100.00 .00 .00 100.00 .0 300.00 .00 .00 300.00 .0 935.00 430.92 430.92 504.08 46.1 750.00 190.00 190.00 560.00 25.3 4,000.00 1,585.15 1,585.15 2,414.65 39.6 11,000,00 654.45 654.45 10,345.55 6.0 321,187.00 53,243.03 53,243.03 267,943.97 16.6 5,628.00 42,000.00 .00 7,401.63 .00 7,401.63 5,628.00 34,598.37 .0 17-6 47,628.00 7,401.63 7,401.63 40,226.37 15.5 75,000.00 27,814.00 27,814.00 47,186.00 37.1 75,000.00 27,814.00 27,814.00 47,166.00 37.1 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05/2212014 03:49PM PAGE: 4 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT 101-41940-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR .00 334.80 334.80 ( 334.60) .0 1 0 1-41 940-1 22 FICAANDMEDICARE .00 23.32 23.32 ( 23.32) .0 101-41940-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSFS .00 276.58 276.58 ( 276.58) .0 101-41940-202 FUEL 1,000.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0 101-41940-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,690.00 5,775.79 5,775.79 ( 1,085.79) 123.2 101-41940-220 REPAIR/MAINTSUPPLY 1,407.00 .00 .00 1,407.00 .0 101-41940-320 TELEPHONE 3,400.00 .00 .00 3,400.00 .0 101A1940-322 UTILITIES 10,450.00 1,470.63 1,470.63 6,979.37 14.1 101-41940-325 GARBAGE SERVICE .00 306.71 306.71 ( 306-71) .0 101-41940-361 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INSURAN 1,206.00 1,182,00 1,182.00 18.00 98.5 101-41940-389 CLEANING SERVICES 5,000.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,550.00 49.0 101-41940-390 CONTRACTFD SERVICES 6,500.00 2,361.00 2,361.00 4,139,00 36.3 TOTAL PRAIRIE CENTER 33,647.00 14,180.83 14,180,83 19,466.17 42.2 CITY HALUPW BUILDING 9 01-41945-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR .00 334.80 334.80 ( 334.80) .0 101-41945-122 FICAANDMEDICARE .00 23:32 23.32 ( 23.32) .0 1101-41946-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES .00 34.14 34.14 ( 34.14) .0 101-41945-202 FUEL 2,000.00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .0 101-41945-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,690.00 759.03 759.03 3,930.97 16.2 101-41945-220 REPAIRIMAINT SUPPLY 4,690.00 2,140.15 2,140.15 2,549.85 45.6 101-41945-227 SAFETY SUPPLIES 1.00 .00 A0 1,00 .0 101-41945-320 TELEPHONE 5,200.00 529.75 529.75 4,670.25 10.2 101-41945-322 UTILITIES 29,900.00 11,632.90 11,632.90 18,267.10 38.9 10141945-325 GARBAGE SERVICE .00 1,209,09 1,209.09 ( 1,209.09) .0 10141945-361 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INS 6,275.00 6,174.00 6,174.00 101.00 98.4 101-41945-389 CLEANING SERVICES 11,000.00 4,105.00 4,105.00 6,895.00 37.3 101-41945-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 15,500.00 4,487.50 4,467.50 11,032.50 28.8 TOTAL CITY HALUPW BUILDING 79,256.00 31,409.68 31,409.68 47,846.32 39.8 OLD TOWN HALL SITE 101-41950-322 UTILITIES 9660.00 99,86 99-86 850.14 10.5 101-41950-361 INSURANCE - OLD TOWN HALL 550.00 .00 .00 550.00 .0 101-41950-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 500.00 541.00 541.00 { 41.00) 108.2 TOTAL OLD TOWN HALLS ITE 2,000.00 640.86 640.86 1,359.14 32.0 POLICE SERVICES 101-42100-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 912,500.00 384,971.69 384,971.69 527,528.31 42.2 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 912,500.00 384,971:69 384,971.69 527,528.31 42.2 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 /o OF THF FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05/2212014 03:49PM PAGE: 6 CITY OF OTSEGO FXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGFT YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT 750.00 600.00 POLICE COMMISSION 101-42i50-104 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 101-42150-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 95.15 TOTAL POLICE COMMISSION 1,254.85 FIRE PROTECTION 101-42200-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 175,413.28 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION 46.7 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 101-42500-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10142500-322 UTILITIES 101-42500-360 EDUCATIONITRAININGICONFERFNCES 101-42500-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES .7 TOTAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ANIMAL CONTROL 101-42710-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 750.00 600.00 .00 95.15 .00 95.15 750.00 504.85 .0 15.9 1,350.00 95.15 95.15 1,254.85 7.1 375,650.00 175,473.28 175,413.28 200,376.72 46.7 375,650.00 175,473.28 175,473.28 200,376.72 46.7 1,000.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 ,0 550.00 59.76 59.76 490.24 10.9 10, 000.00 .00 .00 10, 000.00 .0 ( 3,000.00) .00 .00 ( 3,000.00) 0 8,550.00 59.76 59.76 8,490.24 .7 11,000.00 4,455.00 4,455.00 6,545.00 40.5 11,000.00 4,455.00 4,455.00 6,545.00 40.5 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05/2212014 03:49PM PAGE: 6 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT 101-43100-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 310,971.00 58,071.88 58,071.88 252,899.12 18.7 101-43100-102 FULL-TIME - OVERTIME 8,000.00 .00 .00 8,000.00 .0 101-43100-104 PART-TIME - EMPLOYEES REGULAR 12,900,00 .00 .00 12,900.00 .0 101-43100-121 PERA 23,125.00 9,485.18 9,485.18 13,639.82 41.0 101-43100-122 FICA AND MEDICARE 25,809.00 4,207.68 4,207.68 21,601.32 16.3 101-43100-123 HEALTH .00 11,507.34 11,507.34 ( 11,507.34) .0 101-43100-130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 32,400.00 1,055.45 1,055,45 31,344.55 3.3 101-43100-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 20,200.00 461.57 461.57 19,738.43 2.3 101-43100-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 485.00 237.14 237.14 247.86 48.9 101-43100-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,755,00 186,86 186.86 3,568.14 5.0 101-43100-220 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLY 4,690.00 918.69 918.69 3,771.31 19.6 101-43100-225 UNIFORMSICLOTHINGALLOWANCE 2,950.00 1,375.92 1,375.92 1,574.08 46.6 101-43100-227 SAFETY SUPPLIES 1,875.00 200.70 200.70 1,674.30 10.7 101-43100-234 BLACKTOP SUPPLIES 13,135.00 176.00 175.00 12,960.00 1.3 101-43100-240 SMALL TOOLS/EQU[PMENT 9,380.00 75,84 75.84 9,304.16 .8 101-43100-270 SAND AND GRAVEL 23,450.00 690.32 690.32 22,759,68 2.9 101-43100-272 SALT AND SAND 60,970.00 21,626.83 21,626.83 39,343.17 35.5 101-43100-293 SIGN/SIGNAL MATERIAL PURCHASED 21,575.00 4,482,12 4,482.12 17,092.88 20.8 101-43100-301 LEGAL SERVICES .00 43,50 43.50 ( 43.50) ,0 101-43100-320 TELEPHONE 4,500.00 1,735.80 1,735.80 2,764.20 3B.6 101-43100.322 UTILITIES 500.00 228.26 228.26 271,74 45.7 101-43100-325 GARBAGE SERVICE .00 129.00 129.00 ( 129.00) .0 101-43100-355 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 500.00 '100,00 10090 400.00 20.0 101-43100-360 EDUCATIONffRAININGICONFERENCES 4,675.00 1,507.33 1,507.33 3,167.67 32.2 101-43100.361 LIABILITYAND PROPERTY INSURAN 23,450.00 23,073.00 23,073.00 377.00 98.4 101-43100-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 5,000.00 541.33 541.33 4,458.67 10.8 101-43100-410 RENTALS 2,815.00 274.10 274.10 2,540.90 9.7 101-43100-436 DUSTCOATING 13,50090 90 .00 13,500.00 .0 TOTAL STREETS 630,610.00 142,390.84 142,390.84 488,219.16 22.6 c 1.I 111.1-1.11 101-43150-302 ENGINEERING FEES 85,000.00 27,817.30 27,817.30 57,182.70 32.7 101-43150-348 UTILITY LOCATES ,00 14,148.10 14,148.10 ( 14,148.10) .0 TOTAL ENGINEERING 85,000.00 41,965,40 41,965.40 43,034.60 49.4 STREET LIGHTS 101-43150-322 UTILITIES 110,000,00 26,342.52 26,342.52 83,657.48 24.0 TOTAL STREET LIGHTS 110,000.00 26,342.52 26,342.52 83,657.48 24,0 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05/22/2014 03:49PM PAGE: 7 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT FLEET MANAGEMENT 101-43240-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 62,503.00 1,339.20 1,339,20 61,163.80 2.1 101-43240-121 PERA 4,530.00 1,544.15 1,544.15 2,985.85 34.1 101-43240-122 FICAANDMEDICARE 4,780.00 93.30 93,30 4,686.70 2.0 101-43240-123 HEALTH 6,887,00 3,380.45 3,380.45 3,506.55 49.1 101-43240-130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS .00 176.65 178.65 ( 176.65) .0 101-43240-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 400.00 8.88 8,88 391.12 2.2 101-43240-202 FUEL 63,400.00 33,379.80 33,379.80 30,020.20 52.7 101-43240-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18,480.00 11,418.01 11,418.01 7,061.99 61.8 101-43240-220 REPAIRIMAINT SUPPLY 18,760.00 10,547.53 10,547.53 8,212.47 56.2 101-43240-225 UNIFORMSICLOTHINGALLOWANCE 1,500.00 .00 .00 1,500.00 .0 101-43240-240 SMALL TOOLSIEQUIPMENT 4,690.00 735,82 735.82 3,954.18 15.7 101-43240-360 EDUCATIONITRAININGICONFERENCES 700.00 253.85 253.85 446.15 36.3 101-43240-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 5,000.00 3,886.52 3,866.52 1,113.48 77.7 TOTAL FLEET MANAGEMENT 191,630.00 66,764.16 66,764.16 124,865.84 34.8 PARK MAINTENANCE 101-45200-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 82,300.00 14,191.84 14,191.84 68,108.16 17.2 iai-45200-104 PART -TIME -EMPLOYEES REGULAR 43,600.00 .00 .00 43,600.00 .0 101-45200-121 PERA 6,000.00 2,507.59 2,507.59 3,492.41 41.8 101-45200-122 FICA AND MEDICARE 9,650.00 1,067.64 1,067,64 8,582.36 11.1 101-45200-123 HEALTH .00 589.13 589.13 ( 569.13) .0 101-45200.130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 2,900.00 262.50 262.50 2,637.50 9.1 10145200-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,050.00 23.75 23.75 1,026.25 2.3 101-45200-201 OFFICE SUPPLIFS AND EXPENSES .00 280.58 280.58 ( 280.58) .0 101-45200-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 26,500.00 6,739.76 6,739.76 19,760.24 25.4 101-45200-220 REPAIR/MA1NT SUPPLY 11,755.00 2,569.61 2,569,61 9,185.39 21.9 101-45200-225 UNIFORMSICLOTHINGALLOWANCE 1,100.00 363.00 363.00 737.00 33.0 101-45200-227 SAFETY SUPPLIES 560.00 151.27 151.27 408.73 27.0 101-45200-240 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 4,690.00 680.50 680.50 4,009.50 14.5 i01-45200-302 ENGINEERING FEES .00 53.75 53.75 ( 53.75) .0 101-45200-320 TELEPHONE 1,500.00 1,483.45 1,483.45 16.55 98.9 101-45200-322 UTILITIES 28,700.00 2,745,81 2,745.81 25,954.19 9.6 101-45200-325 GARBAGE SERVICE .00 326.21 326.21 ( 326.21) .0 101-45200-360 EDUCATIONITRAININGICONFERENCES 2,750.00 519.25 519.25 2,230.75 18.9 101-45200-361 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INSURAN 35,350.00 34,782.00 34,782.00 568,00 98.4 101-45200-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 34,600.00 928.75 926.75 33,671.25 2.7 101-45200-410 RENTALS. 1,875.00 .00 .00 1,875.00 .0 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 294,880.00 70,266.39 70,266.39 224,613,61 23.8 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05122/2014 03A9PM PAGE: 8 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT RECREATION 109-45250-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 1 01-4 52 5 0-1 04 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 101-45250-121 PERA 101-45250-122 FICA AND MEDICARE 101-45250-123 HEALTH 101-45250-130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 101-45250-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 101-45250-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 101-45250-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 101-45250-320 TELEPHONE 101-45250-350 PRINT & PUBLISHING 101-45250-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 101-45250-410 RENTALS 101-45250-440 RECREATION PROGRAMMING 101-4525OA45 COMMUNITY EVENTS 700.00 TOTAL RECREATION 15.90 SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT 101-45252-440 SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT (PR.05) TOTAL SUMMER ENTERTAINMLNT HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSI 10145300-104 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 10145300-201 {OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 101-45300-360 FDUCATIONITRAININGICONFERFNCES TOTAL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSI PLANNING COMMISSION 101-46530-104 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 101.46530-210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 22.1 TOTAL PLANNING COMMISSION .00 CITY PLANNER 101-46570-303 PLANNING FEES 1101-46570-501 EQUIPMENT 1,517.32 TOTAL CITY PLANNER 38,700.00 8,532,78 8,532.78 30,167.22 22.1 15,600.00 .00 .00 15,600.00 .0 4,150.00 1,517.32 1,517.32 2,632-68 36.6 3,950.00 625.72 625.72 3,324.28 15.8 .00 1,800,55 1,800.55 ( 1,800.55) .0 2,450.00 122.10 122.10 2,327.90 5.0 700.00 15.90 15.90 684.10 2.3 1,875.00 25.71 25.71 1,849.29 1.4 3,000.00 124.00 124.00 2,876.00 4.1 1,500.00 140.04 140.04 1,359,06 9.3 5,910.00 1,583.60 1,583,60 4,326.40 26.8 00 2,412.77 2,412.77 ( 2,41277) .0 330,00 40.00 40,00 290,00 12.1 55,000,00 2,556.06 2,556.06 52,443.94 4.7 19,890.00 1,956.93 1,956.93 17,733,07 9.9 162,855,00 21,453.48 21,453.48 131,401.52 14.0 .00 500.00 500.00 { 500.00) .0 .00 500.00 500.00 { 500,00) .0 450.00 .00 .00 450.00 .0 470.00 73.57 73.57 396.43 15.7 300.00 819.70 819.70 ( 519,70) 273.2 1,220.00 893.27 893.27 326.73 73.2 1,700.00 .00 .00 34.57 .00 34.57 ( 1,700, 00 .0 34.57) .0 1,700.00 34.57 34.57 1,665.43 2.0 65,000.00 6,700.00 27,850.58 .00 27,850.58 .00 37,149.42 6,700.00 42.9 .0 71,700.00 27,850,58 27,850.58 43,849.42 38.8 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05122/2014 03:49PM PAGE: 9 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 GENERALFUND BUDGFT YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PONT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 101A6580-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 140.00 .00 AO 140:00 .0 101-46580-355 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 3,150.00 2,798.80 2,798.80 351.20 88.9 101.46580-360 EDUCATIONITRAININGICONFERENCES 500.00 .00 .00 500.00 .0 101-46580-380 MARKETING 5,000.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0 1 01-46 5 80-39 0 CONTRACTED SERVICES 5,000.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0 TOTAL ECONOMIC DLVLLOPMENT 13,790.00 2,798.80 2,798.80 10,991.20 20.3 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 3,984,261.00 1,219,198.14 1,219,198.14 2,765,062.86 30.6 NET REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 577,751.00 ( 1,078,289,68) { 1,078,288.68) 1,656,040.68(186.6) FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05122/2014 03:49PM PAGE: 10 LICENSES AND PERMITS 250-32130 FIRE INSPECTIONS- ELK RIVER 250-32140 RENTAL INSPECTION FEES 250-32150 PUBLIC UTILITILS/ ROW PERMITS 250-32180 OTHER LICENSES/PERMITS 250-32190 FENCING PERMITS 250-32260 BUILDING PERMITS 250-32261 PLUMBING PERMIT 250-32262 MECHANICAL PERMIT 250-32270 SEPTIC PERMITS 250-32999 ASSESSOR S FEE TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS TOTAL FUND REVENUE CITY OF OTSEGO REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 COMM DEV & BLDG SAFETY BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL VARIANCE PONT .00 150.00 150.00 ( 150.00) A 18,600.00 14,980.00 14,960.00 3,640.00 80.4 2,500,00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,300.00 48.0 .00 000.00 600.00 { 600.00) .0 1,600.00 - 700.00 700.00 900.00 43.8 400,000.00 281,795.35 281,795,35 118,204.65 70.5 41,000.00 16,840.00 16,840.00 24,160.00 41.1 433,000.00 18,095.00 18,095.00 24,905.00 42.1 3,500.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,300.00 34.3 . 7,000.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 4,100.00 41.4 517,200.00 338,440.35 338,440.35 178,759.65 65.4 517,200.00 336,440.35 338,440.35 178,759.65 65A FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSFD 05122/2014 04:14PM PAGE: 1 CITY OF OTSEGO EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2014 COMM DEV & BLDG SAFETY BUDGET YTD ACTUAL PERIOD ACTUAL UNEXPENDED PCNT BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES 250-42410.-101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 49,275.00 7,401.40 7,401.40 41,873.60 15,0 25 0-4241 0-1 21 PERA 3,779.00 1,346.12 1,346.72 2,432.28 35.6 250-42410-122 FICA AND MEDICARE 3,572.00 528.36 528.36 3,043.64 14.8 250-42410-123 HEALTH 6,716.00 4,551.85 4,551.85 2,164.15 67.8 250-42410-130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 355.00 166,85 166.85 188.15 47.0 250-42410-150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 350,00 0.12 6.12 343.88 1.8 250-42410-201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 2,100.00 159.02 159.02 1,940.98 7.6 250-42410-202 FUEL 4,600.00 .00 .00 4,600.00 .0 250-42410-302 ENGINEERING FEES 4,000.0 1,667.50 1,667.50 2,332.50 41.7 250-42410-303 PLANNING FEES 6,500.00 690.00 690.00 5,810.00 10.6 250-42410-320 TELEPHONE 2,600.00 610-51 610.51 1,989.49 23.5 250-42410-336 ASSESSOR FEE - NEW CONSTRUCTIO 7,000.00 .00 ,00 7,000.00 .0 250-42410-355 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 175.00 125.00 125.00 50.00 71.4 250-42410-360 EDUCATIONCfRAININGICONFERENCES 785.00 230.69 230,69 554.31 29.4 250-42410-361 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INSURAN 295.00 290.00 290.00 5.00 98.3 250-42410-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 108,400.00 31,335.00 31,335.00 77,065.00 28.9 250-42410410 RENTALS 5,200.00 3,522.79 3,522.79 1,677.21 67.8 250-42410-501 EQUIPMENT 16,000.00 .00 .00 16,000.00 .0 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES 221,702.00 52,631.81 52,631.81 169,070.19 23.7 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 221,702.00 52,631.81 52,631.81 160,070.19 23.7 295,498.00 285,808.54 285,808.54 9,689.46 96:7 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 41 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 05/22/2014 04:14PM PAGE: 2 Wright County, MN ���beacon V.i Date Created: 5/27/2014 Parcel ID 118500353209 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address BELTRAND,GLEN G & DONNA M Sec/Twp/Rng 35-121-23 Class 201 - RESIDENTIAL 16093 62ND ST NE Property Address 16093 62ND ST NE Acreage n/a OTSEGO, MN 55330 OTSEGO District n/a Brief Tax Description Sect -35 Twp -121 Range -023 UNPLATTED LAND OTSEGO2 TH PRT OF W1/2 OF SW1/4 COM AT SW COR OF SD W1/2 OF SW1/4 TH S89D59'23"E ALG S LN OF SD W1/2 OF SW1/4 616.60FT TH N21D5723"W 177.92FT TO ACT POB TH CONT N21D57'23"W 100.83FTTH N24D53'23"W 481.18FTTH N3D16'37"E 295.90FTTO S LN OF TWP RD EASE AS REC IN BK48OFMIS PGS 252-253 TH S83D09'E ALG SD S LN 226.32FTTH N88D28'E ALG S LN 23.29FTTH SOD48'40"W 799.13FT TO LN PAR/W & 165FT N OF S LN OF W1/2 OF SW1/4 TH N89D59'23"W ALG SD PAR LN 13.37FT TO POB (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Last Data Upload: 5/27/2014 8:02:27 AM The SchneA-e€ OQipogaiian ' ,f vPuw.n0nesdfrrccap cam:, Proposed Economic Development Strategic Planning Agenda from Adeel Ahmed Agenda for Session 1 - Cover the goals of Economic Development at the local level. • Business retention and expansion • Workforce development initiatives • Matching business to workforce • Financing help to business • Link business to technical expertise and information • others? Agenda for Session 2 - Examine strategies Otsego can implement for economic growth based on conversation form session 1. Date - to be determined. Proposal o Cover goals of Economic Development at the local town level o Discuss tools small cities can use to encourage Economic development o Discuss how to measure accomplishments in economic development o Determine what are the economic development priorities of Otsego o Review of city & county data that will help us decide on our priorities o Moving forward on developmental priorities League of Minnesota Cities Strategic Planning - Simplified for Practical Use Benefits to Strategic Planning • Strengthen relationships within the city • Create an organizational direction and work to unite everyone toward that purpose • Provide a road map to get to where you want to go • Improve ability to focus on most important priorities and issues • Provide direction on where to allocate limited resources • Improve financial planning, forecasting and budgeting • Improve accountability and capacity to measure performance and outcomes • Coalesce employees around common goals and priorities • Build camaraderie and teamwork • Create a common vision to enhance organizational effectiveness • Identify programs and services that need improvement • Assist in defining roles and responsibilities • Communicate the important priorities to the citizens • Create partners and advocates within the community David Unmacht Springsted Incorporated June 2013