Attachment_GFOA Certificate of Achievement0 CITY OF se o MINNESOTA DATE: 4 June 2014 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Stockamp and City Council Members Lori Johnson, City Administrator FROM: Daniel Jordet, Administrative Services Director RE: 2012 Certificate of Achievement The 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) was submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for review in application for the Certificate of Achievement of Excellence in Financial Reporting. After thorough review by a committee of GFOA staff and members, the Certificate was awarded to Otsego for the 2012 report. This is significant in that this is the first receipt of the Certificate by the City for its first full CAFR. The Certificate affirms that the CAFR is written and assembled in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles, governmental accounting guidelines and regulations, and legal conformance with State of Minnesota requirements. It assures financial statement users that the information presented in the CAFR is presented in form and substance in a clear and straightforward manner that can be interpreted by users consistently across governmental units. The Certificate of Achievement does not signify whether the City is in healthy financial condition. That judgment is reserved for the City Council of each city receiving the Certificate. Review of the CAFR exhibits and schedules with staff and comparison of the CAFR results with plans and goals of the City are the indicators of financial health. The Certificate indicates that the data being reviewed conforms to standard reporting expectations and disclosure rules. Those involved in producing the 2012 CAFR should be recognized and commended for their work in achieving this singular recognition. They include the members of the Finance Staff; Gary Groen, Kathy Grover, Susan Frisch and Mary Olson. Andrew Berg and the staff of Abdo, Eick and Myers, the City's auditors contributed to this effort. Finally, the Mayor and City Council should be recognized for establishing the standards to be followed in financial reporting for the City of Otsego. Congratulations to all. Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to City of Otsego Minnesota For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012 Executive Director; CEO