ITEM 2.2 attachmentReview No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Industrial Lot for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Lori Johnson, Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Dale Emter, Director of Preconstruction, Duke Realty Mike Brandt, PE, MFRA Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: June 10, 2014 Proposed Development: Gateway North 4t" Addition Building No. 5 Street Location 6601 Queens Ave. NE of Property: Applicant: Duke Realty 1600 Utica Avenue South, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Developer: Duke Realty Owners of Record: Duke Realty Purpose: Construct a 706,904 gross square foot office/warehouse building on 29.4 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban industrial setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILIBLE FINAL PLAT SCHEMATIC DESIGN SET COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS (C2.01) SITE DEMOLITION PLANS (C2.02 & C2.03) SITE PLANS (C3.01 -C3.03) GRADING PLANS (C4.01 & C4.02) EROSION CONTROL (C5.01 - C5.03) UTILITY PLANS (C6.01 -C6.03) DETAIL SHEET (C9.01 & C9.02) LANDSCAPING PLANS PHASE 1 (1-1.01 -1-1.02) LANDSCAPING PLANS PHASE 2 (1-2.01) STORM SEWER AND HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267.03\OT2267.03 REVIEW 1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Final Plat for Gateway North 4th Addition, by Sathre-Berquist, Inc.. Construction Plans and Grading Plans for Gateway North 4th Addition (Building #5), dated 5/28/14, by Sathre-Berquist, Inc. Stormwater Management Report for Gateway North Business Center Building #5 (4th Addition), dated 5/22/14, by Sathre-Berquist, Inc. Draft Geotechnical Report for Gateway North Building Center Building #6 (3rd Addition), dated 2/5/14, by American Engineering Testing, Inc Previous Gateway North Additions' Information Final Plat for Gateway North 3rd Addition, by Sathre-Berquist, Inc. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267.03\OT2267.03 REVIEW 1.doc FINAL PLAT Gateway North 3rd Addition Plat has been approved by the City but has not been recorded yet. A few items regarding the MnDOT right -or -way and easements near 65th Street needed to be cleared up before 3rd Addition could be recorded. The 3rd Addition shall be recorded before 4th Addition. Underlying easements contained within the outlots from previous subdivisions shall be vacated. New easements are being dedicated where needed with the 3rd and 4th Addition. 2. Plat will need to be reviewed and approved by Wright County Surveyor. SCHEMATIC DESIGN SET - 1/13/14 COVER SHEET — G000 Please label plans as Gateway North 4th Addition. 2. Otsego is misspelled on the cover sheet and in the title block of all sheets. 3. Add a signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer. 4. The address for building #5 will be 6601 Queens Avenue. 5. The plans shall be signed by a registered Professional Engineer. 6. The overall grading plan and the grading plan pond relocation sheets are missing from the plan set. The overall utility plan is located after the phase 1 and phase 2 plans compared to before as listed in the sheet index and many of the landscaping plan sheet numbers do not match the plan sheets. EXISTING CONDITIONS - SHEET C2.01 (All Sheets) the benchmarks listed are using 1988 datum. All Otsego projects (i.e. Queen's Avenue) use the 1929 NGVD datum. Please provide an equation between the separate datum's. Verify that any existing utilities that are proposed to be connected to are labeled with the same datum. 2. The following required information is missing from the existing conditions plan: a. Boundary lines to include bearings, distances, curve data, and total acreage of proposed plat, clearly indicated. b. Label widths of existing streets. C. Label size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150'. d. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership. e. Normal and 100 year flood elevations. f. Depict delineated wetland edges. PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267.03\OT2267.03 REVIEW 1.doc SITE DEMOLITION PHASE 1 & 2 - SHEET C2.02 -C2.03 1. The bituminous shall be saw cut in areas where removal of the curb and gutter is proposed. The existing pavement next to the new joint shall be milled 18" wide x 1.5" deep to provide a staggered joint for the wear course. (Building #5 plans depict concrete curb & gutter along shared lot line and these plans call out bituminous curb). 2. Include in the Forcemain phasing Notes the contact information for Kurt Neidermeier, City Water and Sewer Supervisor at 763-458-4219. 3. The removal plans for Phase 2 do not show the required storm sewer removal. 4. The existing curbed entrances at Queens Avenue shall be removed along Queens Avenue as indicated in comment #1 in this section. 5. The fence along the border between Building #5 and #6 will likely have to be removed temporarily to construct the parking lot. Coordination with the neighboring lot is required. SITE PLAN - SHEET C3.01 - C3.03 1. Lot and Block numbers shall be shown. 2. Show the setbacks from TH101 and Queens Avenue, the wetland edges, and label the NWL and 100 yr HWL for all ponds and wetlands. 3. The fence at edge of pavement between Building #5 and #6 is within pavement without protection from incidental or accidental damage from parking trailers or snow removal. 4. The concrete pad through the eastern double depth parking stalls located near the middle of the property should be moved to the opposite side of the stall. Trailers parking here will not have an option of driving through with the fence in place and thus will be turned 1800 to what is shown. 5. It is unclear why the existing entrance to Queens Avenue is being replaced for Phase 1. All new entrances along Queens Avenue will require concrete valley gutter and concrete driveways aprons per City Standard Detail #702 6. Queens Avenue entrance/curb and gutter removals shall be saw cut, milled and patched. Please note in plans. 7. Key Note "L" at the phase 1 entrance to Queens Avenue should be "J". 8. The flag pole is located in the middle of the parking stalls near the SW corner of the building. 9. To avoid possible confusion we suggest placing the hexagon symbol around the letter in the Key Notes. PAGE 5 S:\Municipai\Aotsego22xx\2267.03\OT2267.03 REVIEW 1.doc GRADING PLAN -SHEET C4.01 -C4.02 1. Show the wetland edges and label the NWL and 100 yr HWL for all ponds and wetlands. 2. Depict soil boing locations. 3. The proposed contours in the NW corner of the building appear to exceed a 3:1 slope. 4. Label all tip -out curb and gutter. 5. A catch basin or tip -out curb is needed at the low point located near the filtration basin along the entrance driveway of phase 1. 6. The proposed contours near the match in point of phase 2, along the west side of the parking area come to a point. It is unclear why. 7. The curb and gutter grades are less than 0.5% along the north side of the building in phase 1 and in the SW corner of phase 2. EROSION CONTROL - SHEET C5.01 — C5.02 1. Inlet Protection Devices are required along Queens Avenue near the construction entrance. 2. Stabilization (temporary or permanent) must be initiated immediately and completed within 14 calendar days whenever any construction activity has ceased on any portion of the site (including stock piles) and will not resume for a period of 14 calendar days. 3. Temporary or permanent energy dissipation shall be placed at pipe outlets within 24 hours of connection to surface water. 4. A 50' wide natural vegetation buffer or if a buffer is infeasible, a redundant sediment control is required, when a surface water is located within 50' of the projects earth disturbing activities and storm water discharges to the surface water. 5. Sheet C5.02, the shading of the phase 1 and phase 2 erosion control items are switched. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET C5.03 1. No Comments. PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267.03\OT2267.03 REVIEW 1.doc UTILITY PLAN - C6.01 — C6.02 1. Most of the storm sewer crossings with the watermain on the north, west and south sides of the buildings have less than 24" of separation and a few have less than 12" of separation. Minimum separation is 12" with insulation and 24" inches without. Make adjustments in elevations to provide minimum separation and provide notes where insulation is required. 2. Label the 6" gate valve and 8" x 6" tee a for the hydrant lead at the NE corner of the building. 3. Depict the valve location on the existing waterline along the south property line. 4. It is unclear why the 16" watermain along the south side of the building is to be removed with Phase 1 should this not be part of Phase 2. 5. Label all valves and bends. All valves 12" and larger shall be butterfly valves. 6. Show the type, size, and elevation of the existing forcemain and watermain along the south property line. 7. Call out length of 6" pipe at all hydrant leads. 8. The storm sewer between MH 503 and CBMH 506 is labeled as DIP. Please verify this is correct. 9. Install crosses with caps or tees instead of wet tapping into the existing 16" watermain at the SE and SW corners of Phase 1 building. 10. Consider stubbing the watermain past the storm sewer near the connection to the SE corner of Phase 1 building. 11. The air release manholes shall be per City Standard Plate #312. Please note on the plans the requirement for a Hamilton Kent Lifespan system or approved equal for the Frame and Casting of the forcemain manholes (Std Plate #307). 12. The casing pipe does not extend past the Forcemain mainholes. Therefore the notes to remove "24" Welded Steel Casing Pipe" should be revised. 13. Hydrant spacing on north and south sides of building does not cover entire building. Building depicts 8" water service for fire suppression. Elk River Fire Marshall will review the hydrant spacing along with fire truck access requirements. DETAIL SHEET C9.01 & C9.02 1. Include the following City Standard Details: 1) #312 (forcemain air/vacuum manhole) 2) #307 (forcemain frame and casting) 2. Update all other City Standard Details with newest ones. The latest version of the Otsego Engineering manual is available at PAGE 7 S:\MunicipaMotsego22W2267.03\OT2267.03 REVIEW 1.doc http://www ci otsego mn.us/vertical/sites/®/`7B5E9EA6DA-857D-4088-B396- 1EBOF2DBA26D%7D/uploads/Otsego Engineering Manual NEW 2013(1).pdf STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS 1. Appendix D, the storm sewer design calculations are missing from the Stormwater Management Report for Gateway North Business Center Building 5. The overall sizing of the pipes and spacing of the catch basins appear to be adequate for this type of site. Calculations shall be submitted to confirm. HYDROLOGY REPORT 1. A hydrology report was submitted as part of the Stormwater Management Report. Phase 1 of the construction routes all runoff, which has been accounted for with previous additions, to existing stormwater basins. 2. Phase 2 of constructed proposes to redesign the existing pond and wetland complex to the south of 65th Street. This is still under review. Any additional comments or questions shall be addressed by the Developers engineer prior to start of construction. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. No Comments. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 8 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2267.03\OT2267.03 REVIEW 1.doc