ITEM 2.2TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCg Planni ngCo. corn PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Gateway North Building 5 REPORT DATE: 12 June 2014 ACTION DATE: 26 July 2014 TPC FILE: 101.02 — 14.OX BACKGROUND Duke Realty Limited Partnership has submitted plans for development of a 707,004 square foot warehouse distribution building within the Gateway North Business Center. The subject site is Outlot A, Gateway North 2nd Addition located east of TH 101 and south of CSAH 37 abutting Queens Avenue. A preliminary plat and PUD -CUP was approved for Gateway North on 12 June 2006 and establishes that each phase of the development is to be processed subject to site and building plan review and final plat approval. The applicant is also requesting vacation of existing drainage and utility easements final platted with the Gateway North Final Plat. The Planning Commission will consider these applications at a public hearing noticed for the regular meeting on 16 June 2014. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Gateway North Master Plan (current and revised) C. Existing Conditions D. Site Plan (3 sheets) E. Grading Plan (3 sheets) F. Utility Plan (3 sheets) G. Landscape Plan (4 sheets) H. Exterior Elevations J. Final plat (2 sheets) ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for industrial land uses within the east sewer district. The proposed land use is consistent with this designation and the City has adequate utility capacity available at the subject site to provide services. Zoning. The subject site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. Warehousing and distribution centers are a permitted use within the 1-2 District. Environmental Review. An Alternative Urban Area Review (AUAR) was prepared with the review of the initial Gateway North application and the scope of this study included overall master plan. The City Council adopted the AUAR on 7 August 2006 finding that the proposed project did not have potential for significant environmental effects. The current site and building plans are consistent with the intensity of development anticipated for this portion of Gateway North reviewed as part of the AUAR and this application requires no additional environmental review. Phasing Plan. The applicant is proposing to construct the proposed 707,004 square foot building in two phases. The Phase 1 building will be 485,804 square feet in area. Phase 2 involves an expansion of the proposed building 550 feet to the south adding 221,200 square feet of floor area. The applications are being reviewed based on the planned build out of the Phase 2 structure with considerations as to site development work and improvements based on the phasing plan. Building Exterior Finish. Architectural plans for the Phase 1 building have been submitted. The design of the proposed building is consistent with that of Gateway North Buildings 1 and 6 and consists of precast concrete panels with an exposed aggregate or ribbed finish on all four sides of the structure. The exterior finish schedule indicates the exterior precast surfaces will have an exposed aggregate finish with one main color (grey cement with exposed aggregate) and one accent color at main entrance panels (grey cement with 5% color and exposed aggregate). The proposed exterior materials comply with the requirements for the 1-2 District except that Section 20-17-4.B.1.b(3) of the Zoning Ordinance specifies the panels must be integral color. The developer must specify that the exterior walls are not to be painted and that the grey is an added integral color. The Phase 2 expansion of the proposed building will be required to match the exterior appearance of the Phase 1 structure including exterior material, texture and color as a condition of approval. Subject to compliance with this stipulation, a separate future site and building plan review application will not be required for the Phase 2 expansion. Building Height. Buildings within the 1-2 District are allowed a maximum height of 35 feet. The height of the proposed building from finished floor to the top of the roof is 36.75 feet. There is a 1.75 foot parapet surrounding roof allowed by Section 20-17-3.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed height of the building, which is the same as that of Building 5, complies with the height allowances of the 1-2 District. 2 Lot Requirements. The 1-2 District requires a minimum lot area of two acres and minimum width measured at the front yard setback line of 200 feet. The Final Plat identifies a proposed lot for Phase 1 of 21.44 acres and the lot is 1,510 feet wide (north to south). Building coverage is also limited to 50 percent of the lot area. The proposed 485,804 square foot Phase 1 building will cover 52.0 percent of the lot area. City staff is recommending that the final plat be revised to include the Phase 2 building site as part of Lot 1, Block 1. The total lot area for Phase 1 and Phase 2 is 30.24 acres with building coverage of 53.7%. Setbacks. The following setbacks are applicable to the subject site within the 1-2 District and the proposed building and parking areas shown on the site plan comply. Access. The subject site is proposed to have three accesses to Queens Avenue, with the north driveway shared by easement with Lot 1, Block 1 Gateway North 3rd Addition (Building 6). Queens Avenue is designated as a Commercial/Industrial Collector Street by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Access spacing to collector streets is required to be a minimum of 500 feet apart in accordance with Section 21-7-7.N of the Subdivision Ordinance and all of the proposed driveways comply. The width of the driveways is 26 feet and adequate to allow semi tractor -trailer turning movements to and from Queens Avenue. Note that the elevation changes within the site not allow driveway connections to future buildings to the south) Construction of Queens Avenue occurred with the initial platting of Gateway North and the development was assessed so no collector street fees are due with this final plat. Off -Street Parking/Loading. All off street parking and loading areas are paved with either asphalt or concrete surfaces and perimeter concrete curb is provided in accordance with Section 20-21-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the following calculation for the number of required off street parking stalls: Use Area Principal Building Parkin Office 5,750sf. TH 101 North South/ East Wetland TH101 Perimeter Interior Required 30ft. 20ft. Oft. 40ft. 15ft. 5ft. Oft. Proposed 50ft. 65ft. NA NA 15ft. 12ft. NA Access. The subject site is proposed to have three accesses to Queens Avenue, with the north driveway shared by easement with Lot 1, Block 1 Gateway North 3rd Addition (Building 6). Queens Avenue is designated as a Commercial/Industrial Collector Street by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Access spacing to collector streets is required to be a minimum of 500 feet apart in accordance with Section 21-7-7.N of the Subdivision Ordinance and all of the proposed driveways comply. The width of the driveways is 26 feet and adequate to allow semi tractor -trailer turning movements to and from Queens Avenue. Note that the elevation changes within the site not allow driveway connections to future buildings to the south) Construction of Queens Avenue occurred with the initial platting of Gateway North and the development was assessed so no collector street fees are due with this final plat. Off -Street Parking/Loading. All off street parking and loading areas are paved with either asphalt or concrete surfaces and perimeter concrete curb is provided in accordance with Section 20-21-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the following calculation for the number of required off street parking stalls: Use Area Requirement (based on net sf) Required Stalls Office 5,750sf. 3 + 1 stall per 200sf. 26 Warehouse Phase 1 480,054sf. 1 stall / 1,000sf. 432 Phase 2 221,100sf. 199 Total 707,004sf. 657 The site plan for the Phase 1 building provides 63 parking stalls for passenger vehicles (dimensioned at 9 feet by 18 feet with two foot overhang) and storage for 52 semi- trailers and 88 truck docks. The Phase 1 site plan also provides 113 proof -of -parking stalls along the south and west side of the building. The cumulative total of these stalls is 316 stalls (which would need to be configured dependent upon building occupancy and use) and will be adequate based on the use. The Phase 2 expansion would add 74 passenger vehicle stalls and 34 loading docks plus 199 proof -of -parking stalls. The development agreement will include provisions enabling the City to require the of the proof -of -parking stalls as shown on the site plan for Phases 1 and/or 2 to be constructed in the future if such a need is determined. Snow Storage. Section 20-21-4.H.17 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a plan for snow storage be developed for the subject site so that required parking stalls are not utilized for this purpose. City staff and the developer have discussed that snow would be removed from the off-street parking stalls, trailer storage and loading areas and deposited into the stormwater basins to the north and east of Building 5 as necessary to maintain the site. Landscape Plan. The developer has submitted landscape plans showing tree plantings at the perimeter of the subject site and also plantings at the base of the north, west and south wall of the proposed 704,906 square foot building with additional landscaping along the driveway to Queens Avenue and surrounding the stormwater basin within Outlot C. The landscape plan is divided into two phases consistent with the planned construction of the building. The area where the Phase 2 expansion will be added in the future is proposed to be seeded as an interim measure. Sodded areas within Phase 1 will require installation of irrigation in accordance with Section 5-7-3.B.4 of the City Code. The landscape plan is primarily for aesthetic purposes as the majority of the loading area and trailer storage on the east side of Building 5 will be screened from view of Queens Avenue by Building 6. The proposed type and size of the plantings are consistent with the requirements of Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance and appropriate for the subject site. Exterior Lighting. The developer has not submitted plans showing proposed exterior lighting of the subject site. Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for exterior lighting limiting light cast to the property line abutting a public street to 1.0 foot-candle and at interior property line to 0.4 foot-candle. All exterior light fixtures must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off and comply with the height limits established by Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The developer must submit a photometric lighting plan indicating the type, location and height of all exterior light sources for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. Signs. No plans for signs have been submitted for the proposed development. All signs must comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement upon the property. Sign permits are subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. Trash Storage. Exterior storage of any waste or recycling containers must be within a secured enclosure in accordance with the requirements of Section 20-16-15.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant indicates that trash handling for the proposed building will be handled internally. 21 Grading Plan. Outlot A, Gateway North was mass graded as part of the initial development of the subject site and included establishment of stormwater basins as well as wetland buffer and mitigation areas, which is an on-going process. The developer has submitted a grading plan for development of Building 5 that includes updates to the overall grading plan for the subject site based on the proposed changes to the master plan and changes in State mandated stormwater management rules. The grading plan includes additional retaining walls along the north side of the site and extending south along the west site of the site abutting TH 101. The grading plan, retailing wall and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. There is no stormwater impact charge applicable to the subject site in conjunction with the final plat. The proposed 707,004 square foot building requires filling of existing wetlands and wetland mitigation areas at the south end of the structure. The proposed wetland impacts require issuance of a Wetland Impact Permit that is subject to review and approval by a Wetlands Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) consisting of representatives from the City, Wright County, DNR and Army Corps of Engineers. The applicant has made application for the Wetland Impact Permit, which is being processed and a decision pending. The TEP panel is likely to require mitigation for the wetland impacts be provided in the form of purchasing wetland bank credits versus mitigation on site. The proposed Phase 1 building has no impacts to existing wetland or wetland mitigation areas. Upon approval of the Wetland Impact Permit, the applicant would intend to prepare the subject site for the Phase 2 expansion of the building to 707,004 square feet. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted plans for connection of the proposed building to the City's sanitary sewer and water utilities and stormwater system. The City maintains three existing sanitary sewer forcemains through the subject site between TH 101 and Queens Avenue aligned with the right-of-way for 65th Street. The proposed 707,004 square foot building will overlay the existing City forcemains, which will be allowed provided the forcemains are encased to allow access for future service or replacement and adequate drainage and utility easements are provided to accommodate such access. The utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Chapter 6, Section 2 of the City Code establishes provisions for payment of utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval and connection charges at the time of building permit application. The development contract for Gateway North Building 6/Gateway North 3rd Addition provided that Building 5 would be charged four RECs based on the revised Gateway North Master Plan approved with that project. However, proposed Building 5 at 707,004 square feet is 307,004 square feet larger than the area of the building identified on the current Master Plan dated January 13, 2014. Modifications to the master plan would trigger review of applicable utility availability and connection charges as to possible adjustments. City staff recommends that the developer pay utility availability and connection charges for Phase 1 of Building 5 based on four RECs. The method for calculating the additional utility availability and connection charges for Phase 2 of Building 5 that will be charged at the time of 5 application for a building permit will be determined by the City Council in accordance with the development agreement for Gateway North. The utility plan C6.01 and C6.02 illustrates the proposed fire hydrant locations and building coverage limits. The utility plan showing the proposed location of fire hydrants and fire access is subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshal. Easements. The proposed final plat illustrates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed lot as well as overlying existing/proposed stormwater basins and wetland restoration areas as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The application includes a request to vacate drainage and utility easements established over the subject site with the initial Gateway North Final Plat to encompass the original design of the stormwater basins and wetland preservation and restoration areas. In that the easements would not continue to serve a public purpose upon approval of the 4th Addition Final Plat that dedicates new drainage and utility easements based on the current site design and grading plan, the easements may be vacated. However, in that the proposed wetland fill remains subject to approval of the Wetland TEP, the easement vacation will be conditioned upon issuance of the wetland permit. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 65th Street Right -of -Way. Within the area of the proposed site there is existing MNDoT right-of-way and prescriptive easements in favor of the City for former 65th Street, which intersected TH 101 before the roadway was upgraded to a four lane highway. The proposed 707,004 building is over the existing right-of-way and roadway easement. The applicant is coordinating with MNDoT and the City Attorney on the turnback of the MNDoT right-of-way from the State and release of the City's prescriptive easements through a separate quiet title action. Until this action is complete, the applicant is allowed to proceed with Phase 1 of the project and utilize the MNDoT right-of-way for drive aisles and off-street parking. The City will allow the applicant to proceed at their own risk with construction of the building within the roadway easement pending the release of prescriptive easement. Final Plat. The developer has submitted a final plat to subdivide the lot for Building 5 from Outlot A, Gateway North 2nd Addition. The final plat provides Lot 1, Block 1 for development of the Phase 1 building and Outlot D for the completion of Phase 2 upon issuance of the requested Wetland Impact Permit and release of the MNDoT right-of- way and City roadway easements. In that the application for site and building plan approval is based on the entire 707,004 square foot building, the final plat is to be revised such that the area of Outlot D is combined as part of Lot 1, Block 1. The proposed final plat is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Park and Trail Dedication. The initial final plat approval for Gateway North satisfied park and trail dedication requirements applicable to the entire development including future phases and outlots. As such, no park and trail dedication is required for the proposed Gateway North 4th Addition Final Plat. 0 Development Contract. The developer is required to enter into a development agreement with the City as a condition of approval for the current applications to provide for installation of required public and private improvements and payment of applicable fees. The City Attorney will draft the development contract for review and approval by the City Council concurrent with their action on the site and building plans, final plat and easement vacation applications. RECOMMENDATION The site and building plans for the proposed 707,004 square foot Building 5 and final plat of Gateway North 4th Addition is another significant progression in the buildout of the Gateway North Business Park consistent with the City's economic development goals and land use objectives outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. Moreover, the proposed development complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of Gateway North 4th Addition Final Plat, site and building plans for Gateway North Building 5 and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements subject to the following conditions: The developer shall complete site and building improvements for Phases 1 and 2 in accordance with the submitted plans subject to any modifications required as a condition of approval. 2. The exterior finish materials shall comply with Section 20-17-4.B.1.b(3) of the Zoning Ordinance utilizing integral color. The Phase 2 exterior materials shall be consistent with the Phase 1 building in terms of material type, color and texture and shall not require separate application for site and building plan application. 3. The development agreement shall include provisions enabling the City to require construction of proof -of -parking stalls as may be required for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 4. All turf grass and landscape plantings within Phase 1 shall require installation of irrigation in accordance with Section 5-7-3.B.4 of the City Code. 5. All signs must comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement upon the property, subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. 7 6. All exterior lighting shall comply with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance and the developer must submit a photometric lighting plan indicating the type, location and height of all exterior light sources for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. 7. Exterior storage any waste or recycling containers other than a fully enclosed trash compactor accessible from the interior of the building shall be within a secured enclosure subject to the requirements of Section 20- 16-15.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The submitted grading plan, retailing wall, wetland management plan issues and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The proposed wetland impacts are subject to approval of a Wetland Impact Permit and compliance with any stipulations or mitigation requirements included in said approval. 10. The submitted utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall pay utility availability and connection charges for four (4) RECs at the current fees in effect established by Section 2-4-2 of the City Code for Phase 1 of the proposed building. Construction of Phase 2 of the proposed building shall require payment of additional utility availability and connection charges at the time of application for a building permit. The method for calculating the additional utility availability and connection charges for Phase 2 of Building 5 will be determined by the City Council in accordance with the development agreement for Gateway North. 12. Fire hydrant locations and access shall be subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshal and City staff. 13. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 14. Encroachment by building or site improvement upon the City roadway easement for 65th Street prior to completion of a quiet title action shall be at the developer's sole risk and responsibility as set forth in the development agreement. 15. The final plat is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer and shall be recorded with Wright County within one hundred (100) days of City Council approval or turnback of MNDoT right-of-way and completion of a quiet title action releasing the prescriptive roadway easements, whichever occurs later. 16. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City to provide for installation of required public and private improvements and payment of applicable fees, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application does not comply with the City Code. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Dale Emter, Duke Realty LTD Mike Brandt, MFRA 0 U a to a y North o rt B u i l d n g Date Created: 1/31/2014 f:iF;- t l Him f Ioill 1 1, F { I I 1Ifi11CIlNJ4L'tl' .. u o� 1 1 i y _ �v U / gg z x o r� w [W� 8c�zW o dNY C_' Upp (z, Z N U1 O SFZQxa� • _ rj a rW fA��Ww j6 Vi O U . ppoda y � 7� H � �po7FF2co,' a � L. � 134 N U o NCO fk R qU UQaJ P.N ' r __=magmliOarmi-._ - < 00 - �1 ,� W fs a Q U pF a F r<. _ Lf) �apazQ�UO Q.z 00 r, wo MpL�¢p yiw�' V1 �n p 2F ^ •-• i W N W 4 _ v � M ■ _ = aNN r m a u Cal Pill SMOUJUNDO ONIJ-qm ", I In, VJ.OSSNmIW'OoH&LO 'IiEE Es T `°lc� 1 cq S# ONIG11119 HalMaD SSaNISflg Hd Ml "MI 11 HsvHd MV -1d SITS vloslammyi S# DMUIME H21,LM20 SS9MISf19 RLHON —X—V�t�AHLVO flF all I 1119 T I I N p I (DO 2H 1-MIhib- .3 I PH 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1A �zn' - ------- d------ - - ------ ---------------------- 1A 1 RUH 1 1 IN Nil I ld 01 1 1 MIR !R 11hill 1 11ml M 1101-1m lull W" - - - - - - - - - - pal 1 RUH 1 1 IN Nil I ld 01 1 1 MIR !R 11hill 1 11ml M 1101-1m lull W" - - - - - - - - - - 11