ITEM 3.3C OHPC 5.13.2014 MinutesMay 13, 2014 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission 1 T E M 3. 3 C_— Members Members - Commissioners: Chris Wilson, Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson. Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Vice Chair Chris Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. The minutes of the last meeting were approved unanimously. Additions to the agenda were a question Jessica had regarding some Otsego logo discussions and thoughts about the Otsego Fest. Announcement: Jessica stated that Ross sold $53.17 of our books to someone passing through town who had lived in Otsego previously. He will give us an accounting of which books soon. He invited the gentleman to contact him again if he wanted to be set up with a Commissioner to review or give some history. Otsego Logo and meaning discussion: Jessica showed us an artist's rendering of the Otsego logo to be used in the reception area of Prairie Center which has beneath it the name Otsego, and then the interpretation which they used, "a Friendly Meeting Place" ( Mohawk). Gail questioned whether the word "friendly" was appropriate since the tribes in the area were sometimes fighting, but it is promotional in nature and we decided we could live with it. Zonja showed the beginnings of a quiz re: Otsego history which she had started and which she would like the other Commissioners to add to. It could run on the screens which are ongoing at the Prairie Center and be an educational tool. Gail will work with her to extend the questions. Everyone was enthusiastic about this idea. The screen is now functional in Prairie Center. Review of Saturday's History Day presentation. Consensus was that it went well generally although the attendance was poor (7.) We noted it was the first good weather Saturday, Opening Fishing, and Mother's Day weekend so we are thinking fall or winter would be more suitable. We would organize it more formally and professionally, using a timeline and Power Point. We would avoid duplication of material. We would include when the City incorporated in 1990. Book revisions update: Lisa emailed that she is almost done typing "In the Beginning" to convert it to Word formatting. We will need pictures. For the cemetery book we may have to get dates of death off the stones. An intern on a short-term basis is going to be hired. That person will need to do the city archiving first so OHPC work would probably not be addressed at least until the end of the summer. Then the intern could copy the pictures in the OHPC collection. We discussed that a Scout working for his Eagle Award might be able to do some of the cemetery work. Jessica will discuss this with Ross, who receives this type of request for service projects. The Otsego Festival: Zonja suggested we pick a theme for it and we considered farming as a theme. We would like to borrow some farm objects for visual interest and perhaps solicit farm pictures and stories. We will make clear we are not soliciting donations. Instead of making a general appeal, we will send a letter to known farm families asking what they would like to share. An example would be borrowing a creamer to represent dairy farms, etc. We could piggyback at the Otsego Festival to hand out a flyer that tells about History Day in the winter. Farmers we could identify in Otsego were: Chouinards, Zimmers, Lehns, Rodens, Beaudrys, Davis, Zachman (pig farmer), Lindenfelser, beef farmer, Lefebrves, Spencer (collects Mpls. Moline), Kolles, Della and John Anderson. Many retired farmers have breakfast at Denny's early, perhaps at Sam. They might be a good contact. Jessica will talk with Sandy Lindenfelser about this idea. Gail asked Zonya if we would be willing to meet with herself and Dan Licht to discuss possible topics for the History Highlights section of the Otsego View quarterly paper. She would be willing to participate. Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. Next meeting is on Tuesday, June 10 at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder