RES 2021-83 Approving Revised Snow & Ice Control PolicyCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2021-83 APPROVING REVISED SNOW &ICE CONTROL POLICY WHEREAS, the City previously adopted a snow and ice control policy on December 9, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City has made certain revisions within the snow and ice control policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has met to discuss and review the revised policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the revised policy shall be in force and effect upon the date of adoption of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the revised Snow and Ice Control Policy as attached hereto is hereby adopted effective immediately. 2. That the Snow and Ice Control Policy previously adopted on December 9, 2019 is no longer in force and effect. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 25th day of October, 2021. MOTION BY: MOORES SECONDED BY: DAHL INFAVOR:STOCKAMP, DARKENWALD, MOORES, GOEDE, DAHL OPPOSED: NONE CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Ma or ATTEST: Audra Etzel, ity Clerk SNOW AND ICE CONTROL POLICY ADOPTED: Deee beic 9, 20 °Draft for Review 1. POLICY INTRODUCTION The City of Otsego finds that it is in the best interest of the residents of the City to assume basic responsibility for control of snow and ice on City streets. Reasonable snow and ice control are necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The City will attempt to provide such control in a safe and cost-effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The City will use City employees and equipment to provide this service. This policy does not relieve the operator of private vehicles, pedestrians, property owners, residents and all others that may be using public streets, of their responsibility to act in a reasonable, prudent and cautious manner, given the prevailing street conditions. 2. WHEN WILL THE CITY START SNOW AND ICE CONTROL OPERATIONS The Street Operations Manager or his/her designated representative will decide when to begin snow or ice control operations. The criteria for that decision are: • Snow accumulation of two (2) inches or more, • Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel; • Icy conditions which seriously affect travel; and • Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets. Snow and ice control operations are expensive and involve the use of limited personnel, equipment and resources. Consequently, snow plowing operations may not occur with snowfalls less than two (2) inches. 3. LEVELS OF SERVICE It is the intent of the City to complete plowing operations within 24 hours of the time the snowfall ceases. Plowing will begin as close as practicable to the time the snowfalls stops; however, every effort will be made to have priority routes plowed prior to morning or evening rush hour. 4. PRIORITIES AND SCHEDULE OF PLOWING The City has classified City streets based on the street function, traffic volume and importance to the welfare of the community. • Those streets classified as high volume routes will be plowed first. These high - volume routes are those that connect major sections of the City and provide access for emergency fire, police and medical services. • The second priority streets are those providing access to schools and commercial businesses. • The third priority streets are low volume residential streets. • The fourth priority are cukcle-sacs, parking lots, trails and sidewalks. During significant and severe storms, the City must be prepared to move personnel and equipment to maintain priority routes first. In fulfilling the need to have all priority streets safe and passable, when resources are limited, plowing of all other streets may be stopped at any time so resources can be shifted to priority routes. Unforeseeable circumstances may cause delays in completing assigned plow routes. Such circumstances may include weather conditions that endanger the safety of snowplow operators and/or safe and effective operation of equipment, commuter traffic, disabled vehicles, poor visibility conditions, parked cars along streets, assistance to emergency response vehicles, equipment breakdowns and personnel shortages. Suspension or changes to these priorities will be made by the Street Operations Manager or his/her designated representative. 5. WORK SCHEDULE FOR SNOWPLOW OPERATORS Snowplow operators will be expected to work their assigned shifts. In severe snow emergencies, operators sometimes have to work longer shifts. However, because of budget and safety concerns, no operator shall work more than a 12-hour shift in any 24-hour period. While work breaks are not guaranteed, generally operators will take breaks in accordance with City policy, provided the breaks do not interfere with City services or operations. In addition, operators will be allowed sufficient time to eat a meal during any shift which is eight or more hours. 6. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The City of Otsego recognizes that snowplow operators are exempt from traffic regulations set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 169 while actually engaged in work on streets, except for regulations related to driving while impaired and the safety of school children. Pursuant to this authority, snowplow operators engaged in snow removal or ice control on City streets have discretion to disregard traffic laws set forth in Chapter 169, except for laws relating to impaired driving and school children safety, when in their judgment, it is safety to disregard such laws. The privileges granted herein to operators of snow removal and ice control vehicles shall apply only if the vehicle is equipped with one lighted lamp displaying a flashing, oscillating or rotating amber light placed in a position on the vehicle as to be visible from 360 degrees. 7. WEATHER CONDITIONS Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of snowplow operators and equipment. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds and limited visibility. 8. USE OF SAND, SALT AND OTHER CHEMICALS The City of Otsego will use sand, salt and other chemicals where there are hazardous ice or sI;ppery conditions. The City is concerned about the effects of such chemicals on the environment and will limit its use for that reason. 9. DRIVEWAYS One of the most frequent and most difficult problems in removal of snow from public streets is the snow deposited in driveways during plowing operations. City personnel does not provide driveway cleaning. Residents should be aware that they may have to clear their driveway a second time if their driveway is cleared prior to the streets being plowed. Residents are not allowed to push or deposit snow from their driveway in the street. According to the laws of the State of Minnesota, depositing snow in any fashion onto a public street/right-of-way or highway is illegal and punishable as a misdemeanor. This liability may extend to both the property owner and the person who actually placed the snow on the roadway/right-of-way. Minnesota Highway Traffic Regulations 160,2715 Subd. A(1) Except for the actions of the road authorities, their agents, employees, contractors, and utilitities in carrying out their duties imposed by law or contract, and except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful to: to obstruct any highway or to deposit snow or ice thereon... 169.42 Subd. (1) No person shall throw deposit, place, or dump or cause to be thrown, deposited, placed, or dumped upon any street or highway or upon any public or privately owned land adjacent thereto without the owner's consent any snow, ice... 10. VEHICLES Within the City of Otsego, any person having a vehicle parked on any City street after a continuous snowfall accumulating of two or more inches of snow will be subject to tagging and possible towing at the owner's expense The City does enforce its No Parking ordinance from November 11t through March 315t This rule is enforced until the street has been plowed to the full width of the roadway. 11. GARBAGE &RECYCLING SERVICE The snow plow operators can not clear the snow as effectively from the street if garbage/recycling containers are placed along the curb. Therefore, city staff is requesting that residents place their garbage/recycling containers at the end of their driveway out of the traveled portion of the street. This allows the plow operators to more effectively/efficiently clear the street. 12. MAIL DELIVERY The snow plow operators make every effort to remove snow as close as curb as practical and to provide access to mailboxes for the Postal Service. However, it is not possible to provide perfect conditions and minimize damage to mailboxes with the size and type of equipment the City operates Therefore the final cleaning adjacent to mailboxes is the responsibility of each resident. �13. MAILBOXES AND OTHER PROPERTY DAMAGE . - �n�st�s�srars�:ss�m� Mailboxesoperators fare duFing their winter plowing requiFe.m.ents, The City will eendwet a review ef eaeh damage claim te deteFpAiRe whether the City has any legal Fespensibility fer the damage and, of se, to Feplace oF provide reimbuFsement feF the damage. Claims will be reviewed by the Street OpeFations ManageF er his/her FepFesentative, Damages will not be allewed if it is deemed that City equipment did not make eantaet with mailbexes or etheF ppepeFty, Mailboxes and suppaFts must alse be able te meet the Gity's eFd;naRee standaFds, as well as the state and. not rAeetipg these requirements will Ret be allowed a elaipA.. Snow plowing and ice control, by its nature, can cause damage to areas ad a acent to the street and trails Igo a of damage.occurs to improods.•• • 1 beyond the street curbs. The intent of right-of-way is to provide room for snow storage, utilities, sidewalks and other city uses. However, certain private improvements such as mail boxes are permitted within this area. Therefore, the City will cooperate with the property owners to determine if the damage is the responsibility of the City and when it shall be the responsibility of the resident. The City accepts responsibility for physical damage to legally installed mailboxes if struck by a plow blade, wing or other piece of equipment See Appendix A for a properly installed mailbox by the LISPS. It is important to maintain these minimum dimensions to allow plow equipment to travel under the lowest point of the _mailbox of 44" to reduce the likelihood of damage. Damage resulting from plow castings or the disturbance of snow or ice piles is the responsibility of the resident. If the damage is determined to be caused by the plow blade the resident will have two options. The City will replace the mailbox, newspaper box and/or post with a 4 x 4 treated post and black mailbox or the resident can replace their own mailbox, newspaper box and/or post and the City will reimburse the resident $150, If iust the mailbox is damaged, the City will replace it with a standard black mailbox. If a permanent repair can't be made during the winter, City staff will provide a temporary measure to assure that the resident can still get their mail Temporary repairs will be a mailbox post in a bucket of sand/concrete Staff will complete a form on every mailbox call to document and streamline resident calls for damage (See Appendix B), The City bears no responsibility for damage to irrigation systems, driveway markers, landscaping beds, decorative boulders, or other items improperly placed in the City right-of-way along streets, paths or sidewalks If such items are deemed to be a traffic hazard or endanger maintenance equipment or operators, the owner will be required to remove such items from the City right-of-way. Lawns that are scraped or gouged by the City equipment will be repaired by top dressing and seeding the following spring Residents are requested to assist by watering the areas that are repaired. In instances where there is a disagreement as to the source of the damage and/or repair responsibilities, the Street Operations Manager or City Administrator shall determine the obligation. 314. DEVIATION FROM POLICY AND DISCLAIMER The Street Operations Manager or his/her representative may deviate from this policy when in his or her judgment it is in the best interest of the City or necessary because of budget needs or other circumstances. All parts of this policy may be affected by at least one or more of the following which may delay all or some of the services provided. • Equipment breakdowns • Vehicles disabled in deep/drifted snow • Weather conditions so severe as to cause crews to be called in from their routes (i.e. white -out conditions • Equipment rendered inadequate by the depth of snow or drifts • Crew break breaks required by refueling, refilling of spreaders, installing chains or cutting edges • Unforeseen emergencies 3�15. TRAIL SNOW REMOVAL The City will provide snow and ice control measures on certain park trails throughout the winter. Trails to be plowed will be designated on the City of Otsego Winter Trail and Sidewalk Map. Plowing will be done on designated trails during a street snowplowing event or on regular workdays (Monday through Friday). Trail plowing will begin either during or on the first work day after a snow event of two or more inches or when drifting snow blocks pedestrian trails. Trails used by students to walk to school will be completed to allow students safe access prior to school opening whenever possible. The plowing of trails will typically be done in the following priority, however, there may be changes in the priority due to the type of snow, depth of snow or timing of snow event. 1. Trails used by students to walk to/from school 2. Trails adjacent to City streets 3. Interior park trails It is the City's goal to get the trail plowing completed in two working days after the snow event. Things such as equipment breakdowns, size of storm or difficult conditions may extend this time frame. PARI<ING LOT SNOW REMOVAL Snow plowing in municipal parking lots will begin when two (2) inches of snow has accumulated or when vehicular movement becomes difficult. Not all parking lots will be maintained. Applicable parking lots include: City Hall, Prairie Center, Prairie Park, Beaudry Park, Norin Landing and School Knoll Park. 317. USE Or SALT OR TRACTION MATERIAL IN PART<ING LOTS AND TRAILS The City is concerned about the effect of salt, materials for traction, or chemicals on the environment and will limit their use in parking lots for that reason. Therefore, it is the policy of the City to utilize salt, materials for traction or a chemical mixture in the ratio that provides for reasonable safe driving conditions in parking lots. The application of these types of materials is not always intended to provide bare pavement during winter conditions. In addition, the desired results of these materials can vary with different temperatures. The application of salt on trails is not a general practice in the City of Otsego. Conditions during the winter months can be unpredictable, therefore, it is recommended that pedestrians always wear traction cleats when walking during the winter months. �4:18. CITY SIDEWALKS All City owned sidewalks will be plowed within 36 hours of the time the snowfall ceases. If a resident would like to report a concern regarding snow removal, a damaged mailbox, or damaged turf, they are encouraged to call City Hall at (763-441-4414; or to email streets@ci.otsego.mn.us. �: 16. POLICY HISTORY This is the current and most recent version of the Snow and Ice Control Policy. Previously: Adopted December 10, 2011 Revised December 9, 2019 48"-50" 44" w Min. Min. EDGE OF ROAD OR BACK OF CURB i i_ ar s��rt 24" Min. Complaint Date: Resident Name: Contact Number: Address: Explanation of Damage• _ Staff Decision: Circle One: Repair/Reimbursement Resident Signature: Date: