RES 14-45RESOLUTION NO.: 2014 - 45 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING USE OF THE OFFICIAL CITY OF OTSEGO LOGO ON SIGNS FOR THE 2014 ROCKWOODS JAMFEST SPECIAL EVENT. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has established its official logo to represent the City's identity and reputation; and, WHEREAS, use of the official City logo is determined at the discretion of the City Council and is limited to official City business such as communications, facilities, official signage, services and events; and, WHEREAS, the City Council may allow third parties use of the official City logo on a case-by-case basis when doing so is in the best interest of the City as determined by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, Rockwoods Bar and Grille, in association with other local businesses, is promoting the third annual Rockwoods Jamfest special event on 15 August 2014; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego Lions Club, a non-profit community established with consistent with the goals of the City's Strategic Plan and support of the City, is an official partner and will be undertaking community fundraising activities as part of the event; and, WHEREAS, the Jamfest special event is estimated to have attendance of several thousand consisting people from Otsego, surrounding communities and the region; and, WHEREAS, the Jamfest special event has a potential significant economic benefit for Otsego business both for event related patronage as well as increased awareness of the Otsego market; and, WHEREAS, the organizers of the Jamfest special event are requesting use of the official City logo on three (3) signs located west of TH 101 north of CSAH 39, a sign located at the northeast quadrant of CSAH 39 and Quaday Avenue and east of TH 101 and north of CSAH 42; and, WHEREAS, the proposed signs are in addition to other event advertising including radio and advertising signs located outside of Otsego targeting a regional audience for the Jamfest special event that promote the City of Otsego as the event location; and, WHEREAS, the proposed signs would be displayed only for a limited period sixty (60) days prior to the Jamfest special event; and, WHEREAS, the proposed signs serve a functional purpose of directing event patrons to the location as well as advertising Jamfest special event; and, WHEREAS, the organizers of the Jamfest special event are providing the proposed signs at no cost to the City and use of the signs will have no impact to City service capacity. WHEREAS, the use of the official City logo on signs identifying the Jamfest special event is consistent with the City's goals to promote business development and community identity as well as promotion of the Otsego Prairie Festival; and, WHEREAS, the Request for Council Action for the City Council meeting on 27 May 2014, prepared by the City Planner, is incorporated herein. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Rockwoods Jamfest special event may use the official City logo on three (3) signs identifying the 2014 event provided that: All graphics related to the official City logo remain the property of the City of Otsego with permission granted for its use only as specifically provided for herein. All other uses are prohibited. 2. The Rockwoods Jamfest special event shall utilize the official City logo only as follows subject to submission of written permission from each property owner to locate a temporary sign upon the property: a. On one (1) single sign face located on PID 118-500-143200 adjacent to TH 101. b. On one (1) sign having two faces located on PID 118-173-002010 adjacent to CSAR 39. C. On one (1) single sided sign face located on PID 118-500-262102 adjacent to TH 101. 3. The organizers of the Rockwoods Jamfest special event shall submit to the Zoning Administrator a proof image of the proposed signs for approval prior to any public display of the signs. 4. The signs advertising the Jamfest 2014 event shall be removed from public display and the structures removed from the premises by 21 August 2014 except as utilized by the City for the Otsego Prairie Festival. 5. No events or advertisements other than information related to Jamfest 2014 or the Otsego Prairie Festival shall be displayed upon the sign. Violation of this condition shall be subject to immediate fines for violation of this agreement and the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with the City Code. 6. The organizers shall provide skirting or other screening of the semi -trailers used to display the signs adjacent to TH 101 between the grade and bottom of the trailers as may be visible from TH 101 subject to approval of City staff. MOTION BY: Darkenwald SECOND BY: Stockamp ALL IN FAVOR: Darkenwald, Stockamp, Heidner,aWarehime, Schroeder THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of JUne, 2014. ATTEST: `JUJJ� Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO BY:S)� , q4bp t t Je ica L. Stockamp, Mayor