10-25-21 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2021 7:00 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tom Darkenwald, Jeff Dahl, Tina Goede, and Brittany Moores. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Sabrina Hille, City Attorney Dave Kendall; City Engineer Ron Wagner; City Planner Daniel Licht; and City Clerk Audra Etzel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum: Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:05 PM. Special Presentation: 2021 Photo Contest Winners. The City held its 5th annual photo contest. There were 30 entries in the Nature category and 5 entries in the Places category. A total of 964 votes were cast. The viewer's choice winner for the Nature category tied: Loren Green received 185 for her Sunflower photo. The viewer's choice winner for the Places category: Caleb Quanrud received 151 for his Sunrise New Tower photo. Mayor Stockamp presented a certificate and gift card to each of the winners. The other winner for Nature will be presented at the November 8th meeting. Michael Steiner of 10605 74th Lane NE wanted to thank the council and staff for the completion of the trail off of 70th. The Kittredge Crossing neighborhood now has access to the trail system. Mr. Steiner said the trail and safety are very important to the community. Mr. Steiner said he was emotional his last visit to the City Council meeting and feels forgiveness is the hallmark. CM Darkenwald said the City Council appreciates his input and did not take the comments as negative, their job is to keep projects on track and within the budget. Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:15 PM. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. CM Moores motioned to approve the agenda as written, seconded by CM Darkenwald. Voted in favor; Darkenwald, Goede, Stockamp, Moores, and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. October 11, 2021 Meeting. B. October 11, 2021 Special Meeting. 3.3 Accept Quotes and Approve Purchase of a Fleet Vehicle — Utility Tanker Truck. 3.4 Adopt Resolution 2021-82 Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement of Streets. 3.5 Approve Request for Extension for Completion of Improvements — GCC Dacotah, Inc. 3.6 Approve a Final Plat for Bison Plains 2nd Addition. Page 1 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3.7 Approve Pay Application #18 for the East WWTF Biosolids Project. 3.8 Adopt Resolution 2021-83 Revising the Snow and Ice Control Policy. OCTOBER 25, 2021 3.9 Adopt Resolution 2021-84 Supporting the Extension of the Wright County Local Option Sales Tax. 3.10 Adopt Ordinance 2021-18 Amending the City Code Regulating Alcoholic Beverages. 3.11 Approve Pay Estimate #7 for the Water Tower #4 Project. 3.12 Approve Contract Renewal with Wage Works for Flexible Spending Account Administration. CM Moores motioned to approve the consent agenda as written, seconded by CM Dahl. Voted in favor; Stockamp, Darkenwald, Goede, Moores, and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried 5-0. 4.Planning: 4.1 Prairie Pointe: A.Presentation by City Planner Licht. B.Consider Resolution 2021-85 Vacating Existing Public Roadway Easements. C.Consider Ordinance 2021-19 Amending the Zoning Map. D.Consider Approval of Preliminary Plat and PUD-CUP. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Mr. Michael Suel with D.R. Horton was present to answer questions. Mr. Suel agrees with the Engineer and Planner reports. CM Darkenwald asked if there were ditches on the North-South existing street? Engineer Wagner said there are currently power poles in the ditches. Everything above grade will be relocated. The school and the property to the north will need to still have the ditches. Mr. Suel said there is fiber optic line on 83rd Street NE and they still need to find out how deep to figure out the grading needed. Planner Licht clarified that 83rd Street east of Mason Avenue NE is gravel. Engineer Wagner the first 300' will be the upgrade to urban section and crosses the creek and provides access to the development; once its past that point there will be no street beyond and the same going south on Marlowe Avenue NE. The internal streets will bring traffic through, the easier route will be to take Maciver. Engineer Wagner added the developer will also be required to clear out Otsego Creek. The trails will be dual purpose and allow city staff to access for maintenance. Mayor Stockamp asked if the school is evaluating how safe of a route this will be? City Planner Licht said the school is primarily looking at trail location and controlling access to the building, as there is not an access on that side of the building for walkers. Planner Licht said if the trail were moved further north into the cul-de-sac it would direct more of the walking students to the future middle school and it would take them clear around the bus coral. Staff is requesting the trail connection to avoid students from walking thought neighbors' yards and to provide a controlled access. Planner Licht said the school was in favor of the sidewalks and trail to provide safe routes to school. CM Dahl motioned to adopt Resolution 2021-85 vacating existing public roadway easement; adopt Ordinance 2021-19 amending the Zoning map; and approve a PUD-CUP /Preliminary Plat for Prairie Pointe subject to the stipulations listed by the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented, seconded by CM Goede. CM Darkenwald asked about the trees on southwest point and landscaping plan that staff need to approve. City Planner Licht said the tree preservation will be included with the grading plan subject to review and approval by the City Engineer, and landscaping is limited to planting two trees per lot after the home is built. CM Darkenwald asked Engineer Wagner if the drainage will be taken care of? Engineer Wagner said yes. Page 2 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 25, 2021 Voted in favor; Stockamp, Darkenwald, Goede, Moores, and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried 5-0. 5.Administration: 5.1 Franchise Fees A.Presentation by City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty.B.Consider Ordinance 2021-20 Establishing Electric Franchise -Northern States Power Company. c.Consider Ordinance 2021-21 Establishing Electric Franchise -Elk River Municipal Utilities. D.Consider Ordinance 2021-22 Establishing Electric Franchise -Wright Hennepin Cooperative. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said staff is recommending the City Council adopt three separate ordinances establishing electric utility franchises in the City of Otsego. The City has authority under Minnesota Statue to implement these franchise agreements and subsequently franchise fees to pass along to the different utility providers. Staff has prepared three separate ordinances establishing each of the three electric utility franchises. The City Attorney's office has negotiated with each of the utility companies and they have agreed to the ordinances as written. This is the first step to implement franchise fees which will be a funding source for the City's pavement management program which has been discussed over several years and at many budget cycles as an efficient way to fund the program. Following adoption tonight, the City would notify the three utility companies and there will be a 90-day waiting period before a second ordinance will need to be considered and passed by City Council. Attorney Kendall said this is an increasingly common way for cities to create additional funding for streets. Their staff has contacted and negotiated with each of three utilities and they have agreed to all the terms and should be no further problems. CM Darkenwald asked about the utility companies. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said the three ordinances in the packet are for Xcel/NSP, Elk River Utilities and Wright-Hennepin; noting the City has an existing utility franchise agreement with CenterPoint Energy. CM Dahl motioned to adopt Ordinances 2021-20, 2021-21, 2021-22 establishing electric utility franchises for Northern States Power Company, Elk River Municipal Utilities, and Wright-Hennepin Cooperative and authorizes staff to publish the summary ordinances, seconded by CM Goede. CM Darkenwald asked how long have the utility franchise fees been in process? City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said at least five years. CM Moores asked if the rate was $4 what each utility company will charge a residential home? City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said, yes if the utility companies decide to pass along the fees to the end user. Voted in favor; Stockamp, Darkenwald, Goede, Moores, and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried 5-0. 6.City Council Reports and Updates. 6.1 Commission Liaison Updates: Page 3 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 25, 2021 A.Heritage Preservation Commission -Liaison CM Moores said at the last meeting the OHPC thanked the Park and Recreation department for their help with the Otsego Prairie Festival. They would like to discuss preserving/restoring the Old Township/City Hall. Mayor Stockamp said this would be a full City Council workshop to discuss the idea. B.Parks and Recreation Commission -Liaison Mayor Stockamp said they recapped the Prairie Festival and Pumpkin Patch Day. The Santa Day event is being planned, marketing with neighbors, and the CIP Budget was also reviewed. C.Planning Commission -Liaison CM Darkenwald said they discussed Prairie Pointe.D.Public Safety Commission -Liaison Mayor Stockamp said the ambulance services were present and they discussed the need for ambulances. The ambulance companies are trying to staff, but they are having trouble and this is very concerning. 7.Staff Reports and Updates. City Clerk Etzel said staff will use the photos from the contest on the website, newsletter and social media. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said there is an open forum at Wright County regarding LOST in Buffalo at the Highway Building and is open to the public. Engineer Wagner said the Water Tower #4 was hoisted a week ago and is available on the website for viewing. City Planner Licht said the next Planning Commission meeting will be November 15th. There is an application from R&L Carriers for a distribution facility looking to build in SE Corner of CSAH 38 and Queens Avenue. An application from Kwik Trip for a convenience store at Parrish Meadows has been received, the application is incomplete at this time. Staff is expecting a future application from GCC of America to amend their CUP to expand the site. Sergeant Oltmans said Otsego in on the border of four different ambulance services. There is a shortage of staff and trucks for EMS services. The Public Safety Committee works well with Wright County Sheriff's for networking and information sharing. The Wright County Sheriff's office is having a beard growing contest to benefit the Wright County Outreach Program. The Wright County Outreach Program allows the deputies to help people in immediate need(s): meal, diapers, hotel room, gas, a ticket out of town, etc. 8.Adjournment.CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn at 7:58 PM, seconded by CM Goede. Voted in favor; Stockamp, Darkenwald, Goede, Moores, and Dahl. Voted against; none. Motion carried 5-0. ATTEST:�� Auraftzel,CityClerk Page 4 of 4 �!(VIA m.lMtu� Jska Stockamp, Mayor