02-16-21 Parks Rec Agenda PacketPARKS 0 Recreation otsegoparksrec.com PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA Tuesday, February 16, 2021 7:00 PM City Hall NOTES/ACTION 2/16/2021 Call to Order Roll Call: 1. Open Forum. 2. Consider Agenda For Approval. 3. Consider the Minutes: 3.1 December, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business 5.1 Camp Toyoyo Soccer Tournament 5.2 Ballfield & River Access Improvement 5.3 Eagle Scout Application Form 6. Parks and Recreation Update. 7. City Council Reports. 8. Adjourn. The next regular Parks and Recreation Meeting will be March 16, 2021 at Prairie Center at 7:OOPM -OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREA TION, THROUGH ITS EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS, IS COMMITTED TO PRESERVING HERITAGE WHILE PROVIDING QUALITYAND INNOVATIVE SERVICES, PARKS, AND PROGRAMS TO RESIDENTS AND VISITORS." ITEM 3.1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center December 15, 2020 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Kitty Baltos, Angela Hilde, Liz Benoit(*) Matt Killam(*) Absent: Commissioners Doug Cassady and Jim Breitbach City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp(*) and Tina Goede(*) Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Operation Coordinator and Connie Schwecke Recreation Coordinator. This meeting is proceeding under MN State Statute 13D.021 allowing members to appear by telephone or video conference due to the ongoing health pandemic and state of emergency. For the record, the chair, other commissioners and staff were present in- person. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference. 1 Open Forum. 2 Consider Agenda Approval. Commissioner Hilde motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Chair Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. 3 Consider Meeting Minutes. 3.1 October 20 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Baltos motioned to recommend to the City Council to approve all meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Chair Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business. 5.1 2021 Summer Program Guide. Parks and Recreation Director Demant discussed summer recreation programming and opportunities for new programming and events. 6 Parks and Recreation Update. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented report. Demant discussed elections, fall clean up, flooding of the hockey rink, Carrick's bridge, encroachment issues and Santa Day. 7 City Council Reports. Mayor Jessica Stockamp presented City Council Report. ITEM 3.1 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Baltos motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Chair Dehn in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:45P.M. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant .11 Ot�ezo", nl-nw nrwwcwlr IG1Cn0AAA1rind1 Request for Administrative Sub - Committee Action 1.ACrHR I IYIGII 11111 V-1-1, IV ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks & Recreation Recreation Coordinator Schwecke February 16, 2021 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 5.1 C VISION STRATEGI MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: No Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: communication. Since last November, City staff have been in conversation with the owner of Komborrah Sports, Naftali Kokiro. Since 2009, Mr. Kokiro and Mr. Ongeri have organized the annually Camp Toyoyo Soccer Tournament. Camp Toyoyo is a non-profit whose mission is to bring families and communities together through sports and donates their proceeds for scholarships to international students who demonstrate a financial need. Since both organizers of Camp Toyoyo are Otsego residents, they have requested this year's Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. City responsibilities would be set up and maintaining fields for the event, July 3-4. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and community. Future discussions are planned. expectations in a cost-effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. lrrww MnTAII Q /i II CIY VH 1 1 CIIII UG I MII_a RECOMMENDATION: ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OFA CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Since last November, City staff have been in conversation with the owner of Komborrah Sports, Naftali Kokiro. Since 2009, Mr. Kokiro and Mr. Ongeri have organized the annually Camp Toyoyo Soccer Tournament. Camp Toyoyo is a non-profit whose mission is to bring families and communities together through sports and donates their proceeds for scholarships to international students who demonstrate a financial need. Since both organizers of Camp Toyoyo are Otsego residents, they have requested this year's soccer tournament be held at Otsego Prairie Park. City responsibilities would be set up and maintaining fields for the event, July 3-4. City staff and Camp Toyoyo have had discussions with Boreal Soccer regarding a potential partnership in this event. If an agreement is made, Boreal would offer coaches to assist in soccer clinics and provide teams for the tournament. All groups are in agreement that this event would be beneficial for the community. Future discussions are planned. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Otsego Request for Parks & Recreation Commission Action LJtYAK 1 IVIt1V 1 IIVrumvjA I ww VISIVIV MEETING DATE: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative included into the City's CIP. Three projects were identified as priority projects. These projects were identified as Parks & Recreation Director Demant January 13, 2021 Parks & Recreation Each of these projects requires an initial planning phase that includes input from the Council, Commission, Staff, Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and PRESENTER(S) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Parks & Recreation Director Demant City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 5.2 CPA STRAIt(i1G VISIVIV MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: No Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative included into the City's CIP. Three projects were identified as priority projects. These projects were identified as communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Each of these projects requires an initial planning phase that includes input from the Council, Commission, Staff, Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and budget and planning efficiencies. Staff have worked with HKGI to put together a proposal for each of these expectations in a cost-effective manner. The beforementioned project CIP descriptions and funding sources are listed below. Both of the proposed Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Administrative Sub -Committee to include in the 2021 CIP. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA IItM Ut IA1LA RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the Parks & Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the proposal from HKGI for park planning services in the amount of $27,150. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: During the 2021 CIP planning process, elements of the Parks and Recreation System Masterplan started to be included into the City's CIP. Three projects were identified as priority projects. These projects were identified as priority projects by analyzing data through community, Council, Commission, and Staff input. These projects are listed below, all three were unanimously recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and Administrative Sub -Committee to include in the 2021 CIP. Each of these projects requires an initial planning phase that includes input from the Council, Commission, Staff, and community. Staff is recommending that both projects move forward simultaneously which would create budget and planning efficiencies. Staff have worked with HKGI to put together a proposal for each of these projects. The beforementioned project CIP descriptions and funding sources are listed below. Both of the proposed projects were previously recommended by unanimous vote by the Parks and Recreation Commission and Administrative Sub -Committee to include in the 2021 CIP. IMPROVE RIVER ACCESS AND CONNECTION ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER CORRIDOR The goal of this planning would be to provide a connection from Norin Landing to Carrick's Landing while improving parking and signage at the Nashua and Carrick's boat landings. 2021 would be the initial planning phase ith 2022 being the implementation phase. CIP Identified Funding for Improvements of River Access Year Revenue Source City Fund for Expense Amount 2021 Park Dedication 203 $12,000 2022 Park Dedication 203 $130,000 IMPROVEMENTS THE BALLFIELDS AT PRAIRIE PARK The Parks and Recreation System Master planning process identifies enhancing the Prairie Park ballfields as a priority project. These enhancements would potentially include bathrooms, concessions, higher backstops, and improved dugouts. The first phase of this process, would include developing a masterplan for the park so that future improvements would be able to be phased in. The second phase of this project would be to begin the improvement process. CIP Identified Funding for Improvements to the OPP Ballfields Year Revenue Source City Fund for Expense Amount 2021 Park Development 203 $15,000 2022 Park Development 203 $400,000 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: HKGI Proposal POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the proposal by HKGI City staff recommends the Parks & Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the quote from HKGI for park planning services in the amount of $27,150. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund 203- Park Dedication Yes/ No (If not, how being paid for) .10 Otsego I. Request for Administrative Sub - Committee Action DEPARTMEN I INFORMATION MEETING DATE: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: Parks and Recreation Director Demant February 16, 2021 Parks & Recreation Over the past year, City staff have been in conversation with the School District about entering into a Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: expectations in a cost-effective manner. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 5.2 Consent Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. Considerations for the agreement have been discussed and it is being recommended to include: STRATEGIC vlwluly MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative No communication. Over the past year, City staff have been in conversation with the School District about entering into a Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. fields at both Otsego Elementary and Prairie View Elementary/ Middle Schools. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and progress until this past year. Staff calculated costs for maintaining the approximately 16 acres of fields at expectations in a cost-effective manner. expendable items such as paint and chalk, and cost for equipment including item like vehicle depreciation Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Staff is recommending that the maintenance agreement is worded so that the school district is charged Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA I I hM uE IAILJ RECOMMENDATION: ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Over the past year, City staff have been in conversation with the School District about entering into a maintenance agreement that would have the School District contracting with the City to maintain the sport fields at both Otsego Elementary and Prairie View Elementary/ Middle Schools. Conversations about a maintenance agreement have been discussed for the past several years with little progress until this past year. Staff calculated costs for maintaining the approximately 16 acres of fields at both schools. This calculation includes staff time for maintenance and initial set-up of the fields, costs for expendable items such as paint and chalk, and cost for equipment including item like vehicle depreciation and fuel. Staff is recommending that the maintenance agreement is worded so that the school district is charged monthly. This would ensure that all City expense in relation to maintaining the fields are covered. Considerations for the agreement have been discussed and it is being recommended to include: City Responsibilities: Maintaining all playfields areas to include (mowing, weed whipping, garbage, painting, baseball/ softball field prep, currently no soccer is being planned). School Responsibilities: Fertilizing, herbicide applications, irrigation to include repairs, and improvements like adding aglime, and the purchase of new bases if damaged or stolen. Charging the associations for use fees. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Map of proposed area to maintain • Cost Calculations POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to recommend pursuing an agreement with the School District for the City to provide ballfield maintenance at the School District playfields located in the City of Otsego. Cost of Mower 103,591.91 1.34 Salvage Value (12,000.00) 2021 Policy Cost / Budgeted Hours Net Cost 91,591.91 $ 20.23 Yearly Cost 13,084.56 7 Year Expected Life Annual Insurance 629.00 Per 2021 Policy MaintenaceCosts 1,308.46 10% of Annual Cost An Cost 15,022.01 Annual Hours 423.00 Hourly Cost $ 35.51 $ 5.39 2.2 Gallons Per Hour at $2.45 Gallon Fuel Rate to Charge e...rr ft..,. Notes Wage FICA Work comp Insurance Rate to Charge !stimated Cost for ISD 72 dowing Number of Events Number of Hours Contracted Hours Equipment Rate staff Rate Cost of Mower Field Setup Number of Events Contracted Hours Chalk and Paint Costs Staff Rate Cost of Staff Estimated Total 17.50 Top of Seasonal Range 1.34 7.65% of Gross Wage 1.39 2021 Policy Cost / Budgeted Hours $ 20.23 42.00 1,5x Per Weekfor 28 Weeks 3.00 Estimated Time to Mow 126.00 $ 40.90 $ 20.23 $ 7,702.15 66.00 3 Fields - 2 Games Each Per Week for 11 Weeks 66.00 1 Hour Per Game $ 5.00 Material Cost Per Game $ 20.23 $ 1,664.86 9,367.01 -- - - 1J 8R � i� a.�a1��1�8'S0U22'a4�07 �i1. 1x5002.2a3'06 �,� • j • Creating Places that Enrich People's Lives February 11, 2021 Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director City of Otsego Prairie Center 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 2021 Park Projects Dear Ross, HKGi is pleased to submit the following planning and design services proposal to support the City in development of the following projects: • Otsego Prairie Park Ballfield Improvements • River Access Improvements at Carrick's Landing and Nashua Landing We are excited to have the opportunity to build on the work we completed with the City's Parks System Plan and to facilitate an efficient process that will include staff and Park Commission engagement and input, resident input to evaluate concept ideas, and development of plans for implementation. Our process includes the assumption that we will be able to overlap meetings whenever possible. For instance, the kickoff meetings for the two projects could be combined into one meeting. These efficiencies will allow us to spend more time on design and planning. Otsego Prairie Park Ballfield Improvements Program elements to be explored in Prairie Park include: recommended improvements to the existing ballfields (such as, evaluating the desire for improved dugouts, concessions, and spectator amenities), the potential integration of more play fields west of the current ballfields, and potential future location of archery range. Utilizing the materials created as part of the Otsego Park System Plan, we will work with the City Council, Park Commission, and City Staff to identify challenges and desires for the Prairie Park Ballfields. We will then explore opportunities for potential improvements through community and stakeholder engagement methods. These methods could include an online survey and/or a stakeholder meeting. After reviewing options and input with the Park Commission, we will work with staff to develop a concept recommendation with identified priorities to meet a desired budget for Ballfield improvements. Additionally, we will suggest funding options, such as applying for an Outdoor Recreation Grant, and potential to support the grant application. Design plans and specifications scope to be determined based on community input and available funding. In this task we will consider recommendations from the Otsego Park System Plan: City of Otsego 2021 Park Projects Proposal improve Prairie Park Ballfields Complex The four ballfields at Prairie Park are in need of upgrades and additional amenities in order to function well for tournaments and multiple games. The following improvements should be made: • Expand and formalize parking lots • Add concessions • Add permanent restrooms • Add covered dugouts River Access Improvements Design Carrick's Landing and Nashua Landing will be evaluated for improvements that support non - motorized boat launching and landing. These two locations are important spots along the Mississippi River State Water Trail for providing access to retail, food, and services. We will work with staff to identify challenges and opportunities at these two sites, suggest options for improvements, survey the community, gain input from the City Council and Park Commission, and make final recommendations for river access improvements. Our process will include the development of schematic level design plans that will serve as a starting point for developing construction documents. In this task we will review and incorporate the recommendations from the Otsego Park System Plan: Consider adding campsites for Mississippi River Trail bicyclists and river paddlers Carrick's Landing should be considered as a site to add campsites for paddlers and bicyclists that are passing through the City. Amenities should include lock boxes, river access, trail access, and proximity to retail areas. Nashua Ave Boat Launch • Improve boat launch with added amenities, such as signage, parking area, and more formal non -motorized boat landing • Add accessibility • Add signage from Hwy 39 Meetings and Deliverables: • Both tasks • Kick -Off Meeting with Staff (one meeting to include both tasks) • Meet with Parks and Recreation Commission to Review Process Site Visits and Evaluations • Site Analyses • Engage Stakeholders and Community • Summarize Input and Preferences • Develop Concept Plans • Develop Cost Estimates City of Otsego 2021 Park Projects Proposal PROFESSIONAL FEES HKGi proposes to accomplish the above-described scope of work not to exceed $26,600 plus reimbursable expenses of mileage and printing not to exceed $550. We will bill time on an hourly basis and all expenses for travel or printing will be billed at cost. This process includes an assumption that some meetings will be in-person and some will be virtual. In addition, we plan to combine meetings (Kick off, coordination, and Park Commission) among the two projects in order to stay efficient and productive during the process. Task Fees Prairie Park Ballfield Improvements Concept $14,950 River Access Improvements Design $11,650 Subtotal $26,600 Expenses $550 Total with Expenses $27,150 We look forward to the opportunity of helping the City of Otsego with these important community projects. Please call or email if you have any additional questions or need additional information. I can be reached at gabrielie@hkqi.com or 608-852-3370 (cell). Sincerely, Gabrielle Grinde, PLA Associate HKGi City of Otsego 2021 Park Projects Proposal Otsego nFCARTMFNT INFnRMATInN Request for Administrative Sub - Committee Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUEST R: MEETING DATE: Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Operations Coordinator February 16, 2021 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 5.3 QTRATFfAIC VI_gInN vMEETS. THE CITY OF OTSEGO: ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. No Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATION: Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. The old Eagle Scout/ Scout form was outdated and needing some changes. Staff researched how other Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. concise with how the projects will be conducted. This form places responsibility solely on the Scouts with Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. A!]CKMA ITCM IIFTAII C RECOMMENDATION ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATION: The old Eagle Scout/ Scout form was outdated and needing some changes. Staff researched how other cities Scout forms and determined this one to be the best for Scouts to use. This form is simplistic, yet very concise with how the projects will be conducted. This form places responsibility solely on the Scouts with very little assistance needed from City staff. • Scouts will fill out the form and submit it to recreation@ci.otseao.mn.us where it will be evaluated and determined if it is a suitable project. • Next, the project will be put before the Parks and Recreation commission for recommendation for City Council approval. • Scouts are responsible for contacting the City for any tools or resources needed within reason. • Scouts will coordinate dates and volunteers. • Once approved, project will be done to specification, within the time frame agreed upon. Project will then be signed off on by the Parks and Recreation Director and Scout Project Coordinator SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 0 Scout Project form POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Recommend implementing the Eagle Scout Project form with any recommended changes. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A N/A CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS '- Recreation otsegoparksrec.com SCOUT PROJECT FORM The following process and requirements will help the prospective Scout candidate find a project that is both suitable and consistent with the Otsego Parks & Recreation's mission. Process i. Scout submits the City of Otsego Scout Project Application along with a copy of the Scout Service Project Proposal, if applicable, to the Parks and Recreation Department. Mail Email Otsego Parks and or recreation(a)ci.otsego.m.us Recreation Attn: Ross Demant 13400 90th St. N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 z. City staff will review the application and evaluate the Scout's project ideas. Viable projects should address a need that the City has, should not require excessive or expensive maintenance, and be installed in an appropriate amount of time. The City may suggest alternative locations where there is a greater need. The City is under no obligation to accept any project proposal. 3. Scout does any necessary research to learn about the type of work he/she will be teaching others for his/her project. For example, if he/she is doing trail work, he/she should get any available literature on trail design and maintenance from state agencies or the library. 4. Scout will need to present the project to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a recommendation. 5. Once the Scout has received a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Scout will need to get final approval from the City Council. PARKS 'x�� Recreation otsegoparksrec.com Requirements 1. Plan for a minimum of four months to complete the project. Otsego Parks & Recreation cannot accept projects with emergency deadlines. 2. Preference will be given to Scouts that are residents of Otsego or belong to an Otsego based scout troop. 3. Be prepared to make all contacts and communications required to successfully complete the project with limited parental or adult involvement. Parents or adult troop leaders are welcome and encouraged to accompany the Scout during all meetings with the Scout Project Coordinator. However, if at any time the Scout Project Coordinator observes that the project is being run by adults, the Scout Project Coordinator will not "sign off' on the project. a. Scout will present himself/herself in a professional manner in his communications (phone calls, meetings, emails, etc.) with City staff and respond in a timely manner. s. Project must be of a scope and level that can be accomplished by the Scout and his/her crew. Complicated projects that require too much adult participation, have safety issues or considerable maintenance costs will be rejected. The City of Otsego reserves the right to reject any project. For more information For questions about Scout Project process and requirements, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at recreation (aDci.otsego.mn.us or(763)235-3153. CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS'41 Recreation otsegoparksrec.com Crnii+ (nntart Infnrmatinn --------------- Name: Date of 181" Birthday, Address: Email: Zip: City: Home #: Mobile #: Parent/ Guardian: Mobile #: Email: Troop Leader: Troop #: Mobile #: Email: Scout Affiliation Boy Scouts: ❑ Eagle Scout Girl Scouts: ❑ Gold Award ❑ Silver Award ❑ Bronze Award Scout Project Project Name: Proposed Start Date:_/ / Proposed Completion Date: Summarize the Project: ❑ Attach a copy of the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal ❑ Attach a copy of the Gold Award Proposal Benefit to the City of Otsego Describe the benefit that this project will have for the park and City of Otsego. Future Maintenance Describe the future maintenance to maintain this project. Volunteers Estimated number of scouts that will be present for project? Estimated number of adults that will be present for project? I have read and understand the City of Otsego Scout Project Process and Requirements before submitting this application. The City reserves the right to remove or discontinue past Scout projects due to theft, vandalism, inability to maintain or lack of need. Signature of Scout: Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date Date Received:—/ / Received by: Date:— ate: Date:— Date: