Item 3.1 11-09-2021 Public Safety Meeting MinutesPUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER November 9, 2021 6:30 PM Call to Order. This meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Dan Freiberg (Absent); Commissioners: Paul Fields, John Braun, Gregory Hubbard, Vern Heidner, Jim Breitbach, David Greeman and Mark Wolf; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, CM Tina Goede (Absent) 2.Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Paul Fields motioned to approve agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner Vern Heidner. All in favor. Motioned carried. 7-0 3.Consider the following minutes: 3.1 October 12, 2021 Commissioner Paul Fields motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner John Braun. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0 4.Open forum. No comments were made. 5.Review received monthly reports. 5.1 Albertville Fire Department. 28 calls in Otsego last month. Chief Bullen had a meeting with Alina about medical call response, so they should be calling them less. There are four new members on the department. 5.2 Elk River Fire Department. Have been very busy, but last month was slower. There is a fire academy starting that will have 19 people attending. 5.3 Rogers Fire Department. No one present 5.4 Wright County Sherriff Department. Sergeant Oltmanns presented to the commissioners. Item 3.1 6. Set Next Meeting. The next meeting will be December 14th at 6:30pm. 7. Adjourn. Commissioner Jim Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner John Braun. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0 Adjourned at 7:42 PM. Minutes taken/written by Commissioner Greg Hubbard.