12-06-21 Planning Commission MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER December 6, 2021 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Alan Offerman; Commissioners: Charles Foster, David Thompson, Vern Heidner, Jim Kolles, Aaron Stritesky, Richard Nichols* and Pam Black; Absent: None; Present: City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Deputy Clerk Bethany Benting. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference. 1. Announcements: City Planner Licht noted that Commissioner Nichols is attending via the internet and can participate in discussions, but Commissioner Foster will vote. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 Planning Commission November 15, 2021. Commissioner Black motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Foster. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0. 3. Public Hearing Items: 3.1 GCC amendment. A. Conditional use permit amendment reaardina the diameter of storage silos. B. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easement. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Jack Matasosky, Appro Development, was present via the internet as the applicant and agreed to the staff report. Mr. Matasosky also explained in detail about the company and operations. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:09 PM. No public comments were made. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:10 PM. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission December 6, 2021 Page 2 Commissioner Heidner asked for an explanation of operations. Mr. Matasosky said that the material comes by train, is off loaded into the silos, and from there is loaded on to trucks for transport off-site. Commissioner Heidner asked about the capacity of silos related to the number of railcars. Mr. Matasosky replied each silo has capacity equal to approximately 30 railcars. Commissioner Heidner asked what the land to the west is planned for. City Planner Licht said industrial land use. Commissioner Black asked about dust blowing and possible concerns about pollution. Mr. Matasosky said that the off-loading from railcars and loading into trucks is fully enclosed and noted that the operation requires permits from the MPCA related to airborne emissions. Commissioner Foster asked if the use is similar to the plant off of HWY 94 and HWY 610. Mr. Matasosky said the other facility is a ready -mix plant and explained that the GCC of America facility only transfers and stores raw cement. Commissioner Heidner asked what material the tanks are made of. Mr. Matasosky said steel. Commissioner Kolles asked what the hours of operations would be. Mr. Matasosky said typically it would be about 6AM until 713M, but tappers off in the winter months as demand decreases. Commissioner Kolles asked about the noise level of the compressors. Mr. Matasosky said the compressors are enclosed within a building and the noise is within MPCA limits. Commissioner Foster noted he was looking at the facilities GCC of America have around the country and asked if this is considered a cement terminal. Mr. Matasosky said yes. Chair Offerman said he appreciated the white pines included on the landscape plan, which are faster growing. Commissioner Thompson asked what routes the trucks would be using to go in and out of the facility. Mr. Matasosky said the typical route would be CSAH 37 to CSAH 19 to reach I-94. Commissioner Stritesky asked about single verses double row planting at the south end of the rail storage area. Commissioner Offerman suggested adding deciduous trees to the proposed coniferous trees to provide variety. Mr. Matasosky agreed with the suggestion. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission December 6, 2021 Page 3 Commissioner Thompson motion to recommend approval of a conditional use permit amendment, revised site plans, and vacation of existing drainage and utility easement, subject to the following 10 conditions, as amended: 3. The developer shall complete installation of the six storage silos by 31 January 2027 or request an extension of the conditional use permit approval as provided for by Chapter 4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The landscape plan shall be revised to incorporate deciduous trees at the south end of the rail storage area and increase the height of proposed coniferous trees shown on the landscape plan to a minimum height of eight feet, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Seconded by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0. 3.2 Rivers Edge Apt. A PUD Development Plan amendment to subdivide the existing lot into two unit lots. B. Preliminary/Final Plat. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Casey Darkenwald, applicant, and Darren Lazan, Landform Professional Services, were present via the internet and agreed to the staff report. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:29 PM. No public comments were made. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:30 PM. Chair Offerman asked if all 97 units are occupied. Mr. Lazan said 95 percent of the units are occupied. Mr. Casey Darkenwald agreed and said this is considered to be fully occupied. Commissioner Stritesky asked about the fire protection required between phases. Mr. Lazan explained that there is a stairwell that is already fire protected but that the portion adjacent to dwelling units would need fire protection in accordance with the City Code. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission December 6, 2021 Page 4 Commissioner Stritesky motion to recommend approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan amendment and preliminary/final plat, subject to the following conditions as stated in the staff report. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0. 4. Updates: 4.1 Updates on City Council actions. Mayor Stockamp updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. 4.2 Updates on future Planning Commission items. City Planner Licht updated the commissioners on possible future agenda items. 5. Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Kolles. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0. Adjourned at 7:38 PM. 4� Alan "Offe man, Chair ATF EST: (21 g Bethany Bent , Deputy CI r