Item 3.1 KwikTrip-CUP3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT   TO:  Otsego Planning Commission  FROM:  D.Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE:  3 February 2022  60‐DAY DATE:  4 March 2022  RE:  Otsego – Kwik Trip #1204   TPC FILE:101.02  BACKGROUND  Kwik Trip, Inc. has submitted plans for development of a 9,126 square foot convenience store  with 10 motor fuel pumps and a single lane car wash on Lot 1, Block 28, Parrish Meadows. The  subject site is located at the northwest corner of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 87th Street.  The  proposed development requires consideration of an application for a conditional use permit to  allow the motor fuel station and car wash.  A public hearing to consider the application has  been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 7 February 2022.  Exhibits:  Site Location Map Applicant letter dated September 27, 2021 Building elevations Canopy elevations Civil Plan set dated 12/17/21 (14 sheets) Turning movement diagram Signage Plans dated 2021‐09‐15 (8 sheets) Item 3.1 2 ANALYSIS        Use.  The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses as part of  the area surrounding the 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) intersection  defined as the primary commercial development area within the City.  The subject site is zoned  B‐3, General Business District.  Motor fuel stations and drive through car washes are allowed in  the B‐3 District as a conditional use.  The retail store component of the proposed development  is allowed as a permitted use.  The policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan direct that  individual development proposals are to be analyzed on an individual basis from a physical,  economic, and social standpoint within the context of the entire community to determine  appropriate uses.      The proposed use would be the third  motor fuel station and second with a  car wash within a one‐half mile radius  of the 90th Street (CSAH 39) and  Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) intersection.   The 2012 Comprehensive Plan  includes a policy that development of  one quadrant of a street intersection  shall not indicate or dictate  commercial use of the remaining  quadrants.  Within the criteria  established for evaluation of a  conditional use permit, the Planning  Commission may consider if  development of a third motor fuel  station and car wash within the area  of the 90th Street (CSAH 39) and  Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) intersection  is inconsistent with the land use  policies of the 2012 Comprehensive  Plan to encourage provision of a  balanced variety of development  types while preventing an oversupply  of any one type of development.     Surrounding Area.   The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses in the area  surrounding the 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) intersection, which  includes the subject site.  The subject site is located at the intersection of Parrish Avenue (CSAH  42) and 87th Street with commercial uses existing or planned for all four corners.  The subject  site serves as a transition from the commercial uses planned adjacent to Parrish Avenue (CSAH  42) to the Parrish Meadows townhouse dwellings being constructed to the west.      3 Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use  North Commercial B‐3 District  R‐7 District  PUD District  Coborn’s  Dunkin/dentist  Undeveloped  Parkview Grand Apartments  Retail  Eye clinic/retail/restaurant  East Commercial PUD Districts  B‐3 District  Bank  Undeveloped  Super Target  Bank  Holiday  South Commercial B‐3 District  A‐1 District  Undeveloped  Farmstead  West Residential R‐6 District Parrish Meadows townhomes    The 2012 Comprehensive Plan states that new development is to avoid exposure of residential  development to adverse environmental impacts, including noise, air, and visual pollution  through construction, site planning, or other techniques.  The proposed site plan is oriented  with the back of the principal building to Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) with the front entry, fuel  canopy, and majority of internal traffic movements west of the principal building in closer  proximity to the Parrish Meadows townhomes to the west.   Potential negative noise and visual  pollution impacts to the adjacent residential uses would be minimized by providing a site plan  that faces the principal building to the east with the canopy and majority of traffic movements  within the site to the east of the principal building.    It is recognized that the motor fuel islands at the Coborn’s site to the north are directly across  from the Parkview Grand apartments to the south.  The Coborn’s and Parkview Grand lots were  both preliminary platted as part of the Parkview Retail subdivision and the findings rezoning the  lots for commercial and high‐density residential uses acknowledged that the future apartment  use would be developed within a planned commercial area.  In that the Coborn’s site was  approved prior to the plans for Parkview Grand the potential impacts were understood.  The  site plans for the respective sites also minimize exposure between the two uses to the extent  possible with the majority of the Coborn’s traffic oriented to the east of the principal building  and the Parkview Grand building having a narrow profile to 87th Street facing the Coborn’s lot.    Building Materials.  Section 11‐77‐6.H.3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the principal  building and canopy columns are to have essentially the same or a coordinated harmonious  finish treatment that shall comply with Section 11‐17‐4.D.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance.   The  exterior finish requirements for the principal building and canopy outlined in Section 11‐17‐ 4.D.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance specify a minimum of 65 percent masonry materials and glass.         4 Elevation plans for the exterior of the proposed convenience store and car wash building have  been submitted identifying exterior finish materials consisting of brick cladding, stucco accents,  glass windows and doors, and a standing seam metal room.  The proposed exterior materials of  the principal building comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.    There is a canopy to be provided over the fuel pump islands.   The color of the canopy facing is  the same as that used on the principal building facia.  As required by Section 11‐77‐6.H.3 of the  Zoning Ordinance, the canopy columns must be provided with the same brick cladding as used  for the principal building.       Building Height.  Principal buildings within the B‐3 District may be up to 35 feet in height as set  forth by Section 11‐77‐8.A of the Zoning Ordinance.  The proposed principal building is one  story and 24 feet in height within limits established by the Zoning Ordinance.  Section 11‐77‐ 6.H.4.b of the Zoning Ordinance specifies that the height of the canopy is not to exceed 18 feet  in eight with a minimum of 14 feet of clearance provided beneath the structure.  The canopy  height is identified as 15.5 feet with 14 feet of clearance, which complies with the Zoning  Ordinance.     Hours.  Section 11‐77‐6.H.2 of the Zoning Ordinance limits hours of operation for the proposed  motor fuel station to 5:00AM to 12:00AM.   The developer is requesting allowance for 24‐hour  operation of the facility.  However, based on the proximity of the subject site to the Parrish  Meadows townhouses to the west and the orientation of the site plan exposing the residential  uses to potential noise and visual impacts, City staff recommends that the hours of operation  not be extended.  Furthermore, it is recommended that operation of the car wash facility be  limited to 7:00AM to 10:00PM corresponding to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency defined  nighttime hours to avoid potential noise impacts as established by Section 11‐77‐6.A.11 of the  Zoning Ordinance related to operation of the dryer equipment with the exit door open.      Lot Requirements.   Section 11‐77‐7.A of the Zoning Ordinance requires that lots within the B‐3  District be a minimum of one acre in area.  The minimum lot width required within the B‐3  District by Section 11‐77‐7.B of the Zoning Ordinance is 200 feet.   The subject site is 2.79 acres  (121,704 square feet) in area and is 275 feet wide measured at the front setback line along  Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42).   The lot complies with the minimum area and width requirements of  the Zoning Ordinance.    Setbacks.   The table below summarizes the setback requirements of the subject site as applied  to the proposed site plan indicating that the principal building complies with required minimum  setbacks.     Parrish  Ave.  87th St. Parkview  Ave.  North  Required 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 10ft.  Proposed 72.4ft. 99.4ft. 244.7ft. 82.2ft.    5 Section 11‐77‐6.H.4.b of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the edge of the canopy be set back  a minimum of twenty feet from front and side lot lines.   The location of the canopy exceeds  these minimum setback requirements.      Section 11‐21‐5.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires that off‐street parking areas be setback a  minimum of 15 feet from rights‐of‐way and five feet from interior side lot lines (abutting  commercially zoned properties).  The site plan indicates that the off‐street parking area is  setback 14.5 feet from the lot line abutting 87th Street and must be revised to 15 feet.  All other  off‐street parking areas comply with the minimum setback requirements.      Access.   The subject site abuts Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42), 87th Street, and Parkview Avenue.   Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) is designated by the Transportation Plan as a minor arterial street  under Wright County jurisdiction, which is not allowing an access.   Parkview Avenue and 87th  Street are local commercial streets, with 87th Street having a center median to control traffic  approaching the intersection with Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42).      A right‐in access from 87th Street is shown on the site plan, which will avoid causing congestion  backing into the Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) intersection and crossing maneuvers by vehicles  exiting the subject site to turn left onto Parkview Avenue.   A full access to the subject site is  provided on Parkview Avenue aligned with Park Avenue to the west into the Parrish Meadows  townhome neighborhood.  The proposed accesses are spaced more than 50 feet from other  driveways or street intersections as required by Section 11‐21‐6.B of the Zoning Ordinance.  The  developer has submitted a diagram illustrating turning movements for semi‐tractor trailers  accessing the subject site.      Based on the site plan, all of the semi‐tractor trailer traffic will utilize the access on Parkview  Avenue.   The site plan places the fuel storage tank access on the north side of the site and the  building plan and site plan have a designated loading area on the north side of the principal  building.   Both fuel and store delivery vehicles will be required to perform backing maneuvers  within the site to access the fuel and store loading area.   The need for these backing  maneuvers creates potential for traffic conflict and congestion between delivery vehicles and  patron vehicles within the site.  The backing maneuvers also cause additional noise in the form  of mandated warning beepers.  The use only of the Parkview Avenue access for all semi‐ tractor/trailer deliveries and need for backing maneuvers within the site creates undesirable  noise impacts incompatible with the Parrish Meadows townhomes to the west     Off‐Street Parking. The table below illustrates the calculation of required off‐street parking:    Use Required Gross   Area  Net Area Required  Stalls  C‐Store Retail 1 stall/250sf. 9,126sf. 8,214sf. 33   Fuel  4 stalls  ‐‐  ‐‐ 4  Car Wash None  ‐‐  ‐‐  ‐‐  Total 37  6 The site plan provides 39 passenger vehicle parking spaces plus 20 spaces at the fuel islands  exceeding the requirements of Section 11‐21‐8 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The dimensions for all  of the vehicle and semi‐tractor/trailer parking stalls also comply with the requirements of  Section 11‐21‐B the Zoning Ordinance and the parking area and driveways are to be surfaced  with bituminous material and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section  11‐21‐7.C and D the Zoning Ordinance.      Pedestrian Access.  There is a trail to be constructed along Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and  sidewalks along 87th Street and Parkview Avenue abutting the subject site that provide  pedestrian access to the convenience store.      There is a sidewalk from 87th Street to the sidewalk at the southwest corner of the building.   We recommend that an additional sidewalk be constructed along the north side of the subject  site between Parrish Avenue and Parkview Avenue with a crossing to the sidewalk at the front  side of the building.       The sidewalk on the north and south sides of the principal building are to be a minimum of   five feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment, which may be reduced to a minimum of  three feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from parking or drive  aisles by a physical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the pedestrian sidewalk.   There are concrete bollards shown at the outside of the sidewalk to prevent vehicles from  overhanging the sidewalk.  The section of the sidewalk in between the west vestibule to the  store and the concrete bollards must be widened to three feet.      Fuel Islands.  There are five fuel islands each with two pumps (with service to each side) shown  on the site Plan.  Section 11‐77‐6.H.6 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that fuel pumps be:     Set back a minimum of 30 feet from any property line.   Elevated on islands six inches above the drive aisle surface.   Have a minimum setback of 24 feet between the curb face of the pump islands.    The fuel islands comply with the perimeter setback requirement.  A detail must be added to the  plans specifying the fuel pumps are raised a minimum of six feet above the drive aisle surface.   The distance between the fuel islands is shown on the site plan to be 21.5 feet, which must be  revised to a minimum of 24 feet.    Car Wash Stacking.  Section 11‐77‐6.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance that  car washes must provide magazine space to accommodate an appropriate number of vehicles.    The car wash functions as a drive through with the entrance on the north and exit on the south  side of the principal building.   The site plan provides for approximately 210 feet of magazine  space from the car wash entry door along the perimeter east and north perimeter curb and  around the designated loading area sufficient for 10 vehicles.  Additional vehicles could be  stacked west along the north curb line without interfering with site circulation.   Access and  magazine space for the car was is adequate.  7 Outside Sales/Services.  Outdoor sale and service uses shown on the site plan and architectural  elevations are regulated by Section 11‐77‐6.H.10 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The outdoor sales  areas between the fuel pump islands and the ice chests on the north and west sides of the  building shown on the submitted plans comply with the location and area limits established by  the Zoning Ordinance.  There is a vacuum station shown at the southeast corner of the subject  site that does not comply with the principal building setback of 30 feet required by Section 11‐ 77‐6.H.10.b of the Zoning Ordinance that must be relocated.  The height of the sales displays  under the fuel canopy will be limited to three feet in accordance with Section 11‐77‐ 6.10.c(2)(A) of the Zoning Ordinance.        Landscaping.  Section 11‐77‐6.H.5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a minimum of 25  percent of the lot remain as a landscaped area including turf grass, trees, shrubbery, plantings,  or fencing.  The site plan indicates that 44 percent of the subject site is to be landscape  exceeding the minimum area required by the Zoning Ordinance.  The submitted plans include a  landscape plan for the subject site.      The preliminary plat/PUD‐CUP approval  for Parrish Meadows also included a  landscape plan for the subject site that  provided buffer yard plantings in the  yard along Parkview Avenue to screen  future development of the subject site  from the townhouse dwellings to the  west.   The preliminary plat/PUD‐CUP  provided for a larger quantify of  plantings in a denser arrangement that  proposed by the developer’s landscape  plan.  We recommend that the  proposed landscape plan be revised to  be more consistent along Parkview  Avenue with the preliminary plat/PUD‐ CUP landscape plan.     The balance of the proposed landscape plan provides for a variety of trees and shrubs at the  perimeter of the subject site.  We recommend that additional deciduous shade or ornamental  trees be provided along Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) to fill the gap east of the stormwater basis.     The types and sizes of proposed plantings comply with the requirements of Section 11‐21‐2.B of  the Zoning Ordinance.  The landscape plan details that an irrigation system is to be provided as  required by Section 5‐2‐3.C.2 of the City Code.          8 Signs.  Section 11‐37‐5.C of the Zoning Ordinance establishes sign allowances for uses within  the B‐3 District.  The total area of all signs may not exceed 15 percent of the area of the building  walls facing up to two streets.  Based on the frontage to 87th Street and either Parrish Avenue  or Parkview Avenue, the maximum allowed signage area is 472 square feet.  The area of all of  the signs proposed is less than 472 square feet.    One free standing sign not to exceed 100 feet in area, 20 feet in height, and setback a minimum  of 10 feet from property lines is allowed.  The submitted sign plan indicates there is to be one  freestanding sign at the southeast corner of the lot adjacent to the Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42)  and 87th Street intersection that is to be 69 square feet in area with a height of 20 feet.  The site  plan shows that the sign is setback more than 10 feet from property lines.    Individual wall signs up to 100 square feet in area may be installed on two building elevations  facing public streets.  Section 11‐77‐6.H.12.b allows that signs may installed on a canopy in lieu  of any signs mounted on the principal structure elevation facing the yard in which the canopy is  located provided that the area of the canopy mounted sign(s) does not exceed more than  twenty percent (20%) of the area of the canopy elevation.  The submitted sign plan identifies  wall signs installed on four sides of the principal building, as well as on the north, west, and  south sides of the canopy facia.  The City has allowed as part of the motor fuel store conditional  use permit signs to be installed on more than two elevations when abutting more than two  public streets to ensure business identification.   However, the number of signs proposed on  the building and canopy is excessive and not consistent with the intent of the Zoning  Ordinance.  We recommend that all of the signs be removed from the west and south elevation  of the fuel canopy given corresponding walls signs.  The sign on the north elevation of the fuel  canopy is also to be removed as it does not directly face to a public right‐of‐way.  All of the  proposed wall signs are less than 100 square feet in area.     Exterior Lighting.   The submitted plans include a photometric plan illustrating the intensity of  the exterior lighting within the subject site.  The location of the exterior light fixtures cast less  than 0.4‐foot candles of illumination at the property lines, which complies with Section 11‐16‐ 6.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The illustration of the fixtures indicates that all fixtures will have  a 90‐degree horizontal shield as required by Section 11‐16‐6.C.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance.   Free standing fixtures are to be mounted on a concrete base with a height of 15 feet within the  25 feet allowed by Section 11‐16‐6.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance.  It specified on the submitted  plans that the red banding on the principal building and canopy are not illuminated in  accordance with Section 11‐16‐6.C.3.b and Section 11‐77‐6.H.11.c of the Zoning Ordinance.    Waste/Recycling.  The site plan and architectural elevations illustrate a trash enclosure at the  northeast corner of the principal building for storage of waste and recycling containers.  The  design and construction of the enclosure must be further detailed to verify compliance with  Section 11‐18‐4.C of the Zoning Ordinance.    9 Stormwater Management. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage and  erosion control for the proposed development.  All grading, drainage, and erosion control  issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.    Utilities.  The developer has submitted plans for connection of sewer and water utilities, to be  subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.  Payment of utility connection charges will  be due at the time a building permit is issued for the proposed development.      Easements.  Drainage and utility easements were established at the perimeter of the lot at the  time it was final platted.  The need for additional drainage and utility easements to be  dedicated by document to overlay City utilities or stormwater facilities is subject to review and  approval of the City Engineer.    SIPA.  Section 11‐4‐7 of the Zoning Ordinate states upon approval of a conditional use permit  the City shall be provided, with a performance security as approved by the City Attorney prior  to the issuing of building permits or initiation of work on the proposed improvements to  guarantee conformance and compliance with the conditions of the conditional use permit and  the ordinances of the City.  The developer is required to enter into a Site Improvement  Performance Agreement with the City to provide for payment of fees, posting of security, and  ensure completion of the improvements as approved.   The SIPA is to be drafted by the City  Attorney and is subject to approval of the City Council.    Criteria.  Applications for a conditional use permit are to be evaluated by the Planning  Commission based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established by Section 11‐4‐2.F of the  Zoning Ordinance:    1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego  Comprehensive Plan.     Comment:  The following policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan are relevant in  consideration of the proposed use and must be interpreted by the Planning Commission  as to whether the proposed use is consistent with the City’s objectives:     Encourage provision of a balanced variety of development types to satisfy the  needs, desires and income levels of all people while preventing an oversupply of  any one type of development. (Page 19)     Accomplish transitions between different land uses in an orderly manner that so  as not to create negative impacts on adjoining developments; changes in types of  land use shall occur either at mid‐block points, so that similar uses front on the  same street, or at borders of areas separated by physical barriers. (Page 19)    10   Regulate incompatible land uses so that conflicts are minimized through the use  of physical barriers (i.e., topography, drainageways, transportation routes, etc.),  distance, screening, or proper physical orientation of lots and buildings. (Page 19)     Analyze all development proposals shall be an individual basis from a physical,  economic and social standpoint within the context of the entire community to  determine appropriate uses. (Page 20)     Avoid exposure of residential development from adverse environmental impacts,  including noise, air, and visual pollution and new development shall be prohibited  in areas where noise and/or pollution exceed accepted standards and the  negative impacts are not correctable by construction, site planning or other  techniques. (Page 22)     Develop commercial nodes as cohesive, highly interrelated units with adequate  off‐street parking and appropriate regulated points of access.  (Page 25)     Development of one quadrant of a street intersection shall not indicate or dictate  commercial use of the remaining quadrants. (Page 25)     The intrusion of commercial land uses in residential districts shall be regulated  and controlled to minimize adverse impacts. An orderly transition between the  highway commercial areas and low‐density residential neighborhoods shall be  established through the introduction of higher density residential uses. All  commercial uses shall be adequately screened or buffered from any adjacent  residential development. (Page 26)    2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area.     Comment:  The subject site is a transitional location between the Parrish Avenue (CSAH  42) commercial corridor and residential uses to the west.  The site plan orienting the  major activity around the fuel islands within the site west of the principal building,  requiring fuel and store delivery vehicles to utilize only the site access closest to adjacent  residential neighborhoods to both enter and exit the site, and requiring backing  maneuvers for fuel and store delivery vehicles will create noise and visual pollution for  surrounding uses that are not mitigated through the site design and construction  techniques.     3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the  Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code.          11  Comment:  The submitted plans must be revised to comply with provisions of the Zoning  Ordinance.   Non‐compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance may be the  basis for denial of an application or may be addressed as conditions of approval at the  discretion of the City.      4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the  property.     Comment:   The subject site is accessed via Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) designated as a  minor arterial street and 87th Street and Parkview Avenue designated as local  commercial streets by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan (as amended).  These streets are  improved roadways with adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the  proposed use.     5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and  will not overburden the City's service capacity.     Comment:  The subject site is within the East Sewer District where the City has provided  for construction of infrastructure and provision of City services to accommodate planned  development.   The proposed use will not overburden the City’s service capacity.       RECOMMENDATION    Development of convenience stores with motor fuel and car wash uses is allowed by  conditional use permit to ensure consistency with the goals and policies of the 2012  Comprehensive Plan and compatibility within the surrounding area that minimizes potential  impacts related to traffic congestion and noise, air, and visual pollution.  The proposed  development is challenged to satisfy these criteria based on the transitional character of the  subject site to the Parrish Meadows townhouse neighborhood, existing established motor fuel  station/car wash uses within this commercial area, and a site design that increases, rather than  minimizes potential impacts.              POSSIBLE ACTIONS    A. Motion to recommend approval of a conditional use permit for Kwik Trip #1204, subject  to the following conditions:     1. The site plan shall be revised subject to review and approval of the Zoning  Administrator to:       a. Locate the fuel canopy east of the principal building in the yard facing  Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42).  12    b. Eliminate the need for fuel and store delivery vehicles to perform backing  maneuvers to access and circulate within the site.        c. Set back the off‐street parking area a minimum of 15 feet from the 87th  Street right‐of‐way.      d. Construct a sidewalk along the north side of the subject site between    Parrish Avenue and Parkview Avenue with a crossing to the sidewalk at the  west side of the building.         e. Expand the section of the sidewalk in between the west vestibule to the  store and the concrete bollards to a minimum of three feet.        f. Detail that the fuel pumps are elevated on islands six inches above the  drive aisle surface.      g. Provide a minimum setback of 24 feet between the curb face of the pump  islands.      h. Relocate the vacuum service area to be setback 30 feet from public rights‐ of‐way and 10 feet from interior lot lines.     3. Hours:      a. The motor fuel station shall operate only between the hours of 5:00AM  and 12:00AM (Midnight) each day.      b. The car wash shall operate only between the hours of 7:00AM and  10:00PM each day.     4. The height of sales displays under the fuel canopy shall be limited to three feet.         5. The architectural plan for the canopy shall be revised to provide brick columns.     6. The landscape plan shall be revised subject to review and approval of the Zoning  Administrator to:      a. Provide plantings consistent with the landscape plan approved with the  preliminary plat/PUD‐CUP of Parish Meadows.      b. Provide for additional deciduous shade or ornamental trees in the yard  along Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) east of the stormwater basin.    13   7. The sign plan shall be revised to remove the proposed signs from the canopy  structure.     8. Detailed construction and material plans for the trash enclosures shall comply  with Section 11‐18‐4.C of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval  of the Zoning Administrator.    9. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues shall be subject to review and  approval of the City Engineer.    10.  All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.      11. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.    12. Payment of utility connection charges shall be required at the time a building  permit is issued in accordance with the City Code.      13. Upon approval of the submitted application but prior to issuance of a building  permit, the developer shall execute a Site Improvement Performance Agreement  drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council.    B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is  inconsistent with the cited policies of the Comprehensive Plan, the criteria established  by the Zoning Ordinance, and non‐compliance with the performance standards of the  Zoning Ordinance:    C. Motion to table.      c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director   Audra Etzel, City Clerk   Ron Wagner, City Engineer   David Kendall, City Attorney  Site Loca tio n Ma p 461 ft Overvi ew Legend Roads C SAHC L C TYC L MUNIC L PRIVATEC L TWPC L Highw ays Intersta te State Hwy US Hwy City/T ow nship Limits c t Parcels September 27, 2021 City of Otsego D. Daniel Licht - Planner 13400 90th St NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Kwik Trip Store 1204 at Parish Avenue NE & 87th Street NE Dear Mr. Licht: This letter is intended to accompany the submittal for our application to the City of Otsego for the requested Conditional Use Permit for Carwash and Fuel Sales in the B-3 Zoning District. Kwik Trip, Inc. is proposing the construction of a 9,200 square foot Convenience Store with an attached single bay carwash as well as a 10-dispenser main fueling canopy. This site will be accessed from a full access movement on Parish Avenue NE and a full movement access on Parkview Avenue. Included with the application in the submittal are 3-full size 22x34 copies of the Site Improvement Plans. I have also included 11x17 copies of the Building and Canopy Elevation Renderings, Signage Plans and the Storm Water Management Plan. Operations The requested hours of operation will be 24 hours for all uses. The type of products that will be sold will be similar to that of our existing stores throughout the mid-west: fresh produce, bakery and dairy, hot and cold food and beverages, fresh meat and groceries, tobacco products, lottery, convenience store merchandise, alcohol, gasoline, diesel, ice and propane. The outside merchandising of products is being requested next to the store (two ice chests and one propane cage) and underneath the proposed main canopy. To ensure that the freshest products are sold in our stores, we request that daily deliveries be allowed. Buildings, Architecture and Site Design The architectural elements in this state-of-the-art building consist of a full brick cladding, standing seam metal roof, store front aluminum openings and stucco accents. Extensive landscaping, modern storm water facilities, pylon and wall signage, customer and employee parking, concrete paving with curb and gutter are also included in the overall site design. Investment in the City This project will be a multi-million-dollar investment in the City of Otsego; Not only in the physical improvements and development of a vacant parcel, but also an investment of approximately 25 to 30 new permanent jobs in the City. The projected payroll here is estimated to be nearly $500,000 annually. Community Partner We pride ourselves in being an asset in the communities where we are located. Families can walk or ride their bikes to our stores. Retirees on fixed income can access fresh groceries like milk, eggs, bread and fruit just steps from their car. We also take pride in giving back to the communities we serve with charitable donations and by partnering with local non-profits. Kwik Trip would be happy to provide any additional information or answer any questions or concerns the City of Otsego may have with our submittal. Please feel free to call or email with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Steven Lowe Development/Construction Manager Store Engineering slowe@kwiktrip.com 608-793-5954 90TH STREET NESITE1204 G000COVER SHEET KWIK TRIP STORE #1204PERMIT SETSHEET INDEXSP1EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLANSP2SITE PLAN (LAYOUT)SP2.1SITE PLAN (KEYNOTE)SP3GRADING & EROSIONCONTROL PLANSP4UTILITY PLANSP4.1UTILITY PLAN (STORM SEWER)SP5STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANSP6DETAILSSP7DETAILSSP8DETAILSL1LANDSCAPE PLANL2LANDSCAPE PLANE1PHOTOMETRIC LIGHTING PLANOWNERKWIK TRIP, INCSTEVEN LOWE1626 OAK STREETLA CROSSE, WI 54602PHONE: 608-793-5954EMAIL: slowe@kwiktrip.comCIVIL ENGINEERCARLSON MCCAIN, INC.JOSEPH RADACH3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE, #100BLAINE, MN 55449PHONE: 763-489-7912EMAIL: jradach@carlsonmccain.comSITE DESIGNERCARLSON MCCAIN, INC.JOSEPH RADACH3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE, #100BLAINE, MN 55449PHONE: 763-489-7912EMAIL: jradach@carlsonmccain.comSURVEYORWENCK ASSOCIATESCHRIS AMBOURNE2080 WOODDALE DRIVEWOODBURY, MN 55125PHONE: 651-395-5212EMAIL: cambourn@wenck.comSITE LOCATION MAPAERIAL LOCATION MAPCITY OF OTSEGOWRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTASITEOTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COMPARISH AVENUE NE85TH STREET NE87TH STREET NE88TH STREET NEPARSON AVENUE NE 1204 SP1EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLANKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallROTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 SP2SITE PLAN (LAYOUT) OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 SP2.1SITE PLAN (KEYNOTE) OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 SP3GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN900.9OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 SP4UTILITY PLAN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 SP4.1UTILITY PLAN (STORM SEWER) OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 SP5STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM 1204 SP6DETAILS FRAMEFRAMECURB6"12" MIN.CONCRETESLAB-ON-GRADEWITH #3 REBARCOMPACTEDAGGREGATE BASECOMPACTEDSUB-GRADEGEOTEXTILE FABRIC (TYPE V)AS DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER(I.E. OVER TANKS & AT ENTRANCES) HEAVY DUTY INCREASE TO 8" THICK W/ #4 REBAR SPACED36" O.C. AS NOTED ON PLANSNOTE:PAVEMENT SECTION TO BE VERIFIED W/GEOTECHNICAL REPORT.SPACED 36" O.C.SAND SUBBASE & DRAINTILE ASDETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEEROTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COMNO PARKING 1204 SP7DETAILS 1'-0"DIA5'-0"8"1'-6"OR PAVEMENTCONCRETE FOOTINGBLUE HDPE BOLLARD COVERFINISH GRADEVANACCESSIBLESTEEL BOLLARDADA ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE-ADHESIVE STICKER, WHITELETTERS WITH BLUEBACKGROUND, ADHERE TOHDPE BOLLARD COVERDIA.VANACCESSIBLEBOTTOM OF SIGN DELIVERYVEHICLESUNLOADINGIN FRONTOFACCESSIBLESPACESARE INVIOLATIONDELIVERYVEHICLESUNLOADINGIN FRONTOFACCESSIBLESPACESARE INVIOLATIONADD STORE PHONE # TO BOLLARD(MUST BE VISABLE)STORE # XXX-XXXXVEHICLE IDREQUIREDUP TO $200 FINEFOR VIOLATIONVEHICLE IDREQUIREDUP TO $200 FINEFOR VIOLATIONOTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM······ 1204 SP8DETAILS OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM6.50"25.00"20.00"24.00"9.00"Ø22.00"27"14.18"R9.00"14.18"R12.00"R10.00"Ø18.00"1" PVC ANTI-SIPHONPIPE ADAPTERREMOVABLE WATERTIGHTACCESS PORT, 6" OPENINGBMP, INC.53 MT. ARCHER ROAD, LYME, CT. 06371(800) 504-8008 FAX: (860)434-3195DESCRIPTIONSCALEDRAWING NUMBERDATE18R SNOUTOIL & DEBRIS STOP09/06/99NONE18RFRONTSIDEPLANU.S. PATENT #6126817ADDITONAL PATENTS PENDINGDESIGNED TO FIT48"-60" DIAM.STRUCTURESRECOMMENDED SUMP DEPTH 2.5 TO3X OUTLET PIPE I.D. NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASH323AE2RB3SB5WP3FM4BF2KC2CA2CA2FM3JL2RB4BL3SB3JSG2VBC5KFG8SPG3PDS5SCS3BCB3DBH3PDS6DLB14DLB3KFG5SCS3DBH1JSG3BCB3MKL10DBH11PDS28DLS10KFG6JSG22LRSKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 L1LANDSCAPE PLAN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:License #:Ryan J. Ruttger, RLAI hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.56346RJR09/17/21Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COMPLANTREE WRAPBACKFILL MIXPAINTED FLUORESCENT ORANGEWHITE FLAGGING (TYP.)DOUBLE STRAND 12 GAUGE WIRE8" 2-PLY NYLON STRAPS8' STEEL TEE POST-4 INCHES HARDWOOD MULCHFROM TOP 1/3 OF THE BALLREMOVE BURLAP & ROPEUNDISTURBED SUBSOIL4 INCH DEEP SAUCERNOTE: SEE PLANTING NOTES FOR THE TYPE OF MULCH MATERIAL TO USE.12"6" 2'(MIN.) 6" 6"3 REQUIRED AT 120EXISTING GRADEGUY WIRE WITH WEBBINGFLAGGING- ONE PER WIREPLANTING SOIL MIXTURE (SEE SPEC.)MINIMUM 1/2 WIDTH OF ROOT BALL4"-6" SHREDDED BARKMULCHUNDISTURBED OR STABILIZEDSUBSOILNOTE: GUY ASSEMBLY OPTIONAL BUTCONTRACTOR ASSUMES FULLRESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING TREEIN A PLUMB POSITION FOR THEDURATION OF THE GUARANTEE PERIODGUY ASSEMBLY- 16"POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE(40 MIL) 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP (TYP)DOUBLE STRAND 10 GA. WIRE, 2-7"ROLLED STEEL POSTS (MnDOT 3401)@ 180° O.C. (SEE STAKING DIAGRAM)COORDINATESTAKING TO INSUREUNIFORMORIENTATION OF GUYLINES AND STAKES2. TRIM OUT DEAD WOOD AND WEAK AND/ORDEFORMED TWIGS. DO NOT CUT A LEADER. DONOT PAINT CUTS.4. PLACE PLANT IN PLANTING HOLE WITHBURLAP AND WIRE BASKET, (IF USED), INTACT.BACKFILL WITHIN APPROXIMATELY 12" OF THETOP OF ROOTBALL, WATER PLANT. REMOVETOP 1/3OF THE BASKET OR THE TOP TWOHORIZONTAL RINGS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER.REMOVE ALL BURLAP AND NAILS FROM TOP1/3 OF THE BALL. REMOVE ALL TWINE.3. SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOILOR THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BACKFILL SOIL.INSTALL PLANT SO THE ROOT FLARE IS AT ORUP TO 2" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE.6. WATER TO SETTLE PLANTS AND FILLVOIDS.5. PLUMB AND BACKFILL WITHBACKFILL SOIL.7. WATER WITHIN TWO HOURS OFINSTALLATION. WATERING MUST BESUFFICIENT TO THOROUGHLY SATURATEROOT BALL AND PLANTING HOLE.8. PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OFTHE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SOILMOISTURE IS EXCESSIVE.1. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLEPRIOR TO PLANTING2'(MIN.) 6"12"UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL( SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES FOR TYPE OF MULCH )REMOVE BURLAP & ROPEFROM TOP 1/3 OF BALLIF SHRUB IS B & B, THENBACKFILL MIX4 INCHES MULCH 3KFG3VBC4KFG6RTD3VBC3JSG7PDSTREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZECONTAINERFM5Acer x freemanii `Sienna`Sienna Glen Maple2.5" Cal.B&BRB4Betula nigraClump Form, 2.5" Cal EquivalentRiver Birch Multi-Trunk10` Ht.B&BKC2Gymnocladus dioica `Espresso`Kentucky Coffeetree2.5" Cal.B&BBL4Tilia americana `Boulevard`Boulevard Linden2.5" Cal.B&BAE3Ulmus americana `Princeton`American Elm2.5" Cal.B&BCONIFEROUS TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZECONTAINERBF4Abies balsameaBalsam Fir6` Ht.B&BWP5Pinus strobusWhite Pine6` Ht.B&BORNAMENTAL TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZECONTAINERSB6Amelanchier x grandiflora `Autumn Brilliance`Clump Form, 1.5" Cal EquivalentAutumn Brilliance Serviceberry7` Ht.B&BCA4Malus x `Prairifire`Red FlowersPrairifire Crabapple1.5" Cal.B&BJL3Syringa reticulata `Ivory Silk`White FlowersIvory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac1.5" Cal.B&BSHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZECONTAINERBCB6Aronia melanocarpa `Autumn Magic`Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry#5 Cont.RTD6Cornus sericea `Alleman`s Compact`Dwarf Red Twig Dogwood#5 Cont.DBH16Diervilla loniceraDwarf Bush Honeysuckle#5 Cont.JSG13Juniperus chinensis `Sea Green`Sea Green Juniper#5 Cont.SPG8Spiraea x bumalda `Goldflame`Gold Foliage, Red FlowersGoldflame Spirea#5 Cont.MKL3Syringa patula `Miss Kim`Miss Kim Lilac#5 Cont.VBC8Viburnum trilobum `Bailey Compact`Red Fall ColorBailey`s Compact American Cranberry Bush#5 Cont.GRASSESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZECONTAINERKFG25Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster`Feather Reed Grass#3 Cont.PDS24Sporobolus heterolepisPrairie Dropseed#3 Cont.PERENNIALSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZECONTAINERDLB20Hemerocallis x `Baja`Red FlowersBaja Daylily#1 Cont.DLS28Hemerocallis x `Stella De Oro`Yellow / Gold FlowersStella De Oro Daylily#1 Cont.LRS22Perovskia atriplicifolia `Little Spire`Little Spire Russian Sage#1 Cont.SCS10Sedum spectabile `Autumn Joy`Stonecrop#1 Cont.GROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZECONTAINERROCK1,573 sfRock MulchNon-Woven Geotextile Incidental1.5" Trap Rock Mulch4" DepthSOD45,639 sfTurf Sod BluegrassKentucky BluegrasssodTIV14,272 sfType IV - Native Seed MixRefer to notes for acceptable seedingmethods. Seeding Rate 50.0 lb/acMnDOT Seed Mix 35-241seedPLANT SCHEDULE1204 L2LANDSCAPE PLAN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:License #:Ryan J. Ruttger, RLAI hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.56346RJR09/17/21Per City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR1204 SP2.1SITE PLAN (KEYNOTE) OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 87TH STREET NE & PARISH AVENUE NE WITH 1-BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204 FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.JTR9643-002021-09-17GRAPHICDRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#Name:Signature:Date:09/17/21License #:Joseph T. Radach, P.E.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.45889PRELIMINARYPer City Comments12/17/2113890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE, SUITE 100, BLAINE, MN 55449TEL 763.489-7900 \ FAX 763.489.7959 \ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM NOPARKINGLOADINGZONECARWASH18' -6"16' - 6"SITE PLAN SP1KMK00012021-09-15MULTIPLEOTSEGO, MN 87TH ST NE & PARISH AVE NE WITH 1 BAY CARWASH CONVENIENCE STORE #1204DRAWN BYSCALEPROJ. NO.FAX (608) 781-8960PH. (608) 781-8988LA CROSSE, WI 54602-21071626 OAK STREETP.O. BOX 2107KWIK TRIP, Inc.DATESHEETDESCRIPTIONDATE#SITE PLAN1" = 40'-0"PROPOSED SIGNS:#01 24" LED KWIK TRIP BUILDING LETTERS#02 CARWASH BUILDING DIRECTIONAL SIGN#03 18" LED KWIK TRIP & 24" CARWASH BUILDING LETTERS#04 24" LED KWIK TRIP BUILDING LETTERS#05 CARWASH ENTER#06 CARWASH EXIT#07 CARWASH INFORMATIONAL SIGN#08 24" LED KWIK TRIP CANOPY LETTERS#09 24" LED KWIK TRIP CANOPY LETTERS#10 24" LED KWIK TRIP CANOPY LETTERS#11 FREESTANDING PYLON SIGNDS21104CS206CS208CA1CA210CS205CS20703 CS1 CA109 CS1 01 DS1 02 Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Steven Lowe, Kwik Trip, inc. Joseph Radach, Carlson McCain, inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Abdullah Alqwaizani, EIT Date: January 6, 2022 Proposed Development: Kwik Trip Store #1204 Development Location: A portions of the SW ¼ and NE ¼ Section 22, T121, R23. North of 87th Street and West of Parish Avenue NE. Applicant: Steven Lowe, Kwik Trip, inc. Developer: Kwik Trip, inc. 1626 Oak Street La Crosse, WI 54603 Owners of Record: Dale Willenbring, Tamarack Land Development Parrish Meadows, LLC Purpose: Kwik Trip Store #1204 is a proposed commercial development on approximately 2.8+ acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2021\Kwik Trip - Parrish Meadows TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN SITE PLAN GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN UTILITY PLAN STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN DETAILS STORM WATER MANAGEMENT OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS PAGE 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2021\Kwik Trip - Parrish Meadows INFORMATION AVAILABLE Construction Plan for Kwik Trip Store #1204, dated 12/17/2021, Carlson McCain, INC. Stormwater Management Plan for Kwik Trip Store #1204, dated 12/17/2021, Carlson McCain, INC. Landscaping Plan for Kwik Trip Store #1204, dated 12/17/2021, Carlson McCain, INC. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 – EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2021\Kwik Trip - Parrish Meadows FINAL PLAT 1. Final plat is not needed as parcel is already platted. 2. All waterlines shall be covered by 20’ wide easements centered on the pipe, including the hydrants. COVER SHEET 3. Provide a benchmark with a location description and an elevation based on the NGVD 1929 Adj. Datum EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN 4. The following existing condition information are required: a. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. b. Show location, names, widths of existing streets, buildings, etc within 150’. c. Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150’. d. 100-year flood elevations. 5. A saw cut joint with an 18” wide mill of the existing bituminous shall be provided along both driveway access points during the wear course placement. SITE PLAN 6. The Normal Water Level and High Water Level elevations shall be labeled for all pond/basin. 7. Pedestrian ramps shall be provided at all driveway crossing locations. Pedestrian ramps shall be ADA compliant. Additional details showing spot elevations and % grades will be required for these ramps. The ramps at the entrance on Parkview Avenue shall direct pedestrians across the driveway only (no crossing of Parkview Avenue will be encouraged at this location). 8. A 10’ wide bituminous trail is to be constructed along the west side of CSAH 42 as part of the Parrish Meadows development. This trail shall be shown in this set of plans. Coordination with the Parrish Meadows development is required. 9. Turning radius and truck movement diagrams have been provided and indicate tanker trucks will be able to maneuver the site but will be forced to back up to leave. 10. We would recommend providing an access lane around the rear of the building, between the building and CSAH 42. PAGE 5 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2021\Kwik Trip - Parrish Meadows GRADING PLAN 11. Valley gutters (per Otsego Standard details) are required across intersections with less than 1% grade. A valley gutter is required across the entrance to 87th Street 12. Ensure infiltration and filtration basins are following the MPCA guideline for a fueling stations (i.e. none of the fueling area runoff shall be directed to an infiltration basin). 13. The NWL, 2-yr, 10-yr and 100-yr HWL elevations shall be labeled for all pond/basins in on the grading plans. The intention of the low/pond area in the NW is unclear. 14. Maximum slopes shall be 4:1 across the site, it appears 3:1 slopes are being shown in a few areas. Please label slopes. 15. All storm basins are considered private. UTILITY PLAN 16. A minimum 300’ hydrant spacing is required for commercial properties (150’ radius). Current hydrant coverage is insufficient. 17. All storm sewer and sanitary sewer pipe and structures are considered private on this site. 18. The watermain pipe shall be 8” diameter DIP Class 52 except the hydrant leads may be 6” diameter. 19. A profile of all utility lines (watermain and sanitary) is required to ensure proper coverage, slope, and to review potential conflicts. SWPPP 20. No comments. DETAILS 21. Concrete valley gutter shall be per Otsego Standard Detail #702. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 22. The proposed storm water management plan appears to meet the NPDES and City of Otsego requirements for infiltration/filtration of the WQV as well as the pre vs post development runoff rates. It still shall be insured that the infiltration and filtration basins are following the MPCA guideline for a fueling stations (i.e. none of the fueling area runoff shall be directed to an infiltration basin). 23. The entire site is proposed to discharge to the stub storm sewer at the NW quadrant of 87th Street/CSAH 42 intersection. The hydrology model from the storm water report for the original development (Parrish Meadows) shows 2.57 cfs being directed to this pipe PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2021\Kwik Trip - Parrish Meadows (87th Street) for 10-yr and 4.84 cfs for 100-yr storm. It appears that the proposed discharges of 1.0 cfs and 4.1 cfs are under the original design flows. 24. The downstream storm pipe design calculations account for only 0.39 cfs for the 10-yr storm to the stub pipe. The developers engineer shall coordinate with the designer of the 87th Street storm sewer to verify there is sufficient capacity in the downstream sewer to handle the proposed discharged from the Kwik Trip site. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 25. Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above items being addressed.