Item 5.1 CentraCare (Oct-Dec 2021)Item 5.1 2021 Calendar year Average code 3 response time to Otsego is 9.41 for CentraCare EMS. 2nd FY Quarter (Oct-Dec 2021) listed below: Total Requests: 26 Emergent: 15 Non-Emergent: 11 Transports: 14 Refusals/No Transports: 9 Cancels: 3 1. Dispatch Time (Avg Enroute Time) 0.50 mins 2. On Scene Time (Avg Response Time) 11.30 mins 3. Avg Time on Scene (for Transports) 1.20 mins 4. Transport Time (Avg Transport Time to hospital) 29.40 mins 5. Back In Service NA (CentraCare crews are deemed available from any ER) Frank Zinken Manager Ambulance Services Office: 320-251-2700, ext. 24921 Cell: 320-200-8623 Fax: 320-200-3205 zinkenf@centracare.com