ITEM 2.1TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPO@PlanningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 3 July 2014 ACTION DATE: 19 July 2014 RE: Otsego — Boulder Creek; Preliminary Plat TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND ITEM 2_1 Mattamy Homes has submitted plans for development of 156 acres with 360 single family lots to be known as Boulder Creek. The subject site is located south of 78th Street, north of 70th Street (CSAH 37) and west of Quaday Avenue. The City previously approved development plans for the subject site, also known as Boulder Creek, which would have included at total of 670 townhouse units and single family dwellings within a larger site of 222 acres (part of which is now owned by Hans Hagen and known as Boulder Pass). The current development proposal requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP related to proposed lot standards and development within a Shoreland Overlay District and preliminary plat approval. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 7 July 2014 at 7:OOPM. Fxhihits- A. Site Location B. Boulder Creek Plan Set dated 5/19/14 C. Park Landscape Plan ANALYSIS Environmental Review. An EAW was prepared with the review of the original Boulder Creek applications and its scope included the planned development of the current Boulder Creek preliminary plat and adjacent Boulder Pass development. The plan for the subject site reviewed as part of the EAW was for development of 670 single family and townhouse dwelling units. The City Council adopted findings on 24 April 2006 that the proposed project did not have potential for significant environmental effects and that an Environmental Impact Statement was not to be required. The current preliminary plat application requires no additional environmental review given the substantial decrease in the number of dwelling units now being proposed within the area of the subject site. Zoning. The subject site is zoned R-5, Single and Two Family Residential District, R- 6, Medium Density Residential District and R-7, High Density Residential District. The current zoning designations reflect the land uses and site design for the previous Boulder Creek preliminary plat approved by the City in 2006. Although the proposed single family lots shown on the current preliminary plat are allowed under the existing zoning, City staff recommends that the property be rezoned entirely to R-5 District as being most consistent with the proposed land use. The developer is also requesting consideration of a PUD -CUP to allow for flexibility from the standard lot requirements and setbacks of the R-5 District. Evaluation of the proposed Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria established in Section 20-3-2.F and 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided for low-to-medium density residential uses within the East Sewer District by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Areas guided for low to medium density residential uses are intended to provide for small lot single family lots, detached townhomes, twin homes or row style townhomes. The proposed preliminary plat includes three types of single family lots with varied widths of 55, 65 and 75 feet. The proposed land use and the variety of single family lots offered with ensure a range of housing options within the development consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by and will be compatible with the following existing and planned land uses in the area: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-4 District Single family East L/MD Residential M/HD Residential A-1 District R-6/7 District Rural single family Gravel mining South LD Residential A-1 District Rural single family 2 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual except as specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat is accessed by a minor arterial and residential collector street that will have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development at full build -out. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat is within the City's East Sewer District and utility and service capacity for the proposed development is available. Shoreland Density. Areas of the subject site are within 1,000 feet of a designated Natural Environment Lake within the property to the east and subject to the provisions of the Shoreland Overlay District. Allowance of single family lots with an area less than 20,000 square feet as required within the Shoreland Overlay District may be allowed as part of the PUD -CUP in accordance with Section 20-92-17 of the Zoning Ordinance. The density of the proposed residential use within the Shoreland Overlay District cannot exceed that which would typically be allowed under the standard lot requirements based on an analysis of the net buildable area within 320 foot tiers extending outward from the OHWM. The developer has identified the suitable area of the subject site within each tier allowing for the following density analysis as follows: Tier UMD Residential Minimum Lot Size Agriculture West LD Residential UMD Residential A-1 District R-6 District Rural single family Townhouse 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual except as specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat is accessed by a minor arterial and residential collector street that will have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development at full build -out. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat is within the City's East Sewer District and utility and service capacity for the proposed development is available. Shoreland Density. Areas of the subject site are within 1,000 feet of a designated Natural Environment Lake within the property to the east and subject to the provisions of the Shoreland Overlay District. Allowance of single family lots with an area less than 20,000 square feet as required within the Shoreland Overlay District may be allowed as part of the PUD -CUP in accordance with Section 20-92-17 of the Zoning Ordinance. The density of the proposed residential use within the Shoreland Overlay District cannot exceed that which would typically be allowed under the standard lot requirements based on an analysis of the net buildable area within 320 foot tiers extending outward from the OHWM. The developer has identified the suitable area of the subject site within each tier allowing for the following density analysis as follows: Tier Suitable Area Minimum Lot Size Maximum Density Proposed Density 1 56,504sf. 20,000 sf. 2 3 2 442, 524sf. 20,000 sf. 22 18 3 1,007,562sf. 20,000 sf. 50 45 Total I I -- 1 74 66 The total number of units proposed within the adjusted Shoreland Overlay District is consistent with the base density allowed. However, the number of dwelling units within Tier 1 is one more than allowed and requires that the preliminary plat be modified to at least move the building pad of one lot from Tier 1 to Tier 2. Access. Primary access to the subject site will be from 78th Street to the north and 70th Street (CSAH 37) to the south. Access at 78th Street is aligned with existing Parell Avenue. The Comprehensive Plan designates 78th Street as a residential collector roadway and the preliminary plat includes dedication of the south 40 feet of right-of-way for this street. The subdivision access to 70th Street (CSAH 37) is located approximately'/4 mile east of the existing intersection of Packard Avenue and 70th Street (CSAH 37), consistent with the Comprehensive Plan to realign Packard Avenue to the east as a future collector street. The location of the access meets the 1/2 mile spacing requirements for access to a County Road and is subject to review and approval by Wright County. The Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan designates 70th Street (CSAH 37) as a minor arterial roadway. The preliminary plat will dedicate 75 feet of right-of-way for the north half of CSAH 37 consistent with Wright County requirements. Wright County has received Federal funding for improvement of CSAH 37 to State Aid standards in 2017. The Transportation Plan anticipates extension of a residential collector street north -to - south between 78th Street and 70th Street (CSAH 37). This roadway would have been Page Avenue but the alignment was off -set when Pheasant Ridge 5-8 Additions were final platted. The off -set of the roadway alignment is such that north -south traffic movements are less convenient. The planned intersection at 70th Street (CSAH 37) at future Packard Avenue also means that traffic moves more than one-quarter mile west increasing travel time and distance. Because the density of the proposed preliminary plat is significantly lower than guided by the Comprehensive Plan, there is not sufficient traffic generated within the development to warrant construction of a residential collector street. City staff and the developer have worked together to develop a minor collector street design for the north -south street connecting between 78th Street and 70th Street (CSAH 37). The preliminary plat identifies the minor collector street as Street A from 78th Street to Street G and Street G from the north intersection with Street A south to 70th Street (CSAH 37). The minor collector roadway has two traffic lanes, designated parking lanes to one side and total width of 33 feet from back -of -curb to back -of -curb. A five foot wide concrete sidewalk behind a seven foot wide boulevard is provided on both sides of the minor collector street. There is direct lot access to the minor collector street although the number of lots has been minimized by the site design. No parking will be allowed on Street G between the north and south intersections with Street A so as to narrow the street width as it crosses LeFebvre Creek greenway. The City Engineer finds that the proposed minor collector street will have the capacity needed for traffic generated within the development, which is anticipated to be divided between 78th Street and 70th Street (CSAH 37) north and south by LeFebvre Creek. Street P is provided a similar section design and will be anticipated to connect between 75th Street and 70th Street (CSAH 37) when the area west of the subject site and east of Odean Avenue develops. 0 Additional neighborhood connections are provided at existing 76th Street from Pheasant Ridge 5-8 Additions, to the east to the D&Y and Hans Hagen properties and to the rural parcels to the west. Extension of Street J at the west plat line near LeFebvre Creek will be dependent the extent of developable property accessed by this street. If the area served by Street J is found to be undevelopable due to wetland impacts, Street J may be eliminated and Lots 23 and 24, Block 9 turned to front Street A. Streets. Local streets within the preliminary plat are designed as 28 feet wide with a five foot wide sidewalk on one side within a 60 foot right-of-way consistent with the requirements of the Engineering Manual. The preliminary plat includes four cul-de-sac streets, and potentially a fifth if Street J is constructed. Section 21-7-6.A of the Subdivision Ordinance limits construction of cul-de-sacs only for areas where topography or other physical constraints warrant their use to as to promote connectivity within and between neighborhoods and minimize maintenance. The five cul-de-sacs within the preliminary plat meet these criteria and furthermore comply with the design standards not to exceed a length of 500 feet with provision of a turnaround at the termini that complies with the standards of the Engineering Manual. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The table below outlines the lot requirements and setbacks established for lots within the R-5 District. The developer is proposing unique lot requirements based on their specific housing portfolio to be constructed on three types of lots having a minimum width of 55, 65 and 75 feet. The developer indicates that there are to be 69 of the 55 foot wide lots, 154 of the 65 foot wide lots and 137 of the 75 foot wide lots. As such, 80.8 percent of the lots within the development exceed the minimum lot width required in the R-5 District. A plan designating the minimum width of each lot is to be submitted and recorded with the preliminary plat/PUD-CUP approval to govern any future lot adjustments. The smallest lot area is 7,150 square feet which is less than the 9,000 square feet required in the R-5 District. But the mean lot area for the proposed preliminary plat is 12,043 square feet, which is consistent with the larger minimum lot standard of the R-4 Single Family Residential District. The developer is also requesting flexibility on setback requirements of 30 feet for the front yard and side yard of a corner lot, which the City has previously allowed for R-5 and R-6 District developments to make more efficient use of the smaller lot area in these districts. Landscaping. The developer is proposing boulevard trees long the public streets and plantings within the stormwater outlots and parks in total numbers more than double the requirement for two trees per lot established by Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Front Side Rear Wetland R-5 District Interior 9,OOOsf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 35ft. 7ft. 20ft interior 65ft. collector 40ft. Corner 90ft. Proposed 7,150sf. 55ft. 65ft. 75ft. 130ft. 30ft. The developer is proposing unique lot requirements based on their specific housing portfolio to be constructed on three types of lots having a minimum width of 55, 65 and 75 feet. The developer indicates that there are to be 69 of the 55 foot wide lots, 154 of the 65 foot wide lots and 137 of the 75 foot wide lots. As such, 80.8 percent of the lots within the development exceed the minimum lot width required in the R-5 District. A plan designating the minimum width of each lot is to be submitted and recorded with the preliminary plat/PUD-CUP approval to govern any future lot adjustments. The smallest lot area is 7,150 square feet which is less than the 9,000 square feet required in the R-5 District. But the mean lot area for the proposed preliminary plat is 12,043 square feet, which is consistent with the larger minimum lot standard of the R-4 Single Family Residential District. The developer is also requesting flexibility on setback requirements of 30 feet for the front yard and side yard of a corner lot, which the City has previously allowed for R-5 and R-6 District developments to make more efficient use of the smaller lot area in these districts. Landscaping. The developer is proposing boulevard trees long the public streets and plantings within the stormwater outlots and parks in total numbers more than double the requirement for two trees per lot established by Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. The boulevard landscaping complies with the plant type requirements of Section 5-7-3.D of the City Code and the planting notes must include a requirement that the trees be a minimum of three feet behind the curb. The trees within the stormwater ponds would enhance these areas aesthetically but the need for irrigation must be reviewed prior to final plat approval. Provision and maintenance of irrigation within the greenway parcels is more typical of the City's practices. Additionally, Section 20-16-7.D requires berms and landscaping be installed along the rear lot lines of Lots 1-12, Block 1 and Lots 1-3, Block 4 abutting 78th Street and Lots 1- 6, Block 12 and Lots 1-10, Block 14 abutting 70th Street. The submitted landscape plan and grading plan provide for berms and plantings for the required buffer yard consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the location and size of the plantings. Additional landscaping is also provided along the rear lines of Lot 29, Block 10 and Lot 1, Block 12 as these are double frontage lots backing up to Street P, which although not a designated residential collector street, will be a wider section with turn lanes at CSAH 37 and have significant traffic. The landscape plan must be revised to extend the landscaping the full width of the rear lot line abutting the public right-of-way of Lot 29, Block 10. Park and Trail Dedication. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes requirements for park and trail dedication. Park land dedication requirements are based upon the net buildable area of the subject site of 150.6 acres, which exclude the area for rights-of-way for collector and arterial streets and wetlands, and a density of 2.39 dwelling units per acre. The developer is required by Section 21-7-18.H.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance to dedicate a minimum of 10 percent of the net buildable area of the subject site or 15.06 acres to the City for park purposes. The Future Parks and Trails Plan map adopted as part of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan identifies development of a greenway along LeFebvre Creek between 75th Street and 78th Street bisecting the subject site. The preliminary plat provides for Outlots D, E and K as the segments of the LeFebvre Creek Greenway within the subject site. The preliminary plat also provides Outlot B at the southeast corner of Block 2 that will ensure that the City is able to provide a trail circling the natural environment lake within the property to the east at such time as that property is subdivided and additional park land acquired. The gross area of Outlots B, D, E and K dedicated to the City as part of the greenway corridor is 18.64 acres. The net area of these parcels must be identified by excluding the LeFebvre Creek channel, wetlands and stormwater basins as these areas are not credited for park dedication purposes. In addition to the land dedication, the developer would propose to construct the trail within the LeFebvre Creek Greenway. This will require further discussion with City staff to see if it is feasible to make a connection from the west terminus of the trail within Outlot D to 75th Street through the abutting City owned parcel. The trail within Outlot K would not need to be constructed until such time as the City acquired additional property to the east. The trail construction within Outlot E and the planting of the proposed landscaping in each of the outlots would be an appropriate financial I contribution to the City that will likely exceed any outstanding park dedication requirements not satisfied by land dedication. Finally, the developer is proposing to dedicate Outlot F to the City, which is a 6.77 acre outlot consisting of a hill with steep slopes and mature trees. The area of Outlot F cannot be developed without clear cutting and significant grading, but the topography and trees do have aesthetic value. Although not identified by the Future Parks and Trails Plan for acquisition by the City, dedication of Outlot F to the City would ensure natural preservation of the area within the subject site, which is somewhat unique in Otsego. There is an existing trail along the north side of 78th Street and no trail is to be added along the south side of that roadway. When Wright County improves CSAH 37 in 2017, the City will contribute park and trail dedication money for construction a trail along the north side from Odean Avenue to Quaday Avenue abutting the south side of the preliminary plat. Outlots. The proposed preliminary plat includes the following outlots: Outlot Function Ownership A Stormwater Basin Deed to City B Park Park Dedication C Stormwater Basin/Wetland Deed to City D Park Park Dedication E Park Park Dedication F Park Deed to City G Remnant Incorporate as ROW H Remnant Retain for future phase I Remnant Retain for future phase J Remnant Retain for future phase K Park Park Dedication Outlot G to the west of Street P is a remnant parcel separated from any useable lot but necessitated by the intersection location with 70th Street (CSAH 37) and alignment of the roadway to extend west of the preliminary plat. This parcel should be made part of the public right-of-way with an HOA landscape easement if that is how the developer intends to utilize the area at the neighborhood entrance. Outlots H, I and J are established with the preliminary plat as remnants that may be subdivided in the future if adjacent exception parcels are acquired and incorporated as part of the development. The layout of Street N provides potential access for resubdivison of PID 118-500-273402, 118-500-273403, 118-500-273405 and 118-500- 273407 separate from the proposed development. Outlot I would be a reserve strip between 118-500-273400 and Street N. Section 21-7-5.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance prohibits reserve strips and Section 21-7-5.0 and K of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that access be extended to adjacent properties. The exception parcel will M either need to be acquired and made part of the development or Outlot I deeded to the owner of the exception parcel at the time the right-of-way for Street N is final platted. Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted grading and drainage plans for the proposed preliminary plat, which are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The grading plan also indicates site work beyond the boundaries of the preliminary plat on property owned by D&Y Family Partnership. The developer must submit a written right -of -entry and grading easement from an authorized agent of D&Y Family Partnership prior to application for final plat approval as the design of the lots within Block 2 are dependent upon this off-site grading. The grading plan includes impacts to wetlands within the area of Block 2 and Block 9 that have been reviewed by the Wetland Technical Evaluation Panel and given approval of a Wetland Impact Permit. Remaining wetlands are to be protected by a 20 foot wetland buffer required by Section 20-16-9.E.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The wetland and wetland buffer are required to be included within an outlot and deeded to the City by Section 20-16-9.E.4.d of the Zoning Ordinance. The boundaries of Outlot C must be adjusted to include the wetland buffer. The developer will is required to pay a stormwater impact fee for LeFebvre Creek at the time of final plat approval. The grading and drainage plans include the clean out, restoration and placing of culverts along LeFebvre Creek as called for by the watershed stormwater management plan. The developer will receive financial credit for the improvements to LeFebvre Creek off of the stormwater impact fee. Utility Plan. The applicant has submitted utility plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve the proposed single family lots. The developer will be required to pay the Sewer Availability Charge and Water Availability Charge in effect at the time of final plat approval. All utility plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Drainage and utility easements are also shown to be dedicated at the perimeter of all lots as required by Section 21-7-15.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. The drainage and utility easements are widened where necessary to accommodate overland stormwater drainage or stormwater utility pipes based on the grading plan. The drainage and utility easement along the rear lot lines of Lots 1-12, Block 1 and Lots 1-3, Block 4 abutting 78th Street, Lots 1-6, Block 12 and Lots 1-10, Block 14 abutting 70th Street and Lot 29 Block 10 must be increased in width to 20 feet or to the toe of the berm on the interior side, whichever is greater, to include the required bufferyard. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. School District Boundaries. The subject site is divided between the Elk River Area Schools ISD 728 and St. Michael -Albertville School District ISD 885. Section 21-7-4.M of the Subdivision Ordinance states that individual lots may not be divided by school district boundaries. The developer has petitioned ISD 728 and ISD 885 to amend the boundaries of the school districts based on the preliminary plat design. The school district boundary adjustment must be approved by both ISD 728 and ISD 885 prior to application for final plat approval. Existing Buildings. There is an existing single family dwelling in the central area of the subject site as well as another existing single family dwelling and agricultural buildings at the southeast corner of the subject site. The houses and agricultural buildings will be required to be demolished and any existing septic or well abandoned in accordance with the City Code and Minnesota Rules prior to approval of a final plat. Final Plat. Upon approval of a preliminary plat, the developer must submit application for final plat within two years, which is subject to City staff review and approval by the City Council. The final plat approval includes execution of a development contract to memorialize all of the conditions of approval and provide for payment of applicable fees. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Boulder Creek development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and generally complies with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Boulder Creek will be an attractive neighborhood with the planned Lefebvre Greenway as a primary focus and amenity. POSSIBLE MOTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP and preliminary plat for Boulder Creek subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The preliminary plat is revised such that the number of dwellings within Tier 1 of the Shoreland Overlay District does not exceed two (2) building pads. 3. The developer shall submit a plan sheet designating the minimum lot width of each lot and all lots within the preliminary plat shall comply with the following setbacks: Front Side Rear Wetland 30ft. 7ft. 20ft 40ft. interior 65ft. collector we 4. The landscape plan must be revised to extend the landscaping the full width of the rear lot line abutting the public right-of-way of Lot 29, Block 10 and plantings shall be installed at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the submitted landscape plan. 5. Outlots B, D, E and K excluding the area of the LeFebvre Creek channel, wetlands or areas below the 100 year flood elevation of stormwater basins, shall be dedicated to the City in satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements. Any unmet park and trail dedication requirement may be satisfied through financial contribution for trail construction, plantings and other improvements within Outlots B, D, E and K as approved by the City Council at the time of final plat approval. 6. The preliminary plat shall be revised to include all of the wetland and wetland buffer within Outlot A. 7. Outlot G shall be made part of the public right-of-way of Street P but may include a homeowners association encroachment easement for landscaping purposes. 8. Outlots A, C, and F shall be deeded to the City. 9. PID 118-500-273400 must be made part of the development or Outlot I shall be deeded to the owner of the exception parcel at the time the right- of-way for Street N is final platted. 10. The developer must submit a written right -of -entry and grading easement from an authorized agent of D&Y Family Partnership prior to application for final plat to allow for off-site grading as shown on the submitted grading plan. 11. The grading, drainage and erosion control plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. All utility plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. The drainage and utility easement along the rear lot lines of Lots 1-12, Block 1 and Lots 1-3, Block 4 abutting 78th Street, Lots 1-6, Block 12 and Lots 1-10, Block 14 abutting 70th Street and Lot 29 Block 10 must be increased in width to 20 feet or to the toe of the berm on the interior side, whichever is greater, to include the required bufferyard. 10 15. No individual lot final platted shall be divided by a school district boundary. 16. Existing single family dwellings and agricultural buildings within the subject site shall be demolished and any existing septic or well abandoned in accordance with the City Code and Minnesota Rules prior to approval of a final plat. 17. All streets are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. C. Motion to table for further discussion. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Rick Packer, Mattamy Homes 11 0561-6BAE9L :Xej 006L -Gilt -£9L :-9d ti ass vM'--NM ouli'OOT aams',a opodv etz w srviUlDOON , eaosauuiW 'o6asap mgaw N3ainou N (% UOQI IMI �7 .IiJ,,J 133H5213AOp '—P9 6E655 NW 'P3 i0z -WS- anuantl uo;BulyseM TOIL Jll 'S3WOH AtlWtl11tlW o e4 81 z 5 ti �76S6&6"-29L ;XvJ 006Z -68P -69L ;-Nd 099 NK '57e1 OU11 'OOT 24[n5'JCj 0110dV H�z moseuu!w '05@91c) 6 VSS NW '—PE mamn imainou U!K):):)Vi �0, ,In56--V U-INq-M TG?L S3WOH AWVIIVW o L c w $ € ? \ SNOIIIQNO:) E)NIISIXa UOSJJDO (f) FH ''-xi NP m &9 M j, lum A v� TI —7-7 gf- t4- 41 N !31 IN -7 —Mv- —mz ,jicy Ht, 11110111ic— Hui F T F 656L -6B4 -€9L :xej 006L-684-E9L :auoyd bloss NW'sampl ourl'00T.a!ms'aa.11.dy gbZ .4...ulyl 'ofias�p s� �e=q x33N3 ZIauinos § z = N 9rv,uirv3 68456 NW'euIP3 ss N U :) TOZ .ass-anuantl uoafiuiyseM IOZL M1 P UOSjJp: C, ss AWV11tlW n . sR-1 \ SNDIlION00 `JNIlSIX3 goisa H'It Y o M .wls auna3 o" d o o g0008o g o o 00.:� oo o o e o 8 I I i l l l l i i l i i l i i l l I I I l l l l i l l l I I I n ® . � oa p .c eP va am ®o ®:o � ro ap a o€ �® .e 3• ; I i. 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